InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Until Death ❯ The Rest of the Story ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If the rights to Inuyasha was sold on eBay, I would so own them…hem, but until then… I don't! (Pout)
Chapter 4
The Rest of the Story
Kagome tossed and turned restlessly under the covers. The pain that had consumed her, body and mind, was now in check, only throbbing within the recesses of her skull. The fit had left her drained and disoriented, so it took some time before she actually realized the atmosphere around her didn't quite seem as moist and…dirt-y as the forest floor she distantly remembered collapsing on. The sheets tucked around her body were cool against her flushed skin and Kagome recognized them for what they were---silk.
Her heart rate peaked in distress, causing the blood coursing through her veins to seemingly rush to her head, and the pounding became worse. Taking a deep breath, Kagome slowed her racing heart, thus slowing the pounding ache in her head. Reminding herself to stay calm, she opened her eyes, gasping at the simple elegance the room represented.
By the way the sunlight bounced invitingly off of the white walls, Kagome intelligently guessed that it was sometime near noon. Slowly, as if unsure of how her body would react to the change, she sat up, the curiosity of her whereabouts forcing her to move on.
The walls, though white, had a rose border circling the upper portion of them. A chest of drawers was placed against the southern wall; a desk adorned the wall adjacent to it, the feet shaped realistically in the shape of dog paws. Two wide doors led their way onto a balcony overlooking the garden. The bed was placed in the corner, its light pink silken sheets and white blanket were printed with roses, strikingly similar to those on the borders around the wall.
Kagome swung her legs over the side of the bed, still curious about where she was. Remembering the night before was painful. The way Inuyasha had so easily forgotten her… She shook her head. There will be time later to analyze what happened. Right now, I need to find out where I am, and why I'm here.
Carefully, she slid off the bed and onto the floor, allowing her feet to adjust to her weight before actually taking a step. Satisfied that she could still walk, she took a few delicate steps over to her bag, relieved to find all of her belongings safe inside, seemingly untouched. Rooting through the bag, she was even happier to find her pills still buried at the bottom.
Kagome looked around the room, a handful of pills clutched protectively in her hand. I wonder if I can get some water or something to drink around here. She thought, glancing around the room, her eyes lighting up as they landed on what appeared to be a pitcher of water on the desk, along with a small drinking vessel.
Her pills safe within her, Kagome caught herself staring in the mirror attached to the vanity. She didn't have to look hard to see the sunken look her face had developed over the course of her illness. Her skin, already an unusually pale tone, was now almost as white as the walls. Her eyes looked red and the puffy, a deep furrow dug beneath them. Kagome smiled sadly, a thought coming unbidden to the front of her mind. No wonder he chose Kikyo.
Sighing inwardly, she refused to cry about something that could never be. Smoothing her hands over her wrinkled skirt, and running a quick hand through her tangled mass of black hair, she deemed herself ready to face the world. Without making the slightest of sounds, she opened the door, relieved when it didn't protest with its movement.
From her doorway, she glanced around the huge hallway, staring at the seemingly endless supply of door that lined both sides of the expansive corridor. Still unaware of where she was, Kagome turned right, in hopes it would take her somewhere with answers. Timidly, she picked her way, door to door, empty room after empty room, and she found nothing. Feeling defeated, she made her way back to her room. The medication was setting in. Her stomach, though empty, was convulsing nonstop and her mouth was dry, tasting bitterly of dirt.
Upon entering her room, Kagome gulped down about half the contents of the pitcher, instantly feeling better, instantly knowing she would be sick moments later. The feeling of helplessness filled her gut, adding to the climbing feeling of sickness. She wanted to cry, but with no idea where she was, she wanted to stay as aware as possible. You should have stayed at the hospital. You might have gotten better. You're so stupid; sneaking out to help someone who didn't even want your help…you're not even any good as a jewel detector. She thought bitterly, unable to stop the string of tears that overflowed despite her hard work to keep them concealed. Sniffing miserably, she wiped the strain of tears away with the back of her hand. Shakily, she made her way over to the bed. Her eyes were out of focus, seeming to get worse with each passing day. Tiredly, so tired, she rolled up into a ball, the motion easing the queasiness of her stomach and aiding her into a dreamless sleep.
Sesshoumaru could smell the salty scent of tears from the miko and knew she must be awake. He slowly clambered out of the chair, his makeshift bed, and patted the young girl's hand comfortingly. Today the miko makes you better. He consoled silently. Drawing his eyes away from the still form, he headed for the door, his sore muscles protested slightly from the action; tonight he would have to sleep in a bed.
Entering the hallway, the thin scent of flowers wafted its way to his nose, and he knew the miko had been wandering through his castle, probably in search of whoever brought her there. Picking his way through the intricate maze of hallways that ran through the castle, Sesshoumaru stopped before the miko's room, the scent of tears now almost tangible, mixed with her flowery smell, the heaviness of it making the Lord faintly lightheaded.
Quietly, so as not to startle the girl, he entered the room only to see the miko rolled up in the fetal position, sleeping somewhat peacefully. The stench of disease assailed the tender skin within his nose, causing him to wrinkle it slightly in discomfort. His mind snapped back to his sick ward, and though the thought of waking the miko nagged insistently at his conscience, he reached to shake Kagome awake. As her eyes focused on the man before her, Sesshoumaru expected her to at least jump from his touch, but she did no such thing.
The intensity of the look he received from her made him feel slightly uncomfortable. He removed his hand from her shoulder, refusing to show any form of weakness, and sat in a chair beside the bed. His eyes never left the frail shape before him; her mouth never opened to speak. Sesshoumaru was the first to initiate conversation, heading right to the point. “Miko, the stink of infirmity clings to your being like flies stick to honey. Tell this Sesshoumaru, what ails you.” His silky tenor struck Kagome out of her stupor. Her eyes trailed to the demon in the chair, his silver hair hanging down his shoulders and back in vibrant waves, glinting in the sun, and she realized what had happened. “You…you saved me.” She said, her voice sounding childish and scratchy next to the Lord's sultry tone, as she struggled to bring her body upright, the slight movement causing her head to pound anew.
Sesshoumaru nodded, stating the truthfulness of the statement. He sat back in the chair, his hands planted firmly in his lap. “You have not yet answered this Sesshoumaru's question, Miko.” He said, his tone belying the withering of his patience for her response. Kagome pulled her thin legs to her chest, here eyes becoming sad and lifeless before Sesshoumaru's very eyes. Seconds later her eyes completely disappeared behind the veil of jet black hair as Kagome planted her face into her lap, unsure she was ready to divulge such painful information.
Her voice, when she finally spoke, startled the Lord. Kagome whispered, the whole story, the memory of her family, returning to her from behind the barrier she had hidden the facts behind.
Dr. Ikago held the folder of information tightly in his hands, Higarashi, Kagome, typed in bold face screamed at the girl as she sat across from the doctor. She had no idea what she was about to hear would change her life forever…
The only difference about the girl that could be recognized as she left the confines of the hospital behind her was the absence of the smile that always graced her face. She didn't cry about her loss. She refused to be weak about something like this, but as she entered her car and numbly turned the key in the ignition, bringing the car instantly to life, she made a choice. No one would know. She would ride this wave alone.
She smiled at her friends and family, passing her illness of as some sort of bug when anyone asked. The doctor had told her she would live no more than a year if she didn't have the craniotomy, the tumor would grow out of control. She would be a slave of her own body, her own mind. If she did get the surgery, her chances of surviving were slim to none because of how long the tumor had gone unnoticed. The look on Dr. Ikago's face made her smile sadly, as she declined his offers of the best doctors to perform the procedure. If she was going to die, she wanted those that she loved to have that little bit of time, because, really, what is a year in the span of an entire life?
One of the few to not lose her hair due to radiation treatment, Kagome breathed easier, even as she threw up,holding the bucket in her sweaty, shaking hands, she knew she couldn't tell her family. She couldn't bear to see their faces.
With the last MRI, Kagome's heart lurched. The tumor was growing; the treatment wasn't helping, so she chose the unconventional way to end the pain. She asked the doctor to give her any medication to ease the pain, making her seem well. She made it clear she wasn't stepping one foot into another hospital as long as she lived, which lucky for her, wasn't long. Reluctantly agreeing with the woman's method, meds were prescribed, and with a month's supply of medicine, Kagome hopped into the well. Goodbyes were too painful, “They're better off this way.” Kagome tried to convince herself as the familiar blue light engulfed her deteriorating body. As it faded, she climbed out of the well; well aware that this would be her last trip into time, and no, there would be no happy ending waiting for her at the end. She would simply slip into sleep, never to awaken again.
Author's Note: THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOU THAT TOOK THE TIME TO REVIEW!!! I hope this chapter was good enough for you!Sorry I haven't fixed the paragraphing on this story yet. I'm trying to find a beta that is willing to focus on html tags for me. If you are willing to do so, please contact me. I have several chapters already ready, but am prolonging their involvement in the story until I find a beta.