InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Senshi Unleased ❯ The Queens Decision ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One: The Queens Decision

People were excited and hopeful as they crowded into the castle. It seemed like the day would never end and some truly believed it wouldn't. For this day was a holy one and everyone around the country celebrated with glee.

This day wasn't like a festival or holiday, but the day that would determine the lives of thousands. This day was January 18th, the year a child was born.

Snow fell from the sky like diamonds and decorated the world as if a gift from the heavens. Music filled the air and the food feed all who was hungry. People waited silently as they searched for the main event. Excitement filled their lungs and the anticipation was made many people cry. The new princess will soon be before them, the new hope.

There were once a time when people believed the birth this princess will lead to death of many. Considering there was a time when her mother was the most feared in the country. Her mother had a dreadful past that people were still afraid to speak. The woman had stolen things and used her magnificent power for destruction. When the people lost hope in ever being released from their hell, something happened to the woman that made her stop.

Ever since that incident, the woman turned into a goddess and never caused pain for her people again. She began to help all the children and gave food to those who truly needed it. The people soon agreed that they will love their queen and never thought about the pain she has once caused then.

"When are we going to see the baby?" Someone called from the crowd.

The queen smiled as a small bundle appeared in her arms. A soft laughter escaped its mouth and people laughed with happiness.

"Thank you all for coming," The Queen said, holding her baby in her right hand. "As you know, I wasn't a very good queen at the beginning. I did outrages things and I am sorry for all the pain I caused you good people. However, I will never allow my child to become that way. I've decided to never allow my child to know about her mother. The `Firefly of Death's' daughter will never be heard of. I have asked a very kind family to take care of her. My life will be ending soon and I want to make sure my baby has a good family. So please, good people, never tell her about the life or power she would have had. I would be crushed if anything ever happened to my baby."

The queen walked down the crystal steps and gave her baby to a near-by family. This family was the Koji's. They were the kindest family in the country and the queen trusted them more than anything. Mr. and Mrs. Koji never had children, so they took her with happiness.

As the queen walked back to her thrown, she blew her little girl a kiss good-bye and died.

The people were both shocked at the sudden death. But they obeyed their queen's decision and left the castle without another word.

AS they left the castle a dark light appeared behind the queen's body. The figure bent down and ran a finger allowed the queen's face.

"We could have become a family. We could have taught our child the true beauty of darkness. Now look at you, you are such a fool. I swear our child will never be weak like you."

The figure pulled its hand away from her face and disappeared into the night.