InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crossed Wires ❯ Enter Stage Left, the Killing Perfection ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: RT is the genius who owns the Inuyasha clan.

I'm the one that sneaks em out at night so they can do that - points down - to my story. What a mess.

Crossed Wires

Chapter 13 - Enter Stage Left, the Killing Perfection

Frowning, the miko pushed damp bangs from her forehead and closed her eyes against the steam from the bath house. It had been one of the first things that the slayer and miko had insisted the boys repair. Beside her the slayer appeared calm but Kagome could sense Sango's hands opening and closing beneath the water.

"Miroku, fighting…" the slayer worried.

Kagome looked at her friend and sighed, "He's been fine in battle Sango he can handle this" The miko's words were spoken half heartedly, she had no idea what the morrow would bring and she had her own worries about a certain hanyou.

"They shouldn't have to" was the comeback. "It's our fault this is happening."

"No.." the miko whispered, fear lacing her voice, "it's mine for making such a big deal about Kikyo." She looked at Sango and tried to smile, "I knew from the beginning she had his heart. I began a battle for something I knew could never belong to me, and I drug you and Miroku into the middle of it. I'm sorry Sango."

The slayer wrapped an arm around the miko's shoulders and sighed, "it's not like Miroku and I were promised. It's just that I love him so much, and it hurts to know he doesn't see me that way."

"Tell me about it," the miko grunted then rose from the warm water, liquid running down her body as she reached for the towels. "Lets go put an end to this mess" she tossed Sango a towel and smiled sadly. "We've let Naraku off the hook too long."

Within the hut the boys sat watching each other silently waiting for the return of the women. Kouga's eyes moved over the hanyou with disdain, his hands curled into fists ready for the coming dawn.

"After tomorrow," the wolf prince promised "you're never going to touch her again"

The hanyou huffed, hands inside the sleeves of his haori, "Yes, I will." Inuyasha smirked confidently.

The wolves rose with menace and leaned over the monk and hanyou. "Not if we mate them first," was Isamu's reply.

Miroku, eyes closed in feigned meditation, suddenly dropped his staff and tripped the wolf demon, "you won't" he smiled relishing the sound of skin meeting earth.

It was to this that the girls reentered the hut. Skin rosy from the warmth of the water, they took in the wolf prince towering over the monk and hanyou. "What's going on here?" the slayer demanded.

Eyes flashing angrily the miko pushed her finger into the Kouga's chest, "back off Kouga!"

He grabbed her fingers and kissed the tips, "just a little friendly bantering, Kagome"

He pulled the girl closer and wrapped his arms tightly around her as he flashed an arrogant grin to the sitting hanyou.

Face awash with anger Inuyasha rose slowly and snarled at the wolf then reached out and pulled the tiny miko to himself, "not till after you win the fight wolf shit"

Sango could no longer restrain herself, "what if we don't want a harem anymore"

Everyone stilled and looked at the slayer. Blushing her gaze lowered, her bangs covering her eyes, she continued, "I mean, it's not like any of you are really available." her voice grew silent.

Kagome took up the slack, "Look Sango and I have talked about it we don't want you guys to fight." She sighed and looked at the wolf demon, "Isamu you're promised to the she-wolf from the south, and Kouga" she continued relentlessly despite Isamu's denial, "you're promised to Ayami."

Not liking the way the conversation was going the wolf prince quickly added, "What about Inutrasha and his dead miko, or the monk and his lecherous ways".

At the hanyou's harsh growl the miko put up her hands, "I know that's what I meant, none of you are free."




The room was suddenly filled with the shouts of males and flares of testosterone. Hands over her ears the miko's gaze found her feet and waited for the noise to quiet down.

In the silence between shouts a cold emotionless voice filled the room, "I am free miko."

Kagome gasped and turned toward the door and the voice that startled every occupant in the room. "Sesshoumaru?"

The stately male glided to the miko's side. Long clawed fingers grasped her and the slayer above their elbows. "come with me"
