InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Their Daughter's Journey ❯ New Beginnings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome winced, clutching the blankets tightly against her chest. She panted in exhaustion, sweat rolling down her pale skin. Then, she heard soft, muffled screams as Kaede held the newborn infant in her arms. Kagome sighed with relief and lay down on the mat. She shut her eyes, taking a deep breath, and listened to the sound of water running down her child's face. It cried even harder, louder, as the warm liquid hit its skin. Kaede laughed.
“There, there child; I'm just cleaning ye up a bit. Bear with it,” said Kaede, smiling soft as the baby's screams grew even louder.
Kagome smiled. It was hard to believe, but she was a mother. It seemed like the day would never come. Everything felt like a dream. If only time could stop, she thought, and we could stay like this forever. Kagome opened her eyes and looked over at the old miko as she dried the baby. She could just barely see its face - a full head of raven black hair rested atop its head, with big brown eyes and pale skin.
“Lady Kaede,” Kagome started, tired, “is it a boy or a girl?”
Kaede looked over at her as she finished wrapping the infant in cloths. She stumbled over to the new mother, smiling gently as she handed the baby over.
“It is a boy,” the old woman replied as Kagome embraced her child tightly.
She held him close, right near her heart. He didn't look at all like a demon, but he was more then she had ever imagined. His skin was soft and warm. His hair was like silk. And even though the colour of his eyes and hair were the same as his mother's, he resembled InuYasha more than she thought possible. His eyes were just barely open as he stared up at his mother for the first time. Kagome couldn't help but smile. This was the happiest day of her life. And though she was exhausted, she forced herself up. Even though I can't return to modern times, she wondered, isn't it alright to be happy where I am?
Suddenly there were loud noises coming from outside the hut. Noisily they approached with the faint sound of a voice - familiar. The sound was nostalgic. She knew this voice well. But what was it saying? She couldn't make it out. As it drew nearer, the word became clear.
“Kagome!” he called out one last time before stopping at the entrance. There stood a man with silver hair and golden eyes, wearing the robe of the fire rat - InuYasha. He took one step forward, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him. He fixated his gaze of the newborn in her arms. “Kagome…”
“Ye are late, InuYasha, and to your own son's birth.” Kaede motioned over to him, but his gaze never left the two resting on the futon. He smiled weakly.
“So it's a boy…” He thrust his foot forward once more, slowly as to not scare his child, then another.
InuYasha knelt beside the two to get a closer look.
“His name's Sesono,” his wife stated, watching her child just as he was. InuYasha turned to her, dumbfounded. Didn't he have a say in his name? But it didn't matter; the name suited him. He could let it slide this once.
InuYasha placed his finger next to his son's hand. He grabbed onto it and held it firmly. He's got a strong grip, he thought. But then he noticed something peculiar about Sesono's appearance; he looked human. There wasn't a single demonic feature on him. No claws, no fangs - not even dog ears. It was like he was completely human.
“Kagome,” he started, pointing at his son with his free hand.
“Why is he human?”
“Why ask me? I don't know. Besides InuYasha, just because he doesn't look like a demon doesn't mean that he isn't. Wait until he's older and see.”
“She is right, InuYasha. The young one may look like a pureblooded human but that is not so. Ye would do well to heed Kagome's words,” Lady Kaede interrupted.
InuYasha groaned and rolled his eyes at this, but supposed she was right. There were many demons that were able to disguise themselves as humans, and some had no visible demonic features, either. Maybe Sesono was the same. He what just too proud to admit that he was wrong.
Suddenly InuYasha smelt something. It was strangely familiar, yet not. Something was wrong. Uneasiness welled up within him. He gritted his teeth. This stench, he started, it's the same as Naraku's. He bolted out of Lady Kaede's hut and sniffed the air. There was no mistaking it; he had to have returned. But that wasn't possible. Naraku had been defeated five years previous. He was dead.
InuYasha took a deep breath and tried calming himself. He shut his eyes and realized that the scent wasn't his. Though it was similar, there was something different about it. That aside, he felt something watching him. Cold eyes glared at him from the shadows, studying his every movement. The feeling it gave him was malicious, as though whoever was hiding wanted blood. He placed his hand on Tetsusaiga, ready to pull it from its scabbard at any given moment.
“Stop hiding and show yourself!” InuYasha growled, watching the trees as a dark figure hid within them. He couldn't see his face but there was a person hidden in the shadows. He could at least tell that much.
“My, my InuYasha, I'm impressed.” It was a woman's voice. She sounded as though she found InuYasha amusing. It was just as Naraku use to speak. He hated it. “Fathering a child like him is quite an accomplishment.”
InuYasha scowled and unsheathed his sword, pointing it directly at the woman.
“What do you mean? Who the hell are you?”
The woman giggled eerily in the shadows. InuYasha watched her closely. The stench of Naraku was all over her. It wasn't right. Just as quickly as she came, she vanished. But she wasn't gone. She was still there, somewhere, hiding. Her scent still remained, though very vague.
“That child, your son, I've come to take him with me,” her voice echoed through the trees and darkness around him. It was like she was everywhere, but at the same time nowhere at all. And what she had said…she was after Sesono, but why?
“What?” InuYasha asked, alarmed by her sudden declaration.
“That boy…he truly is amazing. His power is far too incredible to be left alone. Before long he shall be mine, InuYasha. I suggest you say goodbye while you still have a chance,” the woman made her one final threat before her presence completely vanished. InuYasha looked around the trees, searching for the strange woman that appeared before him. His eyes were wide and he clutched his sword tighter before returning it to its scabbard. Damn, he thought, I let her escape.
He sighed heavily before retiring to the hut. His family was waiting for him, and he didn't want them to be alone - not after what had just happened. It was too dangerous, he supposed. Though they hadn't fought, he could sense something different about her. There was more to her than it seemed.
Upon entering old Kaede's hut, he was greeted by the concerned face of his wife as she held Sesono. She knew that something was wrong. But what could he say? Should he tell her the truth or hide it?
“What's wrong?” she asked as he staggered over, half in a daze.
He couldn't tell her. Sesono was only just born. How was he supposed to tell his wife that someone had come to kidnap their infant son? No; he could tell her that, not what she was so happy. No, if anything happened then he would protect both her and the baby. He wouldn't let either of them come to harm.
“It's nothing. I just thought I heard something, that's all,” he reassured her, a wide grin on his face.
He sat down next to Kagome. She handed him Sesono. He was so young and looked completely human. That wasn't too surprising, he supposed, since Kagome was human and he was a hanyou. The human blood overpowered the demon blood. Even so, that person said he was strong. He didn't know how she could tell immediately after his birth, but he had no choice but to believe it. Why else would she be after him? So his son was strong, huh? That was a bit hard to believe, him being so cute and all. Sesono, he started, beaming as he stared down at his son, I won't let her take you from us. I promise.
The night came to a close and morning arrived in no time at all. With Sesono strapped tightly to her back, Kagome set out for Sango's place. InuYasha outright refused to let her go, but she just ignored him as always. Even though they were married, things were still the same between them. It was just like when she would want to return to modern time and InuYasha would fight with her to stay. She giggled. It was a bit nostalgic, hearing him yell his opinions at her.
“Listen to me damn it! You shouldn't be up so soon. Wait a few days and then we can visit Sango and Miroku.”
“InuYasha I'm going with or without you. I've made up my mind.”
“You can't go,” he protested, remembering his visitor from the day previous, “it's too dangerous.”
It's too dangerous. Being in the feudal era itself was dangerous! He was being far too overprotective, even for him. It was just a walk into the village. Nothing would go wrong. She sighed and started on her way, with InuYasha following close behind, protesting most of the way there. He only gave up once their home was in sight. Even so, he wouldn't let down his guard. She could be anywhere, watching, waiting for the right moment to take Sesono away. He scowled at the thought.
Kagome sighed. “You're just in a bad mood because you stayed up all night. Demons need sleep too you know.”
InuYasha turned away abruptly, “Whatever!” Within a few moments they arrived at the hut. It was fairly large considering their family of two. The couple had spoken for the longest time about having a large family - mostly Miroku - but five years had passed since they had destroyed Naraku and they still had no kids. It was a bit surprising, but not much. What was most surprising was that Kagome had a child before Sango.
Kagome peered inside to see that no one was there waiting for them. That wasn't a big shock either; they didn't inform the couple of their visit. They didn't even know that Kagome had had her baby. She took a step inside and scanned the room. “Hello? Miroku, Sango?” There was no answer. She took another small step, trying to see if anyone was home.
InuYasha groaned. “See? There's nobody here. Let's just go home already,” he said in an impatient tone, his hand still on the Tetsusaiga's handle. He wouldn't let anyone come near his son - not with that woman around.
“Come on, it's been months since we last saw them. You wouldn't let me leave the house while I was pregnant, remember?”
InuYasha turned away in embarrassment. Admittedly he was a bit overprotective. But what if something had happened? What if Kagome ran into a demon and she got hurt while she was pregnant? She could have lost the baby. That was the one thing he never wanted to happen. He had to keep her safe.
InuYasha's ears perked up. He heard something, like footsteps. It was coming from another room. Were they there, after all? He sniffed the air. It was them alright; their scent was strong. Or was he wrong? He could smell them all over the place. It was their house, after all.
“InuYasha? What is it?” Kagome asked as her husband snapped out of his own little world. He was acting weird, but not like the day before.
“Hmm? Oh, I heard something coming from the other room. They're probably here,” he replied, not managing to convince even himself. There was something different about the scent.
Kagome shrugged off the hanyou's odd behavior and started down the hall.
“Miroku! Sango! It's Kagome, are you there?” Her question was answered by a loud scream from beyond the door. She recognized this sound. She knew it all too well - but when? When did that happen? The voices on the other side only confirmed her suspicions. “No way…”
“That's it Sango; you're doing great. Just one more push,” Miroku encouraged as Kagome listened from the hall.
His wife screamed in response.
“Shut up! I'm going to kill you, you lecherous monk!” So she was that type of person?
InuYasha had been preoccupied with keeping watch for that woman, so he hadn't noticed Sango's cries of pain. But this time he didn't miss it; loud, angry, and much scarier than Kagome. He jumped, then ran over to Kagome.
“K-Kagome, is that what I think it is?” He hid behind her, alarmed by the violent yelling coming from the other side of the wall. He dared not enter.
“Yeah, I think it is,” Kagome said nervously. Miroku would be fine on his own, right? He was a monk, so shouldn't he know a thing or two about this? No, this was definitely not part of the job description.
Then everything went quiet, as though what they had heard was all an illusion. But it wasn't. Soft wailing made its way through the wooden door, with Miroku's happy voice along with it.
“There, there,” he comforted, “you're ok.”
“What is it, Miroku?” asked Sango, tired and weak. “A boy or a girl?”
Miroku raised his head with a smile. He headed over to Sango to show her their new child. “A boy,” he beamed holding his son. As expected, his hair was pitch black. He looked a lot like his mother. And thankfully enough, there was no wind tunnel is his right hand. Why would there be? Naraku was dead, after all.
Clearly they were still not aware of their guests. InuYasha breathed a sigh of relief. Sango was back to her usual self, thankfully. Kagome knocked on the door. Though this was a special moment for them, she was getting a bit tired of standing. And she was excited. Sesono was born only the day before, and now Sango's child? It was a bit shocking.
“Come in,” Miroku ordered kindly.
Kagome slid open the door, grinning from ear to ear. Sango sat, feeding her son under a blanket while Miroku stroked her back, getting lower and lower. Sango gritted her teeth. Though they were married, she didn't care for his perverted nature. With her free hand she flung her arm up towards his face. There was a loud smack and within moments Miroku was caressing his cheek instead of his wife's bottom.
“Would you give it a rest, you letch?”
“But Sango, I'm just so happy,” he whined. Though they were married, he still never got away with it. That part of Sango would never change. But he didn't mind. Things were much more interesting this way.
“Clearly,” she said boldly as the child in her arms continued to feed. She raised her head with a sweet and cheery smile as her old friends entered the room. They stood awkwardly at the young couple, not quite sure what to say. “What a surprise, Kagome and InuYasha. It's been such a long time; I had no idea you would be visiting.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Kagome apologized, “it was a bit of a spontaneous decision. But never mind that! Sango, I didn't know you were pregnant.”
“Well, yes, I was. He arrived a bit sooner than expected.” She stared down at the boy, still sore and tired from the birthing. It had taken a lot out of her, but she didn't want to rest.
“I would have visited sooner, but someone wouldn't let me leave the house,” she stated, glaring at InuYasha out of the corner of her eye.
“Keh,” He turned away, arms folded. What was she getting all mad about? He had to do it, for the kid. It wasn't his fault that humans were so weak and fragile. If Kagome were a demon then he'd have nothing to worry about. He gave it a bit more thought, imagining Kagome as a demon, then shook his head. No; that'd be way too frightening.
“Kagome,” Miroku started. The young girl turned to him. “What's that on your back?” he asked, noticing Sesono's black hair.
How could she have forgotten? Some mother she was! The child fussed. He'd been quiet all day…except when his hunger became too much for him. She smiled at his soft breaths as he dozed off. InuYasha grabbed him from his carrier and held him close. He stirred, and then fell back asleep. His father smiled.
Sango and Miroku sat speechless. Of course they had known that Kagome was pregnant. How could they not? But it was too incredible to see. And he didn't look very demon-like at all. On the contrary, he seemed quite human. He should at least have some demonic features, right?
“Isn't he beautiful?” Kagome beamed, watching her friends' bewildered faces.
“Kagome…it may be wrong of me to say this, but did you perhaps cheat on InuYasha?” Miroku questioned, his voice a bit shaky.
“What?” Kagome and InuYasha screamed, causing their young child to wake. He was silent at first as he opened his eyes, then cried as loud as his small lungs could handle. InuYasha pulled him away as an annoying ringing entered his ears. It hurt…a lot.
“Kagome, a little help here!” InuYasha shouted, though not nearly as loud as before. He knew better. And if he had any of the same traits as his father, his ears would be ringing just like his. Sesono would get use to it as he got older, but he was too young.
Kagome scooped Sesono out of his father's arms and cradled him. “Shh, you're ok.” He stopped crying and calmed down. Nothing can beat a mother's touch, she thought while thinking back to her home in modern times. She missed her family deeply, but this was where she belonged now. If only the well worked without the jewel…but it didn't.
“Of course I didn't cheat on InuYasha. What gave you that idea?” she whispered.
“I thought as much. It's just that he looks completely human, so I wasn't sure. Why is that anyways?”
“Well-” Sango interrupted before she could explain.
“Just ignore him Kagome. That aside, what's his name?” Sango's eyes sparkled. When Kagome first told her that she was pregnant, she literally jumped for joy. It was if she was Kagome's sister. She did act like one though. And they were definitely that close. Kagome sat down gently in front of Sango, being careful of her child.
“Sesono,” she replied with a smile, “and his?” She watched as the boy peered around the room after feeding. Though he was tired, the outside world was too amazing. If he fell asleep, he might miss something; that's what it looked like.
“Well…” Sango wasn't prepared for this yet. She had thought about names, yes, but she was so sure that her child would be a girl. Miroku had given her some names to think about, but she didn't care for them - especially Miroku Jr. Why would she name him after his lecherous father? Then she thought for a moment, and a name popped into her head. Hadn't her husband mentioned it to her? When she though about it, it seemed right. “It's Satoshi,” she announced. Yes, that was the right choice. It rolled right off her tongue.
“Hey, Sango,” Miroku whined, “don't I get a say in this?”
Sango groaned.
“And I suppose you wanted to call him Miroku Jr., right?” He smiled innocently and nodded his head. She turned away sharply, coldly. He wasn't very original. “No way. What if he turns out to be like you?”
“Wouldn't that be a good thing?”
“No!” The last thing she wanted was for her son to take after his father and become perverted.
“By the way, Kagome, why didn't you tell us sooner about your son? I would have visited.”
“Well it was pretty late last night so I thought it'd be better if I waited until morning.”
“Last night? Then does that mean…”
InuYasha sprang into the conversation. “Yeah he was born yesterday. Got a problem with that?” He was still upset that they questioned him being Sesono's father. Of course he was! It was almost an insult.
The group stayed like that for a while, happily discussing what had happened since the last time they spoke. Though they weren't aware of the creatures lurking outside, watching, waiting for them to lower their guard, they weren't attacked. InuYasha wasn't ready to give up his son yet. No, he never would. The last thing he wanted was for that woman to take him. He wouldn't allow it. Whoever she was, she would never get Sesono.