InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Choices ❯ Part 5 - Mad World 3 (Very Very Mad World) ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Choices - by Foxfire79
Disclaimer: Just in case you hadn't realized by now, I am not Rumiko Takahashi. Therefore I do not own InuYasha, any affiliated InuYasha characters, any of their copyrighted weapons, battle sounds and absolutely none of their catchphrases. I own the dvd's though… well, I bought them… It's not like I personally MADE them or anything… I'm just going to shut up now. Oh, I also don't own any other copyrighted bits and pieces that I mention - I may have mentioned them in previous disclaimers. That's it.
Oh, it turns out I actually do own a coffee bean grinder, so I can wipe that off the `stuff I want but I don't own yet' list! That's one down! Mbwahahaha! On with the delirium!
Part 5 - Mad World 3 (Very Very Mad World)
Back in the Feudal Era
The very human looking InuYasha sat cross-legged at the base of the Spirit Tree, gazing up at the imprisoned version of himself. He crossed his arms and huffed.
“I can't believe that stupid wish backfired on me! It was MY wish! Kareru, why did everything turn out so badly!?” Kareru, sitting next to the boy, sighed and looked up to the heavens.
“For the twentieth time, InuYasha, I don't know. It's not up to me, or to the other granters, how these things come about. Not one person is in charge of another persons' destiny. By wishing Kagome away, the others merely followed their own paths.” InuYasha glared at the child, then looked away.
“I don't understand what you mean. All of these bad things happened to my friends because I wished Kagome away. Doesn't that make me the person in charge of their destinies?” Kareru turned to look at the boy, and raised an eyebrow.
“You certainly think very highly of yourself, don't you?” InuYasha looked back down at her, clearly confused.
“Well, doesn't it?” Kareru exhaled loudly, and looked off into the trees.
“No. All of your friends had lives, and plans that they'd set out for themselves, before you and Kagome became involved with them. In this future that came about because of your wish, they just followed their original plans. You had nothing to do with their lives, or deaths. They were just meant to be.” InuYasha bowed his head, studying the ground in front of the tree.
“A while ago, you were telling me… something about how my choices could affect other people. But now you're telling me I had nothing to do with my friends deaths. How does that work?” Kareru also bowed her head, trailing a toe through the grass.
“It's all very confusing… All I really understand of it is… The same things could have happened even if Kagome had come down the well. If one single thing had gone differently between the two of you, it's possible that none of your group would have met.” InuYasha continued staring at the ground.
“I don't understand at all.” Kareru sighed, glancing at the boy, then back down at the grass.
“What I meant was, what if Kagome had fallen down the well, and never found you pinned to the Spirit tree. What if she had wandered lost and lonely in the woods, and eventually been killed by Lady Centipede. Or, what if she had released you, and you had followed your original plan of stealing the jewel from her. You could have killed her and become a full demon. Or, what if your spirit had given up hope and you had died while still under Kikyo's spell. It's all about choices, InuYasha.” He raised his head, and gazed off into the distance.
“Choices, huh? So I guess what you mean is it's not just any one person's choices that rule an entire group. They all have their own sub-stories that they have to follow through, and I wouldn't have had any control over that.” Kareru continued gazing at the ground.
“It's not just that, InuYasha. I was told to show you all the repercussions of your wish to make you realize some things about yourself. One thing is that you tend to make a lot of decisions without actually thinking them all the way through. You need to learn that some decisions need to be thought through. You're far too hot headed at times.” InuYasha looked askance at the girl.
“How would you know if I'm too hot-headed?” Kareru motioned toward the sky, and the surrounding greenery. InuYasha understood, and snorted.
“Now I get it - even the trees and grass know me well enough to tell on me. This is great! What else are you gonna tell her? That I hardly ever wash my clothes? That I'm a big fan of instant noodles? Ah, the hell with it!” He stood up and began pacing underneath the tree, occasionally looking up at his own sleeping form. He mumbled under his breath, occasionally gesturing towards himself, the sky, or his dormant form attached to the tree. Kareru sighed, lying on the ground to look up at the stars.
“I don't know how to explain this to him - all he really needs to know is that he should think a little harder before he acts sometimes.” InuYasha glanced down at the girl lying on her back, his eyes wide surprise.
“Is that it? Is that all I have to remember from this entire experience?” Kareru's eyes widened, and she sat up, looking at the boy, alarmed.
“That's not all! You have to pass the same message onto your friends, so they don't make the same mistakes themselves. If they had thought their own actions through, their own lives may not have turned out as badly as they did.” Inuyasha nodded, a new light in his eyes.
“I get it - all I have to do is think my actions through a little better, and get everyone else to as well, and then we'll all be fine!” He grinned to himself, sank to the ground, then lay back to look at the stars once more. Kareru sighed again. Well, he's kind of got the idea…I think…?
**** **** **** **** ****
Kaede's hut
Kagome rolled onto her back, cracking one eye open as she did so. What woke me up…? Something I had to remember… Did someone ask me to find something for them? She yawned, and tried to stretch, but her entire body felt so heavy… She'd felt this way before. Oh no… I feel just like I did when Tsubaki planted those tainted jewel shards in my throat! Is this an enchanted sleep, just like that one? Who's responsible…? She looked to her left, where Sango had been stretched out earlier. The demon slayer was gone.
“Sango…” Kagome couldn't raise her voice above a whisper. She rolled onto her side, surveying the room. Ahhh…There she is! But why…?
“Why are you lying on Miroku?” The monk and the demon slayer lay curled together in each other's arms, sleeping soundly. Kagome smiled to herself, as she felt Shippo snuggling back into her side. They look so sweet together… sweet…sweet… Kagome fell back into her enchanted sleep, curling an arm around Shippo.
“Sweet… Sugar… Sugar and Coffee grounds… for Mom… I remember…”
**** **** **** **** ****
Higurashi Shrine (Kagome's future)
Kanna wandered up the stairs, clutching her mirror in her hands. She peered into the first doorway she came across and spotted a small boy sitting cross legged on the floor. She waited in the entrance, examining him. He looked to be about her age, and he was thoroughly entranced by the x-box game he was playing. She cleared her throat to get his attention.
“Oh, um, hi!” The boy hastily dropped his controller, and turned off the TV. Kanna took this as an invitation and entered the room.
“I didn't realize people had started arriving yet. You're kind of young to be one of Kagome's friends though… So who are you?” Kanna inclined her head and smiled sweetly.
“I am her teacher's daughter. What is your name, boy?” The boy blushed and ran a hand through his hair.
“Uh, my name's Sota. What's your name?” The girl continued smiling and clutching her mirror.
“I am Kanna. I like your costume Sota. Please, explain to me who you are meant to be.” Sota looked down at his black suit, and tried to remember the story he'd come up with. He put his dark sunglasses on, and grinned at the girl.
“I'm one of the men in black!” Kanna looked puzzled.
“Men in black? Who are they?” Sota smiled widely, ready and willing to extol the virtues of one of his favorite American movies.
“The men in black are a secret American government agency. They keep all the aliens secret from the public. They're so cool!” Kanna sighed, her eyes wandering around the room. Sota sensed he was losing his audience.
“I like your costume too - who are you supposed to be?” Kanna stared deeply into his eyes.
“As I already said - I am Kanna.” Sota sighed, exasperated.
“I know that - I was just wondering what the deal was with the mirror?” Kanna smiled sweetly, and held the mirror out to face the boy.
“Why don't you look into it and see for yourself?” Sota gazed into the mirror, then went stiff, falling to the floor. A small, white orb rose from his body, drifting gently in the still air of his room, before Kanna sucked it into the mirror. She sighed, then turned and left the room. She almost bumped into an old man coming down the hallway.
“Oh, I'm sorry... Well, who might you be, little girl?” Kanna smiled at him, shifting the mirror to reflect his face.
“I'm the last person you're ever going to meet.” The old man crumpled to the floor, his soul entering the mirror also. Kanna's smile disappeared.
“I grow weary of this world already. The people are too easy to kill.” She sensed the rest of the second floor was empty and headed back downstairs.
**** **** **** **** ****
Kanna entered the living room just as Naraku was lowering the three girls to the floor, a root-like tentacle wrapped around each of their throats. Yuka sighed one last time as her body settled on the floor, then all three of them lay silently. Naraku surveyed his work critically.
“Pretty maids all in a row…” He nodded, satisfied. Kanna wandered over, holding her mirror close to her body.
“Very artistic, my lord. The grandfather and brother have been taken care of. They died so quietly it almost wasn't worth it.” Kagura sauntered in from the kitchen, wiping a spot of blood from her forehead.
“Mother dearest won't be troubling us any longer either. So now all we have to do is sit back and wait for the other guests to arrive. Tell me, Naraku, is this little trinket you're after really worth all this trouble?” Naraku shot Kagura a dark look, which she flinched away from.
“Is it worth it? Most definitely. Once I have the Shikon no Tama in my possession I can become a full demon, and then nobody, not even that little reincarnated miko, could stop me!” Kanna interrupted his train of thought by tugging on his sleeve.
“I hear people approaching my Lord. How do you suggest we go about this?” Naraku smirked, putting his arm around the small girl's shoulders.
“Whatever feels natural to you Kanna. Just as long as Ms Higurashi gets the message.” The trio stood in the living room, listening as the approaching voices and footsteps grew louder. The three dead girls lying in the corner stared blankly at the wall. Mrs Higurashi lay on the kitchen floor, blood seeping from multiple slice wounds all over her body. Sota remained crumpled on his bedroom floor, his eyes closed tightly. Kagome's Gramps was crumbled in the hallway just outside the boy's room.
“Hurry up, Kagome…” Naraku said to himself, “You don't want to miss your party…”
**** **** **** **** ****
Kagome checked her watch as she rode. The time was seven twenty-five. She had five minutes to get home before the party started, but her mind was certainly not on happy matters. She was in turmoil. On one hand, Kagome felt that she was ready for the major battle she knew was coming up, but on the other hand… she just wasn't sure she could win it. She was also worried to death about what Okunara was going to do to her family and friends.
“No, not Okunara… Naraku. His name is Naraku.” The maniac had already killed three people who had tried to help her today. Who knew just how far he was willing to take this?
“All over a stupid little jewel. It seems so… petty.”
It's not just a bauble, Kagome. That jewel is quite possibly the most powerful ancient artifact in the entire world. Kingdoms have fallen because their rulers were so obsessed with finding it. Men have killed their families through jealousy when one member has possessed it and not shared the power. And lovers have been torn apart, even before they'd had a chance to begin…
“You're talking about you and your lover again, aren't you Kikyo? It was so unfair; you didn't even get a chance to begin a life together before it was taken away from you.” Kikyo's spirit sighed within Kagome's head.
“At least… I sort of had a chance at a normal life…” Kagome's head bowed forward, as she paused at another busy intersection.
What do you mean, you had a chance? You're still living your life, Kagome. And after this battle, you and Hojo could escape together and have the life that Inu… That my love and I never had the chance to have. You can live…
“I suppose, If I win… besides, I don't really feel like dying just yet.” A break appeared in the traffic, and Kagome spurred onward. She was getting closer and closer to home. A dark feeling of dread was beginning to fall over her. When she arrived at the end of her own street, Kagome gasped. A seething black cloud seemed to permeate the entire street, and a foul smell filled the air. She coughed as she leapt from the scooter. The street was full of cars, some of which she recognized.
“These cars, they belong to my friends… I didn't realize so many people were coming to this party. And what is this black smoky stuff?”
We used to call this a miasma… it's a kind of cloud that some demons create to bring mass confusion upon their enemies. It's also quite poisonous when inhaled in large amounts. Be very careful, Kagome.
“Thanks Kikyo! Let's head up to the house!” Kagome dashed up the street towards the shrine stairs. The miasma grew thicker and thicker the closer she got to the house. Kagome covered her mouth and nose and continued running up the stairs. This miasma…it smells so bad… it smells like something… rotten…
At the base of the stairs, Kagome stopped running. She placed her hand on the banister, looking at the fairy lights wrapped around it and the paper lanterns hanging from the shrine gate. They did that for me…Mom, Sota, Gramps and the girls… They wanted to make this a special night for me. Kagome stared up the stairs, the determination in her heart growing.
“I know he beat me here, and I know he's probably started doing… whatever… up there. But I still have to try. Whatever happens, I'll try my best.” She began her climb up the stairs. The miasma made her eyes water, and scratched at the back of her throat. Kagome coughed, doubling over from the effort. She glimpsed something bright out of the corner of her eye, and reached toward it. Oh… It was a birthday card. It must have fallen off someone's present… She slipped the card inside her clothes and continued up the stairs. When she could see the house, Kagome noticed that the front door was ajar.
“Mom never leaves the door open, even when we have guests. Kikyo, you can manifest if you like - I think I'd rather have someone with me I can see at this point.” Kikyo's spirit appeared beside her, looking at Kagome in a concerned way.
“We're heading in. Come on.” Kagome adjusted the bow and quiver on her shoulder, and tucked Hojo's necklace inside her shirt. Then she took a deep breath and tried to push the door open wider. It stuck against something. She pushed it harder, and eventually made a space wide enough for her to squeeze through. The reek of the miasma seemed ten times worse inside the house. Kagome looked down to see what had been blocking the door, and had to muffle a shriek against her hand. Two people were lying on the floor, just inside the door. Their faces were twisted in agony and their eyes were tightly closed.
“My god… what happened to them?” Kikyo knelt by the bodies, looking intently at them.
They inhaled too much of the miasma… they were poisoned. Kagome glanced at the faces one more time, then blinked as she recognized them.
“I know these people… The girl is Suki and the boy is her boyfriend, Asato.” Kagome hadn't been close to the pair, but they'd always had friendly words, smiles and waves whenever they saw her. How many people were coming tonight? There are eighty people in my grade at school. They couldn't possibly all have…
“Oh… no…” Kagome stepped around the two bodies and proceeded into the living area. The miasma… it must have taken them all…The piles of costumed bodies in the room looked almost comical, but Kagome was most certainly not laughing. Her arms hung straight at her sides, and she wandered through the carnage, cataloguing names in her mind.
“Kikyo… I know all these people. I saw them all alive only a few hours ago. Is this really happening?” Kikyo followed Kagome through the maze of bodies which led to the base of the stairs.
Kagome… don't go up there.
Kagome did not heed Kikyo's warning. She started up the stairs, stepping around piles of birthday presents and cards seemingly discarded there. When she reached the top, she saw the crumpled form of her grandfather lying in the middle of the hallway.
“Gramps!” She ran towards the old man, cradling his head in her lap. His glazed eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. His face wasn't twisted like the others downstairs.
“Kikyo, what happened to him. I don't think it was the miasma…” Kikyo peered at the old man.
His soul has been stolen. Back in my time, there used to be people who used mirrors to trap people's souls and make them do their bidding. Your grandfather seems to have died from the shock though… Now let's move on.
“No Kikyo. I want to find my family first. Naraku has not made himself known yet - he may not even know I have arrived yet. I would like to keep the element of surprise for the time being…” A small sound from Sota's room drew her attention. She set her grandfather's head back on the floor gently, and kissed him on the forehead.
“I'm sorry Gramps… I'll come back and look after you properly later, I promise.” A solitary tear fell from her eye, splashing onto his cheek. Kagome composed herself and walked into Sota's room. Her brother was still curled up on the floor, but now his eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling.
“Sis…ter…” Kagome fell to her knees, gathering the boy into her lap.
“Sota… Oh my poor little Sota!” Kagome sobbed his name, and buried her face in his hair.
“What did he do to you? What did that bastard do to you?!” Sota continued to stare blankly ahead, but his forehead crinkled as he processed his sister's words.
“What do you mean, `he'? It was a little girl… A pretty little girl with a mirror…” His words died away with a sigh, and he closed his eyes. Kagome looked down at her brother's face, and took a deep shaky breath. He may have been annoying at times… but he was still my only little brother…Goodbye, my little Sota.
“Rest well, little brother. I'll avenge you too. I…” Kagome choked back a sob as she placed her brother on his bed, smoothing his hair and kissing his forehead one last time.
“I Love you.” She turned and walked out of the room. Kikyo stood by the door, frowning slightly.
We don't have time for this, Kagome…
Kagome turned, raising a balled fist at the spirit girl, her eyes shining bright with unshed tears.
“Then we'll make time, damn it! I wanted to know where my family members were! I wanted to know if they were ok! I want to find my mom! These are the thought processes of a normal human being, which is what I am, Kikyo! So this is what we're going to do - we're going to find my mom, Hojo, Eri, Yuka and Ayumi, we're going to make sure they're ok, and then we're going to find Naraku and destroy him! Do you understand?!” Kikyo narrowed her eyes at the girl and nodded.
I understand… but I don't necessarily agree.
Kagome narrowed her eyes right back at her.
“Well, there's nothing you can do about it. Let's go.” The girl turned back into the hallway, heading back down the stairs. Kikyo's spirit followed silently behind her. Kagome stopped halfway down the stairs. She thought she's heard someone yell something from outside. Four words, slightly muffled.
“Kikyo, did you hear that?” The spirit moved beside Kagome and nodded.
“What do you think it means?” Kikyo shrugged, an unusual gesture on her part.
I know not… but the words themselves disturb me…
Kagome nodded, rubbing the goose pimples that had appeared on her arms at the strange utterance.
“Yeah, pretty creepy… `Dance of the dead'…” She shuddered. There was a sudden movement from upstairs, a sound of footsteps. Kagome turned and looked behind her. Her grandfather floated at the head of the stairs, his head hanging at an angle that would have been most uncomfortable for a living being. A smaller shape, Sota, appeared beside him, his head angled backwards staring at the ceiling.
“G… Gramps? Sota? How can this be?” Kikyo gasped and moved away from the two figures. Kagome felt the familiar cold as the spirit girl touched her.
Kagome, we must get away from here! They are reanimated! Run outside!
Kagome stared down into the living room, blanching.
“How do you suggest we do that, Kikyo? They aren't the only two that have come back - look!” At the base of the stairs, a group of costumed bodies was starting to mass. None of their faces looked at Kagome. They seemed to be shifting and moving as if caught in a breeze, like leaves.
They don't seem to be in control of their own actions… there must be a puppet-master about.
“You mean whoever woke them up is controlling their actions? So if we get to the controller, they'll all lie back down and be good little corpses again, right?” Kagome scanned the room, but no-one inside seemed to be in control of anything. She grabbed hold of the light fitting above her head, and started swing her legs backward and forward. Kikyo looked on, amazed.
Are you doing what I think you're doing?
Kagome gritted her teeth and kept swinging, the arcs becoming larger and larger.
“Yes. We're going to go over their heads, and then making a break for it out through the kitchen door. Sound feasible?” Kikyo nodded, then grasped onto the girl's waist. Kagome looked down in shock at the ghostly arms encircling her.
“You can touch me? How…?” Kikyo looked surprised herself.
It was theory I wanted to try out… if these were indeed my old clothes, I should be able to touch them. Now do you believe me… this Naraku has been planning a showdown like this from the very first moment he met you. I must have committed a terrible wrong against him while I was alive… I just can't recall his name…
“Ok then… hold on tight!” Kagome grunted with exertion and flung herself forward, legs first, over the seething crowd of her dead friends. She hit the ground on the far side of them, and rolled into the kitchen doorway. Kikyo detached herself from Kagome's waist and smiled at the girl.
That was… exhilarating. Now, let's get outside before they start after us again… Kagome?
Kagome was staring, in shock, at the far wall of the kitchen and the figure propped against it. One of its feet was bare, and its skirt and blouse were stained with blood. Kagome could see horrible gashes through the material. Yet the figure still managed to stand. It took one tottering step towards Kagome and reached out its arms to her. Its eyes rolled up to the ceiling and its head lolled loosely on its neck. Kagome moaned and slid backwards on the slick floor. She looked down to see what was making it so slippery. Oh god… so much blood…
Kagome! Pay no attention, it's just another reanimated corpse! Run past it and get outside!
Kagome's eyes grew wider as the figure approached her, arms reaching out for her, head rolling wildly.
“Mo… Mom? Mommy?” Mrs Higurashi took another two steps forward, then collapsed on the ground. But she did not stop moving. The corpse pulled itself along the floor, leaving a bloody trail behind it as it clambered towards its goal. Kagome sat, frozen in one spot.
“Please… please don't come any closer… I… I don't want to hurt you…” Her voice died away in a whisper as the body that used to be her mother grabbed her ankle with one hand, and straightened its head with the other. It looked directly into her eyes, then bared its teeth in a hideous death grin.
“Welcome home dear. You were a little late, so the party started without you. Did you remember…” The body crawled closer to Kagome's head, and she could smell her mother's familiar perfume, mixed with blood and the miasma stench. She closed her eyes.
“Did you remember to fetch the coffee and sugar as I asked you?” Kagome shrunk back as far as she could, then she screamed. She screamed loud and long, screams that penetrated the entire house. Kikyo sprang forward, facing the girl on the floor.
Kagome, come to your senses! Kagome!
Kagome kept her eyes shut, and continued to scream, batting the corpse-mothers hands away from her feet and legs. Kikyo narrowed her eyes at the crazed girl.
I had hoped… that it would not come to this. But you leave me no choice!
Kikyo plunged her hands inside Kagome's chest, and found her heart. She squeezed it tightly. Kagome's last scream turned into a wail of pain as she swooned unconscious against the wall. Kikyo smiled, then dissolved, her spirit becoming one with Kagome's body once more. Another spirit materialized, almost identical to Kikyo's, except her hair was wavier. The girl on the floor opened her eyes, kicking the dead mother away from her. The body slid across the room, hitting the opposite wall again. The girl looked at the spirit standing beside her, and smirked.
“See, Kagome. I told you it was just another reanimated corpse.” The spirit girl looked on in disbelief as Kikyo, using her own body, stood and opened the kitchen door, heading outside.
Kikyo… What did you do to me?
Kikyo turned in the doorway, looking sadly at the now disembodied girl.
“I shouldn't have expected so much from you, Kagome. You are only a child, after all. And you are too emotionally attached to all these people. I always thought that would turn out to be a problem. Oh, don't fret, I'll return this body to you when I have finished fighting this battle for you. In time, of course…” Kikyo turned once more, and left the kitchen. Kagome's immaterial form stood in the kitchen, gazing around in shock.
Did she just kick me out of my own body?
She gazed around herself, noticing that none of the reanimated dead seemed to notice she was there.
They can't see me, or sense me… This must be what being Kikyo is like… we could use this to our advantage - I can still help her beat him.
Spirit Kagome floated out through the kitchen door, following her body and Kikyo out into the backyard. Kikyo stood in the middle of the courtyard, looking around for her enemy. Not seeing him, she decided to call him out.
“Naraku! I know you're here! Come out and face me!” Kikyo took a deep breath, relishing the feel of air flowing into her lungs. She tested her arms, stretched her legs, and rolled her shoulders. Kikyo removed the bow from her shoulder and held it in her hand. She took an arrow in her other hand, making ready to shoot as soon as Naraku appeared.
“Come out, and face the great Priestess, Kikyo!” Kagome sighed, sitting down beneath the Spirit Tree.
I'm not really needed right now… I might as well just rest here for a while…
She glanced around the shrine yard, noticing the dark aura surrounding the house, and the yard.
That must be the demonic aura Kikyo was talking about… and the miasma too. I'm kind of glad I couldn't see the aura, or I wouldn't have come in…
Kagome glanced toward the old well house, the source of all her problems. It had a different glow around it, kind of white and shining. She didn't sense anything evil coming from there, just a feeling of peace.
That's weird…
Kagome stood and drifted toward the well house. She could hear a scrabbling, scratching sound coming from within.
Oh no… not again… this is just like before…
The door slid open, and a handsome, dark haired boy emerged. He was dressed in an old fashioned red outfit, much like the warriors from the feudal era would have worn. Kagome didn't recognize him from school though.
Who is he?
The boy turned, seemingly curious as to who had spoken, then gaped at her in shock.
“Kikyo? You can see me?” Kagome's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.
You can hear me?
The boy ran up to her and dropped to his knees in front of her. He looked at her more intently. Kagome blushed under his scrutiny.
What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?
He peered at the spectre in front of him, his eyes widening even more.
“Ka… Kagome? Why are you out here? Why aren't you in… your body?” Kagome's spirit looked at the boy, confused.
Do I… know you? Better yet, how do you know me? I think I'd remember meeting a guy that looks as goo…
Kagome was interrupted by a dark voice, announcing its arrival.
“I am here, Miko. Prepare yourself.” Kagome turned to see Naraku and two female companions bearing down on Kikyo from the roof of the house. She looked very small, standing by herself in the middle of the courtyard. The bow and arrow in her hands looked puny compared to the sword in Naraku's hand, but she stood her ground. Kagome looked on, and felt the boy in red move to stand beside her.
Oh. Crap.
The boy looked across at her, then seemed to realize what was going on.
“So, if you're here… that's Kikyo in your body.” The spirit nodded, numbly.
“Oh. Crap.”
**** **** **** **** ****
Yep, that's it. Part 5. I had to rush it, so hopefully it's ok. Actually, I really think I should rewrite the whole thing, because it sounds a little forced at the beginning, so don't be surprised if this chap disappears at some point then comes back all pretty and polished! To my devotees out there, thank you for your patience - I'm trying to do at least 1 chapter a week, but please forgive me if I'm a few days late! I hope you're still all reading and enjoying - I have a new Full Metal Panic story up now too, which I'll hopefully be updating weekly too!
Once more, thank you for all the reviews - I tried to email everyone who'd reviewed last week to thank them personally, so hopefully you guys got those mails!
Thanks to my latest reviewers:
animecrazedgirl - times 2 again - thanks!
Crimson Dawns Dragon
The reviews are what keep me going! You guys rock!
Thanks again!
Foxfire out!