InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ No More Secrets ( Chapter 44 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Chapter 44 - No More Secrets

“Damn it Damn it Damn it!” Kagome yelled as Inuyasha passed out again. “Wake up!” she screamed as she slapped him hard across the face.

“Huh?” he moaned groggily as he slowly came too again, his blurry vision revealing only the shadowed silhouette of the angel who crouched over him by the fire. “Kagome…”

“Don’t you die on me.” she whispered, while bringing his head into her lap.

Where was Myouga when you needed him?!?!?! Unfortunately, the flea youkai was unable to sense from his Master when his presence was required, when his Master had no youki with which to project said desire. It had only been a matter of sheer dumb luck that he’d been present during the escapade with the Spiderheads.

Trying desperately to delay the spread of the toxin, Kagome had dumped her entire bottle of hydrogen peroxide into his wound, as well as rubbing alcohol. Any damage done to his flesh as that point she couldn’t care less about, since he’d heal once the sun rose. She had to kill the poison! She could now visibly see the dark veins that crawled up his arm and covered half of his chest and abdomen, as she’d removed both his suikan and kosode for two reasons. One, to observe the poison’s progression, and two, because he was currently running an extremely high fever.

Slowly, Shippo waddled over toward where they were laying, his puffed out balloon-like body sloshing with every step he took.

“Okay Shippo, go ahead.”

In a controlled spray Shippo spat out the immense amount of water he had drank from the ice-cold stream, spraying down his father in an attempt at cooling his boiling blood. Kagome got thoroughly soaked in the process as well, but she didn’t care; it was her own doing in not leaving his side for even that moment. She had attempted long ago to drain out then cauterize his wound, but regrettably realized it was way too little, way too late. The seared flesh reopened, as the acid-like poison boiled and bubbled away at what was left of his hand, as it continued to travel further up his arm, mocking her attempt at flushing it from his system. He must have truthfully only been exposed to the tiniest hint of poison, though, or he would have been dead long ago, she realized. But still, it appeared to be a losing battle. The only thing positive going for them in that moment, was that nobody had sought them out seeking the jewel. She had a few prayer wards she kept with her as an emergency backup, and she’d wrapped one securely around the jewel, hoping it may help to mask its presence. Another sacred sutra, in a desperate attempt, she’d plastered across his hand, only to have it sizzle and burn the surrounding flesh, but do nothing for the poison already in his veins. At least she now knew that what they were fighting was demonic. Honestly, she’d hoped that the sutra would have had no effect. She knew demonic poison was going to prove much more difficult to control.

Removing the makeshift tourniquet she’d tied tightly around Inuyasha’s upper arm when she realized it had done nothing to help cease the poison’s flow, either, she resorted to the last measure she had yet to take, besides pray. She did pray now, though, she prayed that with him already being in his human state, the small purification would not harm his dormant youkai blood. Picking up an arrow, she watched in morbid fascination as it charged with her powers, before she jabbed it into his hand, sending her energy into his veins.

He screamed in agonizing pain, but Kagome tried to tell herself that that was a good thing, meaning that at least his hand was not completely destroyed, if his nerve endings were still intact.

“I’m so sorry…” she whispered as tears rolled freely down her cheeks.

“Don’t be…” he whispered in return, weakly raising his other hand up to wipe away said tears.

If she’d attempted to purify his wound about two hours ago, it may have been more successful. But about two ours ago, she hadn’t imagined it would have truly come to this. About two hours ago he hadn’t seemed to be at death’s door. About two hours ago the poison had only spread throughout his hand and wrist, and he’d been brushing off the pain he obviously felt, as he’d continued to tell her that he’d be just fine. Now, as she stared down at him hopelessly, she pulled her arrow from his hand, only to discover that the tip had been melted off. Finally deciding she’d rather have him human than not at all, she placed her hands upon his chest, and prepared to do the one thing she swore she would never do.

“Kagome…” His voice was weak, but she’d heard him, and pausing, she glanced down into his chocolate eyes, eyes that held so much pain.

“Please forgive me.” she whispered.


And with that, she released a steady stream of her energy directly into his body.



Sesshoumaru heard what sounded like his half-brother, screaming in horrible pain, and he hastened his approach. He usually did not waist energy by traveling in such a manner, but he deemed he could cover more earth more quickly if he traveled above it, his cloud of youki causing him to fly noiselessly into the night.

When he reached his destination, the scents that assaulted his nose were cause to force him to mask it behind his arm. Putrid, rotting flesh. It was most definitely the work of his acidic poison, though the quantity was so remote, it was virtually undetectable. As he forced himself to scent the area, he discovered he was right; he could hardly detect the odor of his toxin at all, merely the odors of its aftermath.

Walking silently into their immediate area, he heard the kitsune, before he saw them, declare that he smelled a youkai on the approach. The smell of decomposition must have so thoroughly invaded his own nose, Sesshoumaru supposed, that the kitsune was simply unable to identify who it was that approached them.

“Get my bow.” could be heard next, but he took that moment to speak.

“That will not be necessary.” he voiced steadily, as he stepped out from behind the final tree that blocked their vision of each other.

Kagome, upon realizing who it was that had found them, had never before in her life felt so grateful to be in the Taiyoukai’s presence.

“Oh Sesshoumaru!” she bellowed, tears flowing freely once more, or was it that they had never stopped?

“He’s been poisoned!”

“I am aware of this.” he stated calmly, as he knelt down to more closely observe his currently human brother.

“I…I tried to use my medicines, but they didn’t work…” she sniffled, as he sniffed his brother. “I…I tried to purify it. I purified him!” she screamed in hysteria, “But it didn’t work!” she cried, as the presence of the poison could still clearly be seen throughout his body, though she had succeeded in pausing its progression.

“You do not truly give your heart into your purification then, for you are strong enough to rid his body of this poison. But your fears are also correct that such a purification would also rid him of his youkai blood.”

“I…” she sniffled again. “I haven’t done that already?” she asked, hopeful.

“No, his youkai blood still lives.” he assured her.

She never felt so relieved, and in that moment, when her immediate panic allowed itself to leave her, did she finally realize just what a blubbering mess she was while currently in the presence of none other than Lord Sesshoumaru.

“Forgive me…” she mumbled as she stood up and began frantically wiping at her face with her sleeves.

“Miko, you are human, do not apologize for that which is in your nature.”

Did he just tell her it was okay to cry?

“…O-okay…” she stuttered, while sitting back down, and cuddling Shippo closely to her chest, the little kitsune balling his eyes out as well.

“Do you know what kind of poison this is?” she asked suddenly, after allowing herself a moment to find her voice.

“I do…” he spoke regrettably, “This is my poison.”

“What?!” Shippo suddenly bellowed, having flung himself from Kagome’s lap to stand, quite protectively, over his unconscious father’s body, while glaring daggers at his “uncle.”

“I assure you, it was quite unintentional, and quite unrealized.”

“How does someone accidentally cut themselves on your claws?” he asked, skeptically.

Sighing, a show of emotion that surprised both Shippo and Kagome, Sesshoumaru went into a brief recap of the argument they had had that morning, and how he had not been aware, until only just now at Kagura’s admission, that tonight was his brother’s night of weakness.

“Is there anything you can do?” Kagome asked, hopefully.

“I shall see.” And with that, he proceeded to take hold of Inuyasha’s disfigured limb, and without hesitation, he brought it to his mouth.

Wordlessly, both Kagome and Shippo realized what he was doing, that his saliva contained the antidote. They watched in amazement as the discoloration of the wound seemed to disappear right before their eyes, and the flush of Inuyasha’s fever left his face, his flesh tone slowly returning to normal. Unable to put enough force behind the glands pumping his antidote into the single wound, Sesshoumaru shifted his position, holding up his brother’s arm, and effortlessly sunk his fangs into his flesh, into his veins. He was more directly able to treat the spread of the infection that way, and in the end, it required several bites, spreading up along his arm, and onto his chest and side, but the discoloration of the dark spider veins that had previously been visible through his skin had all but faded away, as the poison was stopped dead in its tracks, and put into remission.

Finally, after working rather slowly for about an hour, Sesshoumaru pulled himself away from his brother’s still unconscious form, and spoke.


That alone got her attention. She couldn’t recall a time when he’d ever addressed her by name.


“You were wise in purifying as much of the poison as you had. That, in combination with my antidote, has saved him.”

“Thank you Thank you Thank you!” she cried as she launched herself in his direction. He was not prepared for the force of impact that nearly knocked him over, and stiffening slightly, he attempted to figure out how to best go about removing her from his person without injury. Finally, he decided for the most direct approach.

“Release me.”

“Go-Gomen Nasai!” she panicked, backing away from him while bowing.

It was the sound of his soft chuckling that caused her to raise her eyes to his once more.

“Do not fear angering this Sesshoumaru,” he finally decided to amend, after seeing how still both she, and the kitsune had become.

But just as quickly as Kagome had panicked did she relax again, once she realized that Inuyasha was going to be fine. They were still vulnerable until sunrise, though.

“Can you stay with us until sunrise?” she asked, breaking the sudden silence.

He smirked at her then, and if she hadn’t known any better, she would have thought he was openly acknowledging what was apparently becoming an inside joke between the two of them, as he stoicly answered “Indeed.”


Inuyasha felt like shit. He couldn’t remember a single time in his entire life when he felt worse. His whole body hurt, and it was the kind of pain one would associate with being dropped from a high cliff. Attempting to take a deep breath proved to be a mistake when his lungs stung him as though he had inhaled acid, and attempting to open his eyes proved just as cumbersome, when he was momentarily blinded by the light of their flickering campfire.


“Inuyasha!” he suddenly heard shrieked, and it wanted to make him plaster his ears to his head, before he realized he couldn’t physically do that at the moment.

Managing to turn his head despite his pain, his blurry eyes focused on whom he believed to be his mate, as she crouched down over him, and in that moment he realized she had his head resting in her lap.

“Ka…Kagome?” he managed to mumble, though, he found, the act of speaking also hurt.

“Shhhhh, I’m here. You’re going to be all right. Oh thank the kami, you’re going to be all right.”

“Told ya…” he attempted to snicker, but the sound left his lips with an air of relief as well. He had honestly thought he was going to die.

Then again, maybe he had. Upon turning his head once more, his eyes now adjusted to the actually rather dim lighting of the small flame, he could not help but to notice the shimmering white figure that stood stoicly across from them at camp.

“Sess…shomaru?” he inquired brokenly.

“I am here.” he stated simply.

Inuyasha realized in that moment how truly weak he must appear in his brother’s eyes. He hadn’t wanted him to find out about his human night like this, and just what was he doing out here, anyway?

“Go away…” he uttered faintly, but clearly. “I don’t want you to see me like this.”

Sesshoumaru didn’t shift his position in the slightest, but something inside of him moved in that moment.

“You shut up right now!” could suddenly be heard by the fourth person present at camp.

“Shippo, hush.” Kagome tried to sooth, but the kitsune had cause to be angry.

Inuyasha said nothing, but managed to fix a rather angry glare at his son, who was nothing more than an orange and turquoise blur in the dark.

“I will not!” he continued to rant. “You almost died and it was your own stupid fault!” he directed back towards his father. Tears began leaving him in that moment, tears that Inuyasha could somehow sense, despite his currently blurred vision, and weakened sense of smell.

“I’m sorry…” he managed to utter. What more could he say?

“You better be…” Shippo snapped, though he had quieted down some now. When he continued again, after taking a moment to wipe his face with his sleeve, his voice was softer once more. “If Sesshoumaru hadn’t shown up when he had, we would have lost you forever. For once just forget about your stupid pride, and accept the help of others when you need it.”

Inuyasha was speechless, though a good part of that reason was because it still simply hurt too much to talk. But after a few moments of silence passed, he found his head slowly but surely starting to clear, as his vision returned to normal, or at least, what he considered normal for his human night. Glancing back over in his brother’s direction then, he quietly whispered his name once more.

Sesshoumaru shifted to move himself closer then, though he made not a sound as he did so. Crouching down so that he was at a more acceptable level of vision for his brother, who was currently still laying upon the ground with his head cradled in his mate’s lap, he softly inquired “Yes?”

“Thank you…” he managed to mutter next, and Sesshoumaru’s eyes shown with something undistinguishable in that moment.

Finally, in what they regarded was the closet to a combination “you’re welcome” and an apology that Sesshoumaru would utter, he stated “It was my own doing. I had no choice but to rectify the situation.”

“Guess I almost died by your hand after all.” he chuckled weakly, and Sesshoumaru offered the smallest of curt nods, seriously acknowledging the truth behind what his brother had attempted to turn into a joke.

Then Inuyasha suddenly grew serious as well, as he asked “I…did I…I mean…did you use Tenseiga?”

“No, little brother, I did not revive you with Tenseiga. Your life never left you.”

A wave of comforting relief washed over him, but still, brought back from the afterlife or not, he knew it was his brother that had saved him regardless.

“I owe you my life.” he stated solemnly.

“I do not accept a life-debt from you, brother.” he stated simply. “I did what I felt I must, to correct what was my own mistake.”

It was in that moment that Inuyasha realized he was topless, when upon reaching up to wipe sweat from his brow, he noticed he was privy to the view of his bare arm. In that instant, he also noticed the many bite marks that traveled up his veins, and he suddenly realized, all too vividly, what his brother had obviously been required to do in order to save him.

“Oh man…” he mumbled as he stared at the now nearly healed wound on the top of his hand. Shaking his thoughts free, an act he wished he hadn’t done as soon as his headache became more pronounced, he still managed to look up lovingly at the woman who had silently been gleaming at him with tender eyes throughout the entire exchange. As he flexed his hand before his eyes, he mumbled

“It was just as much my fault, I should have realized from the start I’d get your poison in the scratch.”

“I had known it was a likelihood, but was not concerned for I knew your hanyou body could fight off such trace amounts without incident. I had not been aware of your pending transformation.”

“That was my fault, too.” he grumbled.

“You should have told me.” Sesshoumaru agreed.

“I…I didn’t know how.” he admitted. “My whole life I knew I had to keep it a secret,” he continued, “Kagome was the first one besides my mother to ever see me like this.”

He started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Sesshoumaru asked with a raised eyebrow.

Acknowledging his question with a look, but then shifting his eyes upward towards his loving mate, he asked her instead, “Remember?”

Kagome smiled and nodded down at him, believing she knew what he was speaking of.

“The first night I discovered Inuyasha’s human transformation…” she began to explain, deliberately refraining from using the word weakness, “…he was poisoned by a Spiderhead, and I held him quite similarly to how I’m holding him now.”

“And this memory amuses you?” the Taiyoukai asked his human brother, not quite sure he fully understood.

“Sure…” he answered weakly yet playfully, as he glanced upward at Kagome again. “I like resting like this…she smells good…”

Kagome’s cheeks once again began to darken, as Sesshoumaru took on a rather amusing expression himself. For a human, the young miko actually did smell rather pleasing. Being inu, it was an extremely important part of selecting a mate, in that you found one whose scent you found acceptable. To Inuyasha’s credit, he had done just that, and Sesshoumaru found he would also forgive his borderline inappropriate comment, under the circumstances. He had lost a rather large amount of blood due to his treatment, and he was also still recovering from the fever the poison had put his mind under. Considering he was speaking as coherently as he was, regardless of whether or not he seemed slightly intoxicated, was a tribute to his natural strength

When a few moments of silence had passed between all present, it was Shippo who first glanced over to look at his father once more, to discover he had fallen asleep. He wasn’t passed out this time, he was simply asleep, and that realization brought a huge smile to his face, as he realized it also meant that he could sleep. Now that Sesshoumaru was there, he could guard over everyone much better, he mused, before allowing slumber to take him.

Near silently, Kagome whispered while smiling down at her mate, “He usually doesn’t sleep during his human night.”

“He needs it.” his older brother stated simply, but then quickly added “As do you.” when he could smell the scent of absolute fatigue as it passed in waves over the female whose head continued to dip periodically only to be abruptly thrust upwards once more.

“I…” she started to hesitate, but he silenced her with a raised hand, as well as a caring expression, when he assured her…

“I will remain until you wake.”

With that guarantee, she smiled, and nodded her agreement slowly. On the third dip down of her head as she nodded to him, it did not raise back up.