InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ It's Never Too Late ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry for the confusion, but I changed my mind about chapter 10. I hope you like it.
Chapter 10
Kaede POV…
Inuyasha sat there in silence for a while. Many conflicting emotions flashed across his face. I felt grieved for him. I wanted to help him but I still didn't know what some of what he said had to do with his present state save for that part where Kikyo's name was mentioned. Suddenly he got up from his chair and headed towards the door. I called out to him to stop but he kept on walking. I truly knew that he was gone the sound of the door closing echoed through the building. Why did he leave? was the question that I was left to ask myself.
End of POV…
Later on…
Inuyasha had just arrived at his home. He smiled sadly at the building. He had almost lost this home but he was still able to have it for a special reason. Also, his mother still loved him and felt deep in her heart that her son would make the right choice. He entered the house and some servants looked at him and scurried away. He sighed. This reaction wasn't new. Such behavior was a daily occurrence. He walked up the stairs only to his room only to be stopped by a small voice.
“Daddy, is that you?”
Inuyasha looked at the small gray eyed child and smiled.
“Yes, it's me, shouldn't you be in bed?”
“I couldn't sleep.”
“I'm home now; if you want you can sleep with me.”
“Yes, sweetie.”
Inuyasha must have watched the child sleep for an hour. Gray eyes, silky black hair, just like her mother. He had been married to Kagome for about four years. During those years, he couldn't find it in himself to trust here even though she had given him two children. Three, if that little fox demon she adopted was counted. He looked around the room and noticed Kagome's diary on the table.
That diary was what started it all. If I hadn't found it I never would have known how bad I had hurt her.
He had read the diary many times but he was still confused. She didn't write every single detail of what took place from the time they had married to when she left him. Maybe he had overlooked something and he decided that rereading the diary might help him figure things out.
Unknown to Inuyasha, someone had seen him enter the shrine and wondered why on this earth someone like him would even set his foot in there. The figure hid in the shadows trying to figure out why he was there. Silently the figure slipped closer to hide by a nearby window that was covered by darkness and overheard everything. Inuyasha should have noticed that someone else was nearby but he wasn't paying attention. Inuyasha took the individual by surprise by his sudden exit but was even more surprised when there fact someone else was there and spying on Inuyasha. The two knew each other quite well in fact they walked to a nearby hotel together but in silence. When they had arrived at their current hotel room, an old woman smiled at their return and gathered her things and left.
“Don't worry,” the lady said to the taller of the two, “he's sound asleep.”
She left leaving those two to their own thoughts. After awhile of doing nothing, one person made the second bed their bedroom while the other watched and put blankets on the small child in the other bed.
“What do you think?”
“About what?”
What he said. Do you think?”
The person said nothing. She continued to keep silent as she braided her long black hair. After a while she looked down as her questioner.
Her grays eyes met his small blue ones and smiled
“I don't know.”
That's it. I hope you prefer this chapter to the one I deleted. I'll update as soon as I can. Thank you for reading this, but please review. I need feedback. This is a transitional chapter. The style may change. Sorry for the shortness. Yea, I edited again. I'll explain in the next chapter.
Until next time,
Later Days!