InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mindswitch ❯ Blood Bond ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Discalmer: Inuyasha is not mine. Yet. Muwahahaha!

Sen, however, is mine.

Enjoy, and please review!

Chapter Three: Blood Bond

Inuyasha bonded through the forest, franticly twisting his head, searching for the smell of the demon. His world had narrowed to the pounding of his heart in his ears and the poisonous stench that still clung to him.

He snorted, trying to get the smell out of his nose. Accursed demon! Inuyasha growled in frustration and reversed directions. He whipped his head back and forth, desperate to find some smell, some sign of the demon, or her….

He growled again and changed directions, leaping over Sango and Miroku. Dimly he was aware of some buzzing noise from them, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was finding that smell.

Miroku panted, out of breath, and looked up and the streak of red blazing back and forth over the forest canopy.

"Inuyasha, slow down! We'll never find Kagome that-"

He was cut off by a cry of triumph and Inuyasha skidded and ran off to his left.

"I found it!"

He could smell a faint wisp of poison hanging in the air. The demon must have flown, his smell was nowhere on the ground. His awful stench was also blocking out Kagome's scent. He just hoped she was alright. At least he couldn't smell any-


Another scent drifted through the air. Much more potent then the poison. And so much of it. Gallons of it.


Her blood.

"NOOOO!" Inuyasha howled, and ran even faster, leaving his friends in the dust.

* * * * * *

She felt strange. So strange. And weak. She felt disjointed, and was hardly away of her knees on the ground, or the pain in her wrists. All she could see was swirling grey fog. A thousand tiny hands reached out for her, pulling at her, sucking her in. She struggled, but she couldn't move. She screamed, but she couldn't speak.

Help me! She thought, someone please help me!

Something drifted towards her, out of the mist. A strange, powerful presence. It wrapped itself around her as her mind disconnected from her body.

Do you really want my help? A voice purred in her ear.

Yes… Please …My friends…Find… my friends…Inu… Ya…sha…

The darkness claimed her.

* * * * * * * *

Inuyasha burst into the clearing. The demon Gonkuro was standing a few paced away from a big grey boulder. Gonkuro was clutching a small stone and had a look of triumph on his face. But Inuyash wasn't looking at him.

He was looking at the boulder. And what was kneeling in front of it.


She was slumped against the boulder, unconscious. Her hands were jammed into a small hole in the rock. Her blood poured out of the hole in thick, dark streams.

"NOOOO!" screamed Inuyasha, and leapt towards her.

Gonkuro really was as fast as lighting. His hand hit Inuyasha in mid-air, and pinned him to the ground.

"Stupid half-breed! You cannot stop the great Gonkuro!"

Inuyasha snarled and fought the hand pining him to the ground, but it was almost as big as he was. Gonkuro just laughed.

A strange energy began to build around the boulder. Suddenly, it and Kagome were enveloped in a strange glowing grey fog.

"Kukukuku! Too late! That foolish human's blood will open the gate to the dream world, and I will go to my great and glorious destiny!"

Then, with a loud "FHOOP!" all the fog disappeared. Kagome lay sprawled out on the ground, her blood slowly pooling around her. Absolutely nothing else had changed.

"WHAT!?" Gonkuro roared, "It didn't WORK!?"

Inuyasha finally wiggled one of his arms free.

"Iron Revere Soul Stealer!" He yelled, taking Gonkuro's hand off at the wrist.

Gonkuro swatted Inuyasha with his stump. "USELESS!" He howled and sped off.

Inuyasha didn't care. He pushed off the claw as his friends ran into the clearing.


She lay a few paces from the boulder, as if she'd been thrown away from it like a rag doll. Her friends gathered round.

Inuyasha snatched the bandages out of Miroku's hand and began to bind Kagome's wrist with shaking fingers. Miroku wordlessly started on her other hand.

Sango knelt next to Kagome's head and checked her pulse.

"Her pulse is weak." She heard Inuyasha growl. His face was like a thunderstorm, with guilt and anger fighting for supremacy.

Sango looked down at her friend with pity. Kagome had many small bruises on her shins and arms. She had no doubt tried to fight the demon off. She was so pale.

And yet… Her breathing was strong. Sango checked her pulse again. That's funny. It was getting stronger.

Suddenly, Kagome's eye's snapped open. She sat up. Inuyasha said nothing. He just hugged her fiercely as Miroku and Sango took a step back.

Inuyasha pulled back a bit. "Kagome…. Are you alright?" he asked, hesitantly touching the side of her face.

"I'm fine!" Kagome said brightly, and jumped to her feet. "Let's go!" She marched purposely forward.

Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango just stared in surprise.

"Ummm, Kagome?" Said Sango "Camp is the other way."

Kagome said nothing, just changed her direction without missing a beat.

Sango and Inuyasha looked to Miroku for some sort of explanation.

" Perhaps she's in shock?" offered Miroku. "If that is the case, we should try to humour her."

A ball of reddish fur came hurdling out of the woods and hit Kagome square in the stomach.

"Kagome!" cried Shippo, hugging her joyfully, "You're OK! But you're hurt! Oh, that's bad that you're hurt `cause I wanted to come save you but everyone ran so fast and they left me with the fire cat and I was all alone so I came to find you!"

With Shippo still talking at a mile a minute, Kagome stopped walking and looked over her shoulder at the rest of the group.

"Well? Are you coming?" She purred. She winked at Inuyasha.

The rest of the group hurried to catch up.