InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ The Fool Comes Calling! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return To The Place Where I First Loved You!
By Gogina
A/N: I am so glad you guys are enjoying this. As I mentioned before, this story is already posted on fanfiction dot net, so the chapters were previously planned out. I might update faster though. Thanks again for all your support!
Chapter 6
The Fool Comes Calling!
Darkness was still swallowing me, but the voices from before came back in livid memory. That's when it hit me. Inuyasha was here! Immediately, I shot up in bed, a little too quickly, for my head started to spin, causing me to have to lie back down. I groaned loudly as I placed a hand to my head, as if it would stop the pain.
“Kagome, you okay?”
If it's possible, my heart literally stopped beating for longer than thirty seconds.

No, no, no, no, no, I told myself, closing my eyes tightly. He's not here. When I open my eyes, he'll be gone.
Unfortunately, fate didn't agree with me, for, when I opened me eyes, there stood Inuyasha, gazing at me from his towering position by my bedside. I blinked a few times as I struggled to let my eyes come into focus. What in the world was he doing here?
“Kagome, we have to talk,” he stated.
I could only shake my head. Oh, no. No way was I letting him tell me about him and Kikyo. About how in love they were and that he'd never be able to see me ever again. Wait a minute! I decided we shouldn't see each other, so what the heck was he doing here, standing in my bedroom, looking for all the world like he was about to . . . cry?
“Inuyasha?” I asked, tentatively.
It's true. There he was, Inuyasha, the half-demon, crying in front of me, unashamedly! It was all I could do not to rise from the bed and embrace him, to try and take away his hurt and pain. Why not? Slowly, so I wouldn't get a headache again, I rose from my position and wrapped my arms around his waist, my face immediately heating at the contact. Surprisingly, Inuyasha didn't push me away or yell that he was already taken. Instead, he returned the hug, much to my surprise!
“I'm-I'm sorry, Kagome,” a whispered, heartfelt apology sounded in my ear.
My heart sank into despair. He's going to do it after all. He'll tell me that he can never see me again.
“I've been a fool, Kags,” came the second statement.
Oh, God, is it just me or is it getting hotter in here? I wondered, burying my face in his chest. And where the heck did that nickname come from, anyway? I-I kinda like it.
“I've been nothing but a fool since the first moment I saw you, Kagome,” Inuyasha said, pushing me gently away, but not breaking contact.

Looking into his golden eyes, I saw something I'd never seen before, but that was impossible, wasn't it? I mean, Inuyasha can't actually be . . . in love with me, can he?
A/N: I'll post the next chapter right after this one, that way you have more to read. Happy reading! And please, don't forget to review!