InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I am a Pretty Little Asian Girl ❯ Wanting to Talk ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I am a Pretty Little Asian Girl
((A/N: I was sitting at St Lawrence Collage waiting for the bus when I thought of this story/song, its based on the song I Am a pretty little Dutch girl. INU/KAG SESS/KAG MIR/SAN SESS/RIN SHIP/KIRA, wonder who it's going to be, well hope ya like it ^^))
I am a pretty little Asian girl, as pretty as can be, be, be and all the boys on the basketball team go crazy over me, me, me.
My brother's name is Sota; he comes from Nova Scotia, with 4 black toes and a pickle up his nose and this is how my story goes…
One day when I was walking I saw my boyfriend talking, to a little pretty girl with long black hair and this is what he said to her: “I L-O-V-E love you, I K-I-S-S kiss you, I went to the lake and swallowed a snake and now I have a tummy ache.”
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Once I calmed down and stopped crying I moved off his lap and wiped away the rest of my tears and told him what happened, after that he hugged me and I cried once more, falling asleep in his arms he laid me down on the couch, pulling a blanket over me the door bell rang, he finished covering Kagome and walked to the door, he opened it and in less then 1 second Sango flung herself in his arms muttering something he couldn't understand.
He pulled her away from him a bit and looked her in the eyes, “Sango what's wrong?” “I can't find her! I've looked everywhere and I can't find her!” he looked confused “whom can't you find Sango?” “Kagome! Kagome found Inuyasha with Kikyo saying he loved her and.. and she ran away one he seen us and now I cant find her!!” Miroku gave her a sad smile and pulled her into the house, he gave her a dry towel and pulled her into the living room to see me sleeping peacefully.
Sango sighed and fell down to her knee's muttering “if she wasn't here I was going to go to the police station.” Miroku smiled and started to laugh softly, suddenly the doorbell rang again, Sango got up and sat beside me brushing away my bangs as Miroku grabbed another towel and walked to the door, he opened it and in an instant was glaring at the person at the door.
Inuyasha pushed his way past Miroku not even caring about the towel, we walked into the living room and stopped seeing Sango they're leaning over me, she looked up and glared “what the fuck do you think your doing here!?!?” she asked trying to stay quiet. “I came for Kagome I need to talk to her” “well she doesn't wanna talk to you now go away!!!” her voice started to rise the more she heard and seen Inuyasha, she got up and walked towards him glaring daggers, Miroku seen her glare at him, he knew that glare and it wasn't good to see it he knew that if looks could kill Inuyasha would already be 6 feet under with a stone above his head.
Miroku moved around them and sat beside me he placed his hand on my forehead to check if I had a fever, he removed his hand and sat there watching Inuyasha and Sango go at it. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING YOU SAID, YOU JERK JUST STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM KAGOME!!” soon Sango's voice grew into a yell, I stirred in my sleep, slowly opening my eyes to see Miroku's head “WHAT DID I JUST SAY YOU BITCH! I NEVER MEANT ANYTHING I SAID TO KIKYO IT WAS ALL... ALL A LIE!!”
My eyes grew wide in a second, I knew that voice all to well, it was that bastard Inuyasha, I sat up quickly and turned accidentally hitting my forehead off Miroku's shoulder I turned and glared at Inuyasha, Miroku felt me get up and noticed the sadness around me again, we wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. “GET OUT!! GET OUT! OUT! OUT!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs glaring at him.
Inuyasha and Sango stopped they're argument and turned to look at me, “Kagome please let me talk to you.. alone” he said with a pleading voice I shook my head “no, get out” “Kagome please..” Kuroshima walked out from the kitchen “Inuyasha, please leave my house.” “bu.. bu.. but Kuroshima..” He shook his head and Inuyasha sighed, he turned and walked out of the house.
I smiled, it was the first smile since just before I seen Inuyasha and Kikyo together “thank you Master Kuroshima” Kuro nodded his head, turned and walked back into the kitchen. I looked down at my watch it read 5:50p.m “oh no!” I looked around to make sure I had everything before turning to Miroku “can I borrow an umbrella please, I was suppose to pick up Sota half hour ago.” Miroku nodded and went to the closet and got me an umbrella, I grabbed it quickly and ran out the door closely followed by Sango.
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((A/N: Ok its not as short but it still kinda is, sorry, but plz review.))