InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ Why Can't I Tell You How I Feel? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return To The Place Where I First Loved You!
By Gogina
A/N: Like I promised, Chapter 7. Please, R&R! ENJOY!
Chapter 7
Why Can't I Tell You How I Feel?
I shook my head, forcing myself to look away from Inuyasha's hopeful gaze. No. He was going to stay with Kikyo. That's all. I never belonged in his time. That final thought caused tears to fill my eyes, tears I knew very well that Inuyasha could smell.
“Kagome? Please, don't cry,” he pleaded, his arms once again enveloping my body.
I don't belong with you, Inuyasha, I wanted to scream at him. I don't belong with you! Even though I love you with all my heart-
My eyes widened. Oh, God!
Could I actually be in love with him? A pain in my chest gave me my answer and I sighed deeply as the thoughts all made themselves known. I was in love with Inuyasha. Probably since I first met him, maybe even a few minutes after. There was only one problem, How in the world do you tell a hanyou that you're in love with him?
“Kags, come on over here and sit down.”
I hadn't realized that my legs had buckled underneath of me and that Inuyasha had lifted me into his arms. I could feel the blush coming on, but I forced myself not to think about it.
Inuyasha, I know it's sudden notice, but I want you back in my life.
Inuyasha, how do you feel about staying with me forever?

Inuyasha, please hold me and never let me go. I want to be with you always.
Perfect. Just as I was about ready to speak, I realized something. Inuyasha and I were no longer connected. How would he feel about me when he doesn't have the beads to hold him down? My heart shattered. There was no use denying it any longer. I had to let him go, for the best of both of us.
“Inuyasha, please let me down, I have to tell you something.”
My voice was shaking, but I firmly held my ground and stared right into his golden eyes. I knew that if I didn't get this over with soon, I'd chicken out.
“No matter how much we kid ourselves that we can make this work, it'll never happen,” I began, feeling my heart sink deeper into my stomach with each word. “Inuyasha, we can't see each other ever again. I suggest that you return to the Feudal Era, for as soon as you do, I plan to seal the well for good. That way, neither of us are tempted. If there was any other way, trust me, I'd give this all a second thought, but there's nothing else that can be done.”
Obviously, he knew I wasn't joking, for I watched with heavy heart as my love walked towards the well, head down low, looking for all the world like a puppy with its tail between its legs. My first instinct was to rush after him, beg him to stay, but that fantasy I quickly erased from my mind. If I rushed after him now, I'd be going against everything I said. There was no way I could let that happen. Silently, I watched as Inuyasha climbed into the well and swallowed hard when the purplish light appeared, signaling that he was safely back home, where he belonged.
My hands trembled as I recalled what Kaede had told me about a month ago. I had been curious at the time about how the well worked, never dreaming I'd ever have to use her spell. But all of that was behind me and there was no way I was turning back.
A/N: Please, R&R! ^__^