InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ Free At Last! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return To The Place Where I First Loved You!
By Gogina
A/N: Hmmm, I wonder why no one's reviewing this story. Well, here's hoping someone will review.
Disclaimer: If you have to ask, well, more power to you.
Now, on to the third chapter . . .
Chapter 3
Free At Last!
I placed a hand over my chest, trying to get my heart to stop racing, but it was no use. Inuyasha's voice had captivated my heart and it recognized his voice when it heard it. A grunt was all I heard as a figure jumped into the well, put an arm around my waist, and jumped back out.
Oh, God, be still my heart, I thought, staring at Inuyasha in shock. He's even more handsome than I remember.
My heart started beating wildly. The sunlight glistened off of Inuyasha's white hair, his face was soft, which was unusual for him. Then, I saw HER. The woman who had first loved Inuyasha and, claimed, who still did. I could feel the tears threatening to make themselves known, but held them back, firmly. I could cry later, I told myself. I came here on a mission and I'm going to finish it!
“Inuyasha,” I said, looking up at him.
Oh, please, let this all be a dream, just a horrible nightmare. Let me wake up in Kaede's hut, Shippo lying next to me. This was difficult, but it had to be done, or else I would never rid myself of the Feudal Era.
“Inuyasha, lean down towards me,” I ordered, gently.

I was surprised, saddened, and relieved that he did as I asked. With a sharp, deep pain in the bottom of my stomach, I removed the Beads of Subjugation. From around his neck. Our last link to each other. The last piece of the puzzle that was now broken, sitting in my hands. There was an uneasy silence between Kikyo, Inuyasha, and me. I clutched the beads tightly to my breast, where I suddenly let the water works flow. Hurriedly, I turned back to the well, ready to jump in, but a hand suddenly grabbed mine and pulled me away.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha said, softly.
I forced myself to lift my tear-stained face to look into his amber eyes one last time.
“Kagome, it doesn't have to be this way,” he said.
I chuckled slightly to myself. Didn't he understand? Didn't he know that I was doing this for him? So he could be with the one he loved?
“Inuyasha,” I sighed, telling myself to get it over with. “Inuyasha, I keep telling myself that this isn't happening. That we'll see each other again and we'll both have great stories to tell each other when I return. But you and I both know why this
can't be. You made a promise a long time ago to Kikyo that you can't break and I understand that, but I have a life too. I have dreams, Inuyasha. Dreams that will either make me great or bring me down, but in the end I'll always have my memories. Memories that'll make me happy when I think of them. Memories, Inuyasha. Memories of you.”
Before I knew what I was doing, I stood on my tip-toes and planted a kiss on Inuyasha's lips. One that held love, sorrow, regret, and pain.
“I love you, Inuyasha,” I whispered as I closed my arms around him for a hug. “I always will. Be happy. I'll be happy, just as long as you are. Don't forget me.”
That said, I pushed away from him and, without a second thought, jumped into the well, the blue tinted light guiding me back home for the last time.
A/N: PLEASE! Please, review!