InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Fight Against Time ( Chapter 43 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Chapter 43 - Fight Against Time

“Come on, we’re leaving, now.” he said in a rather calm, yet forceful voice, as he marched into the garden where Shippo and Rin were playing.

“What happened?” Shippo asked, smelling his father’s blood and fear.”

Glancing at his hand he mumbled “Ignore that, it’s nothing.” But looking his kit square in the eyes he said “A very mean youkai Lord is coming here, tonight, and he doesn’t like us, so we should leave, before tonight gets here, understand?”

Shippo’s eyes widened, and for once he knew to keep his mouth shut, as he answered simply “Hai Otou-san.” Turning, he said goodbye to Rin, promising he’d be back again though he didn’t know when, and somberly, he followed his father inside.

Kagome returned from her relaxing soak in the spring to find Inuyasha once again stuffing everything into her backpack.

“So we’re leaving?” she asked knowingly.

“Feh, I would have stayed, but the damn Lord of the Eastern Lands is coming, and he already doesn’t like me.”

“Oh…” she mumbled, and also noticing the cut on his hand she asked “What happened to your hand?” while she joined him in packing.

“Feh, nothing, scratched it is all. Let’s just go, all right?”

“Calm down, Inuyasha…” she tried to assure him, “We’ll be long gone before he gets here.”

Kagome wondered if she should ask, ask if Sesshoumaru knew why they were leaving, but she figured, with as flustered as Inuyasha was at the moment, she’d ask another time. It didn’t really matter, since they definitely had to get going either way. If the Eastern Lord was a potential enemy of the West, they absolutely could not have him finding out about Inuyasha’s night of weakness. Knowing her mate, he probably hadn’t told Sesshoumaru why they were storming out of there, but if he had, she was sure that the Taiyoukai would have sent them away regardless. The priority of their focus had to be in departure.

As the trio walked, rather swiftly, towards the main gates, they were greeted by none other than Kagura.

“Don’t forget that you’re always welcome here, any night of the month.”

“Thanks.” he grumbled as he walked passed her without looking up, heading straight through the gates that had, once again, opened of their own accord for him.

“Apparently we would have stayed…” Kagome tried to start, but Kagura shushed her with a raise of her hand.

“I’ve heard. I’ve met Lord Daikomaru, and I don’t blame Inuyasha one bit. In a way, I envy him. I must stay.” she gritted through clenched teeth.

Had Kagura had fangs, she would have bared them at mention of the Eastern Lord’s name. The two of them had no major personal history, other than he wouldn’t give her the time of day when Naraku had sent her to his estate in an attempt to gain an alliance with the East. She was sure his hatred had been directed toward Naraku, refusing to bend to the will of any hanyou, and he was wise in not trusting her at that time, for Naraku would have, in the end, done away with him, as he had everyone else whom he’d enlisted for assistance. But she was not looking forward to this reunion, not one bit. Sesshoumaru had warned her that the compass lands would have a thing or two to say over his having taken a mate, but as it had turned out, it was the East that he was truly worried about. The Northern and Southern Lords were both in relatively good standing with the current Inu no Taisho, and likely would not have much to comment beyond the most sophisticated of teasing, and perhaps a warning or two that he not allow himself to weaken. Daikomaru, on the other hand, had been a shaky on again off again enemy for over a century, and he could use these latest events to sway others in joining him in a rise against the West, were he so inclined, insinuating that the Western Taiyoukai had grown too soft. Bedding Kagura was one thing, which he considered was likely bad enough in and of itself, considering what Kagura was, but to honor and acknowledge that hanyou whelp? That, he would likely not stand for lightly. The letter he had sent ahead of himself to announce his arrival had been sickeningly sweet, literally dripping with insults and challenges, wrapped in the subtle blankets of etiquette.

Great Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands…

It has been brought to my attention that the son of the legendary Inu no Taisho has finally decided to choose a mate. I also understand that you went against tradition in that you failed to simply selected a female from your clan in order to maintain the purity of the inu bloodline. I had not pictured you as one to mate for love, but I must say, I am pleasantly surprised. Though this weakness proved to be the late Inu no Taisho’s undoing, I am certain you will not be repeating his mistakes. After all, your mate is at least still a youkai. I find this joining is cause for celebration. I must congratulate you in person. My mate and I will be arriving on the first night of Spring’s second month, she is so looking forward to meeting your chosen. I have already had the pleasure. I trust all of that unpleasantness with her previous master is behind you both? I would so hate it if someone with a grudge against that dark hanyou were to choose to take it out on his only surviving incarnation. Speaking of hanyou, I hear you have chosen to honor your half-brother with the title of ruling partner. That was very noble of you, to bestow such a title upon a being as weak as he. I’m sure he does not comprehend the true nature of your sacrifice as I do. To be willing to weaken your kingdom so, leaving yourself open to possible challenge based upon your unnatural decisions, you must really love your brother. Do not fear, for were some unforeseen tragedy ever to befall your kingdom, I’m sure the insignificant human village in which he resides would remain unharmed, so long as he showed intelligence enough not to rise against any challenger.

But listen to me rambling on like a simple ningen wench, we will have plenty of time for pleasantries once I arrive. If you would, inform that ruling partner of yours that I would like to meet him as well. I’ve never actually met a hanyou before, and I must admit, my curiosity is getting the better of me.


“Curiosity killed the cat…” Sesshoumaru spat quietly to himself, as he tossed Lord Daikomaru’s scroll into the fire pit. He had decided to tell the Eastern Lord that Inuyasha and his family had already departed prior to his receiving word of his arrival, and he had already informed everyone, including Jaken, as to this small, yet necessary lie. He didn’t know why Inuyasha had run out of there with his tail between his legs, but he was determined to make sure Lord Daikomaru was not aware of it.

The rest of the day went by relatively slowly, as he ordered the head chefs to prepare a feast in honor of tonight’s “guest.” It was a game he was tired of playing, but the ball was once again in his court, as it were, and he intended to make use of it. He had chosen, for matters of his own honor, to look the other way when Daikomaru had insulted Rin three years prior, but Sesshoumaru would be damned if he allowed anyone to insult his mate. Also, three years prior, he did not hold Rin in the same light as he did now, and further dishonoring of his daughter would also not be tolerated. He truly did wish that Inuyasha and his mate were still present, then that stupid tiger could get a nose full of his power for himself. In a head to head battle, Sesshoumaru would be willing to bet his entire estate that Inuyasha could win against that cocky old fart. It was true that he was powerful, he was very powerful in fact, as Daikomaru was roughly the same age as their father, and his true form was nearly as massive. However, Sesshoumaru could not deny the strength of Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha truly had surpassed their father in power. The only one he still believed to be truly capable of slaying his brother, was himself. Though he conceded that were the two of them ever to truly engage in battle, he could not, in all honesty, guarantee its outcome. He would never admit that Inuyasha may possibly be stronger, but he decided his honor was willing to accept that the two may be evenly matched.


 220;Goddamn it all!” Inuyasha spat as he released yet another Wind Scar. The fucking youkai just wouldn’t stop coming!

Of course it was too much to hope for that they could have made it back to their village in peace. They were incredibly fortunate that on their way to the West they’d only encountered that stupid salamander. Now, they were fighting wave after wave of youkai, like the kind Naraku used to employ. To make matters worse, that small wound on his hand had yet to finish healing, something he attempted to ignore, but regardless, it was eating away at him in the back of his mind. A scratch like that should have been gone in just over an hour.

“Wind Scar!” he screamed as he brought his blade down yet again, and another good dozen of the creatures faded away into dust.

“Where did they all come from?!” Kagome screamed as she shot off arrow after arrow, “I thought they all got purified along with Naraku!”

“They don’t smell of him, so these ain’t the ones he had, just their cousins!” he yelled back as he launched a claw attack at a single youkai who had managed to get too close for comfort.

The horde had literally come out of nowhere, and both Kagome and Inuyasha presumed they had likely been passing by when they’d sensed the Shikon no Tama. In a small way, they were fortunate, for while the youkai were all attacking them in an attempt at gaining the jewel, they were each working rather independently. Had they been able to work together, in a more unified attack, they may have succeeded based on their shear numbers alone, but as it was, they were attacking more sporadically, lunging at random. In an attempt at conserving her arrows, Kagome began to shoot out bolts of purifying energy without channeling it through the objects, sending it straight out through her hands, instead. But Inuyasha stopped her when he warned she may wear herself out, since channeling miko energy without an object, such as the sacred arrow, was far more taxing. She knew he was right when she already began to feel herself grow weary after only a few minutes, and she finally conceded when he voiced an additional concern, pointing out that they wouldn’t be able to make it back to the village before sunset now, and how he feared for his ability to protect her were she unconscious. She smiled at his concern, but shuddered at the same time, comprehending all too well the seriousness of the moment, as she focused on firing an arrow in time with his Wind Scar. The increased strength of the attack succeeded in wiping out a larger number of youkai, but the sky was still darkened with them. Inuyasha couldn’t use his Backlash Wave for the youkai, as individuals, were all fairly weak, and were not attacking with demonic abilities, but rather, merely slashing with their claws and fangs. Perhaps if he had one single target with which to aim his attack against, it could work, if he managed to combine the forces of all of their auras into one. But that could never happen so long as they were flying all about them in every direction. They were lucky they had smelled them coming in time to get Shippo to safety, as Inuyasha used a small Wind Scar to blast a burrow in the ground in which Shippo was now currently hiding, the youkai paying him no real attention since he didn’t possess what they were after. Though they all seemed to be lower level youkai, some of them were apparently capable of speech, though all any of them ever kept saying was “The jewel. I want the jewel.”

“Inuyasha…” Kagome suddenly mumbled, not sure if this was a good idea but fearing themselves out of options. “If they want the jewel so bad, let’s give them the jewel.”

“What?!” he bellowed, turning to look at her as if she were nuts. A youkai nearly got him in that instant before Kagome swung her bow like a club, deflecting it with her barrier, as it fell backwards before breaking apart into dust.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it! I meant, let’s let ‘em have it! The jewel’s power. There’s just too many of them to handle on our own.”

“Are you sure that’s wise?”

“No, but do we have a choice?”

He took her hand, and in a moment of slow motion, while the barrier she erected around them both kept them safe from the youkai that bounced themselves off of it, Inuyasha reached into the folds of her chihaya, anything lecherous being the farthest thing from his mind, as he gripped the jewel, and slowly pulled its chain up and over her head.

“We can’t get in the habit of using this thing to win our battles for us.” he spoke, more to himself she mused, as she saw him stare at the jewel almost as if it were hypnotizing him.

“This isn’t our battle,” she argued logically, “They’re only after us because of the jewel, so it’s only fair that it defend us against those who are drawn to us for it. Once it’s gone, these battles will be, also.”

That said, he nodded wordlessly, as he held the jewel against Tetsusaiga’s blade, until it seemed to seep within the fang, the two becoming one. Instantly, the dark power attempted to over take him, as the fang’s color changed into a menacingly deep purple. But just as quickly, Kagome wrapped her arms lovingly around her mate from behind, and the purple bled from the blade just as the red bled from his eyes.

“What happened?” he asked, not sure he wanted to know.

“Never mind, just get ready, I’m gonna lower the barrier.”

Charging himself up for a Wind Scar then, he observed as while the blade of Tetsusaiga remained white, the swirls of Wind around the blade were a dark blue, almost black color. The shimmering of Kagome’s visible barrier disappeared and he knew it was now or never.

“Wind Scar!” he bellowed, as Kagome and Inuyasha both concentrated on the attack hitting the mark.

In a brilliant explosion, there were suddenly no more youkai, as the evening sky returned to its tranquil beauty of red and blue. Shaking, Inuyasha dropped Tetsusaiga, only half surprised when the blade did not return to its dormant state. Dark energy could still be seen visibly crackling around it. But despite the ominous aura, Kagome effortlessly reached for the blade, and managed to extract the jewel, returning the fang to its katana form.

“We’ve got to get rid of that thing as soon as possible.” she heard Inuyasha state rather demandingly as he came up behind her, but she knew the sudden forcefulness of his voice was secretly fueled by his fear.

“We will…” she assured him. “As soon as I graduate we’ll get married, tell everyone we’re moving away, and come back here for good.”

Inuyasha nodded his agreement as he bent down to retrieve his sword. While sliding it back into its scabbard, Kagome noticed the angry looking scratch atop her mate’s left hand.



As she reached for his hand, he tried to mask the wince of pain he felt upon her grabbing it, but realized it was futile when he saw the way Kagome had winced as well, and he realized she could feel the infection through their mark.

“Why hasn’t this healed?”

“Feh, like I know.” he lied

Taking a moment to scent the wound, something she hadn’t bothered doing until now, and instantly wishing she had, Kagome looked him square in the eyes as she said “I smell faint traces of poison.”

“Keh, well, guess I was cut by something poisonous, then.” he tried to brush off.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” she asked a little sternly, the power of her voice fueled by her concern.

“I didn’t know earlier.” was his semi-honest reply as he desperately tried to mask the worry in his own voice.

He had started to suspect he’d absorbed trace amounts of his brother’s poison when he first noticed how slowly the wound was healing, but it wouldn’t have been a problem if they had been able to get to Kaede’s before sunset, for he knew that she had medicines that would have helped to leech the poison from his system. Also, if it were any other time of the month, he knew his hanyou body would eventually fight off the infection on its own. But now, with sunset only about thirty minutes away, and them being a good two hours from the village, he was actually starting to get a little scared. As soon as he lost his youkai blood, there would be nothing to battle against the wound that hadn’t yet spread beyond the top of his hand.

Kagome detected the spike of fear in her mate’s scent, but he just shook his head, meaning to say he didn’t wish to discus it, as he turned and yelled “Come on out Shippo, it’s safe now.” before he bent down, meaning for Kagome to climb back up upon his back.

“Maybe we should just look for a spot to make camp for the night.” she suggested quietly in that moment before taking off as they waited for their son to run up and join them.

“Good idea.” he mumbled, and as soon as Shippo was situated within his mother’s grasp, he took off, hoping he could at least find a stream before he lost his sense of smell.


Back at the castle, things were going rather as to be expected. Lord Daikomaru expressed his disappointment that Inuyasha had already left, and requested that word be sent to him regarding his presence, but Sesshoumaru seemingly dismissed that request, instead assuring him that there would be plenty of times, throughout the next millennia of their joined rule, when he and his brother would be able to meet. Daikomaru chuckled heartedly at that, and offered a toast in honor of the new Lady of the West. It was well spoken, and had Sesshoumaru and Kagura both not known any better, they may have presumed the Eastern Taiyoukai to be sincere in his words. The frequent looks of disgust aimed towards the visiting Taiyoukai from his accompanying female did not go unnoticed by either of the Western couple, and Sesshoumaru mused silently that Daikomaru had likely, as most Taiyoukai do, joined into a contractual mating. His mate obviously despised him, and that, he found, may possibly prove valuable in the future. He had not, in all honesty, ever met the woman before, and the female tora seemed to be at least attempting to be civil, before the next snide comment slipped past her husband’s fangs, causing her to glare at him disdainfully once more.

He had thought he’d gotten Sesshoumaru’s goat so good, when in between the third and forth courses he’d spoken up regarding to Rin, who was present, asking “Do you not feed your human on a daily basis? I wouldn’t have thought her small stomach able to consume as much as it has, unless the poor dear is half starved.”

Sesshoumaru immediately set down the glass he had only just lifted as he’d prepared to drink. He had tolerated Daikomaru’s quip about his having acquired a pet human three years ago, but that remark was not made in her presence, and she was never made aware of it. After what he and Kagura have recently established with the girl, he would not permit her feelings, or her honor, to be hurt in such a manner. One glance in Rin’s direction told him that the child, who had been briefed prior to Daikomaru’s arrival, was trying her very best to completely ignore his remark. That made him proud, but still.

“You will apologize.” he stated simply, and waited for the reaction he was sure would be most comical in coming.

“Excuse me?” he nearly laughed.

“You are not excused, and I do not repeat myself.”

“You want me to apologize to you for merely asking how often you feed your human?”

Rin cringed; she didn’t want them to start fighting just because of her.

“It is not this Sesshoumaru to whom you owe your apology.” he stated next.

Both Kagura and Tsukie were trying to suppress their smiles by that point. Tsukie liked having someone put that rotten mate of hers in his place from time to time. She often wished her father had never agreed to the joining.

Flabbergasted that this dog would dare to suggest that he were to apologize to a human, Daikomaru laughed heartedly again in order to mask his disgust as he then turned towards Rin and asked her instead “Have I offended you girl?” in a rather joking manner of voice.

“No sir.” Rin answered quietly, wishing she could just slip away into the shadows.

“Does your master keep you well fed?” he asked next, in a fake air of concern.

Rin was rather intelligent for her young age, and the briefing she’d had with Sesshoumaru and Jaken earlier that afternoon had helped her as well. She knew a trap question when she heard one, and she knew the correct answer to one as well. Obviously, Daikomaru was expecting her to stick up for her Lord and merely answer “yes” but she had a different idea.

“I have no master, for I am neither a slave nor a servant.”

Defiant little brat he spat in his mind. It was around that time that the fourth course was served, and he could not ignore the way the servant who placed Rin’s plate before her had said “Careful young Lady Rin, this plate is quite hot.”

Sesshoumaru gave the server the slightest of nods in acknowledgment and thanks before he disappeared back into the kitchen. That particular inu was not truly one of his servers, but rather, one of his cooks, and more specifically, he was the underling Sesshoumaru himself had placed in Wenying’s care for training in the matters of what foods were and were not suitable for his human ward to consume. He could only assume then that Wenying had done some briefing of her own in preparation for their night’s visitors. He would owe her his thanks as well.


Inuyash a managed to find a stream before sunset, and camp was already well underway by the time all light had escaped them. He hated the night of the new moon more than ever now, for it wasn’t only himself, Shippo and Kagome that he couldn’t protect, but now, also the life of his unborn pup. Absently he wondered what night would be his pup’s night of weakness, and he hoped that their pup would never have to learn the hard way to fear such a night.

Kagome cringed as the sun slipped out of sight. They’d discovered back on the first new moon since their bonding that she lost her demonic powers on that night as well. It had scared and confused him because he hadn’t thought that she would, but Kagome was calmer regarding the matter, and explained that it made sense, since it was his demonic blood that flowed through her veins. At least, as she had pointed out more recently, she still had her newly found miko strength. Although, with the battle they already had that day, which took a good portion of their traveling light, as well as their strength, she now realized that she was also desperately low on arrows.

She kept her aura stretched to its limits, in order to sense anything that may approach, while little Shippo vowed not to fall asleep either, as his kitsune nose twitched nervously, attempting to ensure that nothing snuck up on them, as he proclaimed that, as the only youkai for the time being, he’d protect them. She rolled her eyes but still smiled, feeling rather proud of him, his statement reminding her of what he’d said on the first night the two of them had discovered Inuyasha’s weakness, only this time, Shippo didn’t turn tail after proclaiming his protection. Thinking about the incident with the Spiderheads made her start to worry again, and she was just about to check on Inuyasha, and be sure that he was still feeling all right now that he was mortal, when his sudden hiss in pain drew her attention to him even faster.

“Inuyasha!” she cried when she saw his hand. As soon as the sun had gone down, stripping his body of its natural defenses, the poison from his wound went rampant. “Why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?!” she yelled, knowing very well that he knew very well that her link to him had been severed until sunrise.

“Feh, it’s fine.” he lied, and he damn near screamed when she forcefully clutched his hand and dragged it closer to the fire so that she could get a better look.

“Well it doesn’t sound fine, and it sure doesn’t look fine either!” she bellowed near hysteria, when she saw the angry open sore on the top of her mate’s hand. His entire hand was slightly paler than normal, and the flesh immediately surrounding the wound was in varying shades of red, purple, and black.

“Can’t you use herbs to draw out the toxins?” Shippo asked cautiously, using a word he’d learned from his adoptive mother and one of her schoolbooks.

“I probably could have if it hadn’t been allowed to fester for so long.” She shot her mate an angry look, which then saddened as she mumbled “And besides….” she paused, glancing around her, though her vision was none too good, “…it doesn’t look like the right types of herbs grow around here, anyway.”

If Inuyasha had had his canine sense of smell, he would have been aware of the tears his mate was trying so desperately to keep from falling.

“But that doesn’t mean we’re just gonna give up.” she told her son next, head held high, as she started rummaging through her backpack.

“Jeez, you act like I’m dying.” Inuyasha tried to mumble playfully, but the look she shot him in that moment told him he’d better shut up.

Finding her medical supplies, she was ever so thankful that they had decided to bring the stuff along with them on their trip.

“This isn’t a simple infection…” she spoke softly, as she poured hydrogen peroxide into the wound, causing him to hiss again. “You said yourself the cut was poisonous, you had it all day long as a hanyou and it never finished healing. Now that you’re human, how long do you think it will take before the poison overtakes your entire system?”

There was something about the sudden calmness of her voice that scared him more than the words she’d spoken.

“Kagome…” he tried to assure her, even as he felt the poison burning the veins of his wrist and lower arm, “I’ll be fine.”


Ever so thankful that dinner was finally over, and that the Eastern Lord and his Lady were retired to their chamber at the opposite end of the castle, Sesshoumaru attempted to settle his weary head for the night.

“It could have been much worse.” Kagura tried to sooth, finding the arguments regarding Rin’s status and her own fertility rather humorous. She had to admit, it had gotten to her at first, but she was nothing if not confident in her own right, and with Inuyasha and Kagome on their side, which had truly been her only real concern, she knew everything would work out just fine.

Permitting the smallest of chuckles to escape him, Sesshoumaru verbally mused that he supposed his mate was correct.

“I suppose I should be thankful that my half-brother and his mate were in fact not present, otherwise we may have been required to repair a wing of the castle.”

Kagura laughed as well, envisioning only too well that stuck up Daikomaru insinuating Inuyasha’s weakness as a hanyou, prompting a demonstration of the Wind Scar. Another time, perhaps.

“Still,” Sesshoumaru continued, “I do wish he would have remained, for Rin’s sake.” he admitted, and Kagura recalled how Rin had talked about wanting to show Shippo what she comically called the “glowing water” which was a small pound in the back garden filled with luminescent fish, whose glow could only best be viewed on the nights when there was no moon.

“I know…” she replied finally, after a moment’s contemplation. “Still, you can’t really blame him for needing to leave, under the circumstances.”

“He should not have let Lord Daikomaru’s empty threats trouble him so thoroughly, it was most out of character.”

“I agree, and I’m sure that on any other night, he would have loved to, how does he always put it, stick Tetsusaiga up his ass?” she paused, chuckling. “But you can’t very well blame him for wanting to keep tonight a secret.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, genuinely confused.

Kagura stared at her mate in shock then, and quietly said “You mean you don’t know?”

“If there is something that this Sesshoumaru does not know then I expect you to tell me without delay.” he barked a little more forcefully than he’d intended, but he hated the idea that Kagura knew something about his brother that he did not.

Kagura merely shook her head, recalling the time she’d found out. She never did betray his secret to Naraku, and she was sure that he respected her for it, and that act alone may very well have aided in his decision to accept her now, but… she should have told Sesshoumaru. She would have, if she’d realized he hadn’t already known. But why wouldn’t he know? But then again, why would he?

“Tonight is your brother’s human night.” At the way his eyes grew to the size of saucers, she whispered “Surely you realize that all hanyou have such a time?”

Sesshoumaru was speechless. He had known, at least at one point in his life, that all hanyou had such a time. Why it’d never occurred to him that that would obviously include his half-brother, he had no idea. If he had been thinking, he could likely have deduced the reason for his brother’s sudden flight mode upon hearing of their visitor. He had said that morning that he had something he needed to tell him, hadn’t he? Shaking his thoughts free, he found himself in complete agreement with Inuyasha’s decision to leave when he had. They could not afford to permit Daikomaru to become aware of when Inuyasha’s time of weakness was. But as he was recalling the argument he’d had with his brother that morning, something else occurred to him, as he absentmindedly glanced down at his claws.

“Where are you going?” Kagura asked frantically in a hushed yell, as Sesshoumaru wordlessly stormed out of their chamber.