InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Living a Lie ❯ A New Ally ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am sorry it took so long for this update. My family and I are moving and I've been really busy these past few weeks. After I get all settled later this week the story should be updated more often. Thanks for the reviews!
Kagome shivered slightly as the breeze assaulted her bare legs and arms. This is what I get for heading out on a journey in gym shorts and a t-shirt. She thought angrily as she felt something heavy drape across her shoulders.
Looking up she saw that Sesshomaru had removed his outer haori and placed it over her shoulders. The haori was so long that it almost fell to her knees.
“Thank you.” Kagome said with a smile as she looked up at Sesshomaru.
“Do not take it as an act of kindness, your shivering was starting to get on my nerves.” Sesshomaru shot back at her gratitude.
“Well aren't we mister congeniality?” Kagome mumbled under her breath.
“You will learn quickly that demon hearing is quite attuned and one in your position should mind your manners.” he bit back.
“My position?” she asked indignantly as she leaned back to look him in the eye.
“You are untrained, granted extremely powerful, but as Kikyo called you 'a loose cannon'” he replied simply. “If you let your emotions take control you will end up accidentally purifying many powerful demons and getting yourself into a lot of trouble. You may be the daughter of an extremely powerful and well respected Inu Lord, but you are the half-breed child. I'd watch yourself if I were you. Not all demons are as nice as my father and me”
“Yes I can tell. You and your father are such kind souls.” Kagome replied sarcastically.
“Your temper will get you into much trouble priestess.”
“Am I really a priestess?” Kagome asked.
“Elaborate” he commanded simply
Smirking lightly at his command, Kagome continued. “Well priestesses are pure and are meant to protect holy places and not befriend demons. Here I am, the daughter of a miko who went against all teachings and mated, not only a demon, but a demon lord. I am a freak of nature that goes against all common sense. I mean really, how is a demon born with the powers to purify other demons but does not purify herself?”
“You seem to have thought about this for quite a long time.” Sesshomaru commented, slightly amused by her logic.
“Not really. I only found out I was half-demon, half-miko and from the past yesterday.” she replied simply, looking around to take in the scenery as the sun rose over the mountains.
“Yeah. I'd been having weird dreams and then found myself drawing my mother and father in school today. Inuyasha saw them and reported to my family. I was eves-dropping and heard them talking and confronted them. After they told me the truth I decided to run away and come here.” She explained “I don't know why I'm telling you all of this, I just met you and frankly I don't think you even care.”
“You're right. It is no concern of mine” he stated plainly causing her to snap her mouth shut and pout.
“So why did you save me anyway?” she asked after a moment of silence.
“I was sent to retrieve you for our parents, and letting you die would have put a damper on things now wouldn't it?”
“I guess so.” she replied as her head snapped to the side, the sound of a scream in the distance catching both their attention. “I don't suppose you care about that either huh?”
“That I care about. We are in the Western Lands.” he replied sniffing the air as they pursued the sound. Snarling he began to speak again. “Stay back when we land, grab the woman and get clear of the area. A powerful demon has infiltrated our territories and attacked a human. I will not stand for this.” he informed her as he sped.
Landing the pair took in their surroundings. A woman lay off to the side in the clearing, clearly unconscious as the demon approached her form. The clearing seem to have been made by the brawl, a giant boomerang lay discarded far behind the demon as he paused sensing the duo. Turning to stare them down his gaze sent a chill down Kagome's spine. He was a humanoid like Sesshomaru, but much uglier. He stood at least a foot taller than Kagome, long purple hair pulled into a braid behind his head. Picking up his staff he stood and smirked at the pair.
“The great Sesshomaru, prince of the Western Lands, traveling with a half-breed bitch. What, do you share your father's affections for humans as well?” The demon mocked as Sesshomaru snarled in response.
“You have a lot of gall coming into the Western Lands, panther demon.” He barked back as he slowly approached and Kagome moved slowly along the side to approach the woman.
“Just passing through. This exterminator thought she could protect this village and take me out. Foolish human wench.” The demon defended as Sesshomaru pulled out his Tokijin.
“You will pay for even entering our lands.” Sesshomaru threatened as he launched at the unnamed demon and the two entered into combat.
Avoiding the fray Kagome ran forth to the woman's side as she inspected her form for injuries. As the battle raged trees began to get hit from the attacks around them. Erecting a forcefield around the pair, Kagome attempted to revive the woman. The woman's eyes fluttered open and she stared up at Kagome, taking in her surroundings. Jumping away she screamed.
“Get away from me demon!”
“Demon?” Kagome asked as she looked down at her hands and saw claws and felt her tongue through her teeth and felt fangs. “What's happening to me?” Kagome whispered as the woman shot up and ran out of the forcefield.
Dashing towards her weapon across the field, the panther demon saw her and took the opportunity to lash out at her.
“LOOK OUT!” Kagome screamed as she reached out towards her. The woman froze in her tracks, unable to dodge because of her injuries. In a heartbeat Kagome's whip came to life again and wrapped around the woman's waist. Pulling back, the woman was pulled out of danger thanks to Kagome. As soon as she was safe the whip vaporized immediately.
“A pure whip from the half-breed?” the demon whispered astonished. “It can't be her.”
“Well you won't live long enough to find out now will you!” Sesshomaru bellowed as he slashed through the demon with his sword. As the demon fell dead, Sesshomaru sheathed Tokijin and walked over to Kagome. “How did you do that?”
“Do what?” Kagome asked, bewildered
“That whip. It was pure energy, not like that of a demon. It would have purified any demon on contact.”
“I'm not sure, it's the second time I've done it though. I don't mean to, it just happens.” she explained as the woman walked towards them.
Bowing, the woman took the two by surprise. “Thank you Lord Sesshomaru.”
“No thanks are necessary woman, The panther demon should not have been in these lands to begin with, and that's beside the peace treaty between humans and demons in these lands.”
“I am Sango, a demon exterminator from the palace village.” The woman introduced as she remained bowed.
“Demon exterminator?” Kagome asked confused.
“If ever the land was to go to war with a neighboring territory, the humans and demons alike would need to fight to protect the lands.” Sango explained as she stood and stared into Kagome's eyes. “What the demon said before he died,” Sango began as Sesshomaru cut her off.
“Forget what you heard. It would be wise.”
“Yes sir. I will speak of it to no one.” She apologized immediately.
“Sango was it?” Sesshomaru asked as he motioned her to stand.
“Yes sir.”
“You said you live in the palace village, did you not?”
“I did.”
“Then we should be off, it will be a longer journey on foot.” He stated to Kagome as he motioned for
them to follow.
“Oh no sir, please. You must have some business to attend to. Go on ahead.” Sango attempted to plead with Sesshomaru.
“You are injured woman, exterminator or no you would not be able to defend yourself against even the lowest demon.”
“Thank you milord.” Sango replied, bowing once again as they headed off towards their destination once again.
And another member of the group joins in. Bear with me while I still get the story off the ground. Oh and no there will not be a Shippo, I don't really like writing him and when I do I don't usually give him any meaningful dialogue.
Please review!