InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Consolation Prize ❯ Sweet Talk ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Men - who'd wanna live without em? That wouldn't be me no sirre bub! I love the smell of testosterone in the morning such an eye opener.

Disclaimer: "I've got one here somewhere", busily pats her pockets, checks her ample cleveage and dumps her purse, "I know I do give me a second..."

Chapter 4 - Sweet Talk

"Kagome!" Koga took possession of the miko's free hand, pulling it close to his chest above his heart.

Kagome smiled, "Koga! I thought you left for the northern territory?"

"I did" he released her hand and put his arm around the girl's shoulder before flicking one of the blossoms, "but Ginta is mating an alpha female of a nearby tribe and catching your scent I thought I'd come by and check on you, make sure that dog breath is taking care of you."

He pulled her close in a one arm hug, "how's my girl?"

"She's not your girl!" a fire rat clad arm reached around the miko and pulled her out of the wolf demon's embrace and behind him.

"Still around eh, mutt-face?" Koga ignored the half-demon before him and smiled over Inuyasha's shoulder at Kagome.

Snarling Inuyasha's hand fell onto the hilt of his sword as Shippo safe on Kirara queried, "Koga was it you that gave Kagome the flowers?"

The wolf demon looked at the tiny woman and her arm full of colorful mums and smiled, ever the opportunist "Do you like them Kagome?"

Kagome's eyes dropped to the flowers as she shyly whispered, "they're beautiful Koga."

Inuyasha froze in disbelief as the wolf demon darted around his side and to the flower holding woman, "not as beautiful as you are, Kagome".

A growl reverberated beginning deep in the half-demon's chest and rising upward. Inuyasha whirled to face the demon, "you shit!"

Hastily the monk moved behind Kagome and Koga and waved his staff to get Inuyasha's attention. Honey eyes flicked beyond the couple to the monk who instantly adopted a blank expression when Koga glanced over his shoulder before turning back to the half-demon.

Sango's mouth dropped open as she watched the monk, 'Miroku?'

Miroku, in possession of Inuyasha's attention quickly mimed the taking of the miko's hand. Slowly he brushed his own hand and nodded quietly toward Kagome before abruptly becoming absorbed in the movement of the clouds as Kagome glance behind her to see what Inuyasha was so interested in. Shrugging she returned her attention to the half-demon when she heard the sound of steel slipping along leather.

Sheathing his half drawn sword, Inuyasha none to gently removed Kagome's hand from the wolf demon's and palm flat in the wolf's chest shoved him away before looking deep in the miko's eyes, "I'm glad you like the flowers Kagome" he said sweetly ignoring the wolf's attempts to pull him from the miko.

"Inu…" she didn't get to finish before the wolf demon stepped in bumping the half-demon aside.

"A beautiful woman deserves to get flowers every day," Koga smiled brushing her cheek.

"That's right!" Inuyasha growled shoving the wolf away before moving close to Kagome and tenderly smiling, "you are beautiful"

Shippo and Sango simply stared. Flies gathered, moved around the confines of their open mouths and departed unharmed as their chins rested on the ground. Behind Kagome Miroku's hand moved midair in a rolling motion encouraging the half-demon to keep it up before Koga cottoning on to what was up, picked up the monk and heaved him into the bushes.

Grabbing Kagome's shoulders he whipped her around to face him and leaned close, "don't such pretty flowers deserve a reward?"

The half-demon snarled and twisted Kagome back to face him, palm cupping her chin as his thumb brushed her lips, "just one of your smiles would be reward enough Kagome."

A rustle of leaves announced the monk's return from behind the bushes as he staggered brushing away clinging leaves before motioning a kiss to the half-demon. Honey eyes flicked back to the miko before his lashes lowered as his lips drew close to her slightly parted lips, he leaned forward then staggered as he tried to kiss air.

The miko was gone.

Blinking Inuyasha looked at the empty space before him and then around trying to locate the tiny woman. His eyes narrowed as he spied the wolf demon, arm around a dazed miko's shoulder as they moved a short space away.

"FLEA BAG!" the half-demon snarled.

The wolf turned and smirked at the half-demon.

Rushing to the couple, Inuyasha once again grabbed Kagome and pushed her behind him. Anger oozing out of his pores he jabbed his finger into Koga's chest. Hard. "I gave those flowers to Kagome!"

"Yea right Inutrasha, as if!"

"You've got a lot of nerve pretending you gave her those fucking flowers!" Inuyasha snarled.

"Mangy mutt you wouldn't know about flower giving if it bit you on the ass." The wolf growled.

"Stay away from Kagome!" Inuyasha pushed his angry face at the wolf.

"Make me!" snarled the wolf, facing off with the half-demon.

Stepping from around the flaring testosterone, a suddenly calm Kagome took her armful of flowers and moved back to Kirara. She quietly climbed on the back of the neko-demon and touching Sango's shoulder waited for her to alight as well. With Shippo, Sango and Kagome safely settled the fire cat took flight.

"Inuyasha?" Shippo spoke still stunned.

Kagome looked at her flowers then Sango and smiled brilliantly, "Inuyasha."

Below the monk sank onto a grassy mound and watched the neko-demon take his love and the rest of their party ahead to scout for a suitable place to stop and have lunch. Sighing he rested his chin in the palm of his hand and mournfully watched the wolf demon and half-demon trade insults.

"Where the freaking hell do you get off trying to kiss Kagome" the wolf demon pushed the half-demon.

Inuyasha smirked, "a reward, isn't that right Kagome?"

The conversation died as the two combatants realized they were alone in the middle of the road with only the monk as an audience.



The monk arched a brow.

"Where are the girls?"

"Where's my woman?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, She's. Not. Your. Woman!" Inuyasha yelled.

Koga smirked, "She will be, dog breath, she will be."

"Over my dead body" came the snarled response.

"That" the wolf prince grinned angrily, "can be arranged."

The monk rose, dusting off his robes and clearing his throat, "Gentlemen, I believe the ladies may be preparing lunch for us. After you" the monk waved a hand indicating the road pointing in the direction the neko-demon had flown.

Growling both demon and half-demon turned and started in the direction the monk indicated.

"I'm sitting with my woman at lunch!" the wolf snarled.

"Like hell! She's. Not. Your. Woman. Dammit, and you're not getting anywhere near her!" Inuyasha growled as the two jostled.

Patience gone, the monk snarled and whapped both demons on the head. Momentarily dazed the wolf demon didn't remark the sutra pasted to his forehead and quickly sunk into a light sleep.

Inuyasha laughed as he rubbed the throbbing knot on his brow before a similar sutra found it's way to the back of his head and he tumbled into slumber as well. Grabbing the half-demon's ankle the monk began the onerous task of dragging the heavy demon in the direction of the girls.

Curses so vile they caused seasoned sailors, and lifer drill instructors to blush flowed from between the monk's lips as he drug the sleeping demon toward the wisps of a camp fire ahead. A very thirsty hour later the monk, dusty, hot and sweaty arrived at the mid day camp site. Dropping the half-demon's leg he collapsed in front of the camp fire and accepted a bowl of stew from the slayer, "so" her lips twitched "where's Koga?"

The monk shot her a glare before quietly taking a spoonful of stew. Kagome bit her lip, "did you do that?" she pointed at Inuyasha.

The monk ignored her and took another bite of stew as the girls looked at each other and twittered. Glancing over at the snoring half-demon the kit approached the fuming monk and placing a hand on his thigh asked in his most professional voice, "bakas?"

Swallowing the monk nodded before lifting his spoon again, "bakas" he quietly chewed as the girls erupted into laughter and Shippo slowly shook his head.
