InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reversed Roles ❯ The Hanyou’s Defeat ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reversed Roles

Chapter Six - The Hanyou's Defeat

By Crow Skywalker


Disclaimer - I don't own Inuyasha, nor do I claim to. He belongs to the original creators, and I'm not getting paid anything from writing this fanfic.

Author's Notes - Finally an update! While re-reading the last few chapters, I suddenly realized that I made a big mistake. I don't think anyone else has noticed it yet (noone's said anything, anyway) but Inuyasha never told the village elder his name. Heh…well, forgive that mistake. Or just forget I mentioned it ;P Anyway, the long awaited chapter - find out how Kagome's subdued! Sadly, I won't be using the rosary in this fic. I figured bracelets would be more feminine, and whoever asked if Kagome's a cat demon - the answer is yes ;) Why? Keh, cause I decided it to be that way! Lol. So now we have Inuyasha and a cat demon…quite ironic, ne? And the way she's subdued - quite kitty-like also, if you ask me ^_^ Anyway, enjoy, and R&R!

Other Notes - Will be Kagome/Inuyasha, or course…but there will also be Kagome/Sesshomaru too, just like there's Kikyo/Inuyasha in the anime/manga ;) Rated PG-13 for swearing and violence.

Summary - Roles are switched, and Inuyasha releases the hanyou Kagome, who's been sealed to a tree for 50 years. When the Shikon no Tama is broken, they're forced to work together to find the shards before evil does. ----------

The pain ripped through him like a knife, to the point where Inuyasha couldn't even open his eyes anymore. He couldn't feel anything but the searing pain in his chest, and the blood that was coming from where the demon had cut into him. He half expected the claws to come back to finish the job any second now. When I woke up this morning, I never guessed that it would all end up like this…that I'd be killed in some feudal time, he thought painfully. Mom…Rin…who will be there to take care of you when I'm gone? Who will Myoga scam into doing work for him while he hides away?

"The jewel.." Came the centipede woman's voice through his thoughts, and he managed to open one eye. She still had a firm grip on him, all six arms wrapped tightly around him in a death hold, her claws digging into his flesh. Her attention, however, had been diverted to something else now it seemed, for she was staring at the ground behind him with almost a grin upon her face, two long white fangs glinting in the moonlight.

Inuyasha tried to turn his head to see what the demon was staring at. Not too far away from him, he spotted the glowing jewel, and his eyes widened. The jewel…that's what that light was when the demon dug its claws into me! I had the jewel all along - it was inside me!

The demon suddenly loosened its grip on him, and Inuyasha felt himself falling to the ground below. Within seconds the demon had the jewel in one of its many hands. "This is it! Soon I will be powerful…"

"Not if I can help it!" Cried a voice, and Inuyasha looked up in time to see the hanyou girl jump at the demon. Her claws went right through its flesh, cutting up the centipede part of its body. And she didn't stop there - with a flying leap, she swiped at its head. It raised its arms to protect itself from the attack, getting its arms sliced off in the process. The jewel fell to the ground with the severed arms.

"You stupid little hanyou bitch!" It screeched, raising its bloody stumps, "You will pay for that!"

Kagome stood back, ready to attack again, eyes narrowed in determination. She would destroy the demon, grab the jewel and finally have what she always wanted. She bared her teeth, expecting the demon to attack her. Her eyes widened when it lunged straight for the jewel, its mouth open.

Shit no! She raced after it, taking to the air just as the demon reached its goal, taking the small glowing jewel in its mouth and swallowing it whole. Kagome landed not far from it, staring at it in confusion at what happened next.

"I can feel the power…" Its skin seemed to darken before it finally peeled off, revealing a even more terrible looking demon underneath. Its arms grew back instantly, and it raised them threateningly as if they hadn't even been gone in the first place.

"Whoa…" Inuyasha stared from where he'd fallen, "The power of the jewel made it even more powerful." At that, the demon swung out at Kagome, sending her crashing to the ground not too far away. Inuyasha stood, watching as it advanced on her yet again. If I don't do something, that thing's going to kill her! His eyes searched the clearing before landing on the rusty sword. With his mind made up, he raced to get it.

"I'm going to enjoy picking you apart bit by bit," The demon told Kagome fiercely, and Kagome winced as she tried to get up. Her shoulder had been hurt from the attack, and it was pretty much useless. Kagome growled in frustration.

"You won't be doing no such thing!" Inuyasha yelled from behind them, now standing with the sword in his hands.

The demon laughed, a bone chilling horrible sound that made Kagome flatten her eyes to her head. "You can't do anything with that rusty sword!"

Kagome had to agree, the sword was pretty much useless, but it had caused the distraction that she'd needed. Pulling herself to her feet using her good arm, she smirked at the centipede woman's back. She raised her good arm, her sharp nails glinting in the moonlight. With a cry of "Sankon Tetsusou!" She jumped, slashing into the unsuspecting demon.

Inuyasha watched as the demon in front of him suddenly fell to pieces, and the hanyou girl landed not too far away from him, breathing heavily. Wow…did she just do that?

"Inuyasha!" He turned to find the old man making his way towards him, "Hurry before it pulls itself back together! Find the Shikon no Tama!"

Inuyasha looked back at the pieces of demon, wondering how on earth he was supposed to find that little jewel in that bloody mess. As if reading his mind, the old man answered, "Look for something glowing. You should be able to see it."

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, quickly glancing over the demon pieces. He was about to say he couldn't see anything when he saw it. In a larger chunk of demon not too far away, something was shimmering brightly in the moonlight. Moving towards it he yelled, "I see it!"

"Good, hurry!"

Inuyasha reached down, taking the jewel from the bloody mess. He frowned, staring at it as he made his way back to the village elder. This…it's so small.."I was going to be killed over something as stupid as a little pink ball?" He wondered aloud, slightly annoyed.

"Watch out!"

Inuyasha glanced up, watching as the old man started waving his arms frantically, his bow fallen to the ground in front of him. His eyes were wide in fear, and he was staring at something behind Inuyasha. "Hey Gramps - what's with all the crazy arm motions? The demon's dead already! And the stupid jewel is safe!" He held up the jewel, but the man didn't appear to notice.

"Get out of the way - run!"

"What's with him?" Inuyasha sighed with a shrug.

"Maybe you should listen to your elders." Came a feminine voice from behind him, and Inuyasha spun around only to come face to face with Kagome. She held a clawed hand in front of her, fingers arched upwards with her claws glinting in the dim moonlight. She moved her index finger towards her palm, taking a step forward. "Hand it over."

Inuyasha frowned. "Hand what over?"

Kagome growled in irritation. "The jewel, stupid!"

Inuyasha, offended by the 'stupid' comment, held on to the jewel more tightly. "Actually, since you're being so nice," He said sarcastically, "I think I'll keep it."

"Boy," She spat nastily, "Don't make me get physical!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at the girl, clearly not impressed. "You know, it was only a few minutes ago you were apologizing for being so rude to me, and now here you are threatening me."

Kagome blinked, her hand lowering slightly before her glare returned full force. "Well that was before I learned you have the Shikon no Tama - now hand it over!"

"Don't do it Inuyasha!" The old man yelled from somewhere behind them.

"What's the magic word?" Inuyasha asked with a smirk, ignoring the shouts from the elder and his people.

Kagome huffed. "Please?"

Inuyasha pretended to think it over, before shaking his head slightly. "No."

"What?" Kagome's face went blank.

"Are you deaf?" Inuyasha snapped, "I said no - you can't have it!"

Kagome furrowed her brow, her head cocked slightly to one side as she stared at the man in front of her. Odd, this one was. Kagome was used to being feared by everyone, and she was used to getting everything her way. But this boy - she sensed no fear in him. In fact, he was playing with her, pretending he was going to hand it over, but then not doing it. This frustrated Kagome to no end - she certainly didn't want to turn to violence, but the arrogant boy in front of her needed a good kick in the ass!

"I heard you the first time," She replied after she got over her shock. Her arm fell to her side, and she tried to push all emotion away from her. "I'll ask one more time - please, can I have the jewel?"

Inuyasha tossed it carelessly from one hand to another, watching as the hanyou girl's eyes followed his every movement. "Sorry, can't."

Kagome growled, her anger flooding back to her. She'd tried to be nice - which was a first for her - and he still wouldn't hand it over! Her fingers twitched in irritation at her sides. "Well then, I'm sorry that I'll have to take it from your shredded body!"

"Inuyasha - for gods sakes MOVE IT!"

This time Inuyasha obeyed the old man, jumping out of the way just as Kagome leapt into the air. Swiping one clawed hand through the air, it seemed like her claws sank deep into it, making the air bleed. The red rips missed their target, cutting into a tree nearby. Inuyasha watched as it sliced clean through, and the tree fell to the ground with an earth shaking thud.

"Oh shit.." He muttered, wide eyes as he stared at what had just happened. As the dust cleared, he could see two angry red eyes staring back at him.

"I don't want to do this, but if you must insist -" There was a growl, and at lightening speed the female hanyou took to the air once more.

"Use the sword, Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha blinked, his attention momentarily on the old geezer standing not too far away, before his gaze dropped to the sword lying on the ground. Rolling out of the way of the half demon's attack, he managed to grab it. Peering down at it, he scoffed - what was he supposed to do with it now? The stupid thing hadn't worked against the centipede woman, so why should it work now?

"Foolish human," Kagome muttered just loud enough to hear. She was crouched where she had just landed, her back turned to him. "Drop the sword, it will do you no good!"

His eyes narrowed, Inuyasha stood, gripping the sword in front of him with two hands.

Kagome peered over her shoulder, one eyebrow raised. So he was going to fight her using Sesshomaru's sword, was he? The old hunk of rusty junk that could probably no longer even cut through flesh it was so blunt? She almost laughed. Once upon a time Sesshomaru's sword had been a lethal object, known across the land for its sharp and deadly blade. Now it was nothing, and the boy didn't even have a clue to use it!

"I won't let you have to jewel." Inuyasha said through clenched teeth, his deadly glare never wavering.

With one swing, Kagome knocked the object out of Inuyasha's hand, and rolled her eyes as he took a hesitant step backwards. With her good arm, she reached out one clawed finger to poke him in the chest. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" She shook her head, "This would be all over if you'd just hand," her finger trailed down his chest, becoming more forceful as it went down, "The stupid jewel," a trail of blood started to flow where her claw dug deeper into his flesh, "OVER!" Her eyes flashed red and a cat-like growl escaped her lips.

Inuyasha winced, trying to stand his ground. No way he was going to be intimidated by a girl - even if she was part demon! "No."

Her eyes cleared, and suddenly wide brown eyes were staring back into his. "You still won't hand it over?"


Kagome pulled away in anger. "What will it take for me to get across to you!" She pulled a bloody claw away from him, pointing at herself, "I'm a demon," She then pointed back at him, "You're a human. You're supposed to fear me, and if you don't hand it over I'll stop playing these games and I really will kill you!"

"Then stop playing games and get it over with."

Kagome's eyes narrowed, and she flexed her good hand at her side. "If you truly wish to die, then I guess I'll have to be the one to grant that wish." The clawed hand swiped at him, tearing into him and forcing him backwards. Still, he refused to run.

"Inuyasha, you idiot! Get out of there!" Yelled the village elder, but Inuyasha chose to ignore him. Inuyasha never ran from a fight, and he certainly wasn't going to let a girl get the best of him! Call him stubborn, but he refused to move. Seeing this, the elder searched his mind to think of something he could do to help. His eyes widened as his hands went to his pockets, and he fingered two metallic-like objects.

The claws slashed across the air again, and this time Inuyasha ducked so that he wouldn't be hit like last time. His chest was on fire, and he still hurt from where the centipede demon had crushed and tossed him around.

"Stay still!" Kagome snapped, swiping at him again.

Pulling the objects out of his pocket, the elder eyed the two bracelets. Made out of the finest metal of their time, carved by a man well known for his work with swords and weaponry, the two silver bracelets were said to be unbreakable, each holding a very powerful charm in the middle of them. He tapped them thoughtfully, before closing his eyes and searching for the words of the spell that he wished to cast.

Another tree fell, Inuyasha having rolled out of the way from another attack. Surely if he kept this up, the girl would tire soon and he could win? Well, that's what he hoped anyway. He wasn't about to attack a girl anyway - it wasn't his thing. He picked up the old sword again, just in case anyway. It was something to use to protect himself at any rate.

The cold metal started to glow as the elder chanted the words in his head, and as he opened his eyes, there was a flash of light, and the bracelets disappeared.

Inuyasha, still sitting on the ground, had the sword raised in his hands as the girl's claws raked across it. He barely noticed the flash of yellow light, when he heard the elder yell out something that sounded like, "Use a subduing spell!"

Kagome blinked, hesitating as she stared down at the new accessories on both her wrists. "What the.."

"Subduing spell?" Inuyasha wondered, "I don't know any spells!"

"Just say something that will subdue the girl!" The elder called back impatiently.

Forgetting the new jewelry for now, Kagome lunged forward, this time clawing across his hands so that he was forced to drop the sword. Unable to hold on any longer, the jewel also dropped from his hands, landing with a soft thump on the grass below him and rolling a few feet away from him. His eyes shifted from Kagome to the jewel and back, and as if in slow motion, he saw her running for it.

"Shit no!" He searched his mind frantically…subduing spell…subduing spell…I can't think of anything!

"INUYASHA!" Cried the elder.

"Uhm…uh…STAY!" Inuyasha finally shouted, and to his amazement he watched as the girl was pulled down to the ground by her wrists, sitting on her knees with her arms in front of her holding her up, her palms face down in the grass.

Over her yelling, he blinked as he realized the village elder was now standing next to him talking. "You did it! She's subdued. Whenever you use the word 'stay', she will be forced to the ground like you just witnessed." He smiled down at the younger boy, "She can no longer hurt you."

Inuyasha got up, still somewhat confused as to what just happened, but a smile still spread across his face. Oh yes, he'd won! And even better - he now had one over the demon girl! She could no longer threaten or claw him, because he had a spell on her! Things were starting to look up.

Walking past the girl, he laid a hand on her head and playfully messed her hair, careful of her ears. "Good kitty!"

Kagome stopped yelling obscenities for a moment, only to glare up at him.

To Be Continued…