InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Living a Lie ❯ Awakenings ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm sorry that this update took a while longer than I had hoped, I was just busy dealing with a few things. I appreciate all the feedback I get from those who review my stories. It helps to know that this story is liked and gives me a reason to keep writing it.
A smirk still lingered on Kagome's face as the two women reached Sango's home.
“Stop laughing already.”
“I will when you stop smiling”
Spinning to glare at her new “friend” Sango laughed at Kagome as she led her further into the compound. Entering a smaller building in the back, Sango walked up to a very large wooden case and slid the doors open.
“Wow, do I really have to try all of those?” Kagome asked as she gaped at the hundreds of weapons that stood before her.
“Of course not, we just need to figure out the style of weapon first, and then narrow it down from there.”
Spinning on her heel, Sango threw a katana at Kagome as she grabbed her own from the floor.
“Defend yourself!” echoed through the air as Sango launched herself at Kagome.
Narrowly able to get the Katana out of it sheathe as Sango approached, Kagome managed to rather sloppily defend against Sango's lack-luster assault. Stepping back with every assault, Kagome tripped over her own discarded sheathe and landed flat on her ass.
“Okay, so what do you think?”
“I think you're trying to kill me.” Sango reached down with a smile as she lifted Kagome back to her feet. “I feel like this is a punishment for making fun of you and Miroku-sama.”
“Perhaps, but back to business. What about the sword?”
“I don't know, it seems a little awkward.”
“That's all I needed.” Reaching forward Sango took the katana back, kicked the sheathe up from the ground to her other hand and returned the katana to the cabinet. “Let's continue. Grab the staff from the wall behind you.”
Kagome spun around and immediately was forced to defend herself from another assault.
“Father!” Inuyasha yelled as he entered into his father's study, Sesshomaru and Hiroshi looking up from their papers.
“Do not just barge into my study screaming”
“Where is Kagome, and why do I not sense her in the fortress at all?”
“Because dear brother, she's not here.”
“What?! Where did she go?!”
“Inuyasha! You are my son and you will learn to control yourself. She is in the village learning to fight and defend herself, as you should be doing here.”
“I apologize father.” taking a deep breath, he regained his composure before continuing. “Why is she training in the village?”
“Her mother will train her to control her miko powers, a village exterminator Sango is training her in hand to hand combat, and your brother has already begun training her to use her spirit whip.” Hiroshi replied, earning a sideways glance and cocked eyebrow from Sesshomaru at the final comment.
“And how would you know training has already commenced Hiroshi-san?”
“Sesshomaru, you may believe yourself stoic and unseen, but the training grounds are easily visible from any noble living quarters. I saw you two training at dawn.”
“Not spying on me then?”
“I would dare say that was a joke Sesshomaru. No, I am not spying on you or my daughter, I just woke up and saw you both on the field”
“Okay, enough! Where is Kagome? I need to speak with her.”
“I don't suggest that just yet dear brother. She was quite upset with you when you last parted.”
“That is why I have to find her.”
“Then go Inuyasha” Takai interjected “Use your training from before. You've known the girl your whole lives. Sift her scent out of those in the village. Seek her out.”
“Yes father. I will return shortly.” bowing in respect, Inuyasha departed.
“Perhaps Kagome will mate with one of my sons after all.”
“Not likely.”

“Why do you say that Sesshomaru? Is my daughter not good enough for either of you two?”
“No, not at all. I meant no disrespect Hiroshi-san. I have no intention of mating anytime soon, and my dearest brother is too much of a buffoon to win her trust back anytime in the near future.”
“Well regardless son, neither of you will be mated anytime soon, but that does not mean it couldn't happen.”
“Well it took all day, but at least we found your weapon. It's interesting, a tanto is quite small and would require getting much closer to your attacker than other weapons.”
“In that case, I guess I better perfect my forcefield.”
“It would come in handy”
The two women walked through the village back towards the fortress, the sun lowering in the sky. Smiles were plastered on their faces as they spoke and joked with one another. A woman's scream from the side drew both their attentions as they ran off towards the sound.
An entire nest of dark blue to black serpent demons exploded from the ground before them and immediately began to seek out the local villagers who ran in fear and terror. Unsheathing her katana, Sango sliced through a smaller demon before spinning to call after to Kagome.
“Stay back and what every you do, don't reveal yourself if you can help it.”
Sango ran off to defend the local villagers as they continued to run off. Miroku appeared from the other side of the conflict, destroying demons left and right with a golden staff. From over his head, Inuyasha leaped into view, sword blazing.
Kagome's thoughts were cut off as a child screamed far from the trio. Spinning on her heel, Kagome looked on in horror as the demon cornered the child and rose up above, preparing to strike. Summoning her concentration and strength, she recalled what she had been taught that morning and lashed out at the demon with her whip. A bright beam of light wrapped around the serpent as Kagome pulled it back away from the child, the demon purifying as it flew back through the air.
Silver began to seep into Kagome's hair as her nails lengthened and she leaped into the center of the fray. Unaware of her own actions, Kagome whipped her wrist above her head, her whip spinning around her body and purifying all the demons with a 5 foot radius of her body. As the whip completed one final revolution, it vanished back into her fingertips and her body sagged to the ground. Destroying the demon before him, Inuyasha ran forward and caught Kagome before she hit the ground.
As Kagome lost consciousness in Inuyasha's arms, black began to reappear in her silver mane, leaving it streaked silver and black. Nodding to Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango finished off the remaining serpents and Inuyasha ran off towards the fortress.
That girl and the hanyou, father will be most pleased when he hears that they've returned
A pair of golden eyes followed Inuyasha and Kagome's retreat as the figure disappeared into the shadows.
“Houshi-sama, are you alright?”
“I'm fine, but I'm concerned about Kagome-chan. Do you think anyone suspects?”
“I hope not. Come on, we need to check on the villagers”
Inuyasha stared down at Kagome as he ran on.
Kagome, what was that? Where did that power come from? Please be alright.
Sorry that update took so long. I went out of town for family stuff and just recently have my wisdom teeth removed. I'll get back to work after I feel better. Please review!