InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Authors Note: I finally finds the motivation to post this chapter, late at night, between long working days. Don't you just love it when your schedule can change when you arrive? Other than that my day have been pretty uneventful, I actually felt like I was falling asleep and that is something that is impossible with when you work in a restaurant at a shopping center. All right, back on serious matters. This chapter came out really weird. In fact, this is the worst chapter I've ever written. Other than my final essay that was, to my biggest surprise, graded as a B. I feel like there is something missing in this chapter that is important in the way I write. Oh well, maybe I was able to correct it but I’m not sure. However, next chapter is coming up somewhere in the middle of next week for those out there that want to read more... the plot is finally taking on its full shape now.

Summary: Everything is a big plan from Naraku's side?

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairing: Sess/Inu. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, or even less incest, then I would be happy if you leave without making any fuzz about it.

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg, Incest, mention of violation/rape. More may appear.

Glossary: Kekkai - Barrier, Hanyou - Half-demon, Ningen - Human, Youkai - Demon, Shikon no Tama - Shikon Jewel. Some say taiyoukai but my memories tells me its daiyoukai but if its wrong don't take it to seriously.

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Chapter 3

The sky was coloured red as the battle below unfolded. Hordes of demons lay slaughtered on the ground in bits and pieces, in the middle of battle stood a group of humans. They were covered with dirt, sweat and blood from both their own and demons. Naraku's castle loomed in the background and was like a dark presence that brought fear to those that had the unfortunate of seeing it. For it wasn't the buildings that was scaring, it was the atmosphere filled with the stench of youki.

It had taken them half a year to find the treasures spider demon. Naraku had almost completely erased his traces from his last manipulation of the humans where he had hidden his heart. If it hadn't been for InuYasha and his keen sense of smell they wouldn't had been able to find Naraku.

Limbs attacked them from the red eyed youkai. They shattered the ground, was cut off and only to grow back in seconds. The entire group of humans was beginning to feel fatigue seep into their bodies. Kouga who had come to fight Naraku was beginning to have problems as he was protecting Kagome. One of the shards in his legs had been taken and he was bleeding profoundly. InuYasha was holding back Naraku's demons with his Wind Scar but even his stamina was getting low. He could hear Naraku's voice.

"Did you really think that you could win against me? Impudent ningen." Naraku launched an attack at InuYasha and it ripped his red haori at the neck and a few strands of his hair.

InuYasha landed only to be taken by surprise by the tentacles that came up from under the ground.

"InuYasha!" screamed the others as he fell to the ground on his stomach. His landing drew up a cloud of dirt, he remained unmoving.

The battle wasn't going well as Kagome and the others tried to save InuYasha from Naraku's claws. It looked grim for them and they were losing when suddenly a new wind joined the battle and a shock wave hit Naraku and shattered his left shoulder only for it to come back together right afterward.

Kouga sniffed the air and he could tell just from the sent that a strong ally had joined them.

Out from the shadows stepped Sesshomaru as he held Toukijin by his side. The evil sword was held firmly in his hand.

Just as the last piece of Naraku's arm resettled on him he smirked at the daiyoukai. "Sesshomaru. You're finally here!"

The wind swept a gust of smoke along the ground past Sesshomaru. His hair that had the same color as new fallen snow swayed behind his back. It had been Naraku's foul stench that brought him there. He had been after Naraku's life for the past year but no matter how close he came, the filthy hanyou always escaped. This time he wouldn't get away.

It was the small movement that caught his attention and at the same time the wind turned around as if commanded and brought to his nose a new but very familiar smell. He turned his attention ever so slightly to see the hanyou lying on the ground with numerous wounds.

His mouth opened ever so slightly but before any words could come out he heard the amused voice of Naraku in his ears.

"Didn't expect to find him here did you, Sesshomaru?"

Narrowed amber eyes glared at the dark haired hanyou as his emotionless face covered up the slight fall of control over him. His neck throbbed as he denied himself what his instincts was telling him to do.

Without a moment to spare, Sesshomaru jumped forward and appeared in the same moment before Naraku. Toukijin split the air in front of Naraku as the evil blade missed with just a few hairbreadths. Wasting no time Sesshomaru attacked again without hesitation. It took Naraku a few seconds until he was at a safe distance from Sesshomaru. During these few seconds Kagome had fired her second last arrow. Miroku and Sango had beaten the last youkai Naraku had sent at them, Shippo had taken cover behind them. Kouga and Kirara had taken in the appearance of the new Youkai and they both knew from the way he smelled that they didn't want to make him an enemy. What made Kouga nervous was that his mind was having a busy day of why he thought he wad forgetting something important.

His thoughts were interrupted suddenly by the clashing sound of two swords hitting each other.

Toukijin was pushing against the Tetsusaiga who had appeared in front of the sword. InuYasha stood between Sesshomaru and Naraku in a way that looked like he was defending the other hanyou.

"What do you mean by this?" asked Sesshomaru without stepping back.

InuYasha's eyes lifted slightly so they were brought out of the shadow his hair cast over them. As if on cue, InuYasha stepped back just as a tentacle crushed the ground he had been standing. Sesshomaru leaped away at the same time as the hanyou and he was standing more far away from them, but still within reach for an attack and to attack.

In the distance the white haired hanyou could hear Kagome's voice shouting his name. It was then everything happened. InuYasha was in front of Kagome in a flash and none of those around her could stop him as he grabbed a hold of the tiny bottle with shikon shards. He was gone just as fast and reappeared next to Naraku.

The dark haired hanyou reached out his hand and InuYasha dropped the bottle into his hand. Naraku crushed the tiny bottle in his hand and inspected the shards as if he was going to give a price for them. He smiled pleased at InuYasha and tucked away the shards inside his purple haori. The both turned toward the humans as they heard their shouts and screams of questions.

"Why InuYasha? What's wrong with you?"

"Explain yourself!"

"Why are you protecting Naraku?"

"Why are you betraying us?"

InuYasha stared at them as if the ningen had grown tails.

"Betray? I never said I was your friend to begin with!"

Those words shocked the ningens and he almost laughed at their stupefied expressions.

"Did you really think that I would go against my master? I'm Naraku's pet, remember? My loyalty lies with him until my last breath."

"Interesting choice of words, InuYasha." said Naraku. "Since I've got what I wanted I have no need for these humans anymore!"

Without even saying a word, a new horde of low level demons appeared along with poisoned bees. Both Naraku and InuYasha took the moment to their advantage and escaped from the scene on a cloud of Naraku's youki.

In a last moment InuYasha threw one last glance over his shoulder to look at Sesshomaru. Deep in his heart he told himself that it really was for the best, for both of them. And in the next moment they were gone. The castle shimmered out of view, only leaving an eerie feeling behind.


Sesshomaru stood still for as long as he could and stared after them until the need to kill the demons attacking him was to strong. He put them all to rest in a single stroke and began to walk away, in the opposite direction Naraku escaped.

"Wait, Sesshomaru." Kouga yelled after him, making the older demon halt in his steps. "I don't know what happened between you two but aren't you going after him?"

The glare in Sesshomaru's eyes gave a hint that the wolf demon was stepping on dangerous grounds. "It has nothing to do with you!" was his only reply. He ignored what more Kouga tried to say and walked away from the field.

'InuYasha. So this is how we met again.'


As the group of ningens was tending to their wounds later in Kaede's village the day's events settled in. In fact, it was rather lonely without InuYasha but he had betrayed them. He had taken their shards and escaped with Naraku. They had travelled together for half a year and it all ended like this. A lie!

"So what do we do now?" asked Miroku the others as a way to break the uncomfortable silence.

"What is there we can do? InuYasha took and gave our shards to Naraku." Kagome said in a low voice that held all her anger toward the silver haired hanyou. "What I can't understand is why? Why did he have to betray us? I thought he was a good guy but now I see how wrong I was." her voice came out in the end with small sobs.

"It's hard to imagine that the last six months was nothing but lies." said Sango in a withdrawn voice. "He told us almost nothing about himself. We don't know his reasons or what his life has been up until now."

"He said that he was Naraku's pet but I didn't think that it was meant he was actually following him." was Miroku's argument.

Kagome could barely contain her anger anymore but her sadness kept her from doing anything stupid. A flash of the second full blooded youkai at the battle field ran through her head. "I wonder who that youkai was! He looked kind of like InuYasha!"

"That's right!" Kouga cried out loud suddenly.

"What?" asked Sango with all the interest she could put together!

"I just remembered where I've heard about them before! My father told me about them once a few years ago." despite their current situation, Kouga felt proud of himself. "They are family."

"Huh?" said Shippo confused. Miroku asked more clearly, "What do you mean?"

"InuYasha and Sesshomaru are not just brothers but former mates as well."

The simple statement that could have been just anything made all the people in the room stop what they were doing and look at Kouga. The silence was the loudest sound among them until a single word erupted from all of them.


To be continued