InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Live for the Music ❯ Just Lemme Sleep! ;_; ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: So seeing as though I said I wouldn't bother with notes, I think I'll write you all a little note! ^_^ Just to be a jack arse of course, but that's besides the point. ANYWAYS I'm really sorry this chapter is also extremely short but your technically getting a three for one deal here.

I've updated this story, Quiet Rage, and put the first chapter to Life Styles up as well. So you'll have to deal with a short chapter for this time around. But this weekend I have a free weekend off from guard so expect better updates sometime either Saturday or Sunday at the earliest.

Thank you for your patience and all that stuff, now enjoy what there is of a chapter @_@


Live for the Music

Chapter Thirteen- Just lemme sleep ;_;


"Say Kagome, shouldn't you get some rest? You've not slept much in weeks," Ambi said, looking at said girl. "Besides, you look as if you about to drop as it is! Go lay down."

"I can't Brosia, I have a long list of things I need to get done, and how would I manage that if I'm sleeping?"

"Now your just being stupid Kag, you've been looking ill for days," Sango said plopping down next to Ambrosia on the couch. "I'm tired of watching you move around at all hours of the day, and if you don't go lay down right now, I'm calling Yash."

"He won't do anything..."

"Oh really," Kagome's head snapped up at the sound of her boyfriends voice. "We'll just see about that," he said as he walked over to her and much to her distaste picked her up.

"Put me down right now!"


"You know, Kagome's gonna make herself ill one of these days," Sango said looking around at her friends. "She's been drinking coffee to keep her going for crying out loud! She hates coffee!"

"Well, she said there was stuff that she needed to get done, so maybe if was stupid. But she thought it was best," Miroku said.

"Shush," Sesshomaru silenced the group. "Seems someone's not happy."


"what the hell Yash?" Kagome yelled as she continued to kick and punch at him. "Put me down!" she continued to carry on until Inuyasha dumped her onto her bed. To which he received an angry growl.

"You will lay down, you will sleep, and you will enjoy every minute of it," he said pushing her down onto her bed lightly. "Any questions?"

"You'll stay won't you," she reached out and grabbed his hand. It was then that he realized something.

"You've been doing anything to avoid it... Haven't you?" he paused to wait for an answer, when she nodded he continued. "Why is that Kag? Why are you avoiding sleep?"

"I don't want to talk about it... Just please stay with me," she groaned a bit and placed her free hand up to her throat.

"Nanio," he asked.

"It's nothing really... My throat has been bothering me the last few days... That's all," she smiled at him. "So you will stay with me... Right?"

"Of course Kag," he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Now rest, you'll need it for later," he winked jokingly, as he laid down next to her.

"Oh you," she giggled weakly, and snuggled up close to him. "Good night yash," she murmured as she drifted off to sleep.

"Good night," he whispered and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Sleep well."

Kagome didn't wake up until sometime mid after noon the next day, to which she realized she was still extremely tired. She snuggled into the warmth she realized was her boyfriend and tried to go back to sleep, but he had other plans. She whimpered a little when he poked her sides and pulled away from her.

"Oi, don't you think you've been sleeping long enough?"

"Nooo, This Kagome is extremely tired," she whined and tried to snuggle back up to his warmth. "Please let me sleep more."

"you've been sleeping for almost 24 hours Kag, and you missed lunch and dinner," he told her.

"I don't careeee! I'm comfortable, and sleepy, and I just want to stay here," she whined more.

"Kagome, you should really get up," he frowned. "By the way, how's your throat doing?"

"It hurts a little but nothing big. I'm not really worried about it," she mumbled and closed her eyes again, for some much wanted sleep.

Inuyasha just rolled his eyes and pulled her closer to him. 'I'll let it slide this time,' he thought to himself. 'But she better not bitch at me when she wakes up and is starving.'

With that, he closed his eyes as well and fell asleep as well.