InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Live for the Music ❯ You Seduced him!, and a Fight ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Live For The Music

Chapter Four- You Seduced him!, and a Fight


Saturday came quickly and Kagome and the girls were sitting in Ambi's basement going over random songs that they were considering for the very quickly approaching battle of the bands. At the moment the girls were taking a break talking about random things ranging from how shitty their week had been to how each of them thought they were going to do at the up coming event. None of them were nervous (persay) but with their building excitement it was hard to concentrate.

"So anyways, let's get back to work," Kagome said as she picked up her guitar and they quickly started in where they left off before their little break.

"I tried to kill the pain

But only brought more

I lay dying

And I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal

I'm dying praying bleeding and screaming

Am I too lost to be saved

Am I too lost?

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

Do you remember me

Lost for so long

Will you be on the other side

Or will you forget me

I'm dying praying bleeding and screaming

Am I too lost to be saved

Am I too lost?"

It was about this time, Ambi's brother decided to descend the stairs and watched the girls finish out the rest of the song.

"My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My wounds cry for the grave

My soul cries for deliverance

Will I be denied Christ


My suicide"

"Kagome, you've got a visitor. Eh, I don't think your going to like who it is either..." Naraku trailed off looking said girl straight in the eye. "She said she'd rather have you come outside."

"Great, there's only one person who could possibly fit into the 'you have a visitor but your not going to like who it is' category. Lemme guess... Kikyo," Kagome muttered as she ascend the stairs as quickly as she could. 'Might as well get this over with fast,' she thought to herself as she threw open the door. "Ah yes, Kikyo was it? What do you want?"

"I've come to inquire about Inuyasha," she said glaring at Kagome. "What have you done to him," she wailed out flinging herself at Kagome, which caused said girl to slam her head against the front door to Ambi's house, and cried out in pain.

"What the hell are you talking about? I haven't done anything to him," Kagome was now slightly enraged. 'What the fuck is she talking about?!'

"You liar! You've been se....Sedusing him! You bitch," she said grabbing Kagome by the hair and slamming her head into the door again, causing yet another cry of pain. Again Kikyo slammed Kagome's head to the door enjoying the pain it was inflicting on the girl.

"Kikyo... I really don't feel like fi..." she started only pissing Kikyo off more and earning herself another slam to the door, which finally knocked her out, but that didn't stop Kikyo from her attack. She was going to beat the shit out of Kagome.

"Kikyo, what the hell do you think your doing," she heard a harsh sounding voice call out to her from just a little bit down the road. Looking up she saw Inuyasha and his brother Sesshomaru running towards the house. "What the hell?"

"Inuyasha," she said happy to see him. "I was only trying to um... Defend myself! She came out here yelling at me for absolutely nothing while I was minding my own business and she I ran up here to um... to defend myself and she... hit me! Yeah that's right she hit me," she was lying and it wasn't hard to tell.

"Kagome wouldn't attack anyone but me wench, so what really happened," he barked at her. Kikyo cowered away from him.

"If your not going to talk I strongly suggest you leave now." Sesshomaru stated his voice tinged just with a little worry.

"Get out of here Kikyo. Don't come near Kagome again," Inuyasha yelled at her, as he crouched down next to Kag. He vaguely noticed Kikyo leave. "Heaven forbid she tell us what really happened. She never was any good at telling the truth," he mumbled as he looked Kagome over, and gasped a little when he lifted her head and felt blood on his hand. "There's chi there."

"Well, obviously, but Kikyo wouldn't be able to cause her to bleed like that. Unless of course she continuously slammed Kagome's head against something..." Sesshomaru stated, then paused to think for a moment. "That screaming, it must have come from Kagome each time Kikyo hit her head against the..." he looked around for anything that could have blood on it, then spotted the door. "The door."

"Sessh don't just stand there, get some help damnit!" came Inuyasha's angry plea. Sesshomaru started banging at the door the minute he heard the note of jiboujiki in his dai's voice.

'He's worried.' Sessh thought, as he continued to bang on the door waiting for someone to answer it.

"Kag you don't need to..." Ambi trailed off looking at the scene in front of her. There sat Inuyasha with Kagome's head in his lap, quickly scanning over her body for anything out of the ordinary. Then it dawned on Ambi. Kikyo had come to attack her friend. For what reason, she didn't know. But this was Kikyo's doing.

"Wh...what happened to her," Ambi asked crouching down next to him, also looking over her friend. She could smell chi. 'Ka...Kagome's chi.'


Chi: blood
jiboujiki: desparation
Dai: younger brother