InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ The Fruits of Labor ( Chapter 63 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Chapter 63 - The Fruits of Labor

“Get back in bed!”

“I can’t just stay in bed all day!”

“The hell you can’t!”

“I’m not sick, I’m pregnant!”

“Exactly!” he shouted from across the hut, exasperation and frustration dripping from his voice.

He had been fairly lenient with her, trying desperately not to harp on her or fuss over her as other husbands did their wives, until the day she’d nearly passed out from over exertion. Ever since then, it’d been nothing but yelling match after yelling match between the two. She continually insisted that she was fine, and had merely been tired that day, while he insisted that he wasn’t taking any chances. Not only had he forbad her from clearing away the snow from their porch, which had been what she’d been doing at the time her dizziness had taken her, but he had practically commanded, not in so many words, that she was not even to get up from their bed. Well, that was just plain ridiculous as far as she was concerned. She was perfectly capable of walking around to fetch things for herself, and it was her intention to prove that fact day in and day out, which was the cause for their current argument. She had wanted a bite to eat, but instead of calling for him from the bedchamber, per his instructions, she had simply sat up, turned herself sideways, placed her feet upon the hard wooden floor, and proceeded to stand up, and then walk, all on her very own. Kami forbid…

Staring across the room at his tenacious wife, she stood defiantly, her arms crossed fiercely over her protruding belly. Her assertiveness in her beliefs and desires was one of the things he’d always found so attractive about her. She wasn’t quite. She wasn’t obedient. Gods how he loved her.

Attempting to settle his nerves, he took a few deep breaths, attempting a quick meditation, before finding his voice once more, and using it much more softly, said

“I am merely concerned for your health, as well as the health of our unborn child.”

Taking another breath, and offering her a small smile when he saw her smile as well, he rubbed his hand through his hair in awkwardness, before practically begging

“Please, Sango, my anger merely comes from my fear. I would never be able to live with myself if anything were ever to happen to you. Either of you”

“That…” the retired slayer started, relaxing her posture “…was about the most touching thing I’ve ever heard you say.” she answered, removing her arms from their crossed position in front of her belly, to move one of them to rest a hand upon her heart.

“Will you please go back to bed?” Miroku asked of her next, adding “Or at least sit down?” when he saw the reluctance in her gaze. He could understand how she felt, really he could, being all cooped up, and wanting move and stretch her body.

“Fine.” she conceded to his second request, taking a seat upon a cushion already present in the main chamber of their hut, as she warmed herself by the fire-pit, while she allowed Miroku to scoop out her dish of stew.

“Honestly, you surprise me, monk.” she said suddenly, allowing a little of her previous annoyance to shine through with her statement, though the soft chuckle that followed also showed that she was, in truth, relaxing her temper, and was more or less merely frustrated with the entire situation, as was he.

“How so?” he asked in return as he handed Sango her food, for which she nodded her thanks.

“I never in a million years would have figured you’d turn into Inuyasha…” she chuckled, adding for explanation “…with how protective over me you have become.”

“Would any man devoted to their beautiful wife react any differently than I?” Miroku asked in a light, teasing manner of voice.

“I suppose not…” Sango admitted, nodding, even though for argument’s sake, she felt the need to add “Though even Inuyasha seems to go a little easier on Kagome than you I, and she’s about ready to pop any day now.”

Chuckling as well, he leaned forward, brushing a stray hair back from his wife’s face, as he reminded her “Kagome has the benefit of youkai blood making her much stronger, my dear, nearly that of a hanyou such as Inuyasha himself. We mustn’t forget, after traveling with beings of such strength for so long, that you and I are merely ‘weak’ humans.”

Chuckling once more, the ex-slayer set her bowl down in order to lean forward, as she delicately brushed her lips over her husband’s. Another part of their recent frustration, she was sure, had stemmed from the fact that they had stopped making love. It had nothing, directly, to do with her growing size, which Miroku had assured her only made her look more lovely in his eyes. But Kagome had informed Sango that once that far along in her pregnancy, it was unwise for her to reach completion, as having an orgasm could trigger labor. Sango had offered to allow Miroku to continue to seek his own release with her body, but like the true gentlemen she’d always known him to be, he’d outright refused, saying he could never be so selfish.

She was around seven months along, so if she carried to term, then that meant it would be around four months before they could have sex again, since Kagome said she should be permitted to heal for around two months after delivering the baby. Sango didn’t even think she could hold out that long, so it must be torture for Miroku. She could only hope, though he had assured her he would never take his pleasure from her were he unable to give hers in return, that he was at least relieving his own tensions in private. She was unsure of how to address the subject, so she hadn’t said one word about it, but she’d learned long ago, from Kagome of course, that such acts of self-gratification were perfectly natural, and nothing to be ashamed of. Though Sango had never learned of the exact nature behind how Kagome and Inuyasha had come to be mates in the first place, Kagome having decided that that information was a little too private to share, the miko had assured Sango that she was fully convinced that both Inuyasha, as well as Miroku, performed such acts on occasion. She had even gone as far as to instruct Sango with how to go about “assisting” Miroku with said act. Sango’d wondered briefly if Miroku would be willing to try something along those lines, but she highly doubted it. It would still be pleasure brought on by her tough, unable to be returned, so she was sure he would refuse. Absently, Sango wondered how Kagome and Inuyasha were handling the situation.


“Ahhh hhhhhh!”

If anyone had been passing by right outside their bedroom window, they would have heard their hanyou protector cry out in what could presumably be agony, and perhaps, in a way, it was. Gods how he wanted to touch her in return.

Whimpering, he looked at her, the shine of his eyes reaffirming the turmoil he’d just sounded in his throat.

Kagome finished cleaning him off, dragging her tongue slowly and delicately, to be sure she’d collected every drop, before finally tilting her head back up to catch his eyes. In that moment, when their eyes locked, his gaze captured her very soul, speaking more to her with a single look than he’d ever hope to achieve with a lifetime of words. It was a look of satisfaction mixed with longing, desire mixed with trepidation, and ecstasy mixed with guilt.

She hadn’t even needed to tell him that she had to stop reaching climax, for he’d already been aware of that tidbit of information. Long ago Kagome had taught him, along with their other friends, the differences between her more modern-day script and that of their time period, and as a result, they could all read her books fairly effortlessly. Kagome had thought that’d be the safest thing to do, since her books contained a lot of information she would hate for them to lose in the horrible event that anything should ever happen to her.

But now, as she gazed at him, she found herself wishing she’d kept her pregnancy books away from him. If it weren’t for Inuyasha’s knowledge on the subject, Kagome was sure she would be able to convince him that she was fine, but merely tired, turning down his offer of retribution willingly, claiming to not be in the mood. But he knew that wasn’t the case, which caused him to give her looks just like the one he was giving her now.

“For the last time…” she started out of nowhere, as though they were already mid-argument, “I want to bring you pleasure.”


“No! No buts!” She lost her fierceness then, as a wave of playfulness struck her, seeing him lying naked before her. “Well…except, maybe…” Her sentence went unfinished as she reached for his bottom, earning a fit of surprised gasps and yelps as he struggled to break free of her relentless tickling. How in the world he’d ever permitted her to discover that he was ticklish there, he hadn’t the foggiest idea.

She finally ceased her torture when he’d managed to scamper away from her towards the head of the bed, all the blankets pushed down in her direction as a result, as he squatted on all fours before her, posed, on the ready for her next move, growling and barking in what would be presumed as a threatening manner, if you didn’t know any better.

“Okay okay” she relented behind a chuckle, holding her hands up in mock surrender.

“Yeah, you better surrender, wench.” he grunted out, well aware of how she’d just recently had him on his back, not to mention yelping and scampering away from her like a frightened puppy. But just because he recalled, didn’t mean he was about to admit it. He had to save face, after all.

All hostility, though, mock or otherwise, drained from his face the instant Kagome clutched her belly.

“Are you okay? Do you need me to get you anything? Do you need to lie down? Does it hurt? Where does it hurt? You should lie down. Do you need some water? Do you-”

“Whoa whoa WHOA!” Kagome called, imploring him to shut the hell up for a second, “I’m fine…she just kicked me was all.”

Relaxing, a little bit, Inuyasha dared chuckle, as he said “Yeah well, he was probably upset about how you attacked his ol’ man like that.”

“I’m sure she will be on my side once she gets to know you.”

“That’s unlikely, since he won’t be a sneaky wench like you.”

“You are SO not going to call our daughter a wench!” She wasn’t really upset before, but she was getting there now.

“Weren’t you listening?” he responded, still playing “Of course I won’t, because he won’t be a wench!”

“I can’t wait until she’s born! I am SO throwing it in your face!” she yelled, though a small laugh followed said yell. Kagome knew he didn’t really mean anything by “wench.” While he realized that in Kagome’s time, the term was considered an insult, Kagome also realized that in his time, it literally meant “woman”.

“I’m going to remember you said that, so when he’s born, you can-”

“Love him just as much as I would love a daughter?” she interrupted, not wanting to argue any longer.

Instantly, he softened his gaze, as he relented, “And I would love a daughter just as much as a son.” He then proceeded to close the distance between them, pulling her into as tight of an embrace as he dared with her nine-month belly.

Kagome was nearly dozing off in the comfort of his arms, before she heard him say “But I know it’s a son.”

“There’s no odor.” she insisted, but shaking his head against her he said “I know, but I can feel it.”

“Everyone says that…” she commented absently, snuggling her nose in the crook of his neck, “I think all husbands want their wives to give them a son.”

“Don’t they know it’s not up to their woman?” he teased, as he rubbed her belly. “They need to take some of the responsibility.”

“They don’t know any better…you didn’t.” she reminded. Inuyasha merely chuckled and pulled her closer.

There was just no living with him after he’d read her books on pregnancy and conception. While most men in his time referred to their semen as their “seed” he had learned that that was actually inaccurate. He had learned that his body did not in fact contain a seed with which he implanted her, but rather, it was her body that possessed the seed of life from the very beginning, and what he delivered was more along the lines of pollen. But that realization, he found, settled unhindered within him, when he also learned that it was from him that the gender of the baby was determined. Ever since that day, he was very insistent, beyond their lighthearted teasing, that what he’d delivered to his wife was a son. Secretly, Kagome knew she didn’t actually care what the sex of the baby was, but kept her position of it being a girl for merely the sake of the argument. It had been a game, but now, it was more like a bet. But at that point, she didn’t honestly know how happy she’d really be, if it did turn out to be a girl. Being right wasn’t always worth it. At least he’d relented that he would love a daughter, which she already knew he would anyway, but secretly, she hoped he got his son.


“Mmmmm… yeah…right there…Mmmmmm”

“Like this?” he asked behind a smirk.

“Harder.” she commanded

“I thought your feet were ticklish?” he asked behind a smirk.

“That’s why I said harder…” Kagome explained with a sort of duh expression, before her head rolled back in pleasure once more.

Inuyasha had discovered that just because he couldn’t pleasure her body sexually, it didn’t mean he couldn’t pleasure her body. In exchange for her…er…treatments…of his body, he repaid her with full-body massages. Sometimes though, with the way her scent would spread around him, it was hard for him to concentrate, while other times, it was merely hard…(poke poke, nudge nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean). So usually, he would deliver her treatments first, since he was quite sure he would be in need of her special care once he was done with her.

“I swear, if I don’t have this baby soon, I’m gonna let you do what you do best.”

There was only one way to interpret that sentence.

“Are you sure you want to risk inducing labor?” he asked, pausing in his ministrations upon her swollen ankles, as he gazed up at her.

“At this point, I’m full term, if it takes much longer, we’ll need to induce labor.”

“Keh, maybe it is a girl then…” he joked, “They’re always late.”

Her response was to pull her foot back, and attempt to kick him with it, but he dodged effortlessly, which she honestly knew he would…which was why she’d aimed right for his head.

“Baka.” she hissed, too tired to offer any more of an argument.

“Maybe hanyou pups take longer…” Inuyasha mumbled to himself absently.

“Don’t say that…” she groaned, gazing down in the direction her feet once were, unable to see anything behind the swell of her belly. “Pup can’t get much bigger, there’s no more room.”

He chuckled again, then said “Maybe wishing the pup out will purify the jewel.”

His laughter could be heard echoing near the floorboards, as he dodged the pillows that were thrown in his direction.

“Shit…get the fucking thing, it’s worth a damn try.”

Standing up abruptly, his eyes and ears were all focused forward on the pregnant woman lying upon the bed, with a very ‘Who are you and what have you done with my mate?’ expression upon his face.

“What?” she asked absently, a little snappily.

Shaking his head, Inuyasha muttered “You just used three cuss words, in one sentence…”

“So?” Kagome retaliated, in a very ‘What’s your point?’ tone of voice.

Shaking his head disbelievingly, Inuyasha softened his gaze as he looked down at her, sympathizing with her uncomfortable situation, and wishing he could do more for her than stupid massages.

“If you’re sure the pup’s ready, I’ll be more than happy to help you go into labor.” he stated, no sexual perversion present in his voice, despite what he’d obviously meant by the statement.

Her gaze softened as well, before she quietly whispered in utter exhaustion “Let’s give it a few more days, but…yeah…” as she plopped her head back upon the bed, belatedly realizing all of her pillows were currently on the floor by her husband. A soft chuckling could be heard, before she opened her eyes to find his orbs of amber shining lovingly down at her, pillow in hand, as he assisted her in raising her head up long enough to slip the fluffed softness underneath it.


The next morning, Kagome was outside, hobbling around in large circles around their hut, thinking that perhaps the walking would do her good. It wasn’t a particularly chilly morning, the first snow of the season already come and gone, with no clouds currently remaining in the sky. Inuyasha was off delivering more firewood to the various village elders, with Miroku’s help, and Kagome had contemplated going to visit Sango, but figured even the few short paces it would take to get to their friends’ hut would be more than she should dare for the time being. After all, their hut was built near the outskirts of town, by the Goshinboku, and when you could barely walk, such short distances could suddenly seem much, much further.

Glancing around at her surroundings as she passed, Kagome marveled at the amount of wood her mate had managed to chop, using nothing but his claws. The logs were all perfectly sized, shaped, and stacked; several bundles already tied off in large pouches made from animal hide, ready to be carried into the village. Their own personal supply of wood was rather generous in itself, and Kagome knew she had nothing to fear as far as being chilled that winter. It also helped that their adopted son could light a fire at will with his kitsune powers, making reigniting a blaze that had gone out a much easier task.

As she continued to walk (though she compared her movements to being more like the waddle of a penguin rather than actual “walking”) she smiled as she saw the fruits of her husband’s labor coming to life in the form of their small garden. Many of the sprouts had nearly doubled in size. It surprised her, since being an inu he was by far a hunter and meat eater, that he would have proved to have such a green thumb when it came to tilling and planting. But he’d scoffed at her complements, claiming he’d only done what she’d told him to do, following her instruction, because he had possessed no knowledge on the subject himself. Still, she was impressed, and thankful, and vowed that next season, she would do the planting herself.

When Inuyasha returned around an hour later, he smiled at the sight that met him as he neared their home. Kagome was meditating underneath the Goshinboku, her new bow in possession, along with a quiver full of arrows. She was not the naïve little girl she’d used to be, and knew fully well of the dangers that could be lurking in any dark corner, or even lighted corner, as the more cocky youkai held no qualms over attacking in daylight.

Inuyasha approached her silently, his footsteps making not one sound that even he could hear as he approached her. But he knew she knew he was there, even before she asked “How’s Jin?” without even opening her eyes.

“Stubborn old man” he grumbled under his breath, as he sat down beside his mate. “He reminds me of you, in the old days.”

Opening a single eye to gaze at him quizzically, Kagome could not help but reveal her curious amusement in the way she asked

“How in the world does a seventy year old man remind you of a fifteen year old girl?”

“Because…” Inuyasha started, as though he were about to explain something so obvious, that it needn’t require explanation. “He’s stubborn, opinionated, and oblivious to the fact that he needs my help.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but his chuckling stopped her, as she stared indignantly as he continued, quite amused with himself.

“He thinks he can do everything all by himself, even though he’s so clumsy, he’s hurt himself on more than one occasion. He gets absolutely livid if I try to point out something he’s incapable of doing, insisting that I’ll do it for him, only to have him stomp away while muttering something about how disrespectful I am, and how I should be nicer to my elders.”

Kagome could not help but to chuckle at that, asking “He does realize that you are his elder, doesn’t he?”

Shaking his head, Inuyasha laughed, while stating “I don’t even think he realizes I’m hanyou, I’ve lost track of the times he’s insisted he’s stronger than me, when he tries to lift something too heavy for him.”

“It’s good of you to check in on him and make sure he’s doing all right.” she said softly, while placing her hand upon his, turning to face him more fully.

“Keh…this is my village, and he’s a villager in it, all there is to it.” then pausing, as though something dawned on him, he added “That’s another thing…”

“What’s another thing?”

“I do all this work for him, keeping him safe, and fed, and warm, and he doesn’t even have the decency to thank me!”

Laughing, Kagome said, “But like you said, that’s your duty. You’re the alpha here. I never thanked you for what you did because as our alpha, it was your place to do it.” She never was a very good liar, even when it was something silly.

“Uh-huh…” he muttered while rolling his eyes, “You didn’t respect me very much as alpha, if that’s where your mind set truly was…” he emphasized, insinuating he knew she was full of it. “I never complained because it was my-”

“You never complained!?” she interrupted, laughing.

“…my place…to take care of you weaklings…” he continued, glaring, “But you never respected me as your alpha.” he finished, suddenly pouting, though it was Kagome’s turn to see right through it.

“That’s because I’m alpha female, although you never saw it.” she laughed.

Suddenly sobering, he said “I never in a million years would have believed a soul if they had told me I would one day have a mate, not to mention the position of respect Sesshoumaru has given me.”

Kagome leaned forward and kissed him sweetly.

“Thank you.” she whispered softly.

Raising an eyebrow, he asked her “For?”


`````` ````````

A few nights later, Kagome snuggled herself up against her mate’s embrace, as they both listened amusedly at the sounds of snoring coming from Shippo’s room. She should let him spar with Kohaku more often. The lad needed something to do, so that he wasn’t cooped up with his pregnant sister all day long, and he was one of the few people that Kagome knew of that could successfully use up all of Shippo’s youkai energy. She doubted a train going by right outside his window would wake the kit at that point.

Wordlessly, Kagome shifted her arm, tucking her hand in between herself and her mate, smiling at the inhaling gasp she heard him release moments later.

“What’s with you, woman?” he started, brushing hair away from the nape of her neck to kiss her tenderly, before continuing… “Wanting to torture your man with pleasure he cannot return.”

“It’s just the same as how you feel.” she answered, continuing before he could question her logic, “How badly you want to touch me, how badly you want to bring me pleasure…that’s how badly I want to pleasure you, as well.”

Relenting, and chuckling despite how selfish he knew it sounded, he answered her with “Well, I suppose there’s no point in both of us suffering…” as he leaned down to kiss her neck again.

“Exactly…” she answered behind a giggle, rolling over onto her other side so her lips could meet his own, as well as give her hand more freedom of movement.

He moaned into the kiss as he felt her expert fingers slip within the open slit at the side of his hakama. He should really start wearing a fundoshi more often.

“Damn it Kagome…” he groaned in torturous pleasure, as she grabbed his hand with her free one, placing it upon her clad breast “Don’t start something I can’t finish.” he complained, reluctantly removing his callused digits from where they’d folded themselves around her swollen mound of flesh and milk.

“It’s okay now, we can…finish…” she whispered seductively.

“You sure?” he asked her.

“I’m ready to get this thing out of me…” she chuckled, reminding him also “It’s not even a guarantee that it’ll do that anyway, it only could do that.”

“Let’s find out…” he answered her, as he reached forward, capturing her lips once more, while his hand reclaimed her tender breast, reaching between the folds of her chihaya to touch the bare skin that he knew lied beneath.

As clothing was removed, the words to flow from his mouth were a never-ending series of how beautiful he thought she was, and how unbelievable it still was for him, sometimes, that somebody was actually going to bear him a child. It’d seemed unfathomable not all that long ago.

Disappearing between her legs, Kagome groaned in frustration while moaning in pleasure simultaneously. She couldn’t see him, because her stupid belly was in the way, she thought dejectedly, wanting to watch the fires of passion as they burned within his eyes. At first it had been embarrassing, locking her eyes with his as he pleasured her, but more recently, before their activities had been put on hold, she’d found she loved gazing down at him as he devoured her. His piercing stare always managed to fill her with chills, and she loved it. She loved him.

“Ahhhhhhhhh Inuya….Ahhhhhh”

Gods how she loved him.

“Better?” he asked looking up at her, eyes glazed with passion, chin glazed with her juices.

“Much…” she answered tiredly, feeling her baby squirm and turn. Apparently, it hadn’t triggered labor after all, and she honestly didn’t know if she should be disappointed or relieved.

Though a part of her was in no hurry to go through with that particular ordeal, the more logical part of her knew that it was inevitable, and longed to simply get it over with.


Now that she was passed nine months, Inuyasha continued to pleasure her every night, each time trying more unique and creative methods with which to prolong her pleasure and delay her explosion. He had a lot of making up to do, he’d claimed, and to that she could not help but chuckle. She didn’t see though, how he could possibly ever hope to catch up to her, when she continued to pleasure him every night as well.

It was a night like any other, when Kagome was around nine and a half months alone, that immediately upon reaching her completion, she shrieked in pain, causing Inuyasha to freak out, immediately forgetting all about his own hard-on.

“Are you okay?!?!” he asked her frantically, sensing her pain through their bond, which felt like she had been socked in the stomach.

“Ahhh…..yeah….” she panted breathlessly once the pain finally faded. “I think…it worked…”

“Worked?” he gulped, knowing exactly what she meant.

“Yeah….” she paused, shortening her breathing to make another wave of pain slightly more bearable as she gritted her teeth. “It’s time.”