InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro no Ai ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Writer's Corner:

Ok, maybe now I'm deciding that I'm going to be a little bit evil. YOU figure out who the pairing is going to be!


Chapter One:

A month has passed since Miroku's departure of this world… My beloved houshi… It is still very hard to believe that his presence is still here. Sometimes I even think that he will appear behind me and graze his hand over my behind like he used to do. Yes, it was indecent, but what I wouldn't do to feel his hand, his touch… His life force…

I did not realize that I loved him as much as I did. In fact, I still love him, even though he is not here to return it. I tend to get lonely sometimes though without his flirtatious and lecherous presence… I miss it severely…

Kagome, Inuyasha and myself have been mourning for the past month and they are deciding that we should continue our search for the re-broken jewel. There are a lot of ironic things in this world. Moments before we defeated Naraku, in his last act of self-preservation and temperance, he broke the jewel and sent the shards in all directions. We worked so hard to collect the fragments only to have them broken again. Secondly, the short-lived romance between Miroku and myself. When he finally was ready to be loyal… he died… And also… The kazaana that had threatened to end his life was gone… and he had died from flesh wounds…

His violet eyes still plague me in my sleep and though I wish these thoughts would leave me… I wish his presence were in my bed… I wish I were sleeping with him… I wish that I had made love to him at least once… But my body is virginal… and that is how it shall probably be until I am a withered old maid. I am past the courting age as well. No man would want to court or marry a woman who is nineteen years old, going on twenty.

I envy Kagome-chan for she and Inuyasha, as of late, have realized their feelings for one another. They are perhaps `taking it slow' as she says and will return to her time in a matter of years to have a modern `wedding ceremony' in a `church' I suppose. It is at times like these when I wish to be alone… away from the quest for the Shikon no Tama… for Kohaku is dead to me anyways…

I have lost my family, my love… and any possible reasons for living… But still… There is a strange feeling… nagging in my heart that tells me I am needed somewhere, but it is not here. Someone, someone unlikely… needs me… I have ignored this but even now, I feel like I need to explore… to find that someone… whoever they are… And perhaps be with them…

Kami-sama… I am now writing more than I need… I am very glad that Kagome-chan gave me this `journal' so that I may write my thoughts and feelings down. It has proved to be very useful.

As for the quest of the Shikon no Tama, going back to the subject that I was talking about earlier, I might not even continue to travel with Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo… I might become my own group and search for the jewel for my own purposes… For the jewel can grant any wish… And my wish would be…

Sango stopped writing for a moment and bit down on the end of the `ball point pen' that Kagome was letting her use. What would her wish be? Violet eyes flashed through her mind along with an all too familiar rich chuckle. She sighed and returned her hand to the pages of the journal and proceeded to write.

My wish would be that houshi-sama… Miroku… could come back and live with me for as long as our lives will be… I would want that very much… But, my wrist is starting to ache so I might as well stop writing and return Kagome-chan her `pen'… I think that's what it's called…

The tajiya set down the ball point pen beside the open journal and closed the small book and then opened it again, flipping through all of the interesting pages that were colored and covered in lines that she was supposed to write on. What a very interesting little book… More interesting than those large `text books' that she's always bringing here and complaining about, Sango thought to herself as she grabbed the pen and the journal and walked to Kaede's hut, where she found Shippo snacking on a cookie and Kagome and her hanyou arguing severely.

"I wanna start looking for the jewel again! We've been off of the task for about a month now!" Inuyasha barked impatiently, pulling the outstretched yellow backpack out of Kagome's arms, grinning mischievously when she gasped and glared at him.

"Well you know what? You can wait two days until my exams are done! These are the last three tests of the year! I need one day to go back and study, and one day take the tests!" She shouted in his puppy ears, yanking her pack back, only to fall backwards when the hanyou asserted some strength and held tightly. She hit her head on the wooden floor of the hut and winced.

"Kagome!" Shippo cried, crumbs flying everywhere as he bounded over to where she was now sprawled out on the floor.

"Are you all right, Kagome-chan?" The tajiya asked, bending down by her side, placing the journal and the pen on the ground near the door. The high school girl from the future nodded, massaging the developing lump on the back of her head. Three gazes pined the hanyou who was looking equally guilty with wide amber eyes. He swallowed and inched backwards a bit.

"Well?" Sango demanded, her gaze very meaningful.

"Well WHAT?" Inuyasha snapped, his face looking deeply sorry and agitated at the same time. The tajiya pointed obviously towards Kagome who was staring at him expectantly, her hand rubbing at her head as she winced a bit. The hanyou sighed and dropped his shoulders, his eyes fixating on Kagome.

"Aren't you going to apologize?" Shippo ordered, crossing his little arms across his chest. Inuyasha growled and ignored him, adjusting his position a bit. Feeling cornered and pressured at the same time, the hanyou grabbed for Kagome's arm and dragged her to her feet. He then proceeded by pulling her out of the hut.

Sango and Shippo scrambled a bit to see what was going on out there without Inuyasha noticing and they smiled a bit at what they saw.

Inuyasha started to beat around the bush with his words and stutter a bit but then he pulled Kagome into his arms unceremoniously and kissed her `wound' on the back of her head.

I guess that counts as an apology, Sango thought to herself as she exited the hut, taking in a breath of clean air. The couple a small distance from herself laughed softly and started to tease one another a bit, making her sigh at the loss. She would never have that sort of a relationship she thought with dismay.

"Oi, Sango!" Inuyasha called, waving over to her. "Come here!" The tajiya made her way over to where the hanyou and his mate were standing and smiled at them.

"I see you've gotten over your differences," She said, mostly to Inuyasha. Kagome giggled and the hanyou shrugged, his cheeks blushing red as he shifted uncomfortably and uneasily. "Did you need something?" she asked, getting to the point of why he had called her over.

"When do you think that we should start collecting the jewel as a group again?" Kagome questioned her, her dark eyes alight with slight excitement. Sango thought about this for a moment, her thoughts going back to what she had written in her journal…

As for the quest of the Shikon no Tama, going back to the subject that I was talking about earlier, I might not even continue to travel with Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo… I might become my own group and search for the jewel for my own purposes…

"Um… Well, Kagome-chan and Inuyasha… I…" She stammered, wondering how she was to explain what she was going to say before she was going to say it. "I do not think I will accompany you this time through," the tajiya replied, watching as their faces washed with shock a bit.

"Why?" The Inu hanyou inquired, his face looking genuinely bewildered.

What do I say? What is the best reason I can give besides wanting to go and seek the jewel for my own purposes… Oh Kami-sama… That is so selfish of me… she thought, deciding that perhaps she would not search for the jewel for her own purposes. She composed herself quickly and gave the first answer that came to her mind. "I want to go to my village and repair things, possibly bring more people to live there. I would be the head of the village I suppose, since there are really no others left besides me."

Kagome's faces lightened in understanding and she nodded, taking Sango's hands in her own. "Well then," she said, her voice happy and cheerful. "We'll be sure to come and visit you and see how your progress is going in a few months. Aren't you happy for her Inuyasha?" She asked the hanyou, releasing the tajiya's hands to gaze at her mate.

Inuyasha shrugged and made a kind of `I don't know' face. "I guess so. Are you goin' to be ok getting there by yourself?" He questioned, sliding his arm around Kagome's waist.

"Yes, I should be all right. I'll take Kirara with me and we'll probably stop by an open market to buy supplies," Sango replied, brushing a lock of her dark hair that had escaped her low ponytail behind her ear.

"When are you leaving?" The high school girl from the future wondered aloud.

"Well… When are you going to go back to your time, Kagome-chan?" The tajiya replied, starting to walk with her very good friend towards the Goshinboku where Miroku's gravesite was. Her eyes drifted over the lump, beat down soil and she sighed.

"As soon as Inuyasha lets me… Which should be right now," she whispered in response, seeing her friend's blank stare. Her own eyes went down to Miroku's grave and she sighed, putting an arm around her best friend. "I bet that right now he's watching over you," she added.

Sango nodded and let out a shaking breath before Inuyasha's barged over and barked at Kagome, telling her she had only two days in her time or else he'd drag her back. The tajiya laughed at their antics and said goodbye to her best friend, hugging her tightly.

"I'll make sure we come out of the way to see how you're doing and who knows! You might want to start traveling with us again!" Kagome exclaimed as she ran into the hut and grabbed her pack, kissing Inuyasha on the cheek and saying one last goodbye to Sango before she leapt over the side of the well and was gone.


"Do you have to go?" Shippo whined as he handed Sango the journal that Kagome had given her. The tajiya nodded but scooped up the kitsune and gave him a big hug, stroking his tail softly. "I'll miss you," he whispered softly, making the young woman smile.

"I'll miss you too, Shippo-chan," she replied, setting him down while she slung her hiraikotsu over her shoulders and took the pouches of materials that Kaede was handing to her.

"Here are some herbs and some tea leaves. I have also packed ye some food in case ye get hungry," the old miko told her, bowing and nodded to her once. Sango did the same and smiled in appreciation. She then exited the hut and called out for Kirara, waiting for her to come.

"I hope you know you'll be missed around here," Inuyasha's voice came from behind her. The tajiya whirled around to see him standing there, his head cocked to the side, his arms crossed impatiently over his chest. "You don't have to go," he told her as he walked closer to her.

"Yes, I know but I really want to return to my village and start things over again," she replied, sighing a bit. "Are you saying that you want me to stay with the three of you, Inuyasha?"

The hanyou shrugged and looked a bit bored but then shifted his weight to the other foot. "I don't know. You've been with us for a couple of years, that's all. I just want you to know you can always come running back if you need to," he answered her, falling back a step when Sango hugged him tightly for a moment, sliding his one arm awkwardly around her so he would avoid the hiraikotsu. The young woman pulled back and bowed to him, thanking him for everything.

"I probably would still be out hunting you with the jewel shard in my back if you had not spared mercy and showed me what a monster Naraku was. I thank you for it, Inuyasha," Sango added, turning away to approach the Goshinboku where she uttered a silent prayer.

Miroku… I will return to my village… And after I have settled down for a bit, I will start to collect more and more shards of the sacred jewel so that I may be able to get my wish to bring you back…

With that, the tajiya stood and found Kirara waiting for her near the beginning of Inuyasha's Forest as she started to travel west, her heart strong and her mind determined.

Writer's Corner:

Just one hint. This is not an Inuyasha/Sango fic. Sorry for those of you who were hoping it would be! There's Inuyasha/Kagome stuff in here though.