InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Three weddings and a graduation… ( Chapter 49 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Chapter 49 - Three weddings and a graduation…

Inuyasha and company had promptly vacated the Western Lands the following morning, claiming that there were duties in which they needed to attend. That was partially true. Though Kagome wasn’t due back in her time for another week, she realized she had better start studying for the tests she would be taking once she got there. Granted, they were finals, and more or less recaps of everything she was supposed to have already learned throughout senior year, but she figured that even with her heightened youkai memory, one could never be too careful. After all the years of hard work she went through to keep her grades up while jumping between times, she wasn’t about to slack off those final few weeks.

It was also getting close to the time of Sango and Miroku’s wedding, and some final preparations for that event did require Inuyasha’s personal attention. After all, he was no longer the unofficial ‘protector’ of the village, but rather, many now recognized him as a resident Lord, since Miroku had so helpfully passed word of his ‘promotion’ along to the villagers in his absence. Kaede also wouldn’t be around forever, and Kagome had already publicly announced her apprenticeship under the elder priestess, to officially take over as village miko when the time finally came. The village that bordered “Inuyasha’s forest” was quickly becoming known as “Inuyasha’s village” despite the fact that he and Kagome themselves still referred to it as Kaede’s.

It wasn’t long at all before Kagome’s few short tests came and went, and everyone gathered around for a wedding unlike anything the quiet village had ever seen. What was once going to be a relatively small ceremony was quickly escalating to grand scales. Kagome had, at one point, brought back several bolts of fabric for her friend. Just because she and Inuyasha, for the most part, would always be dressed in their signature outfits, didn’t mean that Sango didn’t deserve a massive collection of beautiful dresses. The yukata she always wore over her slayer outfit was a little worse for wear, after all. As a result of the - what Sango and Miroku both considered - extraordinary generosity on Kagome’s part, the soon-to-be-wed couple were to be adorned in the most extravagant of wedding kimono that side of Nihon. Everything was kept highly traditional for the time period, since Kagome had no desire to inflict her friends with her ‘modern’ time’s ideals for wedding ceremonies. However, it was a nobleman’s traditional wedding. Sango had blushed at first, and feeling rather humbled, had attempted to back out of such elaborate planning, but Kagome had insisted that she and Miroku were a part of her and Inuyasha’s pack, were welcomed in the West as part of the family by none other than Sesshoumaru himself, and she had always considered the slayer woman to be like her older sister.

“Let me do this for you Sango, please.” Her voice was soft and caring, and all Sango could do was cry, while embracing her friend in a near death-grip.

It looked like a prince and princess had wed, and in a way, that was actually true. Sango was, after all, the daughter of the headman for her old slayer’s village, and in a way, the last of her kind, save for Kohaku. Together, the siblings vowed to keep the ways of the Taijiya alive, and Miroku assured his wife that any children of theirs would be taught in the ways of her people.

It took the couple by surprise when they realized that it was Inuyasha himself who was going to perform the wedding ceremony, but he had the authority to do so as a recognized Lord of the village, and had gone to Kaede for a few quick pointers, wanting to do this for his friends. Though Miroku teased him at first, and Sango had worried over her hanyou friend’s usual inability at sophisticated speech, both were amazed at how wrong they had been. His words were eloquently spoken, the ceremony going off without a hitch, as he ignored the confused and amazed expressions upon his friends’ faces as he smiled and bowed, and presented them to the village as husband and wife.


Back in Kagome’s time, Inuyasha lounged around the shrine, while his mate sweated over her final string of finals before graduation, though she had fewer tests than some of her fellow classmates, as she’d politely turned down the college entrance exams. She had no desire to know if she even scored high enough for college, which she honestly doubted, but considering the fact that she obviously wouldn’t be attending any, she failed to see the point in giving herself the extra work.

They stayed in her time straight for about a month, going back to occasionally visit with their friends for a couple of hours, but otherwise, they wished to stay out of the newlyweds’ hair. They recalled all too vividly how they had been when they were first mated, and Inuyasha honestly didn’t think that them being human would make that much of a difference. After all, his mate was human, and he knew all too well what an insatiable appetite she had. He chuckled at the thought.

They did feel bad about leaving Shippo alone for so long, but at least he wasn’t cooped up with no one for company other than Kaede, as Kohaku had been staying with the elderly miko as well. For some reason, Sango wanted her younger brother out of the house for a while. Wonder why? That put a smile on Shippo’s face, which in turn put a smile on Kagome’s, as she saw how the children played in the fields, little Kirara joining in on their fun from time to time. It was amazing, the full 180 in Kohaku’s attitude since the day he’d been returned to them. One wouldn’t even know it to look at him now, that he’d ever been under the control of the dark hanyou, slaughtering countless of innocents at his command.

Inuyasha was pulled from his musings upon Mrs. Higurashi entering the living room, announcing that he and Kagome had a letter, and that he could open it if he wanted seeing as it was addressed to him as well, and not just her daughter. That startled him, though.

“Who the he–” He paused, catching himself a little too late as he remembered how he was supposed to watch his language in front of Kagome’s mother, but Nodoka merely smiled at the boy, and handed him the envelope.

“Keh, so those two couldn’t wait either, huh?” the hanyou chuckled to himself as he looked over the wedding invitation.

It was for Yuka and Tojin, and was set to take place merely a week after graduation. Inuyasha had kept his word when he’d agreed upon departing the carnival that the four of them could go on “double-dates” as Yuka had called it, and as a result, he’d almost started to consider those two additional friends of his own. Of course, they had no idea what he was, and he planned on keeping it that way, but he would be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed the way they’d eyed his claws from time to time, and Kagome said that she’d wanted to keep things on a “don’t ask, don’t tell” basis. If they came out point blank and questioned them, then she didn’t want to lie, and he didn’t blame her, but on the other hand, would they even believe the truth? Kagome had said that they likely thought he was just one of those extreme punks out there, who color their hair and wear weird contact lenses. Better, he supposed, if they thought he merely dressed like a freak, than to realize that he actually was one. Of course, Kagome had chastised him for that, reinstating that he was not a freak, and how much she loved him, just the way he was.

He sighed, as he looked the invite over in his clawed hand. That meant he’d need some fancier “modern” clothes, along with “dress” shoes…he couldn’t fucking wait.

The wedding they were planning for themselves was to be a traditional Shinto ceremony, similar in style to Sango and Miroku’s wedding, and considering Kagome’s background with the shrine, he knew they could easily get away with such a thing, even though Kagome had warned him that traditional weddings weren’t done nearly as often any more.

Apparently, she hadn’t been kidding, their friends’ wedding being called "Western," whatever that meant. Kagome’s mother had shown him a catalog of the appropriate clothing he would be required to wear, and he’d grimaced at how uncomfortable the “suit” had looked, but whatever made his mate happy… Inuyasha felt better when Kagome groaned over the fact that she was to be in the wedding, and that apparently, one tradition of those “Western” ceremonies was that the Bride’s Maids all wore ugly dresses. He gawked at that, not truly believing she could look ugly, regardless of what she wore, but when she showed him the lavender dress, he laughingly mumbled that perhaps he’d been wrong. That comment earned him the first sit boy he’d ever received out of spite, but considering he was already laying upon her bed at the time, and she’d playfully climbed upon his sprawled body after the words had left her lips, he decided to forgive her…


I nuyasha had never seen Mrs. Higurashi cry before, but he wasn’t worried, not when he detected that her scent was radiating happiness and pride. He wondered if she could even see her daughter. After all, they all sort of looked alike in those long robes and funny hats, and even he was having a hard time picking her out from the crowd. But when they called her name, and she stepped forward, Inuyasha smelled the waterworks of the woman sitting next to him go into full force, and instinctively, he reached across and clasped her hand in his. The hanyou had never truly understood the importance of school, until that moment.

Sure, Kagome had told him that it was where you learned the things you’d need to know to get through life, but what he considered life-lessons vs. what they apparently taught in that place seemed to be polar opposites. How could school teach you how to hunt? How to cook? How to dodge a demonic attack? Who cared about reading or math? Okay, sure, he knew how to read, his mother had taught him. He supposed he agreed that reading was important, because in his time, it was a symbol of nobility if one could read fluently. Apparently, in Kagome’s time, it was a symbol of ignorance if one couldn’t read. But Kagome could read just fine, so what else was there to learn?

It was in that moment, as he held Mrs. Higurashi’s hand, as together they witnessed Kagome accept her diploma, that he realized that an accomplishment such as graduating school was a matter of pride. Kagome’s future hadn’t been at stake; her very honor had been at stake. Graduating this school thing was a child’s duty, something to bring a parent pride, and a family honor. Why hadn’t she just explained it to him like that in the first place? Then he wouldn’t have given her so much crap about it all those years. Underneath his hat, Inuyasha’s ears drooped slightly.

The ‘After-Graduation-Party’ they dragged him out to at WacDonald’s turned out to be pretty fun. He liked burgers and fries, though they weren’t as good as ramen, in his book. But it was nice for Kagome to be able to spend some more time with her friends. By that point, everyone knew that she and her “fiancé” would be moving away shortly after their own wedding, so there was a mixture of happy and said tears as she mingled with her school friends. But first and foremost, was the task at hand of Yuka’s wedding, which was now merely a week away. The girls all squealed with delight, causing Inuyasha’s ears to lower within their concealment once more.


He hated shoes. He fucking hated shoes. And shoes hated him, he decided in that moment.

"Stop whining."

"Huh? Oh….feh."

Souta’s mild jab in the ribs accompanied by his whispered command did succeed in pulling Inuyasha from his personal misery, at least temporarily. Why the hell couldn’t he just wear sandals like he wore everywhere else? Sighing, at least he attempted to make sure that he didn’t start whimpering again. Souta had said that he was whining, but it was really more like the whimper of a beaten puppy. Apparently, nobody else had noticed, thankfully.

Glancing up, Inuyasha quickly realized why. Everyone was enchanted by the atmosphere of the ceremony taking place around them. Kagome’s dress really wasn’t all that ugly, though granted, it certainly wasn’t the prettiest dress in the world, either. But he thought he had a pretty good understanding of why the Bride’s Maids were deliberately made less radiant. Nobody could stop staring at Yuka, and even he had to admit, though nobody could ever be more attractive than his mate, that Yuka actually did look rather beautiful.

The design of the dress seemed foreign to him, but it fit her well. It was an impossible white, and appeared to be silk, overlaid with what, from a distance, looked like about a year’s worth of embroidered designs. Mrs. Higurashi had told him the material was called lace. Whatever it was, it gave the fabric a white-on-white floral print in elaborate rose blossoms. It was also adorned with what the hanyou learned were called beads, in an iridescent clear, which caused the entire dress to sparkle and shimmer like the jewel he had hidden in his breast pocket. Eri, Ayumi and Kagome’s Bride’s Maids dresses had rather low cut necklines. Not to the point of triggering his jealousy at any other male who gazed upon her while wearing it, but low enough. Low enough that she wouldn’t have been able to conceal the jewel, and as such, gave it to him for safe keeping until after the ceremony.

Sometimes, it still amazed him, the level of trust and love she felt for him. Sighing again, only that time with an air of contentment, Inuyasha chuckled to himself - Two weddings down, one to go...