InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Their Daughter's Journey ❯ An Unexpected Surprise ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Kagome, don't push yourself,” InuYasha ordered as his wife walked out of the hut. Nothing would happen. Nothing happened last time, and it would be the same this time. He was far too overprotective.
“I'm pregnant, InuYasha, not crippled,” she stated, a bit irritated over the fact that he never let her do anything because of his fear of hurting the child growing inside of her. It was annoying, having a hanyou watching your every move, staring at you every time you stood up.
“No buts; I'll be fine. I'm just going to gather some herbs with Lady Kaede. If anything does happen, which it won't, I'll have her with me.”
He didn't deny that. Kaede was really good at what she did. She had come to their aid every time Sesono got hurt or sick and never let them down. She was old, but also very skilled. It was almost otherworldly. With her at Kagome's side, there was nothing to worry about. She was safe - both her and their unborn child.
“Fine, I'll admit, the old hag can probably take care of you better then I could,” She felt a “but” coming, “but look at the size of you! You're a lot bigger that you were with Sesono. It might not be safe.”
Kagome's irritation reached its max. Who was he to talk about stuff like that? Of course she was bigger; Sesono was a small baby! His comment only increased her acknowledgement of her weight gain, which she rued. She clenched her fists and spun around sharply, taking in a deep breath.
“Sit boy!” she shouted. InuYasha's face hit the floor. And if that wasn't enough… “Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit boy!” He wailed as the beads thrust him to the ground and through the floorboards. Kagome turned back around and stuck up her nose. “I expect that to be fixed by the time I get back.”
“What?” InuYasha got up, rubbing his head.
“Understand?” She glared at him with a dark, malicious look out of the corner of her eye. He dared not protest, for fear of his wife's wrath. He nodded without another word as she stormed out of the house. Sesono followed close behind, grabbing onto his mothers hand and smiling up at her.
As InuYasha watched them go, he couldn't help but smile. Not once had that woman returned for him. It had been three years since then, but they went by too quickly. Before he knew it, Sesono was walking and talking and playing in the fields surrounding their home. All of it seemed too good to be true. As the woman had said, Sesono was strong. He could even lift the Tetsusaiga when it was fully transformed. Though he still looked human, two small fangs protruded from his mouth. His senses were much stronger than a human's. Even so, it was still hard to believe that she would want him. What for? When would she come?
“Mama, Daddy's funny!” Sesono stated with a huge grin. He held firmly onto his mother's hand. He liked being with Mama. She wasn't bossy like Daddy was and she always let him play, so long as he stayed close. He felt he was old enough to take care of himself, but he didn't mind. Mama liked to worry a lot. So did Daddy, but it was different with him. He was too scared to even let Mama leave the house. It seemed to have to do with Mama's big stomach, but he just passed it off as him being overprotective.
“Mama, why was Daddy yelling at you?”
“He's just worried,” Kagome replied, looking down at her three year old son.
“Yep, that's right.” She knelt down beside him with a smile. “You see, Sesono, you're going to be a big brother soon.” Kagome grabbed Sesono's hand and rested it on her stomach. He didn't really understand what was going on too well, but knew that inside Mama was a baby - hopefully a baby brother - and when it was ready it would come out.
He felt something hit his hand, pressing softly on his mother's stomach, and his face lit up. He wanted a brother badly. Daddy didn't like him going into the village too much, so his only real friend was Satoshi. But he didn't mind. Satoshi was his best friend. He liked that he was older, too, even if it was only a day. If he had a brother then he could teach him to fight like Daddy taught him. That would be fun.
Kagome got up and continued to Kaede's hut, with Sesono trailing merrily behind, wondering what his baby brother would look like. She couldn't help but grin while watching him skip down the road. He always had so much energy.
“Sesono, do you want a baby brother or sister?” It was an innocent question, although all too ironic.
“Brother!” His response was immediate. He didn't bother to think about it at all.
“But what if the baby's a girl?”
He paused for a moment. He never thought about the possibility of a baby sister. Mama was a girl and she was nice. So was Aunt Sango. He wanted a brother so they could play demon chase, but could he to that with a girl? Yeah, he could. If it was a girl he just hoped that she wasn't a crybaby. He didn't like it when Mama cried. It made him feel sad.
“I guess that'd be ok, but I still want a boy.”
Kagome smiled at him, and then ruffled his hair. The hut was just coming into view, then suddenly she felt it - that all too familiar wetness she hadn't felt in three years. Her eyes widened as she came to a realization. Not now, she thought, hold on just a little longer.
“Mama what's wrong?” She was fine for the moment, so long as the contractions didn't start. But this wasn't good. Kaede's hut was still a while off. Would she make it? She looked at her son as she held her stomach. Why now of all times? Why were all of her kids so uncooperative?
“Sesono, can you run ahead and get Lady Kaede for Mama?” she asked.
“Alright. Are you ok Mama?”
“I'll be fine but you have to hurry. Now be a good boy and run as fast as you can.”
The little boy nodded and dashed off into the distance. He was almost as fast as his father, luckily. And she wouldn't have the baby that quickly. She knew better. But she couldn't sit down and wait; she had to get moving. That way she could meet Kaede sooner. It would be hard once the contractions started.
She met with Kaede and her son, and was brought back to the hut as quickly and carefully as possible. Sango and Miroku were there, too. While Sango stayed to help with the delivery, Miroku went with Satoshi and his year old daughter to fetch InuYasha. When they returned with him they were told to wait outside. They could hear the screams from far away. It was worse than with Sesono. It was said that the second birth is always easier. That didn't apply in this case. InuYasha waited outside the hut, frantically scratching at the wooden frame. Why was it so much worse than the first time? And why was it taking so long? How many hours had passed already?
Miroku slammed his staff into InuYasha's skull. He stopped fidgeting and turned to the monk with a hateful glare.
“Calm down InuYasha. There's no need to worry; Kaede and Sango know what they're doing. She'll be fine,” Miroku comforted, with full confidence in his wife and the old priestess.
“But…” He stopped voicing his complaints after feeling a tug at his sleeve. InuYasha looked down to see his oldest child staring up at him with a smile.
“Don't worry Daddy,” he started, “Mama said that she'll be ok.”
He smiled and lifted the young hanyou into his arms.
“Yeah, you're right.”
Not long after, InuYasha's ears perked up to the wailing cries of an infant. He burst into the room, just like with Sesono, to see Kaede holding a baby with silver hair and golden eyes. He took a step nearer with Sesono in his arms, walking closer to the old priestess. The child was a boy, just like Sesono had wanted.
“InuYasha get out!” Sango shouted, grabbing the bucket next to her and throwing it at his head. “You can't come in yet!” InuYasha may have been the father, but he overreacted to every little thing. They didn't want him to interfere with the child's birth.
“W-what the hell was that for?”
“We're not done yet!” Sango stated, getting more and more irritated with the hanyou's presence. He was too loud.
InuYasha's face held a blank expression. He turned to his albino son, then back to Sango. They weren't done? As in Kagome wasn't done? “What do you mean?” He stared in disbelief.
“Don't you get it? There's still another child! Now hurry up and leave the hut!”
InuYasha rushed out of the room, then stared blankly at the monk and his children. She was having twins? That explained a lot. But still, twins? His jaw dropped. The boys stared at him curiously. He couldn't even speak.
“Is something the matter InuYasha?” Miroku questioned.
InuYasha's mouth curved into a smirk. “Twins…she's having twins…” He could hardly believe what he was saying. He had trouble handling Sesono whenever Kagome went out, but now there would be three of them. But it wasn't a bad thing.
“Papa what's a twins?” Satoshi asked, tugging at his father's robe.
“Instead of one baby, there're two,” was all he could come up with.
“Oh, I get it,” he replied.
Sesono's face lit up. Did this mean he would have two brothers? His mind wandered with thoughts of what they could do together. He looked at his dad and ginned, then hugged him tightly. His leg twitched as he waited for the ok to go in. Mama would be mad if he went in now. He didn't want to make her angry. She was scary. The last time he did something bad he was forced to sit in his room and do nothing for a whole hour. It made him fall asleep since there was nothing to do. No, he would do anything bad anymore, or at least he wouldn't get caught.
“You can come in now,” an old voice bellowed from within the hut. Sesono squirmed out of his father's arms and was the first inside. Mama looked tired. She held a baby in each arm, but he couldn't quite see the second one. The first one had Daddy's colouring and there were two big, fluffy ears on his head. He had Mama's skin though.
He took a few steps closer and started to see raven coloured hair. Just like the other baby, it had fluffy dog ears, but this one's were black. He couldn't see its eyes, though. They were shut. “Mama…” he started, big eyes watching his siblings.
“The one that look's like Daddy is a boy, the other one is a girl,” she smiled weakly, holding the two children close to her.
He never thought that he'd get a brother and sister. Sesono observed them a few moments longer. His sister heaved a yawn and he smiled. Having a sister wouldn't be so bad. They were both so small and fragile…he would definitely protect them.
InuYasha had been standing there for a few moments. He looked at his family softly. The newest editions to the family definitely looked like demons. And they resembled him, with their big dog ears, although there's looked a bit bigger than his. He approached his wife and put his hand on Sesono's back. The boy looked up momentarily before going back to watching his brother and sister sleep.
“So,” InuYasha began, “thought of any names?”
Kagome shook her head.
“No; not this time. Why don't you choose?”
InuYasha went silent. He wasn't good at these sort of things. He'd much rather leave that to Kagome. As he stared at his children's faces, a word popped into his head. “How's Shirou sound?”
She thought for a moment and tried the name out for herself. It had a nice ring to it. Kagome nodded, then pondered over her daughter's name. She had names picked, but none of them seemed to fit. Should she leave her name to InuYasha as well? “What should we call her?”
“Kikyou!” Sesono shouted with a determined look on his face. “Her name's Kikyou.” He had remembered Mama telling him stories about a priestess. She had long black hair and she was really strong. Mama never did tell him what happened to her though. That aside, his sister looked just like Mama described the priestess. Her name had to be Kikyo! He had decided!
His parents stared at him blankly, wondering why he decided to join in. They couldn't think of anything better and Sesono didn't look like he was giving them much choice. InuYasha ruffled his hair with a grin and looked to his wife for approval. She nodded and it was decided. “Fine then, Kikyo it is.”
“Papa, Kazumi's waking up,” Satoshi stated as his younger sister stirred in Miroku's arms. His father peered down at the young girl, a smile crossing his face. She stared up at him with big, honey-coloured eyes. Their family was really growing. That included Kagome and InuYasha's family as well. After all, InuYasha was like a brother and Kagome a sister to them.
“Da…” Kazumi mumbled, wiping the sleep from her eyes. Miroku placed her gently next to her brother. One look at Satoshi and her face lit up. The two stumbled into the hut, their father following after.
They trotted over to the mat Kagome had been laying on, gawking at the infants she held in her arms.
“Beebee!” shouted Kazumi, pointing towards the twins.
“That's right, Kazu. Those are babies,” her brother assured her, grasping her hand tightly.
InuYasha motioned closer to his wife and children, whispering, “No more, alright?”
Kagome laughed. “Alright.”
A/N: Alright! As I promised, no more births! All done! Even InuYasha was annoyed! Ok, so all of the members of the next generation have been born (sorry for writing about 3 of 4, I know its kind of annoying) and in the next chapter the story's plot will finally take off. Basically, these two chapters were meant to show the peaceful lifestyle they were living up until then, and to give you a bit more information about the new characters and what had happened after Kagome returned. (I know about the twin girls and son Miroku and Sango had in the original manga and Final Act anime, but this is a remake of a story I wrote before the manga was finished and I didn't want to change my characters.) The plot officially starts in chapter 3, and the journey will begin around chapter 9. Like I said, I want to make this long so that you guys have something you can read for a long time. And please review! Tell me what you do and don't like! I would really appreciate the feedback.