InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Darling Emiko ❯ Kigai ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Emiko leaned forward and gazed into the flames as the story began.

There was once a young Lady who grew up near here. She was a brave fighter and warrior. When the time came for her to be married she refused. She told her father that she could not and would not marry for anything less than love. Her father of course was very upset by this. That night she packed a few belongings into a knapsack and she left. The girl ran far away, to a whole new country where her father could not possibly be able to find her.

"What was her name?" Kagome asked. "Aiko" Emiko said

Aiko lived her life in deep in the forest of this strange land. There were plants that she had never seen before along with birds that were unfamiliar. She lived in a small cave in these woods for a long time, hunting what she needed to eat and having no one bother her.

One day, while she was out hunting she came upon a wolf. He was surrounded by wild dogs and was bleeding heavily. She chased the dogs away from the wolf and picked the poor thing up. He was really a lovely shade of chocolate brown. It was a shame that such a creature was going to die, so she brought him back to her cave with her.

As she bandaged him up as best she could he woke up. Taking one look at her, he spoke. "Thank you dear lady for saving me" he said in a voice that was like silk to her ears.

"Your welcome" she said in barely a whisper. Her voice was rough from not talking for so long and she was embarrassed by the sound. "Personally she thought she was so lonely for someone to talk to that she was hallucinating "-Emiko added as an aside He smiled softly at her blush.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine by morning and then I'll go" he said.

She looked at him weird. "Are you ookami?" she asked haltingly, her voice a little stronger this time.

"Ookami?" he asked "I don't know this word. I am a wolf-demon." He said.

She laughed softly. "That's what we call a ookami where I come from" she said.

"Ah!" he said "then, yes, I am ookami" and he tried to giggle but wound up coughing. She brought over a bowl of water for him to drink and he thanked her.

"You can sleep here, I'll be over there if you need me" she said as she noticed him looking very drowsy. He nodded and dozed off. She went to the back of the cave and started the fire in the pit that was there. Over the fire she hung a freshly skinned rabbit to cook, for she was sure when her visitor awoke he would be hungry.

She leaned her back against the wall and watched the flames dance and flicker around the rabbit and every once in a while she turned the rabbit on it's spit. As she looked in the flames she said a silent prayer for the ookami boy to be all right. Little did she know, but the ookami "boy" was watching her from where he lay.

"What's your name?" he asked shocking her suddenly.

"Aiko. What's yours?"


"Kigai?" she asked. It didn't sound familiar to her.

"Yes, it means strong spirit" he said.

She smiled shyly at him. "Would you like something to eat?" she asked taking the rabbit from it's spit.

"Not now, I'm still tired. I'm going to rest some more" he said and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

She smiled at the sleeping wolf and walked outside to watch the moon as it rose above the trees. She said a small prayer to the gods that her father was well and leaned against the side of a rock to stare at the stars. She suddenly heard a cry from inside the cave and ran to see what had happened.

Her "patient" was thrashing about wildly and would open his wounds if she didn't stop him. She sat down and pulled his body into her lap and held down his legs gently and whispered softly to him that all was well. He slowly calmed into a deep sleep and Aiko covered him up with a blanket and leaned against the wall to doze off.

As she woke up the next morning she was surprised to find a young man sleeping in her lap rather than a wolf. He must have changed forms in his sleep she thought with a smile and gently brushed the hair from his forehead. He opened up an eye at her touch and she smiled down at him.

"You're awake now" she asked.

He yawned widely and grinned at her. "Thanks to you, I'm in one piece now" he said and went to stand up.

"Oops!" he said as he noticed he didn't have a stitch of clothing on. Emiko giggled She covered her eyes with her hand and handed him the blanket to wrap around himself.

"Help yourself to the rabbit" she said with a sly smile.

He blushed a little and sat by the fire to eat his rabbit. She laid back against her blankets and decided to doze off while Kigai ate.

When she woke up he was gone. She searched the cave for any sign of him but there was none. The fact made her very sad. She had helped him and he had left without even a good-bye. Well, there was only one thing to help get over being depressed.

"Go kill something!!" Inuyasha said and they all looked at him weird. He blushed a little and growled. "Well, continue with the story already!" Emiko just smiled at him sadly and nodded.

She decided that he owed her an explanation and went out to hunt that wolf until she found him. Then he would pay for leaving her like he did. Funny thing that she would react so strongly about him ain't it? I mean, it's not like she even knew him, and yet she was hurt by his obvious rejection of her.

"Ah Love!" Miroku said mischievously and everyone looked from Kagome to Inuyasha. Emiko giggled at that and continued with her story.

Anyway! She decided to hunt the wolf that slighted her and picked up his trail. After a couple hours of following his trail she found a den. Oh yeah, he was in there and she knew it. She climbed into a tree and hid in it's branches waiting for him to come out. If he doesn't give me a good explanation for his rudeness I'll kill him, she thought angrily.

Her "quarry" poked his little nose out of the den and climbed out. He had a package under his arm and looked around warily as if knowing that someone was watching him.

She jumped from the tree to land in front of him. Her eyes glinted dangerously as he took a sudden step back from her. She was sure she was not the most loveliest of ladies at this time and she was positive that being angry made her look even worse. Of course, anyone who knows girls knows that even the thought of looking bad makes them even angrier. All the males in the room nodded sagely at this piece of information

"You didn't say good-bye" she growled lowly at him

"I was going back now to-" he started and she snorted angrily at him.

"Don't try to placate me with your clever lies" she said, "ookami are known to be tricksters and scavengers, but I had thought after saving your hide that you could at least had said good-bye to your rescuer!"

He knew she was extremely angry and almost anything said at this point would make her madder so he just handed her the package and stepped back from her. "For you, as thanks" he said as he backed away from her.

She swallowed her shock as she looked at the package in her arms. Whatever it was, was wrapped crudely in animal fur. She sat down heavily on the ground and looked at the package. Kigai walked towards her and sat in front of her. "Open it" he said with a shy smile and she did. Inside was a handmade doeskin jacket with fringes and fancy beadwork. Her face lit up in a beautiful smile as she looked at the jacket, gently stroking the hide and fingering the beadwork.

"It's lovely Kigai," she said tears forming in her eyes.

"Ack! Don't cry!" he said and leaned forward to brush the tears from her cheeks. She looked at him shocked as he wiped the tears off her cheeks and slowly leaned forward and kissed her gently.

"I'm sorry Aiko" he said against her lips, "I've fallen in love with you" and he slowly kissed her again.

She backed away from his kiss with a smile that could rival the sun for all it's brightness. "Don't be sorry, I love you too Kigai" she said and they fell into each others arms happily.

Kagome sighed happily. "They lived happily ever after right?" she asked and Emiko just smiled sadly. "Yeah, they lived happily ever after" she said.

Inuyasha snorted. "Not a bad story, could have used more blood. I thought you said there was a murder in this" he said.

"Well," Emiko said, "there was an ALMOST murder. Besides, I don't hear anyone else complaining but you about it." A glance around at the others showed them all shaking their heads. "See, told you" she said with a smirk and settled back against the wall of the cabin watching the flames flicker in the fire.

As the others settled in for bed, she smiled sadly. "Oh Kigai, I know I didn't tell them all the story, but I told them enough. As long as I'm here to remember, you'll never be forgotten" and with that thought she closed her eyes to fall into a dreamless sleep.

But little did she know, the full moon creeped out from behind the clouds, and shined in through the window...