InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ A Normal Existence? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return To The Place Where I First Loved You!
By Gogina
A/N: Yes! I finally have one review! For that, this chapter is dedicated to them!
Chapter 4
A Normal Existence?
“Kagome, it would please both me and your classmates if you'd stop starring off into space,” the teacher announced.
I closed my eyes, tightly.
“I'm sorry,” I apologized, casting my eyes onto the piece of paper in front of me.
Noticing what I had written, I groaned. A letter to Inuyasha.
Dear Inuyasha,
It's been almost half a year here in my time since I've seen you. I'm wondering if you and Kikyo are happy, what your kids look like, if you'll perhaps name one after me. Not saying you have to, but, anyway. Would it be so wrong for me to tell you that I miss you? Afterall, we've never been apart for this amount of time. That's my fault for coming back and taking the Beads. But, Inuyasha, can you really blame me? I mean, you've been head over heels in love with Kikyo from the very beginning. I just got in the way all the time. And, honestly, so did my heart. Inuyasha, I know there's a reason I'm writing this letter to you after this long amount of time. It's to tell you something about when you first said my name. I think I knew right then and there, Inuyasha, that I was falling in love with you. But that can never be. You and Kikyo belong together and I can now see that. It pains me, but I must finish this letter. It's ironic that I'll never know if you'll receive or read it, but it's worth it. I'll never forget you, Inuyasha. Everyday we're apart, my love grows with longing to once again hear you call my name, or call me wench, or even just yell at me for doing something `stupid'. Good-bye forever, Inuyasha. Please, don't forget me.

I wiped the tears out of my eyes as I slowly made my way to the well. The same well that I would never go through again to see my friends. Quickly, I thrust open the door, entered, tossed the letter in, and raced back out, slamming the door behind me. My heart beat wildly in my chest. Inuyasha. Inuyasha, Inuyasha.
No. I'd never forget him. There was no way I'd be able to. My heart was shattered into a million pieces that could never be repaired. My only hope is that he's happy. Happy with Kikyo. Also, that Sango and Miroku are happy together and they're taking good care of Shippo. If that was a wish, well, I couldn't want anything more.
InuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaI nuyasha
“Hey, Kagome, wait up!”
In my mind, I groaned, but put on a smile and turned to face Hojo. It surprised me that he was actually talking to me, since I'd been ignoring him for quite a while now. He just really never got a clue - not my type.
“Kagome, I was hoping you'd agree to accompany me to Prom this year,” he announced, waiting anxiously while the wheels in my head started to turn. He was right. Three more weeks and Prom would be here. My mood darkened. I didn't want to go. At least, not with Hojo. I wanted to go with Inuyasha.
Disclaimer: <sigh> Must we go over this AGAIN?! Fine. Idon'townInuyasha. Except for a bookmark with Kagome on it. Sad, isn't it?