InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Making Things Right ❯ Bombarded ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(**) a dream/vision
(~~) a note/letter
(*****) a scene/time change
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InuYasha groaned. As it turned, out getting Kagome to forgive him wasn't going to be as easy as he thought.

Miroku was sitting on the couch waiting when he and Sango returned. He was wearing perhaps the most infuriating smirk InuYasha had ever seen.

Miroku shook his head at the hanyou as he approached the bedroom door Kagome was currently behind.

“I wouldn't do that,” Miroku offered. “I don't know why, since you've said worse, but something about what you said made her as mad as I have ever seen her. Maybe it's PMS.”

Sango smacked Miroku upside the head. “Watch it,” she said. “Men. They think every time a woman gets mad it has to be PMS. It never occurs to them that they might have actually said something stupid.”

InuYasha and Miroku watched as Sango still mumbling to herself about what idiots men were went to her room and shut the door.

“Looks like I'm not the only on in trouble now,” InuYasha laughed.

Miroku hung his head and sighed. “I truly am cursed.”

InuYasha laughed again. He tried the handle of the door only to find it locked. So the wench thinks she can lock me out of my own room. I'll show her. He pressed his shoulder to the door and got ready to push it open.

“I wouldn't do that, InuYasha,” Kagome's voice came through the door. “I may be useless in a physical fight, but we both know that isn't where my power lies. I don't want to talk to you right now, and if you try to come in anyway, you'll be in for an unpleasant surprise.”

“Come on, Kagome,” InuYasha called. “What I said wasn't so bad. I don't see why you're so upset.”

“That's exactly why I don't want to talk to you right now,” she replied.

“Damn it, Kagome. I'm coming in!” he yelled. With his shoulder, he knocked the door open.

“I warned you,” She said with a sigh.

InuYasha went to go into their room only to find himself flat on his back in the living room floor. That bitch. She put a seal on the doorway. If she thinks that's keeping me out she has another thing coming. InuYasha got to his feet, ignoring the laughter Miroku was desperately trying to hide. He pushed forward against the seal keeping him out.

He didn't noticed, but certain changes were taking place as he pressed forward into the room. Since Kagome had sealed the door from hanyou, his youki was slowly being purified as he forced his way in. Once through the seal, he fell to the floor human and completely exhausted, but it wasn't enough to temper his satisfaction that he had still gotten in the room. His eyes fell closed.

Kagome rolled her eyes at the satisfied smirk on his face.

“Stubborn baka,” she chided gently, brushing his now black bangs out of his face. “ Miroku, could you come help me?”

Miroku appeared in the room seconds later. When he saw InuYasha he shook his head. “He never learns.”

“Help me get him on the bed,” she said.

Once InuYasha was on the bed, Miroku left them. Kagome lay down beside him and rested her head on his chest. She had been upset about what he said, but seeing him as he was dissolved most of her anger. She hadn't really thought he would force his way in, but looking back, she supposed she should have.


Several hours later a soft groan woke her from her sleep. Kagome sat up and noticed InuYasha coming to. His violet eyes opened and he looked at her. Both his hands went to his head.

He had a terrible headache. “Shit, Kagome, what did you do to me?”

“I didn't mean for it to happen,” she told him. “But it serves you right. I would have let you in eventually. I just wanted some time to myself.”

He looked at his claw-free hands and his dark hair. “How long am I going to be like this?”

“I don't know.”

“Why were you so mad anyway?” he questioned.

“I know I might have over reacted, but I couldn't help but think of all the times you called me worthless,” she whispered. “I know you don't think that now, but-”

He put a finger over her mouth. “I never thought that,” he told her. “Not really. I'm sorry for ever making you think that I did. You were the most important one of us all. You still are. Can you forgive me?”

Kagome had unshed tears glistening in her eyes. “Of course I can, baka,” she replied. She leaned down and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

Kagome tried to pull away, only to find herself trapped by the hand pressing against the back of her neck. She sighed softly as she opened her mouth allowing InuYasha to deepen their kiss. She didn't offer so much as a whimper of protest as he flipped them over so that he was on top of her.

InuYasha was pleased with how easily she gave in to him. He figured she owed him for turning him into the human form he hated. He felt her hands tugging at the bottom of his shirt, and leaned off of her long enough to pull it off over his head. He groaned softly as her arms came around him and her nails dragged gently down his back. He wished he could smell her.

Kagome loved the feel of his weight against her. She couldn't help but moan as he slid one hand under her shirt and cupped her breast. She pulled her lips from his and began to kiss
and nip his neck, barely noticing as the nails on his hands turned to claws.

The first clue InuYasha had that his youki was returning came in the form of his heightened sense of smell. He started to growl softly, pleased that he would no longer be human and that he could once again smell his mate properly. He also was glad to have his claws back, since he could now make short work of the clothes that were keeping her from him.

Kagome gasped as she felt her clothes being torn away. “InuYasha,” she said. “My clothes!”

“I'll buy you more,” he told her as he nipped at her neck. “Do you want me to stop?”

Kagome moaned loudly as he captured one of her breasts in his mouth. “No… Don't stop…” she breathed. “Please, InuYasha…”

“Anything for you, koibito,” he whispered as he continued his gentle assault on her senses, her body, and her soul. He covered her body in kisses as he sent his youki out to wrap around her; through her.


Kagome looked out the window at the fading light as she traced the lines on InuYasha's bare chest with one hand. “I'm glad I got to see you as a hanyou again before you turn human for the night.”

“Shit,” he replied. “I forgot that tonight is the new moon. I've been human enough for one day.”

Kagome giggled.

“What's so funny?”

“Nothing,” she told him. “I'm sorry, but if you weren't such a stubborn baka.”

He snorted but didn't say anything else.

Kagome laughed lightly and got out of bed. “I'm going to go make something to eat. You're welcome to join me if you can stand something that isn't ramen.”

InuYasha followed Kagome out of their room and found that Sango and Miroku were gone. Kagome prepared dinner and they sat and ate together. Neither noticed as the sun finished its decent below the horizon. Kagome took their dishes to the sink and looked out the window.

“I wonder where Sango and Miroku went,” she said as she washed the dishes. She turned back to InuYasha. “Did you hear them leave?”

“No,” he replied with a smirk. “I was busy with other things.”

Kagome stared at him for a moment. Something didn't seem right and finally it hit her. “InuYasha, why aren't you human yet?” she asked. “I'm sure tonight is the new moon.”

She looked out the window and sure enough there was no sign of the moon in the clear night sky.

InuYasha got up and looked on the calendar just to be sure and then he studied his clawed
hands. “What the hell?” he questioned. “I should be human, not that I'm complaining. Do you think it could be because when we mated you released my youkai blood?”

“I guess that makes sense,” she offered.

InuYasha went to her and swept her up into his arms. “This is great,” he said. “Now I don't have to worry about having a night of weakness, and it's all because of you.”

“We don't know that for sure,” she told him.

“Of course we do,” he replied. “Everything good that has ever happened to me has been because of you. Why would this be any different?”

InuYasha didn't let Kagome go as the door opened. Miroku and Sango came in carrying a small bag of leftovers from their dinner.

“Are we interrupting?” Miroku asked. “We were going to ask you two to join us for dinner but you were otherwise occupied. I didn't think it would carry over into the kitchen though.”

“Give it a rest, hentai,” Sango said, giving him a light smack on the head.

“We weren't doing anything,” InuYasha said. “We were just celebrating.”

“Really?” Sango asked. “What?”

“The new moon,” InuYasha replied.

“The new moon but…” Miroku started. “InuYasha shouldn't you be human?”

“That's why we're celebrating,” he replied. “It seems when Kagome freed my demon blood, she also freed me from my human night.”

Both Miroku and Sango looked properly shocked. They both knew how much past InuYasha loathed being human, even for a single night, and they supposed this InuYasha probably didn't care for it either.

“That is quite remarkable,” Miroku offered. “I wonder if there were any other side effects we have yet to discover.”

“I guess we'll have to wait and see,” InuYasha replied.


The next few days were relatively uneventful. No one voiced it, but to all, it seemed like the calm before the storm though none had any guess as to what was coming. It was late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, rather, when the storm broke.

InuYasha shot up in bed as the ringing of the phone brought him out of his slumber. He reached over a still sleeping Kagome and grabbed the phone.

“Whoever this is you better have a good fucking reason for calling me at 3 AM,” he growled.

“Wake the monk and meet me in the main drive,” Sesshomaru said. “There has been an incident at the main office.”

The phone went dead in InuYasha's hand and he growled, but he knew he needed to get up and meet Sesshomaru. He dressed quickly and quietly, and went to Kagome and kissed her lightly on the forehead before leaving their room.

He knocked softly on Miroku and Sango's door before stepping inside. He found Miroku easily enough and woke him.

“Get up,” he whispered. “Sesshomaru wants us to meet him. While you get dressed, I’m going to leave a note for the girls.”

Miroku nodded as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Right behind you.”

InuYasha scribbled out a note to Kagome and Sango as he waited for Miroku. When Miroku joined him, they went outside and around to the front of the main house where a car was waiting. InuYasha and Miroku climbed inside.

“So what the hell happened?” InuYasha asked once they were on their way.

“I do not have all the details,” Sesshomaru replied. “There was a bomb planted in my office, and apparently, the cleaning crew activated it. It seems whoever placed the bomb did not anticipate anyone entering my office before me.”

“What was the cleaning crew doing there so late?” InuYasha asked.

“Our offices are not the only ones they attend to each night,” Sesshomaru replied.


The rest of the journey to the offices of the Tashio Corporation was spent in silence. It took an hour to reach the building. The first thing they all noticed was the broken glass littering the street and the sidewalk. They entered the building and took the elevator to the top floor where the offices were located.

Coming off the elevator, they were met by several youkai. All but one was temporarily dismissed. The one that remained reported to Sesshomaru while InuYasha and Miroku headed down the hall toward the corner office belonging to Sesshomaru to survey the damage.

As soon as he had stepped off the elevator, InuYasha had caught the scent of many things, the strongest of them unpleasant and growing stronger as they approached the area of the explosion. Most prominent was the smell of blood, death and burnt flesh, followed closely by whatever incendiary had been used in the explosives. There was also an altogether too familiar stench he despised.

As he took in the damage, what struck him the most odd was that there was no way anyone who had any knowledge of demons could have honestly expected a small blast of this type to kill a demon of Sesshomaru's powers. The two humans who had been unfortunate enough to be caught up in the blast had been burned, but not badly enough to have died from their initial injuries. They had been killed by the flying debris. The size and force of which would have injured his brother, but would most definitely not have been enough to kill him.

InuYasha didn't turn at his brother's approach. “I don't like it,” InuYasha offered. “There is no way they expected this to kill you.”

“Do either of you know who did this?” Miroku asked.

“It was wolves,” InuYasha replied. “And we can't even call them into account, at least, not the ones who did it.”

“Why not?” Miroku asked.

“Because the bastards all stink the same,” InuYasha told him.

Sesshomaru didn't comment but was in agreement, even if it was beneath him to say anything so crass, no matter how true it was. “Perhaps there is something that can be done.”

“What's that?” InuYasha asked.

“Keep in mind that this is merely one option and I will respect your decision in this,” Sesshomaru started.

InuYasha was sure he wasn't going to like where this was headed.

“The leader of the wolf demons might be willing to barter for his life,” said Sesshomaru.

“But-” InuYasha interrupted.

Sesshomaru held up his hand. “As I said, the decision will be entirely your own. It is your right to see him dead for attacking your mate. Had it been my mate, I would not have hesitated to finish him; that is why I will leave it entirely up to you to decide.”

“That bastard deserves to die for hurting her,” InuYasha growled, and Sesshomaru inclined his head slightly to show his acceptance. “But for the sake of others, I will consider it, but I'm not
promising anything.”

“That is more than I have asked,” Sesshomaru said.

InuYasha didn't know it but he had just gained a greater measure of respect in his brother's eyes. It showed maturity and leadership - that he would be willing to put others before his own desire, even if his desires were more than justified. It solidified in his mind that he had been right in his decision to make InuYasha his second.

“Monk, were you able to sense anything?”

“There are no lingering traces of spiritual energy, so I would say the demons acted alone with
no help from those of spiritual power,” Miroku offered.

Sesshomaru nodded. “Very well. There is nothing further we can do here. Let us go.”

They stepped outside to find themselves swarmed by reporters.


Kagome woke up and rolled over. She had the distinct feeling that something was missing. She reached out for InuYasha only to find him gone, so sat up in bed and turned on the light. A frown creased her brow.

She decided to try and see if she could sense his youki nearby thinking maybe he had only gone out into the living room, or maybe to make himself something to eat. She closed her eyes and concentrated. After a few moments she heaved a heavy sigh. Either she wasn't doing it correctly, which she didn't think was the case since she clearly sensed Kagura in the main house, or he had gone somewhere.

She got out of bed. Maybe he left me a note. She pulled on her robe and went into through the living room into the kitchen and as she had hoped there was note on the counter.


Sesshomaru called around three. There was some trouble at the company offices. He didn't say what exactly so I don't know how long I'll be gone. Tell Sango that Miroku is with me provided we aren't already back before you see this. I love you.


Kagome glanced at the clock. It was four thirty. Kagome considered her options. She could go lay in bed, where she would feel his absence the most strongly and try in vain to go back to sleep, or she could sit on the couch, and when five rolled around she could watch the news and see if there was any mention of what happened, if he didn't get home before then.

Deciding to sit on the couch, she turned on the television and half watched the infomercial that preceded the news while she worried about InuYasha.

The news was just about to start when a sleepy-eyed Sango opened her bedroom door.

“Kagome, you're up,” she said sounding surprised. “Do you know where Miroku is?”

“Sango, the TV didn't wake you did it?” Kagome asked.

Sango shook her head.

“He's with InuYasha and Sesshomaru. Apparently, something happened at the office. I was about to see if it would be on the news. You want to watch with me?”

Sango nodded and came to sit beside Kagome.

The news program started in the usual way, listing the stories to be shown and promising traffic and weather updates, then it cut to the anchors. Kagome turned up the volume.

Breaking news this morning take us downtown to the corporate offices of the Tashio Corporation, where sometime last night, a bombing was reported. We now have footage taped only moments ago with Hana Soeki as she spoke to the company president Sesshomaru Tashio and his younger brother, and vice president, InuYasha Tashio.

Kagome and Sango watched expectantly as the screen cut to a new scene outside the news room. InuYasha and Sesshomaru were standing side by side, and just behind them, they could see Miroku trying to blend into the background; his hands together and eyes closed, no doubt sensing for any impending danger should any one try to attack at such a moment and reveal their true nature.

Kagome had to admire the picture the brothers made as they stood in front of the press, as a united front against the barrage of questions that were no doubt being thrown at them.

“Excuse me,” one female reported said. “Can you tell us what happened here tonight? It is true that someone was killed?”

Sesshomaru raised his hand calling for quiet to answer the question. “Someone placed an, as of this moment, still unknown incendiary device in my personal office. It is with deep regret that I must announce that two members of my cleaning crew were caught in the blast and killed.”

“Who?” she questioned.

“I am not free to release that information at this time,” Sesshomaru replied .

“Mr. Tashio, you are here in the company of your brother, whom it is well know that you do not get along with, nor does he participate in the day to day running of this company,” she said. “Would you care to explain why he is here?”

“In light of the current situation, both my brother and I feel that is best to put aside past differences and work together to make sure that the criminal or criminals behind this act are caught and punished accordingly,” Sesshomaru replied. “Now, if you will excuse us.”

Both Kagome and Sango knew there was much more behind his words than he had said. He was speaking of more than finding who placed the bomb, and they also knew when he spoke of punishment, he wasn't referring to a jail sentence.

“Mr. Tashio, perhaps your brother would be willing to stay and answer a few questions,” she called.

InuYasha stopped and turned. “I'm afraid I have to leave as well,” he said.

“Surely you can spare a few moments?” she asked.

“I don't think so. If I know my wife, she’s sitting up right now waiting for me,” InuYasha replied, throwing a smirk in the camera's direction. This revelation caused another rapid fire round of questions from the press.

Sesshomaru stepped in. “My brother was married several weeks in a very small and private ceremony,” he announced. “A larger ceremony and announcement were planned for a later date yet to be chosen.”

Sesshomaru, InuYasha, and Miroku climbed into the waiting car and shut the door.


The youkai, the hanyou, and the houshi made the nearly hour-long trip back to the Tashio property in silence. Sesshomaru wasted no time exiting the car and heading into his own house, back inside to his own mate.

InuYasha got out and Miroku followed, as they headed in Miroku stopped.

“InuYasha, could I speak to you a moment before we go in?” he asked.

InuYasha nodded.

“Tonight has solidified my decision to ask Sango to be my wife. You told me to tell you when I wished to do this.”

“What day did you have in mind?” InuYasha asked.

“I thought I could take Sango out on Friday night and do it then. I was hoping you might be able to secure us a reservation somewhere nice and think of a reason to send Kagome shopping so that Sango will go with her,” Miroku replied. “I have told Kagome my plan and was going to have her convince Sango to buy a new dress.”

“No problem. I'll talk to Kagome and set everything up,” he said. “Now the girls are awake, so let's get inside.”


The news broadcast once again switched back to the newsroom.

“So how'd you two like our television debut?” InuYasha asked from just inside the door, causing both Kagome and Sango to start.

Kagome got up from the couch and met InuYasha as he made his way to the living room. She wrapped her arms around him.

“I'm glad you're home,” she said softly.

“So am I,” he replied.

“Well, are you two going to tell us what happened or not?” Sango asked as Miroku sat down beside her.

InuYasha led Kagome back to the couch and he and Miroku told them about what happened at the office without going into details they were better off not knowing. InuYasha also omitted that he was considering talking to Kouga. He wanted speak to her about that privately.

Since it was still quite early, they all returned to their rooms to try and get a few more hours of sleep. Once in bed, InuYasha pulled Kagome to his chest and held her to him.

“I need to ask you something,” he said quietly.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It's about Kouga,” InuYasha started. “The wolf demons are becoming a real problem and Sesshomaru thinks that Kouga might be willing to deal with us. Kagome, what do you want to happen to Kouga for what he tried to do? I mean, youkai law says I can demand death, but I want to know what you would want.”

Kagome raised her head and looked at him. “I never thought about it. I was just so happy he was gone and wouldn't have to worry about him anymore,” she replied. “I… I know I don't want him killed, not for me, but he does need to be punished. He needs to know he can't treat people that way.”

“Sesshomaru thinks I should go to him and offer to spare his life if he will try and get his tribe back under his control,” InuYasha told her. “I want nothing more than to see that bastard get what he deserves for hurting you. I hate that he hurt you, koibito. I would have killed him that day.”

The look on his face told her that his admission had cost him something; that he feared she would think less of him for it.

“I know, but killing him won't change what happened,” she said brushing a hand across his face. “At first, I wanted to kill Kikyou for what she did to you, a part of me wanted to turn her over to Sesshomaru, but now I just feel sorry for her.”

“Why?” InuYasha asked.

“Because I know how'd I'd feel if I was the one who didn't have you,” she replied.

Kagome gladly let InuYasha pull her face toward him and accepted the kiss he offered, returning it with equal fervor.

“I love you, Kagome,” he whispered when she pulled back.

She smiled. “I love you too.”