InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Shadow ❯ Bribe ( Chapter 4 )

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Chapter 4: Bribe

Series: Inuyasha

Universe: Ninja AU (NOT Naruto-verse, mind you! Sorry! Traditional ninjas only).

Pairing: Eventual SessKag

Rating: PG-13 ( For now, suscepticble to change).

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and its characters are the intellectual property of one Rumiko Takahashi. I only make bad fanfiction about it.

Authors notes: Where Kaede is sneaky and Sesshoumaru is unused to dealing with quick-witted old women.



Kaede found the young Lord of the West in one of the many gardens of his palace.

"My Lord, if I may…?" she intruded his brooding, ambling down the steps and toward the white figure of the great lord among the green.

Sesshoumaru scoffed, amused despite his anger. "Kaede, for as long as I have known you, you have always done as you pleased. But yes, you may."

The old woman chuckled, relieved that he did not seem too upset from the previous scene. She stood next to him, looking from one beautiful white bud to the next. She knew the plants before her to be moonflowers - the House of the Moon was famous for them. During the day they remained hidden from view of curious spectators. But when night fell, a remarkable spectacle awaited the lucky viewers, as the coy flowers would all bloom at once in a fantastic explosion of color. For now, the simple flower remained closed and demure, completely unspectacular, hiding its true beauty. Like a certain little ninja she knew. Kaede sighed.

"My Lord…I apologize for my pupil's behavior back there. She is young-"

"And rude."

"-and she did not mean to offend my Lord, I assure thee." Kaede continued calmly, as if he hadn't interrupted her. Sesshoumaru huffed, seeming unconvinced. Silence settled around them, and far off Kaede could hear the singing of a bird.

"Why me?" he asked quietly.

"Because you are the best." Kaede stated matter-of-factly. Sesshoumaru did chuckle then.

"Flattery will not persuade me, Kaede."

"Then bribery shall." She drawled casually, knowing that would get a reaction from him. As she predicted, Sesshoumaru growled. "You can not hope to buy my favour, Kaede, and that you would try to do so or think me weak enough to accept offends me."

"Everybody wants something, Lord Sesshoumaru."

"I have no need of riches or power, for I have both."

Kaede agreed with a hum. "Then how about information?"

A silence, deafening in its volume, rang out between the two figures. Kaede watched in detached fascination as around them night settled, and here and there small buds began to spark to life.

She could feel the young lord warring against himself. A battle of wits had commenced and Kaede had made the first move. An experienced player would realize this and play accordingly. But Sesshoumaru was not well-versed in fighting with words as he was with his sword, and Kaede had hoped for this. The young Lord did not want to rise to the bait, but his curiosity had been piqued.

Sesshoumaru growled. "What nonsense are you spouting? Have you finally gone senile?"

"I am perfectly clear-minded, thank you very much, me Lord." she notified, not at all perturbed by his jab. "But I know for a fact that thy clan has been searching for the whereabouts of another clan's lair. A band of rebels, I believe, if my senile mind does not fail me."

Sesshoumaru glared at the old woman beside him, sizing her up, trying to tell truth from lie. How did she come across this information? Then again, ninja clans were always looking for their enemies' whereabouts. He narrowed his eyes. "You are bluffing." He decided.

Kaede hummed thoughtfully. "Perhaps I am. Perhaps not. But then I suppose a capable ninja such as thee can find the haven of the Spider clan by thyrself. Even though ye have failed to do so for the past year…my Lord." She informed conversely. Sesshoumaru stared, his expression schooled to boredom, but it was so controlled she knew him to be wearing nothing but a mask. The infinitesimal tick of a brow gave him away. Oh, he was intrigued indeed.

Feeling immensely satisfied with herself, she bowed to the young lord and ambled toward the steps that led to the house. "Goodnight, my Lord, and thank thee kindly for seeing us. My pupil and I shall be on our way." Kaede was almost at the top step. Three, two, one, she counted in her head-

"Say you give me this information…what do you wish for in return?" his voice pierced the night.

Kaede smiled secretly.

'Know your enemy's weakness, but know your friend's as well; for you never know when you might have to fight one or the other'. It had been one of the very first lessons she had been taught when she was a young kunoichi, and one she passed down to Kagome as well. It had served her well in her long life as a ninja and it never ringed truer than now.

The old woman turned towards the young demon lord standing just a few feet away from him, her expression as placid as the surface of a lake. Lord Sesshoumaru stood there, expectantly, his breath too even, his expression casual. Lord Taisho had taught his son well in the art of battle and leadership, but he was still a child and easy for a veteran ninja like Kaede to read and manipulate. All young men of power wanted something; Sesshoumaru, with his aloof visage of unearthliness and self-contentment, was no exception.

"Let us speak inside, Lord Sesshoumaru, and ye can serve me some of that famous Moon clan tea."

Among the blooming moonflowers, Sesshoumaru brooded. He knew a loss when he saw one.

He had been outmatched.

That Kaede is one slippery old gal, eh? #GrandmaGoals

I wonder what Kaede asked for in return? 9w9 R&R please, so I know if you are liking this story or if I should continue it!