InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ Change The Past, Erase The Future! ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Return To The Place Where I First Loved You!

By Gogina

A/N: Sorry for the long wait! Two more chapters up for you to enjoy!

Chapter 10

Change The Past, Erase The Future!

Many people say they wish they could go back in time to change their lives. Well, I think I’ve taken that saying to a whole new level! The purple aura gradually faded, my nose picking up the familiar scent of pine. The trees of the Feudal Era! I was back! My heart immediately constricted in my chest. What ifs clouded my mind as I absentmindedly climbed out of the well.

“I thought I smelled your scent around here, Kagome.”

My face turned several shades of white as the one person I had wanted to see most in the whole wide world stepped into my view. Inuyasha. I gulped.

“I-I need to talk to you,” I stammered, casting my gaze to the ground as Kikyo walked up behind him. “Alone.”

“What you have to say to him can be said in front of me,” Kikyo stated, making me feel lower than dirt. “Afterall, it’s not like you’ve come to take him back.”

I winced because I knew my face had turned several colors of red. Kikyo laughed loudly.

“Oh, my,” she said, “you have? Well, this is a surprise! According to Inuyasha, you said that you should never see each other ever again. It’s too bad really. No one here really likes you anyway.”

Hot tears fell onto my cheeks. She could insult me, laugh at me, kick me, hit me, I didn’t care. I was there for one thing. If I didn’t get it back ,well, no one can say I didn’t try. But no way was I going to let Kikyo get in my way!

“Inuyasha, I’m sorry,” I began. “I’ve been behaving worse than you and I’m so sorry. Before you start completely ignoring me, there’s just one thing I have to say, no matter what. I love you.”

I refused to glance up at him, afraid of rejection and pain that would never end in my heart. I wanted to keep going, but I choked on the words. Hearing nothing, my heart sank into the deepest part of my stomach. I looked up, daring to hope, but they were quickly dashed when I realized that he hadn’t heard a word I’d said. Maybe it was for the best.

“Kikyo, if you don’t take good care of him, I’ll-“

”You’ll what?” she challenged. “You have no fight left in you, you filthy girl. Get out of here. Go home where you belong. For you sure don’t belong here.”

SLAP! My hand colliding with Kikyo’s face sent shivers up and down my whole body, but it felt good to let out some of the rage that was bottled up inside of me. I had all I could take of her, and then some, but no more. She got what was coming to her and she deserved every last bit of it! Yeah, my hand was going to be sore, but well worth it. With my mission accomplished, I turned to leave, stealing one last glance at Inuyasha before I headed for the well. Halfway there, a hand reached out and grabbed my wrist. It was a hand that had fought numerous battles and won many of them, a hand that had saved me countless times and expected nothing in return, a hand that I thought would never touch me again. The hand that belonged to Inuyasha, who was standing expectantly in front of me.

“Kagome, I have something to tell you.”

A/N: Kikyo bashing! Well, review, then go read Chapter 11, k?