InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Mysterious Little Visitor ❯ Scroll Eight: Contemplations ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Scroll Eight: Contemplations

He smiled. The boy just sat across from Inu-Yasha, smiling quietly, his head tilted slightly to the side as a gentle breeze made its way through the trees. The leaves swished back and forth, seeming to know what Little Inu did, but Inu-Yasha did not.

The boy was opening his mouth; he was going to speak....


Kagome went following after the dog-demon not more than three minutes after his departure. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo had all stayed behind; they were cleaning up some of the picnic stuff that had been blown about by the battle. (Myoga was out of sight...and far out of his, and everyone else's, mind.)

Sango had insisted that Kirara go with Kagome; she wouldn't allow her friend to go otherwise.

What Kouga had hit upon was something they'd all noticed, but not consciously noticed. Surely, even Shippo had caught his new playmate/competition's half-human/half-demon scent. Little Inu's youki was similar to Inu-Yasha's, too, Kagome had noticed--wild and untamed, yet, somehow, very pacific.

He used Sankon Tetsusou to make a hole to throw those monkeys in a while back.... That's one of Inu-Yasha's special attacks. Is it possible that Kouga was partially right...that Little Inu is Inu-Yasha's future son? Kagome stared at the carpeting of grass, moss, and foliage beneath her feet; the, currently, small demon cat trotting at her heels soundlessly. She could sense the two dog-demons more strongly now. If that's true...that Kouga caught my scent as well, then.... She blushed slightly at the conclusions of her unfinished thought. Still, her cheeks lessened in color, if, a human...could a child be a quarter breed, but still smell like a half-breed? Or, wait.... Her face softened a bit, shades of subtle sadness at the possibility settled on her face. Did Inu-Yasha use the Jewel to become all demon?


"Inu-Yasha...." the boy said softly, shaking his head, eyes closed. "You know...."

"Don't tell me that!"he shouted back, losing the calm he had retained. "You have to tell me, kid! I'm not a damned mind reader!"

Little Inu shook his head again as he opened his eyes, the wind lifting his silvery hair slightly. He looked at the older demon before him, golden orbs that were full of childhood innocence, somehow....

" weren't made fun of for being half-demon, were you?" Inu-Yasha asked quietly.

The boy nodded his head. "Correct. No one ever made fun of me or my siblings for having a human mother...or a half-demon father."

Inu-Yasha's eyes grew in surpressed surprise, and maybe even relief. "Then...?" I didn't use the Shikon no Tama to become a full-fledged demon?
"Think about it." The half-dog-demon child stood effortlessly up on the branch. "My mother and father loved each other very much. My mother is a priestess...and before you think it, no, it's not her. I don't think it's possible for the dead to bear children."

His eyes grew even larger in stupefaction.

"My father married and mated with the woman he loved. He truly loved. Inu-Yasha, you must know the fact about dog-demons and their mates. I cannot tell you anymore; however, I can say that you must search deep inside your heart for the true answer. And also this...."

He took in a deep breath as he looked away for a moment down to the girl now beneath them, beginning to call their names; and then returned the gaze to the amazingly silent hanyou, both faces etched heavily with seriousness. Slowly, in a low voice, "Watch over Kagome well. There will be very hard times in the battles and conquests ahead. Such hard times that...

"...she may lose her life."


A/N: Before I begin, this is draft 3 of this Author's Note. My computer had a 'fatal error' on me.... Gomen to infinity power! One of my readers on (another place I am now located, and it's updated instantly) is cool-girl, who left a (two actually) message for me, telling me how much she's been waiting. I figure a lot of you have.(Well, that she almost scared my spitless. ^^;) So, this is what I'll use for now. I hate not using Office 2000 for my normal stuff, but the best writing program I have is Microsoft Works, without HTML capabilities, but I'll live for now. (Also a thanks to Kmdctweety, who was the one who wrote to me about the Kouga idea, and writes to me, but I can never write back since it never goes through!)

I have received a few letters asking me about why I do the things I do. First, yes, I know Inu-Yasha and Little Inu don't wear kimonos--Sango does. Actually this cloak is a haori and the pants are called hakama. I just make it easier on a lot of people by calling the clothes kimonos. If you really want to get technically, what the twosome wear are traditional, Buddhist priests' festival robes. No joke. Check the InuYasha Art Guide. (Good book!)

No, I don't write lemons, so, please, I'd appreciate it if no one would ask for one.

Yes, I know Little Inu uses the words 'sway' and 'quell'; I wrote that chapter. In Japan, the people use a larger string of vocabulary words. Sota, in "Terror of the Ancient Noh Mask" says, "He seems smitten. Is he smitten by love?!" instead of, "What happened to my hero? He's turning to life-size proportions before my very eyes!" By the way, Sota is nine.

That's the main stuff; I thought I'd fill in some general things that might be bothering a few people, and it's ok; I'm not mad. Also, write to and not to the original kaguya_kage account; it's just easier. Sorry about the shortness of the scroll. Once again, it seemed right.

Kagome: *from the other room* Inu-Yasha! You insensitive jerk!

Inu-Yasha: Wh-what?! Hey, what are you so mad about, huh?

Kagome: OSWUARI!

*thud is heard from the other room*

Ouch. Well, anyway, I'm going to go for now. Enjoy the scroll; the other should be out later this month, perhaps on my 16th birthday! ^^ Ja ne!

~Moonlight Shadow

Japanese used:



P.S. Please visit if you haven't yet. I have not only "The Mysterious Little Visitor" (same penname) listed, but the beginning of a second fic called "On Vacation". L8er!

~Moonlight Shadow