InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unconditional Dramatizations ❯ Frustrated Affection ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Inuyasha came out of the hut, and ran off into the forest and thought to himself “ Keade might know a few things about drinking the blood of a hanyou, or youkai, but she doesn’t that the person who drinks it can reject it, because they don’t love them, that’s why I never left Kagome’s side, cause I worried that she had refused it, and would die...” Inuyasha stopped running and started to walk, “ So that means Kagome does love me if she lived...but that can’t be, that’s ridiculous...she never is nice, well to me any way, well, I mean she is, but, THIS IS SOOO CONFUSING” He thought,” She says ‘Sit’, and that’s not really showing any feelings....but, she cries for me, she has helped me in battle, she has feed me, and she has helped and worried for my injuries, even if I say there no big deal...maybe she does have feelings for me, but im rude, and selfish to her, HOW could she love me...well’ I guess she does forgive people, even if there not so nice to her” Inuyasha stopped thinking and walked out of the forest, and saw Kagome playing with children, and Shippo.

“She is a kind hearted” Inuyasha thought to himself,” Well, I guess I did tell her my feelings for her, and she did seem happier after that, and likes me for I am, unlike Kikyo she wanted me to be a human, a weak human.”(SIGH)”Kagome is beautiful in my ear’s and would be a good mate...”Inuyasha blushed the color of his fire-rat robe, “ What the hell did I say that for...”He thought slapping himself.”Cause you love her!” a little voice in his head told him.

Inuyasha started walking to the village hoping for Kagome wouldn’t see, or smell him, sense she had his senses, of hearing, smell, etc., because he wanted to talk to Miroku private.

Kagome did notice him, but kept on playing with the children and Shippo. The children didn’t seem to change around her even though she was a Inu-Hanyou.

When Kagome was sitting down, some of the children would come up behind, but of course Kagome noticed them, but acted like she couldn’t, and the children take her by surprise and play with her dog-ears, and Kagome would growl playfully, and chase them around. She sometimes picked up Shippo and tickled him in front of the girls and he would say” Stop...Please..Kagome your...embarrassing me” Shippo would laugh out, and sometime after that the girls would go up to and talk to him, which made him blush.

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Inuyasha found Miroku and asked if he could talk to him.

“So, what do you want to talk about, Inuyasha” Miroku asked sitting down in the hut.

“Well, um,....its about Kagome” Inuyasha answered.


“Well, you know that she is a inu-hanyou, because she has my blood” Inuyasha told Miroku looking out the door into the distance to see Kagome still playing with Shippo, and the children.

“Yea, your point” Miroku said a bit confused about what he was talking about.

“Well, she could have rejected it, and would have died”

“But she didn’t”

“Miroku, that’s not the point of what im telling you, Its that if she rejected my blood that would mean she doesn’t have feelings for me....and she...excepted it.” Inuyasha said still looking at Kagome with kids piling on her so they could play with her ear’s. He smiled at the sight softly.

“SO, you already told her your feelings, so what’s the problem?”

“Hey, how do you know that I told her my feelings,MIROKU!!”

“I..I .. I just figured, and that not the point so, what’s your problem if she has feelings for you” Miroku said nervously thinking he was doomed.

“Keh, well, she has feelings for MEEEE, but why im rude and kind of a hard head to her.” Inuyasha said looking at Kagome and her warm peaceful smile.

“(Snicker)You finally admit you’re a hard head” Miroku joked in laughter, but calmed himself down and said,”But, inuyasha, Kagome is kind-hearted, pure person, who forgives all sorts of people, even if they are hard heads.”

“Well I know that, but why would she forgive me” Inuyasha said looking away from Kagome sight.

“AHHHHHHHH, INUYASHA, BECAUSE SHE HAS A SWEET, PURE HEART!!” Miroku yelled at him,”AND SHE LOVE’S YOU!! But tell me this Inuyasha when you look at kagome, do you see her or Kikyo?”Miroku asked.

“No, not anymore” Inuyasha said softly,”I don’t love Kikyo, I used to but being around kagome so much, I fell in love with her” Inuyasha said looking down so his bangs covered his eye’s.

“I’ll be right back, Inuyasha” Miroku said standing up, and walking out the door