InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author Note: I'm a little late but I'm back again. When I was writting this chapter I wondered how I would put it but somehow it ended up like this. Not as I thought it would but oh well, I can never stay on one trail when I write. I found some old notes while I was moving that inspired something that I want to use. Its amazing how old stuff can be useful but then again my note book is a mess with notes. I will sit down as soon as I can and begin the next chapter, it won't take as long as this update did. I promise.

Warnings: Incest, m/m, abuse, Mpreg.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any of the original characters from the show.

Read, Enjoy and Review.

By Monkan

Chapter 11 of 14

The fire sparkled as it consumed the dry wood like a snake consumes its prey.

"Long before humans walked on the earth youkais' ruled the fields, forests, skies and oceans. But even before that there were a race of youkais that ruled over them. They weren't ordinary demons, they were called the Old Ones. For some of them their mere existence could be called Gods today. They were greater than any other being, they had great abileties, they were more compassionate than anyone else and they were more lonely than any other being. Within that also lay their cruel fate. The world couldn't accept them. They all agreed that they would wait, wait for a time when they could once again appear in this world.

For the balance of our wold to remain two Guardians were chosen from among the Old Ones. Raian of East and Lawra of West. Stronger than any other creature, beautiful beings and the first immortal among demons. Put to the task by the other Old Ones that went to sleep. On the day they were to be chosen one of the Old Ones had a vision, that should the Guardians ever cross path; everything would unravel and chaos would follow.

So to protect the Earth they never met each other and so it would had remained. They were both loyal to their tasks at hand and even though it pained them to know that one of their own race were out there but unable to see each other, they kept going. For thousands of years they protected the lands and kept order, while letting the beings that lived there to evolve as they liked. Their lives could even be called peaceful and they became legends. Both praised for their might and their strength never failed them.

Though through the schemes of a youkai that sought to bring this world under his control lead Lawra and Raian to meet. It could had been a passing meting, one that would never happen again but it was never meant to be a flighty metting, they fell in love. As their love grew their destinies were thrown out of all control without them noticing it. Their new found happiness in each other made them blind and in the end, the same youkai who lead them to each other plotted them against each other. Their love for each other and their loyalty for their kind clashed. They ended up at war with each other, the land were torn apart and many races died out. Raian died in Lawras arms and in his moment of absolute grief Lawra broke of the chains that chained him to his destiny and the area burned and became cursed as well as blessed. Lawra followed Raian in death and left this earth, promising that one day they would reunite. Now the damage that were done by their deaths has finally taken a tool on the world and destruction is coming closer.

The balance between this world and the next where the Old Ones sleeps have been left uncontrolled. The Old Ones are beginning to awaken from their long slumber and when they do there will be no one to open the gate for them and when it becomes to much, their existence will absolutely CRUSH this world."

A long silence followed, the fire sparkled and the outside the rain fell around them like a curtain. "What does this have to do with us?" asked Sesshoumaru finally.

"The key to open the gates to the other realm were guarded by Lawra and Raian but at their death the keys were lost. No one knows what they look like and if they did they would never be able to get close to them. What I know is that when you've found one the other one will be close by. I've looked everywhere for someone that would be able to break through the force and get the keys. Some one with a close blood bound to the guardians, and I found two."

"Wait a minute." InuYasha stopped her, trying to process everything, "Are you saying that.. we are related to..."

"I wouldn't go so far." Tsusaku said. "More like, somehow, you have some of the blood from the Guardians running through your veins. Maybe some of their spilled blood mixed with that of a youkai of your bloodline long ago. You have no idea of the power you have. You two are the only youkai left that are tied to the earth. Your connection with it is so much stronger, almost like Raian's and Lawra's. You feel closer to the earth than any other youkai. You can sense, smell and feel the changes of the seasons. You know when some part of the land is harmed and you can hear the long forgotten voices from the forest and earth."

"If I do as you say and help you, how will I be able to save InuYasha?" Sesshoumaru asked. This whole story seemed doubtful but he had felt close to the forest, even more so than their father.

Tsusaku looked at his face, then at the hanyou in his arms. "Although there are many Old Ones with gifts above your imagination that could help you there is few that would probably help you but among the Old Ones are one of the extinct craft of rebirth. He will maybe help you. Not only will he be able to save your mate but also your future children, and also in some ways the children you've lost."

Sesshoumaru looked from her ageless face and into the fire, his expressionless face showed nothing but he was thinking seriously about the deal.

InuYasha reached up and to Sesshoumaru's face, his own eyes searching the same amber coloured eyes he had looked into so many time while in each others arms. One of the Daiyoukai's hands suddenly touched InuYasha's neck where the shards laid. He could feel them under his fingers. They were the only thing that kept his mate in his life, that kept them together. It felt like a curse, how long could the jewel sustain InuYasha?

As long as the shards were keeping InuYasha alive there would always be somone after them. InuYasha's life would always be in danger.

It may be a fools try to go against the river but as long as there were a chance then that was all he needed to know.

"Where do I begin?" Sesshoumaru asked Tsusaku.

InuYasha's eyes widen at the implication. I. Not We. "Hey, what are you talking about? Your not going alone."

Sesshoumaru glared down at his mate, "There will always be a difference between us, dear brother, I will be the one to get the keys. With your life in the middle I'm not taking any chances."

"Like hell," InuYasha pushed himself up further so that they were face to face. "we've come this far together and there is no way I'm fucking backing down just because my life is the trade."

Sometimes he wondered why his mate had to be so stubborn.

"I'm going with you no matter what, bastard." InuYasha finished with a tone that left nothing open for discussion.

But he wouldn't want it any other way.

"I understand." Sesshoumaru said with a very faint smile on his lips. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on InuYasha's nose. "You're coming with me." his arms held his little brother closer as he rested his head against InuYasha's.

Tsusaku watched them for a little while before she stood up and walked over to the edge of the cliff. Just an inch from her nose were the rain falling. She looked over her shoulder and noticed that she had their attention once more.

"I will be close by, but I can't help you any more than I already have without a risk. You will know where to look once morning comes. Trust your instincts." she was gone right after her words finished. The rain washed away her trace and there were no way they could find now.

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed as he stared after the female, 'There is something she's not telling.'

But despite knowing that there were nothing he could do. The woman was gone now and all he had left was to do as she had asked them. Frankly he could care less if this world got crushed. He didn't care if some of the blood of the Old Ones flowed through his veins. All that mattered to him was InuYasha.

Sesshoumaru held InuYasha tight in his embrace all night as the rain around them fell endlessly.


The next morning InuYasha woke up to find himself alone by the dead remains of the fire. He could smell the fresh scent of rain all around him and outside the shadow he laid under he could see the sun blessing the ground with its rays. He sat up and looked around. Outside, in the blazing light he saw Sesshoumaru. The youkai stood with his face upward and stared at the distance of a mountain far away.

As InuYasha rose his head felt suddenly light and something filled his thoughts that he couldn't identify. All he was aware of was that his instincts told him to go west.

InuYasha walked out from the cliff and over to his brother. The Daiyoukai didn't look at him, for a moment InuYasha was scared of Sesshoumaru's glazed over eyes. He embraced Sesshoumaru from behind and the contact brought the other youkai back to the now.

There was no gasp of surprise or flinch from the contact, he simply came back to him.

InuYasha buried his face gently between Sesshoumaru's shoulder blades and sighed. The smell of his mate calmed him. The memories of the first time he had held Sesshoumaru like this resurfaced in his head. At the time he had been scared and confused by his feelings. He hadn't thought that their relationship would last. He had actually expected to be thrown away after their first time. If he closed his eyes he could feel the tears burning his eyes, tears that he no longer needed to shed. For he had caught Sesshoumaru. They were mated and loved each other. Not even death could force them apart.

But if that were so... Why did he feel a tingle of fear in his chest.

Sesshoumaru disentangled from InuYasha and turned around so they were face to face. He lifted InuYasha's hands and planted a kiss on them. Moved by the simple gesture of love and trust InuYasha took a small step closer and softly kissed Sesshoumaru on his lips.

Without letting go of each others hands their fingers enterwined. Sesshoumaru leaned forward so his face were against InuYasha's cheek. He lowered his nose until he came upon the mating mark on InuYasha's neck. His sensitive nose sniffed it, he could sense his own claim on InuYasha but also the bitter sting of blood.

He was no fool. He knew what Naraku had done to his mate. What horrible disgrace InuYasha had gone through until recently. The taste of someone else's mouth on him, the feeling of another's hand upon his naked skin, the violation of being taken by someone else than his mate. Only the thought made his blood boil and freeze at the same time. He would never forgive Naraku for doing this to his InuYasha.

He didn't blame InuYasha, the trace of blood from his mating mark spoke all he needed to know about what InuYasha had felt from the touch of another upon him. He could smell it in the blood, the traces of resistance to the rape. The humiliation of being unable to do anything to escape it. The regrets, the tears, the horror and sorrow mixed together in the metallic smell. His mate had never once been taken willingly.

Sesshoumaru's tongue came out and traced over the four marks of his fang. He could feel their bond growing stronger, their lost time was returning to them. But he still couldn't stand the thought that someone else dared to touch his mate.

Sesshoumaru glanced up toward their resting place and his eyes narrowed. He left InuYasha's neck and the hanyou let out a whine at the lost contact with his mate. He opened his golden eyes that he had closed and looked questioningly at him.

He lead them back to the hanging cliff before Sesshoumaru tugged once more on InuYasha's hand, more forcefully this time. At the same time InuYasha was turn around and his lips were caught by Sesshoumaru's. Even with the fact that InuYasha was almost caught of guard his brother forced his tongue past the hanyou's lips and teeth. Sesshoumaru's youkai growled at the back of his mind as it wanted nothing more than to reclaim its mate after being denied.

InuYasha moaned into the kiss and submitted after a moment. His clawed hands reached up and laced his fingers through the white hair of his brother. He welcomed the silken feeling against his fingers, in fact he welcomed everything that was his mate. The creeping feeling of horrible memories were pushed aside as he was once again held in his mates strong arms.

The kiss ended and it left InuYasha gasping for breath. But his next gasp turned into a long whine as a tongue licked his neck once again. This time he could also feel the fang nipping at him and his skin felt like it was on fire. InuYasha leaned his head to the side to give his mate better access to his neck and he was rewarded with a full attack of licks, nips and kisses.

He was so lost in the mealstorm of feelings and sensations that he wasn't even aware of Sesshoumaru who lowered them to the ground onto his fluffy tail and removed InuYasha's haori and his own armor and haori. Only when one of his nipples were brushed against did InuYasha return to his senses and realized that they were already half nacked.

His mind was half clouded and InuYasha felt his youki struggling to surface. His need to please his mate became strong and while he didn't want the sensation on his neck to end he shifted so that he could lick Sesshoumaru's shoulder and neck. The older youkai growled in approval. Taking this as a good sign InuYasha went lower on his brothers chest until he was facing one of his nipples. His tongue came out carefully and lapped once over the nub. Then twice.

Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and his hands clasped over InuYasha's shoulders. The feeling was extraordinary and he would had let it continue if it wasn't for his need to reclaim his mate, right now.

The daiyoukai growled deep in his throat at his half-brother and pulled him up and ended the pleasure to his chest.

InuYasha who hadn't been ready for it was suddenly pushed deeper down into the soft tail. Sesshoumaru's hand travelled down InuYasha's stomach and over his hip and then down his leg. He leaned down and kissed him and his lips lingered on his for a moment, his tongue licked his mates lips even and then he shifted back to InuYasha's neck and his mating mark. His fangs scrapped against the skin and it send a shiver down InuYasha's spine. Then, without more warning, Sesshoumaru's fangs pierced the skin on InuYasha's neck.

InuYasha's arched his back as he wasn't sure what to do, was it painful or was it pleasure he felt? He wasn't sure. They mixed together. His eyes tried to fix on something but his lids felt heavy and they fell close. His mouth was open in a soundless gasp, trying to bring air into his lungs but failed. The sensation didn't end even when Sesshoumaru's fangs left him, his whole body shook from the experience. On his neck were now four new wounds that were rapidly healing, they were place precisely over the old mating mark. Sesshuomaru's youki purred in satisfaction and he licked up the blood, the metallic taste assaulted his every senses. Almost like an aphrodisiac, brining his more primal instincts to the surface.

He wasn't even aware that he was pushing his groin against InuYasha's until his ears picked up a faint gasp of pleasure where earlier there had been silence. In fact, he was even rutting against his mate and he felt his whole body flushing on the inside from desire and need.

He was losing control, and that fast. Soon he would be to long lost in his instincts to even think, and he could hurt InuYasha.

Fast he shed of the rest of his cloths and InuYasha's, earning a moan when his claws scrapped against his mates hips more forcibly than he intended.

InuYasha stared up at the magnificent youkai over him, about to take him. He knew what would happen and he wanted it more than anything right now, his body ached for the touch of his mate, to be claimed by his mate, to be dominated and satisfied. When he was flipped over onto his stomach he purred in delight.

Sesshoumaru knew that if he didn't remain in control for a little longer he would really hurt his mate.

With more self-control than he had ever used in one moment he licked his fingers and trailed them down to InuYasha's ass. But instead of only entering one finger to begin with his need made him unconsciously enter two right away. InuYasha hissed slightly at the intrusion but still wanted more. He began to rock his hips back against the fingers in demand that his mate take him.

Sesshoumaru growled as he tried to restrain himself, even though he wanted nothing more than to take his mate and claim him over and over again, he refused to take his brother raw. Even though he knew he himself would enjoy it he refused to take his mate in such a way, he wouldn't fall so low.

He entered a third finger and pumped in and out. InuYasha wailed and tried to go up to his knees and hands but a hand on his lower back and a growl kept him down, even though he didn't want to remain still. His need was getting to strong.

With InuYasha's frustrating attempts to be taken, his control slipped and it was all he could do to prepare his mate.

Sesshoumaru pulled out his fingers but before InuYasha could even realize it or complain he put his erection to the hole and pushed inside. He filled his mate to the hilt and began to thrust. InuYasha could only gasp for breath and groan while he was claimed. His mind refused to work and his youki was now rejoicing.

Sesshoumaru took a hold of InuYasha's hip with one hand as his other pressed down between his shoulder blades. He wasn't aware of anything anymore, only the need and want of taking his mate. His claws accidently broke the skin on InuYasha's hip and it dripped down his fingers but neither InuYasha or he minded anymore. Everything they did was only spurring them on into further exctacy.

Their pleasure weren't only on the physical plane anymore, their minds had re-connected and all their pleasure were being sensed by each other. Before InuYasha could even stop himself he felt how he tensed up and his body racked with his orgasm. Even in this moment he couldn't make any other sound than a loud groan as his seed spilled under him.

The walls around Sesshoumaru's length held him so tight he had to hold still for a moment until he could resume to thrust. His speed built up and InuYasha, who barely recovered from his own release, gasped as he was being taken even more forcefully.

Gone were all thoughts, gone were all their problems, their responsibilities. All there were were them. Under the shade of the cliff, the fresh air of rain hung around them as their bodies strived in a ritual more ancient than their lineage.

Then there were the sweet pleasure of release filling them. Sesshoumaru buried himself to the hilt and arched his back as he bit down on his lower lip, drawing blood. InuYasha pressed back against the length inside him and felt the seed of his mate filling him. The seed that had granted them two pups so far. Pups that would never see the day light again.

Both the sudden thought of their lost pups and the pleasure brought tears to InuYasha's eyes. But strong arms wrapped around him and held him close, not letting him go or to cry alone.

The world around them seemed to fade away into nothing. Their senses couldn't pick up anything except for each other.

In that moment Sesshoumaru opened his eyes a little and a voice deep in his mind, perhaps even in his soul whispered a single word; Raian. The soft voice was gone before he was even sure he had heard it but there were such tenderness inside that one spoken word.

InuYasha was already asleep when he returned back to awareness. For a moment he felt contempt just to lie there, still connected with their bodies but as wonderful as it felt like to be inside his mate he pulled out. When he did so he earned a little moan of protest from InuYasha.

He settled down next to his mate, letting the cool air chill their bodies. They laid there with Sesshoumaru petting InuYasha's hair.

Now and then his fingers would run over the mating mark on InuYasha's neck, tenderly tracing the four blood red fang mark.
