InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unaware ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Well, now. I think Inu has decided to add something to the fray. Yes, people…this is an important update, and I cannot say what it pertains to. Just read on, and enjoy as Inu tells us a story, k?
Reviewer's Corner
From Fan Fiction. Net:
Owari Nai Yumes: Heh heh heh…So, who is it? Wanna take a shot at it (wink)? As far as what's gonna happen with Inu and Kags…read on, girl…read on…(smiles widely).
Kagome M.K: Here ya go! Remember, if ya have any comments, feel free to share, k?
Brenda: Yes, there is. Probably the most dramatic fic I've written yet, and it's not over yet… (snickers) sorry, inside joke. If you don't get it, take a look at my first fics name. I know, I'm weird…I guess I kinda keep setting myself up for that one.
heymary: Uh huh. There certainly is, and you should just go ahead and read on, bud (nod).
kagomeusagistars: Thank you very much, for the compliment and your willingness to comment. And here's the next posting, enjoy (smiles widely).
Cold Kikyo: Cool! Thanks! And this chapter will certainly knock your socks off! (Laughs evilly).
kirarakitty: You're very welcome, and yes. I can't get over how well this `dream' I had has developed. It's very thick, full of mysteries and twists that are unreal! Thanks for your support on this baby, and guess what…ya wanna know something cool? Well, let's just say I cut that string `cause you no longer need it (wink) as long as you read on that is… (shifts eyes).
Silver-angel-sakura: Guess I got ya there, huh? I just suddenly saw this image of them standing alone in the alley with him looking up in question and they just started getting smaller and then I could see the city block and they were just two dots in the middle of the alleyway…Funky, huh? That happens every now and then. Anyways, that whole part wasn't over yet. It continues where this chappy starts. Think of it as a movie's scene transition. You'll love what's coming up next. I guarantee it (wink).
Darkened Sky: Well, thank you very much for your generous comment containing your info on a fic you've written. I will certainly check your work out and I'll be the judge of how good it is k? You check to see if I've updated every day? Wow! If I didn't have as stubborn a mind as far as when it feels like writing, I would definitely post new chappies every day, but nope… (shrug). Anyways, enjoy this new post, k?
From Media Miner. Org:
XxDemonic PrincessxX: YAY! Thanks bud! And I'm sure you'll love this one… (snickers).
Author's Warning: Lemony/Limey content ahead. Now, can you guess who? Sesshy and Rin? A past time between Inu/Kikyo? (ducks from flying fruit and veggies) Or, is it Inu/Kags? Take a moment to come up with who and why before you read on, k? That'll make it much more interesting `til the turning point comes up for ya, trust me on that one (rubs hands together).
Chapter 13
Inuyasha had fought with Kagome as they sat in his car in her driveway. She kept her door locked and would not budge from her seat. She said she would not leave him unless he told her what lurked in his past.
`Man, when she becomes demanding, she becomes scary,' Inuyasha thought to himself as he sighed and popped the ignition into reverse.
Kagome eyed him when he put his left hand on her seat rest and looked out the rear window as they backed out of the driveway. “Where are we going?” Kagome asked curiously.
“Out,” he said simply as he turned forwards in his seat and drove away from her house.
Kagome sank a bit in her seat. His tone certainly seemed dark when he spat his response. She never meant to upset him, but he seemed very torn over whatever happened in his past. She decided not to ask any more questions as he drove out of the residential area. As businesses past by her window, she wondered where they were going. Suddenly they ended up in a ritzy area she sorta recognized. She eyed the homes and watched as people walked their beautiful dogs.
“Where are we?” Kagome finally felt compelled to ask. Inuyasha didn't respond. He just concentrated on the road as they drove deeper into the ritzy neighborhood to come to a large house at the end of a cul-de-sac.
Inuyasha just drove into the long driveway and parked next to the stretched limo occupying the left side. Kagome was in awe as he climbed out of the hot rod and slammed the door shut. She couldn't move. She figured out where he had taken her. Suddenly her door shot open and he reached across her body to unbuckle the seatbelt. She eyed him again as he stood and waited for her to climb out. She exited and he pushed the door shut, “follow me,” he spat as he turned towards the front door.
Kagome eyed the house one last time. It was the size of a mansion, and it was beautiful. There were more than ten windows, a tower like addition off to one side and the roof held many peaks. The garage was huge and looked as if it could hold ten cars. She gulped as her feet began to move. What made her heart race was that she somehow recognized the house before her, but she couldn't begin to pinpoint the situation as to why she would end up here of all places. She remembered it was at night, and she was in a limo. But, when and why?
As she stepped up the walkway to the front door, she saw Inuyasha standing in the doorway with an odd look in his eyes. She couldn't place what was going on in his head, but the look in his eyes was laced with fear and regret. She said nothing to him as she stepped past him and lost her breath as she stepped into the familiar foyer. While she eyed her surroundings, Inuyasha closed the door and stepped up the stairs off to the side.
“Come with me,” he said simply as he stared at each step before him.
Kagome began to climb the steps as very short and minute flashbacks began to plague her mind. `Why do I recognize this house? Was I here before?' Kagome asked herself over and over again, as she tried to search her surroundings for anything concrete of why she was having visions. She continued to think as she followed him around a corner and down a long hallway. She didn't recognize the hallway, but when he stepped into a room and she followed him inside, she fainted.
Inuyasha turned around and saw her lose her balance. He right away wrapped his arms around her and caught her just in time before her head would hit the doorframe. He knew she would be affected by this, but it had to be done if he were to get her off his back. He knew she would kill him for not telling her about this before when she mentioned she was that girl. He couldn't bring this up `til he knew he could trust her not to run from him.
He gathered her into his arms and laid her upon the bed. As she laid there unconscious, he climbed onto the bed beside her and watched her to make sure she was okay.
She felt it. Something was happening to her. Why was she in such an uncomfortable position? What was causing her that pain? She opened her eyes. “AAAAHHHH!”
What was he doing? Where was she? She eyed the room, the headboard, the walls lined with posters. The bed was nice sized, the door was shut and he was pounding her so excruciatingly hard, she felt her blood seeping from the wounds.
“Stop it! You're hurting me!” she shouted, but he only pounded into her harder and his grunts became louder. He was ignoring her. She tried to kick, but moving only made it worse. He had her hands tied to the headboard. She was still clothed and her skirt was hiked up over her tummy. She couldn't do anything to stop him, so she just screamed out in utter horror as long as her breath held out. That was when the door slammed open as she felt him cum inside her.
That was when…
Kagome gasped as she suddenly sat up, her eyes huge. Inuyasha moved away a bit as she panted and eyed her surroundings. She stood up, stepped towards the door and forced it open. The same sound. She turned around and eyed the surroundings once more, then to the man sitting upon the bed. “You. It was you who…” she broke off as he calmly nodded. Tears began to fall from her eyes as she fell to sit upon the floor and stared off in the distance.
“I vaguely know Shippo's father. He was a freshman while I was a senior. Total slime ball. When you told me what you had been through, I recognized your story. You see, I was the one who knocked that asshole off you,” Inuyasha said as he left the bed and knelt before her. He held her cheek in his hand as she sniffled.
His face appeared in her mind. It was him, a younger him. His hair was tied back and he was wearing a hat. She thought harder about that image. Silver bangs peeked out slightly from under the bill. She gasped and fell forward into his arms as she let herself go. “How? How could you have been there? I've never seen you in school,” Kagome asked as she cried out.
“I was four years ahead of you. You were a year behind Shippo's father. I had already graduated before you started,” Inuyasha explained.
“But, why was the party here?” Kagome asked.
“My mother was the teacher who directed that play. It was the last play she directed before she died,” Inuyasha said sadly.
Kagome's eyes shot open and she knelt away from him to eye his saddened expression. “Oh, Inu. I'm sorry to hear that,” Kagome said through tears. Inuyasha closed his eyes as he sighed slightly.
“You see, I heard about what he had planned. I overheard a couple of his buddies talking about drugging a girl with him. They didn't mention the girl's name, but I tried to find him after they handed him the drugged can of pop. Since the house was filled to the brim with people, I had a hard time finding him and his girl. Least `til I heard a girl screaming above me. I right away ran to find them. What I saw…” Inuyasha explained as his eyes opened to show pain, “I saw your blood had stained my bed. I saw the pain in your eyes as he came inside you. I…I lost it.”
“What did you do?” Kagome asked.
“I…I beat him `til he was unconscious with my bat. I…nearly killed him. Do you remember how he wasn't seen for the rest of the school year?” Inuyasha asked gaining a wide-eyed look in her eyes as she nodded, “I broke quite a few ribs, both of his arms, and his face needed reconstructive surgery to even look human,” Inuyasha said as he lowered his gaze to the floor between them.
“Inuyasha…Why?” Kagome asked.
“Because…I…I can't stand to see women in pain. And to see that I was far too late, I…” he said as his gaze shot to hers. Tears began to fall from his eyes in shame.
“You, saved me,” Kagome said aloud as he shook his head.
“I was too late. I could have saved you, but…”
“No! You did! You saved me. Who knows if he would have done more than that? But I need to know why you didn't tell me about this sooner,” Kagome said desperately.
“Kagome, listen. I kept this from you because I didn't want to hurt you. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I find out who shot my wife. I don't want you to see that side of me,” Inuyasha said in a stern tone.
“I don't care, Inuyasha. I won't leave your side. I told you I wouldn't,” Kagome assured as he got up and sat upon the bed facing away from her. “You may not feel that you saved me that night, but you took it upon yourself to punish him for me. Inuyasha, I'm not upset at you, and my feelings for you haven't changed. Why did you feel I would lose trust in you?” Inuyasha didn't acknowledge that she had sat down beside him.
“The drug they used. An old friend of mine slipped it to them. I didn't stop the exchange. Apparently, my friend was involved. He was one of my old buddies from when I was troublemaker back before I met Kikyo. I figured that if you knew that it was a close friend of mine that actually drugged you, then you would have thought I didn't care,” Inuyasha said as he hung his head.
“Inuyasha, that was in your past. Were you still friends with him at the party?” Kagome asked curiously.
“Not really. We did talk at the party about old times, but I could tell he had gotten worse. He mentioned joining a gang and he had gotten arrested a few times. That night, he was arrested from this very house for drug possession. It was me who told the cops about the exchange of the drugs,” Inuyasha said as he turned his gaze to hers.
Kagome didn't know what to say. She had been in his presence before. In his house. She had ties back then to the wonderful man sitting before her. Had fate brought them together again for certain reasons? The way he had always acted towards her, why he drilled her senselessly. A question came to mind she couldn't' refuse to ask.
“Inuyasha, does this have something to do with why you had to know about my past? There's something you're not telling me, isn't there?”
He eyed her without flinching at her question. He knew that with her intelligence she would ask that question. He turned his body more towards her as he grabbed her hands in her lap, “Yes. When I saw you that night, you not only looked like my wife, but you looked familiar somehow. Your name was vaguely familiar, but your face piqued my interest. When you said you had an 8-year-old son, I began to wonder and decided to ask more. When I saw your son; that confirmed it. He has his father's looks, no doubt. That was when I vowed I would be there for you, since I realized my job of saving you wasn't over.”
“What do you mean?”
“You were still struggling with it. He was still terrorizing you inside your heart and soul. He was still hurting you. It made me feel good to know I had been able to help you the rest of the way,” Inuyasha said as a smile graced his lips.
“So, why didn't you keep up with information after the incident?” Kagome asked curiously.
“My mother died soon after that. My mind wasn't able to focus for a long time. Things kinda fell apart after that. My dad took it pretty hard, and he died not too long afterwards,” Inuyasha explained as his eyed strayed from hers once again, “My father and mother were soul mates. They were so close that he felt he couldn't live without her. He couldn't stand it. His heart gave way. That was just before Kikyo and I got married. Sure we were dating during and after high school, but the fact that she healed my heart and strove to take care of me, I realized I couldn't live without her.”
“Oh my. I'm so sorry. You have lost a lot, haven't you? You have no one to look to, do you?” Kagome asked in sympathy.
“No, I don't,” he replied as he eyed her intensely, “until you came back into my life.”
Kagome gasped at that comment. It was true after all. Her eyes were held captive by his as he inched closer. She couldn't bring herself to move as he closed the gap and pressed his lips to hers softly. They sat there with their lips touching tenderly for a moment when they began to kiss and hold each other. After a minute, she turned her mouth away from his and let him hold her. What she learned from him that short time in his bedroom where her life changed dramatically, was about to change her life once again.
To learn that the man she had been trying to distance herself from was the man who stopped her from further harm. He was the comfort she sought. He was the one that caused her to believe someone actually cares, and that there is hope. She had locked those damaging memories away on purpose, but locking them away caused her to forget the most important element of that night. The last image she saw. His worried face asking her if she was all right.
“Yeah?” he replied in a whisper.
“I don't know how to thank you for what you did 8 years ago. Is there anything you want in return?”
His eyes shot open. What he wanted in return? Ever since he had met her, he had wanted to be with her, but he knew that was impossible. She had shown him that quickly. He couldn't ask for anything. What was she thinking? He pulled back from her, seeing her questioning and innocent eyes looking his way.
“Please, tell me,” she said as he stared at her.
“I…no. There's nothing you can do,” he said as he stood from the bed.
“No, there must be something. Please, what can I do? I never really got the chance to thank you from back then and you didn't have to do what you did,” She replied as she grabbed his hand. He remained in place with his back to her.
“Kagome, what I would ask from you, you could never give, and you know it. I did it for you, to stop it from getting worse. I failed in the long run since your life ended up like it did. And how you ended up seeing yourself all these years,” he replied.
“Well, tell me what it is I could never give if you think you know me as well as you think you do,” Kagome replied.
He turned her way and placed his hand on her cheek, “Kagome you have no idea how badly I have felt about that whole incident. It was your first time, judging from your injuries. What I mean by something you could never give; it's that. Listen, Kagome. I have come to fall in love with everything about you since I met you, but since we weren't fated to end up together, that could never happen. I ended up with Kikyo since I never got the chance to get to know you after the incident. Now that this has all happened, being with you makes that impossible.”
Kagome didn't know how to answer. He had wanted to get to know her after the incident eight years ago. She gazed into his eyes as his pierced hers with longing and regret. She could tell that if he really didn't care, he wouldn't be as bothered by his wife's condition. This was a torn man before her, and pushing him away had made it so difficult for him.
“I'm so sorry, Inuyasha. I won't leave your side `til I know things will turn out all right in the end of all this. I haven't thought about you as far as that incident. Now that you've told me, I…I want to be with you too. But, I can't let my heart give in to what it wants just yet. I'm sorry for how I've treated you all this time. Now that I understand why you've cared so much, I will never push you away again,” Kagome promised with a smile as she stood before him.
He said nothing but eyed her as she stepped up closer and put her hands on his arms as she inched herself up to his face, “Thank you so much, Inuyasha. I know I could never thank you enough for everything you did that night and I pray that I will sometime be able to express how much that meant to me.”
He inhaled nervously as he replied with, “you're welcome, Kagome.”
She smiled and threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest, “now I can truly move on, Inuyasha. I knew it from the moment I met you in the hospital that you were a wonderful man.”
“You're welcome, and you can stop thanking me now,” Inuyasha chuckled as he held her close and sniffed her hair as he brought his right hand to the back of her head. They held each other close for a few moments when a growl was heard from a tummy; disrupting the silence, “c'mon, let's get something to eat,” Inuyasha said as he grabbed her hand and directed her from the room she saw as her hell for eight years.
Kikyo and Houji had been walking the halls of the hospital since Inuyasha left. They felt lonely, and they didn't know what to do other than talk about each other's lives before now. Kikyo talked about her marriage and what her career. Houji mentioned how his life had been before he ended up being mugged.
It turned out Houji was a janitor for a local high school. He had been on his way home from the school when a group of masked teenagers, gang members, surrounded him and began hounding him claiming he was to be their first victim for initiation. He was afraid. He ended up staring down six barrels of guns and a couple of them had baseball bats. Supposedly, the ones holding the guns were there to keep him in place. The two with bats were the newest. Their task was to beat him and kill him using only bats.
He asked the kids to stop since he was just an innocent janitor. The kids only chuckled and joked as they acted as if they'd shoot him if he spoke. He began to realize his situation. He tried to outsmart the kids swinging the bats, but they were trained fighters. Probably either baseball team members or kendo club members. Either way, they knew what they were doing. He fought them off effectively for about five minutes when they outsmarted him and one hit him square in the back of his head, knocking him senseless. After that, his world went black and he awoke in that strange world.
Houji was Inuyasha's age when that happened. He was an orphan and he had nothing to live for, really. To him, he was just existed. Until the incident, he had no one to look after, no one to care for him either. Yes, it was a bit lonely in that world, but yet it wasn't because Kikyo was with him.
Kikyo waited `til Inuyasha returned. She and Houji had no idea what time it was. She hoped Inuyasha would return that night, so that she could try to contact him again. Houji had mentioned that she might be alienating him, but Kikyo decided she'd try one last time to see how he responds. She was worried after she contacted him earlier that morning. He seemed a bit disturbed afterwards.
Once they returned to their floor, she stepped down her hallway and into her room. She eyed her faceless body and watched the monitors for a minute as Houji stepped up beside her. She reached out her hand to touch her body. As she did, her skin turned black and sickly. She gasped and pulled her hand away. Once she pulled her hand away from her body, it turned back to normal.
“What does that mean?” Kikyo asked in fear.
“I don't know, but that wasn't a good sign,” Houji said as she turned and buried herself into his arms. He held her for a few moments and then decided to take her to his room to try the same thing.
The same reaction happened to his body as he touched it, but as she reached out and touched his body, it remained healthy and supple. “Very odd,” Houji said in reaction as he tried to touch his face with his hand, revealing a dried up corpse of a face. Kikyo cried out in horror and ran from the room. Houji pulled his hand away in shock. He couldn't believe it! That reaction could only mean one thing; he was dead. He couldn't return to his body. If Kikyo tried to return to her body, it would die as well. It seemed as if they were indefinitely stuck in that world. But why?
Inuyasha drove Kagome back to her house after a meal out. They felt different about their relationship now. There was something connecting them. Something more than friendship now. They both needed to be there for each other, but how? How far should they let this go? With Kikyo in a coma, there was no telling what would happen. She was still his wife, even if he was truly searching for Kagome the whole time.
As he pulled into her driveway, he shifted into park and looked towards her. Kagome looked his way as well. They both knew what they wanted to do, but should they? The short kiss they shared earlier was too enticing; they both felt the need to taste each other. They sat and stared longingly at each other, not knowing who should make the first move. A stale mate. Eight years. That's all the stood between them. He and Kikyo had been married for a little less than that. A long time.
Kagome wanted to be happy, but most of all she wished she didn't have to deny him happiness and comfort during these tough times. She was more afraid of making things much more difficult than they were now. Yes, she knew he was what she needed and she was the same for him, but it was still wrong at this point. Or was it?
Neither one of them could decide, neither one of them could tell if the other cared. They just saw each other's eyes as their needy hearts bled through. They both knew what they wanted, but yet they felt afraid to act upon it. Suddenly, without noticing it, they closed the gap. Inuyasha brought his hands to her cheeks and held her to him. He needed to taste her. To express how he'd felt for her all those years. To let her know he wanted to be there for her, no matter what the cost.
Now that she was in his life again, he couldn't ignore how deeply he felt for her. For her heart, and for her past. Kagome deserved better than she had received in her life. She deserved to know what it's like to be truly loved by a man. To never have a reason to fear men again. To not be afraid to express her love for another. She held onto his arms as he expressed his love for her. They ended up leaning over the center council as they kissed heavily. They both lost their wits and control. They were enticed into each other they had no idea what they had done. They fell in love. Right there in his hot rod.
Once the kiss ended, they both sat and smiled at each other as tears fell from their eyes. For the first time, they both felt they truly had a purpose. To live for each other no matter how that would be. Either as friends, lovers, or as one soul. Yes, he was married, but yet, there was something about Kagome that was making him think twice about whether or not he was truly happy with Kikyo. Whatever it was Kagome was doing to him, she succeeded. She had torn him from his wife's grip. Or was it that gunman? Suddenly, Inuyasha's eyes shifted from hers and he gained a look of anger.
“What is it? Should we not have…?”
“No, it's okay. I wanted this, Kagome. I've wanted this for a long time. It's just that…I don't know why this has all happened. Us, Kikyo? I don't know if it was you who enticed me to want to be with you, or if it was just that gunman stealing Kikyo away from me,” Inuyasha said as he turned from her and sat back in his seat.
“I didn't mean for any of this to happen, Inuyasha. I didn't plan to entice you; you can trust me on that. But I have to admit, I did fall for you quickly because there's just something about you that makes me want to be close to you. I can't explain it,” Kagome said aloud as she righted herself in her seat and eyed her hands in her lap.
“I don't know whether I should be angry, mad, sad or happy,” Inuyasha mentioned as he put his hands on the wheel to grasp something concrete and real.
“I'm sorry if I've caused you any grief,” Kagome said as he held his hand before her.
“Never apologize. You haven't done anything wrong. My life is a mess is all. I just don't know what's gonna happen next,” he said as he turned to face her, “I've lost everyone dear to me, and a part of me feels the need to be with you while I have the chance.”
“You're afraid you'll lose me the same way?” Inuyasha nodded in response, “Inuyasha, my tragedy already happened. It brought me to you.”
Inuyasha eyed her intensely at her words. Inuyasha thought about what she said. She was right. After words like those, he felt the need to shift the car in reverse and hold her for the rest of the night. He had her and he hadn't lost her like everyone else. She was the lucky one, even though she had suffered so much. He leaned forward quickly and devoured her as he wrapped his right arm around her body. She kissed him back as he lifted the center counsel and pulled her to him. They embraced and moaned as they enjoyed each other's taste in the front of his car as her small family watched and giggled through the curtains at the new lovers.
Houji found Kikyo huddled in the corner at the end of the hall. She was terrified and shaking. He stepped up and knelt before her. Her eyes didn't acknowledge him. He lifted her chin to lead her gaze to his. Her eyes were laced with utter fear. For the first time, he was afraid to tell her what he had realized, but he had no choice. She needed to know. He put his other hand on her cheek as he spoke, “Kikyo, I think you should know this. I know why that happened to both of us. Kikyo, it's too late for us. We're dead.”
Kikyo shook her head vigorously as she shouted repeatedly, “No! It can't be! Our bodies are alive! How can we be dead? What would keep our bodies going?”
“You know our bodies are our energy sources. If it weren't for our bodies, our souls would not be here!” Houji shouted to gain her attention. She gasped and began to cry. Her life was over. She had no way to get back to her husband. They were ripped from each other for no reason. She lost everything. She lunged forward and held onto Houji as she cried out in anguish. All she had ahead of her was death, and nothing more. No second chance. She was doomed to remain without him. Without Inuyasha. Houji realized his purpose. To give her soul comfort while she tries to resolve her past life. He would fulfill that purpose `til it was his time to rest.
As Inuyasha stepped through the hospital doors, he stepped up to the elevator and pressed the up button. In the silence, he heard someone crying out in pain. He looked around, curious as to who was going through so much pain. “Humph…Must be a woman in labor,” he said aloud to himself as the door dinged and he walked into the elevator. As the doors shut and he was rising to the sixth floor, he heard the cries again, only something about them sounded strange. He looked around the elevator in question. They were cries not of just someone in pain, but cries of anguish and loss. They began to get louder as he rose. He began to feel the woman's pain, whoever she was. He listened as she spoke words such as, “I lost everything! It's all over! My life is over!”
“Wait a minute,” he said as she screamed aloud from whatever floor she was on, “I recognize that voice,” he said in shock. As the doors slid open, the cries sounded as if they were just a few feet from the door. He turned in their direction, seeing only a corner. The cries stopped as he stepped from the elevator. Since he couldn't hear anything, he gave the corner a strange look and walked off towards their room.
Kikyo sat there in the corner and watched as he gave her an odd look and walked off in the opposite direction. She wanted so badly to call out his name, but she had lost her will. Just the sight of him caused her breath to catch in her throat. There was something else in his eyes. He was different somehow. Something had happened since that morning, what she had no clue. Once he stepped through the door to their room, she rose from the floor and ran down the hall. She ran through the door and saw him sitting on his bed, eyeing her form. For some reason, she seemed a bit paler than she did earlier that morning.
Suddenly, he felt a presence with him. He looked from her body to eye the room. He closed his eyes when he figured he was alone. He sighed, removed his shirt and began to remove his shoes.
“Inuyasha…” he heard suddenly. He dropped the shoelaces he was untying and looked up. He felt the air around him change slightly. His eyes grew big as he realized he wasn't alone.
“Yes, it's me,” he heard whispered to him.
“My God, Kikyo! What's happened to you? Was that you I heard?” He asked in desperation.
“Yes, it was. Inuyasha, I have something I need to tell you, and I need you to listen,” She said as clearly as she could. Her voice seemed as if she was a part of the air circulating around him. Distant, nothing concrete. The voice of a spirit.
“What is it?”
“I need you to solve my murder. I can't pass on without the gunman being brought to justice.”
“Who was it? Please! Tell me! No one can solve your murder since he left no evidence,” Inuyasha yelled out as he stood from the bed and looked around.
“I can't remember. I can't help you find him, but please, find out who it was. Inuyasha, I can't return to you. That last night we spent together was indeed our last. Please cherish that night as I do,” Kikyo said as she came up to him and lifted his chin to eye her spiritual form. What he saw shocked him. She was nothing but a dance of light before him. She was smiling at him.
He couldn't breathe. He lifted his hand to touch her. His hand could feel the warm energy as he touched where her face was seen, “Kikyo, I miss you. You have no idea what I've been through. But please answer one thing for me. Was the gunman someone you knew?” she nodded and her eyes grew sad as she drifted away. He stepped towards her reaching out, “Kikyo! Don't leave me!” then she was gone. He fell to his knees and hands on the floor panting. He then knew what to do. He threw his shirt back on, retied his shoe and bolted out through the door. He knew where he needed to be now. With the only one who could comfort him. Kagome.
Thunder rumbled out as Kagome began to undress and get ready to climb under the covers. She felt so much better knowing what was in his past. She had worried so much about it. She couldn't fathom what he was talking about that day, but now it all made total sense. He was her savior. His care for her ran deep and she felt she could no longer hold it within her. She had no idea where their relationship would take them from this point on, but she would accept the implications. She had fallen, and was no longer afraid to admit it. She wanted to repay him and return the kindness he showed her at any cost.
As she turned down the comforter, and sat upon the bed, she pulled out the earrings she wore that day and reached up to the lamp to turn it off when the doorbell rang. She looked to her door and asked aloud, “who is that?”
She heard the bell again, and sighed as she grabbed her robe and threw it over her shoulders. As she tied the belt on her way down the stairs, she saw him. Through the panes of glass, he stood, soaked head to toe. She ran the rest of the way down the stairs and immediately unlocked the door. She threw the screen door open and gestured for him to come in out of the rain. He immediately stepped in, trying to avoid touching her robe with his soaked body. She locked the door and then led him into the living room.
“Inuyasha, what's wrong? You're soaked!” Kagome asked as she stepped up to the hall closet and grabbed a spare towel.
He stood and watched her as he dripped on her living room carpet. She walked back into the room, draped the towel over his head and began to message the water from his hair. As she worked, he lifted the towel from his eyes. She concentrated on his hair as she spoke of how weird it was that he'd shown up at her house in the middle of a thunderstorm. He grabbed her arms with his hands and stopped her from fussing over him. The towel slipped from his shoulders and hit the floor.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked as he looked into her eyes deeply.
“Kagome. I just talked to Kikyo,” he said simply.
Kagome gasped, “And? What did she say?”
“That she's not able to return to me,” he said, his eyes trained on hers, “she needs me to solve her murder in order for her to pass on.”
Kagome stood in awe of what he'd said. His wife was not returning to him. She was actually dead. The body was truly soulless. Her eyes began to tear in sadness at the fact that he had suffered so much to truly lose another loved one for good. She threw her arms around him as she shed tears for him. She had never wanted this to happen to them. She had been hoping Kikyo would come back to him. With how broken he was over what happened, she had thought he could be happy again in the future. Now, he had no one. No one, but herself.
Inuyasha felt no sadness, no pain. In a way, he was blessed. He had Kagome. He hadn't lost without gain. He was now free to express his emotions to Kagome. He wanted nothing more than to be with her. To hold her the way she was meant to be held. He was free to be her healing key. He was free to love her. He lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes. She was surprised to see calmness instead of grief in his eyes. His eyes captivated her. They implied something great, something she thought she could never have. Love. He captured her lips for the fourth time that day, only that time; they knew they had no reason to stop. They were allowed to keep going.
As they kissed deeply, he directed her to the couch. They fell upon it atop of each other as they embraced and kissed. Their bodies intertwined passionately and needed to become one. He spoke loving words to her. Saying that she was free to repay him and express how she appreciated what he did for her that night eight years ago. As his clothes soaked the couch, they began to kiss and neck. When Inuyasha reached down and untied her robe, she pulled away and climbed off the couch, holding her robe closed with her hands. Inuyasha sat up and eyed her in question. They both remained eyeing each other panting. Kagome realized what was about to happen. She knew she wanted it, and decided she couldn't fight it. She smiled and reached her hand out to him as she nodded her head towards the stairs. His eyebrows rose in question as he stood from the couch accepting her hand. She then walked him silently up the stairs and into her bedroom.
Once they were inside, she let go of his hand and turned to him as he leaned against the door, closing it shut behind him. She grabbed the collar of the robe and let it fall from her shoulders to the floor. She had nothing but a silky nightgown on. Her hair fell softly about her shoulders and the lighting made her look like an angel. Inuyasha stepped towards her and stopped about a foot in front of her as he eyed her dress. She reached up, grabbed hold of his wet shirt and lifted it above his head. He then stepped closer as she reached to his pants. She unlatched them and he peeled them from his skin and kicked them behind him. He reached up to bring her chin closer to his as he leaned in and claimed her lips. Their bodies held each other close as they fell back onto the bed, Inuyasha settling atop of her thin frame.
He hovered over her body as he claimed her lips repeatedly and passionately. Then he kissed all over from her chin, her cheeks and down her neck. She felt the soft and taught skin over his menagerie of toned muscles at his shoulders. She bit his shoulder just enough to gain a moan from him and he began to hike up her nightgown. She did not stop him as he readied her for lovemaking. She wanted to know what tender love was like. Until now, she never knew it truly existed. That night, he became more than her silver knight. He became her lover, her life, her all.
What he expressed to her was more than he had given to Kikyo all those years. There was something about Kagome that drove him to give of himself completely. To never hold back. Kagome still held an air of innocence about her. He loved that. Kikyo was more the dominant type in bed, but Kagome submitted and returned his affections willingly.
Kagome reveled in his ministrations of her body inside and out. He felt so good, that she thought she had died and gone to heaven. Their bodies felt perfect against each other, and their dance was synchronized perfection. The way his body made her feel. He made her feel special, loved and needed. He didn't make her feel dirty or useless. He didn't just pound into her like he didn't care. He drowned himself inside her as deeply as he could, but at the right tenderness and strength to drive her wild. She had her eyes clenched shut most of the time due to the intense pleasure his member induced. His kisses and touches brought her body to life in ways she never knew a man could. The sensations he brought her to feel, he knew how to play her body. As he buried himself deep repeatedly, his moans of ecstasy mixed with hers with each thrust of his hips.
Inuyasha couldn't help but rejoice inwardly at the feel of Kagome's body wrapped around his inside and out. She made him feel alive. She made him feel whole again. Before Kikyo had become troubled by strange occurrences at her job, she was a bit harder to pleasure, to be with and to read. There were times when he didn't know what to say to Kikyo even. He still mourned Kikyo, and what she had gone through, but he couldn't hold his passion and need to be needed inside any longer. To see how Kagome had truly felt the whole time about him made him realize one thing as he buried himself into her deeply one last time; his body going rigid with pain and pleasure as she cried out in response. Kikyo's death brought him to his true soul mate and love. He was never meant to truly have Kikyo. She had done her part in his life. She led him to Kagome. That night, they remained intertwined the rest of the storms as the thunderclaps and heavy rains drowned out their sounds passion from the adjacent rooms in the house.
Man that certainly was some chapter. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Now, there were certainly a couple of interesting twists revealed in this chappy, and I can see things picking up here. Now, the ending of the chapter, I felt, was well written. I generally write more details on scenes such as that, but I felt more drawn to stick with the emotional side of the act, rather than the physical details, which I generally focus on. Well, `til next time. Ja ne!