InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author Note: I realize that it's been a while since I last updated and for that I'm sorry. Been rough lately and there were a few twists in my life but now it should run more smoothly again now. The next chapter will be up later this week or early next week. It depends a little on how much I have to work this week. But it's definitely on the way, along with a few other updates. All right, lets take this story up a step or two.

Summary: InuYasha's horrible secrets.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairing: Sess/Inu. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, or even less incest, then I would be happy if you leave without making any fuzz about it.

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg, Incest, mention of violation/rape. More may appear.

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Chapter 8

The forest was but a mere shadow as InuYasha ran through it. His legs felt weak and tired but he refused to slow down. If he slowed down the others would catch up and battle would be the only result from it. He paid no attention when he got scratched or when his hair got caught in twigs. He just continued to run. The day had barely passed and the sun was just beginning to go down from its highest point.

He could sense the youki of both Naraku and Kagura following him. He was getting closer to that place. The place where the last shard was buried, at least that's what he suspected. He didn't want to return there because he would have to face the past and all would only bring up all the buried pain in his heart but at the same time he couldn't allow Naraku to find the shard. The vile hanyou had been more and more displeased with him recently. InuYasha had visited the all-hearing-demon and had gotten a few leads to where the last shard may be and if it was where he thought it was he had to get there first. There had been no way he would had thought the shard was in a place like that.

A faint but closing in smell caught InuYasha's attention and his ears twisted around to listen more carefully. There was no doubt about it, Kagome and the others were coming this way. Had they detected him? Or was it just Naraku they had noticed?

If he had had time he would had growled and taken another way. More and more people and youkai were coming and the last thing he wanted was to lead every single one to that place.

InuYasha took a sharp turn and dashed at the left, passing by an old and dead oak that was split in half.


The sky was getting darker by the minute and soon soft rain began to fall from the sky. Golden eyes looked up at the heavens. Sesshomaru held out his hand and felt how the tiny drops fell onto his palm. His hunt after Naraku had brought him here or more precisely something had brought him here and something in his guts had told him that he would find Naraku here. The forest was dens and naturally and secretly hides the cave that laid there. No one would find it if they didn't know where to look for it. It was almost as if the forest itself was trying to hide the opening.

That wasn't the only thing that made the place strange. For some reason his senses was dulled and he couldn't hear or smell as accurate as before. But he did sense something coming from inside the cave. Whatever it was it was asking him to enter but somehow it also made him reluctant to go in.

The rustle of leaves made the full-blooded demon turn around, ready to fight if it was something hostile.

There, just a few feet away from him stood an out of breath InuYasha. His red haori was cut in several places and stained with blood. They stared at each other for a second before InuYasha was the first to break to eye contact.

On wobbly legs he walked past Sesshomaru and entered the cave.

"Wait." Sesshomaru called after him but he had to grab InuYasha's arm to make him stop completely.

The hanyou turned around slowly and looked at Sesshomaru's face. He hesitantly took a hold of his brothers arm and gently made him let go of him. His eyes looked sad, like he didn't want Sesshomaru to be there. InuYasha then walked into the darkness of the cave and his frame slowly faded in the darkness.

He left Sesshomaru standing where he was for a few seconds before he followed, like in a trance.

The cave was deeper than it appeared on the outside and Sesshomaru didn't know how long he had walked until he saw light coming through a crack in the roof and it feel on a crouching InuYasha.

The half-breeds hands were clawing and digging in the dirt. He almost seemed ignorant to the fact that Sesshomaru was there with him. But suddenly he stopped his movement and simply looked down in the hole he just dug.

Sesshomaru took a few steps closer until he noticed the look on his little brothers face. It looked like he wanted to cry but didn't. It was out of reflex that he caught the tiny thing that was thrown at him. When he opened his hand again he saw that it was a shard of the shikon no tama.

He was on the way to ask why when his nose caught the scent of Naraku right behind him and he turned around and growled threatening at the dark hanyou.

"What do we have here?" said Naraku with a dark look upon his features. "Didn't expect to find you both here on such friendly terms."

The tension rose between them and just a few minutes after came Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara into the cave.

"You did a great job fooling me, InuYasha." Naraku's voice dripped of venom and darkness that made the ningens shivers. "But this ends here."

InuYasha didn't even show a reaction to the voice as he reached for something else in the hole and slowly stood up. "You're right, Naraku. Everything ends here."

As if a spell had been lifted Sesshomaru's nose and ears became more accurate and he picked up things he hadn't noticed earlier.

The walls flared to life and lighted up the room in a matter of seconds. Sesshomaru didn't even blink at the sudden reaction but his eyes widen slightly as he noticed the bundle of cloth in InuYasha's arms.

"So this is where you buried it." Naraku said with a smirk. "No wonder I couldn't find it."

InuYasha looked down at the cloth that he held securely in his arms with a sad face. "I can never forgive you. With this body I can never go back to the way I was. But with this body I can kill you even as I die in the end."

Naraku didn't look pleased at all that his pet was rebelling. "InuYasha, you will give me both of them before I take them from your corpse."

"I will never give them to you, bastard. Especially her." InuYasha looked up with a fierce look.

No one of the others in the cave had an idea what they were talking about but their nerves were on edge for some reason. A strange breeze travelled through the cave and a sudden chill ran through those that noticed the change in air that didn't come from the youkai.

"I.N.U.Y.A.S.H.A." spelled Naraku slowly as he held up his hand. His fingers clenched and seemed to squeeze something. InuYasha fell to his knees, holding his chest in pain as his breath caught in his lungs. He refused to submit to the demands Naraku was stating.

"Even if you... created... this body." InuYasha gasped, "I will never give... her to you..."

Naraku's eyes narrowed in anger. "Give them to me, now." he spit out. "Or would you like your mate to know what it is you're holding after all this time?" a wicked glint came to Naraku's eyes as a smirk spread over his lips.

"Don't you--" InuYasha didn't get a chance to say more as Naraku cut of all words with even more pain.

Naraku turned to Sesshomaru, his smirk never faltered. "What you're mate is holding in his arms is..."

The silver haired hanyou let out a growl in futile hopes to make Naraku shut up.

"Your daughter."

Sesshomaru opened his lips but no sound came until he forced them, almost painfully, and even then they were a mere whisper. "My daughter." Sesshomaru said slowly.

Kagome, Miroku, Sango and the others stood shocked where they were not saying a word. They had known InuYasha had had some kind of secret but none of them could even had begun to guess this.

Naraku continued to smirk, "You didn't know? It is not surprising considering that InuYasha walked into my webb not long after he found out himself. If I had known then I would had been more careful when I violated him! Unfortunately it was some of the drugs I used that did the damage, she didn't even survive the first three hours."

The daiyoukai's hand twitched in response but he remained just as cold and otherwise unresponsive like always. InuYasha lay on the floor gasping for breath as he clutched his chest. The bundle had somehow remained safely held in his other arm.

"What will you do, Sesshomaru?" asked Naraku amused.

The daiyoukai didn't say anything. His face was expressionless and didn't betray a single emotion of what he was feeling inside. InuYasha had been pregnant with his pup. HIS pup. A life they had created together. He never had known, somehow it all made sense now how InuYasha had reacted when he returned after been missing for two days. How could he had known? How could he had known that during those two days InuYasha was missing he had been emotionally scared. Their daughter had been denied the life she would live without even giving anyone a choice. How could InuYasha had told him that he couldn't protect their pup or even himself from being... raped. That day his eyes had looked like he wanted to cry but something held back the tears. InuYasha had always been the most open about how he felt but from that day his eyes had become bottomless holes of sorrow. He had carried the sorrow of losing their child on his shoulder, never letting him know. But even if he could understand some of InuYasha's actions it still didn't explain everything.

Why had InuYasha told him that he hated him that day when only a few days ago they had embraced each other by the lake. That time he had almost worshiped InuYasha's body, tenderly he had held him and he had wanted nothing more than for that moment to last forever.

The ground under Sesshomaru feet started to crack but his mind was in such a state that he didn't notice.

"She was a really something, she looked somewhat like you but now all that's left is dust and bones." Naraku's attention wasn't following the small crack in the roof even as it let go of a tiny cloud of pulverized stones. "InuYasha didn't tell you anything about what really happened did he? Then let me tell you something important," the dark hanyou was speaking like he was valuing a piece of art. "InuYasha are not alive anymore."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, "What?"

"I took his innocence and at the end I robbed him of his last breath. Even in his last moment of life he hanged on for as long as he could, he was really beautiful. Since it was a real pity to let him end like a rotten corpse I spared his body and then he was reborn as a new being. Even his memories and soul remained within him but he still wasn't alive. He wouldn't last long in this world before his body began to rot and fall apart so I gave him the shards of the shikon no tama. Normally when a youkai or ningen touch the shards they pollute them with their greed or hatred but that didn't happen. The shards remained pure and I realized that the shards didn't reach InuYasha's heart. InuYasha couldn't bear the sorrow from his memories so he had detached his own heart when he was reborn. He became indifferent to the world and didn't feel anything. The perfect creation."

Sesshomaru stared at Naraku's face as he listened to his words. 'If that's true then what was that?' an image of them by the lake flashed through his mind. 'If he doesn't feel anything anymore then what was that...' the image of InuYasha's body aching underneath his flashed behind his eyes. '...expression on his face.' InuYasha stared up at him where he laid in Sesshomaru's arms, his face filled with pleasure and love. So much love.

"Do you understand? InuYasha belongs to me now for I was the one to give him life."

Suddenly a tremendous earthquake shook the cave and took everyone in it by surprise.

"What's happening?" barked Kagome as she tried to be heard.

The crack above Naraku grew larger and he finally saw it just in time before a large piece of rock came down over him. He jumped out of the way twice before his instincts told him it was safer to get the hell out of there and in the next moment he was gone.

The pressure in InuYasha's chest lossened up and he could breath once again. He stood up on shaking legs before, still holding the bundle close to him. His ears picked up a low level sound that seemed to come from the cave. Somehow it sounded familiar but he didn't know why.

The cracks grew bigger with each second and just as suddenly as they began they stopped expanding. The only sound in the cave, except for the hard breathing from the ningens, was the sound of rocks pressing and rubbing against each other. Then decaying arms shoot through the stone and reached up. Some of the hands tried to grab a hold of the ningens but they were smashed away. The arms that tried to grab onto Sesshomaru was cut into pieces by his claws. InuYasha leaped from the floor and landed by the entrance. A hand grasped his hair but it decayed into dust just as soon as it touched him. Another tried to grab a hold of the bundle he held in his arms but InuYasha broke it before it could even touch the cloth. It was very clear that the arms belonged to different dead youkais because they were all none-ningen and had claws.

"Get out of here!" shouted InuYasha to the rest before he lead the way out from the cave. Even if there was only one way out of there it still felt like they would get lost in there. When they were outside they was greeted by the forest and it was covered by an aura that frightened the ningens and put the youkais at unease. To their surprise they saw the baboon skin Naraku normally wore torn into pieces along with a fair amount of blood but there was no sight of the rest of him. Hollow and blood curling screams ran through the forest before youkai who were obviously dead walked out from it. They were different sizes and shapes but they were all dead.

"What are they?" asked Shippo in a fearful voice.

"They are the dead that sleeps here." answered InuYasha. "This is after all the forest of the forgotten." One of the youkai rushed at him and he jumped aside. Another followed right after and InuYasha jumped over him and landed behind him after he kicked the youkai in the back to shatter his frail, dead body. "This place is cursed!"

What followed was the fight against the dead. Even if the youkai clearly wasn't as much of a threat if they had been alive their sheer number was overwhelming and it was an never ending battle. Stamina was running thin among them and they saw no end to it. Even the Lord of the West, Sesshomaru had to be alert and attack constantly. Without noticing it InuYasha was cornered by the dead demons and he was still holding onto his daughter's body. He was standing with his back toward the forest and with the dark aura coming from it he didn't sense or see the next attack. He was lifted high up into the air by what looked like the forest. InuYasha'a body was violently jerked around and his body was screaming in pain but he paid no attention to it, he only desperately held onto his pup. But with an extremely violent jerk a branch wrapped around one of his arms and he lost his grip on the bundle. He watched in horror as the small body fell toward the ground. He tried to reach for it but the distance was impossible for him with his arm held tight. Everything seemed to fade out from his ears just seconds before she hit the ground and the sound of dried bones and limbs breaking against the ground was the only thing he heard. A small mummified hand fell out from the comforting confindent inside the blanket.

InuYasha could only star in chock but when it finally hit him he let out a horrified scream that caught everyones attention. Kagome couldn't supress the terrified gasp as she saw the cause of the scream. Sango and Miroku felt how their stomachs twisted but they knew they didn't have time or they would soon be dead and in pieces too. Shippo tried to sneak over there but he was chased by the decaying youkai that stench from earth and death.

Sesshomaru swirled around to let his whip take out the enemies around him. His eyes fixated on the broken corpse of his daughter. He took in the sight of InuYasha trying to break free from the grip of the forest. His youkai was calling to him to help his mate but his more rational self was still confused. InuYasha had died and so had their pup. Still his little brother was standing before him, alive and screaming. Their child had been killed and so had InuYasha been. They had both been tortured in different ways but in the end they had lost their lives. Was they still mates? What was left for them? How could this had lead to this?

He really didn't know why he had mated with his little brother. He had been told he would regret it later. He wasn't even sure why he felt like this but something had always pulled them together and no matter how much they tried to ignore it, it had been impossible in the end. Even now he could feel that something deeper was binding them together. It wasn't a normal bond that he could break when it suited him. It had always been there. Always hiding underneath the surface and trying to break free from the sheets that covered. This love that bound them together wasn't just words and rational thought born from instinct and survival. This was something far deeper than they could imagine.

InuYasha let out another cry and the branches holding him was torn to sticks. InuYasha was about to land on the ground when a gigantic dead demon came at him. The ground shook with each of his steps and the hanyou didn't have enough time to dodge him. The youkai was cut in half and Sesshomaru landed next to InuYasha, the daiyoukai grabbed a hold of InuYasha's shoulder to support him.

"Be more careful." Sesshomaru told InuYasha with a stern voice.

The half-breeds temper flared up and he was about to snap at him when another earthquake rocked the ground. Some of the dead youkai lost their balance and fell, breaking.

"Now." Miroku screamed. "Run for it!" Sango yelled right after and they all knew better than to stand still so they lifted from the ground in one way or another. Sango and Kagome on Kirara's back and Miroku on Shippo's pink transformed form. Sesshomaru didn't think about his actions when he scooped InuYasha up in his arms and took to the air too on a white cloud under his feet. Not before long they were gone from the corpses and high over the dark forest.

InuYasha had his arms linked around the full-blooded demon's neck as he rested against his chest. He wanted to scream at Sesshomaru to let him go and return him so he could get their daughters corpse but he knew that was impossible now. During the earthquake he had seen their daughter sinking into a large crack in the ground that opened almost right under her before closing again. He felt like screaming but choked them in his throat and just buried his face against Sesshomaru. He just wanted everything to end.


I knew it when this nightmare started that there could be no happy ending. When I lost my only un-born daughter I knew I would continue to lose others that was important to me. I hadn't even told him about our daughter but I was going to and before I had a chance I was caught in the spiders web. I lost both my daughter and my body. The pain and guilt it caused me was far greater than I could live with. I wanted to die but even that I wasn't allowed to do. I was stuck in a body that no longer lived and couldn't give life to anything, I didn't deserve any happiness anymore. I failed at everything I was that day.

The shikon no tama have great powers and can grant any wish. At least that's what's told but I know that my wish can never be granted. For there are things that should be left untouched even by the Shikon no tama. For a while I wanted my daughter back but I could never wish for her to return to life. Even if her soul did return it didn't mean she would live like everyone else. I've seen what the shikon jewel does. It can grant extraordirnary strength and can give back life to the dead but it can't return the rotted and dried flesh and blood to the body. Its all an illusion. What kind of existence is that? I'm pretty much the same, I live because the shards in my chest keeps my body from rotting but I know that once I remove them I will whiter and die. Because of them I'm eternally young and strong but it doesn't change anything from the basic facts.

But there is one wish I have. One final thing I have to do before I die. And that is...


They came to a ningen village that was closest to the forest of the forgotten. When Kagome and the other ningens and seemingly harmless youkai entered the town those that lived there wasn't very startled but as soon as Sesshomaru landed with InuYasha in his arms they backed away. Fear came from them in waves and Sesshomaru was disgusted with them and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

It was when InuYasha started to tremble in his arms that his attention was drawn to his mate, or maybe it was his former mate? He didn't know anymore what to think about their situation.

"It's my fault!" whispered InuYasha against Sesshomaru's chest. "It's all my fault!"

He was unaccustomed to comfort someone else. He was now standing there and didn't know what to do. "Don't think about it. Even if you didn't drop her it wouldn't had made much difference now." his voice let on a tiny bit of his own pain but it was almost undetected behind everything else of his proud nature.

InuYasha pushed back and landed with his feet on the ground. He looked into Sesshomaru's eyes. "But... she was--"

"InuYasha." Sesshomaru almost roared and scared those around him as well caught the hanyou's attention. His voice was much softer but firm when he spoke. "Our daughter has been dead for almost a year now. Let her rest in peace."

The words was cruel to his ears but at the same time they were true. Tears filled InuYasha's eyes as his whole body began to tremble once again. As the tears spilled over his cheeks and down his chin he lowered his head and let out a heart-wrenching cry. It felt like what remained of his heart was torn apart. Sesshomaru just stood there, holding InuYasha close. No one noticed the very faint trace of unshed tears in the corner of the great daiyoukai's eye.

To be continued.