InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ You Were Meant For Me ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
~ Hello ya'll. First of all, for anyone reading this chapter I would like to warn you that it contains a HET scene (Noooooooh!!!). Although this chapter is somewhat important, in order to get the idea of what this chapter is about, you do not have to read the part of this chapter containing the HET scene, if you don't like HET. It is basically towards the end of the chapter anyways. I will summarize the HET scene for all of those that would prefer not to read this chapter all the way through. Basically, Kagome meets someone… you can find out who it is before the HET scene, and they end up having oral sex. The time to stop reading if you so choose, is when they are alone in her room. So read it or just skip it, it's up to you… Another thing is that, I did this strange thing where midway through the HET scene; it switches over to a YAOI scene during the very beginning of the next chapter. So if you choose to skip the HET scene, now you'll understand what's going on in the next chapter. This will be the only HET scene in this story. I wrote this part in because it goes along with the atmosphere I'm trying to create in the story and I like all of the characters of Inu Yasha. I'm not good at making any of them suffer. Also, there are some things in this chapter along with the one before and the ones that follow, which don't align completely with the plot in the manga and/or anime. But in order for this story to make sense, I had no choice. In the manga, Kagome graduates before Naraku is defeated. In this story, I made it after he is defeated…and of course there's a bunch of other things that are pretty obvious. But honestly, I've never been a self-righteous STICK WITH THE CANON Nazi, to begin with. I just want my stories to be interesting, hilarious, mature, not cliché; and I want people to be able to see a side of a character that they didn't get to see in the manga or anime. In order to make all of this possible, sometimes I have to switch things up. I don't like to conform to what everyone else is doing. I may not get as many reviews or attention to my work, but I can't write about things that don't inspire me. I always make sure that I do my research, so that I know what I'm changing and I try to make my stories believable. Lastly, a couple of chapters back, someone informed me in a review, that I was spelling, thigh the wrong way. I was spelling it, “thie,” and “thies,” instead of “thigh,” and “thighs.” I'm such an airhead that I didn't realize that when you spell, “thigh,” as “thigh,” you also spell it that way in the plural form. So I only corrected the singular, “thie,” to “thigh,” but not the plural, “thies,” to, “thighs.” Anyways, if I haven't lost you yet, I have been constantly going back and changing these mistakes, and will continue to until they are eventually all fixed. So for those who have already read the previous chapters, just know that I am completely aware of these mistakes and I am very serious about making sure that I am spelling things correctly in my stories. Sometimes Spell Check just lets you down. If anyone would like to leave comments about how they believe my story can be better, or mistakes that they've noticed, feel free and if anyone has opinions about anything else regarding my story, as long as they are constructive and not malicious, feel free to leave comments. Anyways, I hope those continuing to read this story understand my vision. ~
Chapter 13: You Were Meant For Me
It has been a week since Kagome has returned to her own time. She hasn't bothered trying to go back through the well…why would she? She's still in shock. How could Inuyasha do this to her?! How could he be in love with his own brother?! It was easy to forgive him in the past when she found out he still had feelings for Kikyo, but this is like nothing she could have ever even imagined. Even after a whole week, she still can't solve this riddle that has been vexing her mind along with her heart. `I am so glad we are graduating today. Finally I'll be able to take a break,' she thinks to herself as she holds her hand out in preparation to receive her certificate. After graduation, she talks with her friends Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi for a little while. Yuka senses somberness in Kagome's eyes and asks, “Are you okay, Kagome.” Kagome just laughs half-heartedly, brushing her off as she tells her everything's fine. But of course they all know better. Eventually Kagome leaves with her family and they go out to eat in order to celebrate. Once she finally arrives at her house later on that evening, she goes immediately to her room before shutting the door, sliding under her covers in bed and crying herself to sleep. Two weeks go by with Kagome staying closed off in her bedroom, except for when she has to attend Juku School. Then one night as she is lying restless in her bed with tormenting thoughts consuming her brain, suddenly she is overtaken by an overwhelming feeling of outrage. `I'm not going to let Sesshoumaru get away with it! He brainwashed Inuyasha and stole him away from me! I don't care about his Dokkasou or his Bakusaiga, I don't know how but I'm going to beat his pointy eared, bishonen looking ASS!!!'
She jumps out of bed before throwing on some uncharacteristic clothing: A gray jump suit with some really comfortable, practically brand new Nikes (…practically brand new because she rarely wears them). After the final touch of putting her hair into a high ponytail, she stuffs her bag full of things; like a safety-kit, her tooth brush, an extra pair of socks, (Vaseline). She writes a note and abandons it on her bed before leaving the house and walking outside, into the night. It isn't long before she reaches the well. Once she gets to the bottom, she is shocked to discover that the stupid thing won't let her through. She ends up slamming the pinky side of her fist into the ground as she sobs on her knees in despair. After a whole hour of being stuck at the bottom of that wretched well, with her rage, sadness and tears, she finally gets up the strength to crawl back out again. She ends up back in her room, in her pajamas, crying herself to sleep in her bed. During the rest of the remainder of her vacation, she continues to spend most of her time in her room. Her friends call the house constantly, checking up on her, and she talks with them on the phone periodically, but no matter how much they pressure her into hanging out with them, she continues to decline their offers. They try to tempt her with Hojo. They tell her that he has been asking about her a lot and that he has been at some of the parties they'd been to. That doesn't get her out of the house…of course. She only has eyes and heart for one…a being with hypnotizing golden eyes, cute doggie ears, an obnoxious voice, long, silky, silver hair… Everytime they mention Hojo, it only reminds her of Inuyasha (and how that elf looking bastard, Sesshoumaru stole him away from her) and then she ends up in tears all over again. Once vacation finally ends, she is not even near looking forward to going back to school. But now that she doesn't have the excuse of being in a different time, battling a malevolent nemesis, she has no choice but to attend school.
The morning of the first day of tenth grade, at an entirely new school, arrives. She finally gets out of bed after a few minutes of dawdling. She lethargically get's ready. Later on, after breakfast is finished, she kisses her mom goodbye and wishes her grandpa along with Sota farewell, before heading off. Once she arrives at school, she is so relieved by the fact that Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi are going to be going to the same High School as her; considering how intimidating it can be, when you are in a totally new environment without knowing a single soul. Eventually they find each other, before taking turns hugging and greeting. After their little Kumbayah, they begin to head inside of the school. Before they are about to pass the entrance, Kagome accidentally drops the book that she was just holding in her hands. As she is about to reach down in order to pick it up, suddenly out of nowhere, a young man comes up and offers to pick it up for her. “There you go,” he chimes, as he hands the book to her. After getting a good look at his face; she gasps under her breath but not because of his bedazzlingly beautiful smile. “Kouga…” she utters in shock, with a startled expression on her face. The young man gazes at her with confusion. Finally he replies in a chipper tone of voice, “You must have me mistaken for someone else. My name is Yoshida, Hikaru. What's yours?” “Hikaru…” she repeats in a daze. Finally she drifts back to earth before replying with a stutter as she bows awkwardly, “Um…Kagome…My name is Higurashi, Kagome…” He utters with a slightly flirtatious and very bright grin, “That's a pretty name… Kagome…well, I'll be seein' ya.” “Huh,” she voices as the familiarity of his words and confusion over this moment, hits her square in the temples. With a peace sign, as quickly as he entered her view, he swiftly departs. Kagome is left feeling as if she has just been sucked into a typhoon and then spit back out again.
“Kagome…are you coming?” Yuka calls out. She had become so discombobulated that she didn't even realize that Yuka, Ayumi and Eri were still there, waiting for her. She turns around. “Oh…cuh…coming,” she finally stutters. She speeds up the stairs before reaching her friends and then they all head off. Once they get into the hallway, they are all surprised to see a large crowd of excited female freshmen surrounding someone or something. Out of curiosity, they decide to go over and find out what all of the fuss is about. Once they get closer up, they realize that a group of four, handsome teenage boys are what's responsible for causing such an ear piercing, eardrum exploding, uproar. Kagome notices the young man who helped her with her book earlier, amongst the group of guys. `Hm…that's interesting,' she thinks to herself. Kagome hears one of the girls squeak histrionically, “Can I have your autographs!” One of the young men replies like a self-absorbed, narcissist would, “Sorry ladies, but we're here to learn just like the rest of you.” He then mumbles to one of his friends, “Isn't this great, every year we get to experience this all over again, heh-heh.” “Why are they moved by those boys, what's so special about them,” Kagome asks. Yuka replies, “I can't believe you don't know who they are…They're Momoiro, the greatest and sexiest boy band in like, the universe. They have been attending this school sense they were freshmen and now they are seniors. Their parents forced them to go here, because it's one of the best High Schools in the country and also to help them stay humble and not get big headed over all of their fame and fortune. I'm so glad I will at least get to spend one year going to the same school as them before they graduate…” She sighs at the end of her sentence dreamily. Kagome inquires, “How do they find time to go to school and be BIG SUPER STARS and all…why don't they have any bodyguards?” Ayumi answers, “How should we know?” Kagome mumbles with slight sarcasm, “You know, the whole, “humbling” thing doesn't seem to be working and also, won't they just make it harder for you guys to focus on your studies? I mean, you guys already have a tough enough time not focusing too much on REGULAR guys.” Eri counters, “Who cares…I mean, we're gonna have the hottest boys in the universe attending school with us for a whole year!”
“Hhmm…” Kagome' vocalizes before continuing in thought, `So the guy I just met…he's a part of that group. Why does he look so much like Kouga? Maybe it's his reincarnation-no that's ridiculous.” She gasps suddenly as an even more creepy idea stumbles into her mind, “What if Inuyasha's reincarnation exists as well?” She silently shakes her head as if to fling the thought out of her brain. Kagome directs her attention towards the guys once more. Suddenly a cold chill ripples down her spine as one of the fourth members who had been facing away from the crowd the whole time, suddenly turns around. Once he is facing forward; despite the glower on his face created by his disdain over all of the attention his group is receiving; it is as if Kagome is in a dream where a gust of wind is dramatically blowing his medium length, jet black hair about and the sun is shining with supernatural intensity, creating golden flakes within his chocolate brown eyes as she beholds his unmistakable beauty and splendor. “Inuyasha…” she gasps quietly to herself. As she suddenly starts to feel light-headed and overheated, she absent-mindedly strokes her forehead with the back of her hand as she continues to think to herself in bewilderment, `He…He looks just like Inuyasha.' She almost passes out before thinking to herself again as she licks her lips, `Okay, calm down Kagome…we have to think for a moment. Could it be just a coincidence that he is here along with someone who looks just like Kouga? Well even if he was Inuyasha's reincarnation, he wouldn't remember the past anyway.' She sighs to herself solemnly as she shrugs her shoulders before murmuring, “He probably has a girlfriend…” “Hm,” Ayumi vocalizes. Kagome turns around swiftly before saying, “Oh, nothing-nothing,” with a tittering laugh. `This is crazy…what am I going to do if I run into him?”
- Not too long after the bell rings and everyone heads off to class, Kagome is disappointed to discover that neither Eri or Yuka nor Ayumi are in any of her classes. But fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) the boy who resembles Inuyasha, who she finds out during roll call, is named Michi, along with his Kouga resembling friend, Hikaru, are. To Kagome's astonishment, Michi ends up sitting right next to her everytime that he is in one of her classes. This goes on for the next three weeks. One day, after gently and intentionally bumping into her, he smiles back at her while she is at her locker as he walks backwards, smoothly and eloquently. His smile is like a soft breeze and his flirtatious stare is a mellow, penetrating gaze that causes her face to flush and her knees to almost buckle underneath her (or cause her to fall to the ground dramatically with her legs being the only things visible, suspended in the air, along with a bunch of stars and swirls…just a shojo anime visual for you.) On the first day of the fourth week of school; during her science class, everyone is assigned to a partner for a lab experiment. Kagome ends up being partnered up with Michi, to Hikaru's chagrin. Kagome finds Michi's languishing gaze so enchanting, that she totally forgets that Hikaru is even on the planet. During these past few weeks she's noticed the sometimes friendly, sometimes competitive dynamics between them. `So much like Kouga and Inuyasha's friendship was,' she often has thought to herself. As her and Michi work through the different processes of the experiment, she is amazed to discover how intelligent he is. But that isn't the only thing she notices. She thinks to herself, `He's so calm and patient…so down to earth and easy to get along with… He looks just like an older version of Inuyasha physically and yet mentally and emotionally, he will never be Inuyasha…just like I could never be Kikyou.' A feeling of melancholy begins to subdue her heart.
In her absent-minded state, she accidentally tips over one of the plastic flasks with the back of her hand, spilling the liquid inside onto the counter top. The corrosive substance melts some of the paint on the table away and sizzles as smoke drifts into the air. Michi jumps dramatically and hunches backwards as he exclaims, “Aye Kagome! Are ya clumsy or somethin'! You're gonna kill us both driftin' off like that!” She verbalizes swiftly and anxiously in reply, “Sorry-sorry.” It takes a moment for it to hit her. “Hmph,” she vocalizes brightly before thinking to herself, `He has a little, “Inuyasha” in him after all.' As the semester drifts along, her and Inuyasha-I mean Michi-start to grow closer and closer to one another. Many nights, they end up talking on the phone. During those times, they laugh a lot and immerse themselves in deep as well as casual conversation, sometimes all the way until dawn. She eventually gets the courage to open up to him about her broken heart over her previous boyfriend (but she doesn't go into detail over who he cheated on her with or what time period he lives in, of course). She is amused when he says, “Why does he have such a funny name?” If Inuyasha heard his name, she's sure he would probably have a similar reaction, only more frank. In the end he encourages her by telling her that she's too beautiful and kind-hearted to be with a dumbass like him anyway…said only the way he could. They continue to fall deeper and deeper in love the more that they get to know each other. She learns about his background; how he grew up poor, and how his family sacrificed what little they had, in order for him to be able to accomplish his dream of becoming a famous musician, singer, composer, and songwriter. She learns that he has a lot of opinions and ideas and unlike most around him, isn't afraid to express them. She learns about his dream to create an organization that helps minorities living in Japan to have equal rights and more opportunities to be included in the society. She learns about how much he loves wearing only all white when he's in Japan and only all black when he is in any western country and she learns that he is an amazing, loyal friend. They do lots of things together like; going to carnivals and holding hands as they ride together on the fares wheels, studying together, attending the same afterschool clubs, driving around once in a while, in Michi's very expensive, fast and luxurious Porsche Carrera GT and the rest of the time, only driving in his electric car, and frequenting McDonald's where they share strawberry milkshakes.
One night after attending one of Michi's concerts, they arrive back at Kagome's house. By this time, it has been almost a year since Michi and Kagome have known each other and Kagome's mom, along with the rest of her family, has become well acquainted with her new boyfriend (of course they all noticed Michi's striking resemblance in appearance, to Inuyasha, but her grandfather brought it up like only a thousand times, to Kagome's dismay, and then it was never spoken of again). Just like Inuyasha, Kagome's mom allows Michi to go into her room but unfortunately when it comes to certain things, unlike Inuyasha, Michi is anything but passive. After Michi shuts the door after Kagome…and locks it, they both take a seat on her soft, warm bed. With their bodies turned toward each other, Michi places his hand gently against the side of Kagome's face. Her breathing starts to hitch as she gazes into his chestnut brown eyes with anticipation. He begins to lean in towards her slowly and once their faces are close enough for their noses to almost touch, he stops. He mumbles tensely, “I've been waiting for this moment all night,” before finally closing the deal. Soon his moist, creamy lips are caressing hers. Kagome's mouth gradually spreads like the wings of a butterfly, in order to receive Michi's eager, but patiently awaiting tongue. Their tongues eventually begin to dance a complex waltz, writhing together like snakes in heat as one of Kagome's hands languishes behind Michi's neck while the other lightly squeezes down upon his muscular, lean thigh. Their heads move from side to side in perfect synchronization as Michi proceeds to move his crafty hand casually up Kagome's knee length dress. “Mmm,” Kagome moans breezily into the back of Michi's throat as his hand discovers the extremely sensitive place between her thighs. She continues to release delicate sounds of pleasure, as the pressure and movement of his hand continues to increase. After a few more moments of passionate and explicit kissing, he finally sets her mouth free.
“You're so wet,” he mumbles tensely, as he removes his hand from her. She smiles hazily and produces a brief chuckle as she casually moves her hand over his crouch. “Mmmm,” he groans in response to her touch, before she breathes, “And you're as hard as a rock.” He gazes at her with seductive intensity as he asks, “So what are you gonna do about it?” She gazes back at him amorously as she bights her bottom lip before replying sensually, “What do you think?” He delays his reply as he continues to gaze at her sharply. “You first,” he answers finally. Before she can utter another word, he gets down on his knees in front of her before pulling her baby pink, bikini underwear, down to her ankles after she has risen up briefly in order to remove her dress. “Now spread your legs wide for me…and keep your voice down this time…I don't want your mother giving me funny looks again,” he whispers. “You don't have to tell ME twice,” she replies with playful sarcasm. After she spreads her legs as wide as she can possibly get them, he begins to place light kisses and sucks over the inside of one of her thighs which sends tumultuous shivers down her spine and causes her to release breathy sounds of gratification.
It isn't long before his mouth reaches her zone. He laps at her clit a few times, just like a dog yokai would, before finally taking the small, swollen mound between his lips. She sighs with pleasure, as vivid sensations radiate all though-out her lower half. She begins thrusting her pelvis, holding the back of his head with one hand while caressing one of her bra accentuated breast with the other as she grinds her groin against his lips. He slides his tongue inside of her opening, massaging her g-spot, delicately. She whimpers her approval. He twirls his tongue around the tip of her clit a few times, causing her to sob erotically. He then stops after one more twirl. He shushes her before whispering, “The whole neighborhood is gonna here us.” She replies quietly, “They already know we're doing things…do you think their stupid or something?” “What?” “Um…I was almost there…continue…please.” He corks an eyebrow. “Whatever ya say, your highness,” he finally utters sarcastically, before submissively sticking his head back between Kagome's legs. “Aawwhh,” she moans lightly, as he proceeds to suck on her clit once more. After a few more sucks, he slides his middle and index finger a few inches inside of her before proceeding to finger bang her as he licks at her clit, simultaneously. Then he returns to twirling his tongue around it in circles as he continues to thrust his fingers in and out of her rapidly, massaging her g-spot. “Aaahh! Michi…aw-sss…Nnnn!!” It isn't long before she is reaching the pinnacles of ecstasy. She sobs vividly, as a powerfully feverish and expansive orgasm overtakes her entire being. After the last ripples of pleasurable sensations radiate through her, she immediately switches places with Michi.
With his pants down to his ankles and his boxers still on, she takes his extremely, long, thick, hard, swollen member, which is sticking up and out of the opening in the front of his boxers, into her warm and salivating mouth. She gives his tip a few strong sucks, exercising a deep sob of desperate longing out of Michi's throat along with an intensely erotic expression engendered by the pangs of desire and gratification he has been consumed by. She then proceeds to use her wet, agile tongue in order to lick up, down, and around the circumference of his shaft, drenching it with her saliva. After his stiffness is thoroughly soaked, and even harder (if that is even possible), she takes it back into her mouth once more, before proceeding to stimulate the throbbing organ with hand and mouth coordination. He groans thunderously and sighs breezily as exceedingly gratifying sensations overtake him. He proceeds to hold the back of her head with one hand, as he grips the sheet on her bed tightly with his other hand, while thrusting his heat in and out of her mouth. Saliva salaciously drips down her chin as his length continues to move back and forth between her stretched, voluptuous lips. “Aaaaww! Mmm…Suck it…(quivering whisper) Kagome…”