InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Until Death ❯ Room for One More (Part II) ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha, I wouldn't be working at Wal-Mart, now would I?!
Until Death
Room for One More?
Part II
Sesshoumaru looked on in amusement as Rin quietly raced around the room, Jaken's bumbling form heavily in her sights. Light giggles permeated the space, but other than that, silence reigned. Sesshoumaru's eyes shifted to the woman on the bed. Slight concern entered his thoughts, though he would never attest such a feeble emotion. It had been hours since they had tried to wake her, but to no avail. Sesshoumaru finally convinced his ward to let her sleep it off, as he was unable to bring himself to tell her the full extent to Kagome's illness just yet. It had taken long enough for the child to understand the importance of the link between Kagome's well being and rest, he couldn't fathom telling her the miko was dying, even his cold heart couldn't bear to stand through that. No, for the time being they would sit in the room and wait for her to awake, no mater how long it took.
The first thing Kagome felt like doing upon consciously waking was going back to sleep, but even through her overly-groggy mindset, she could feel the sun warm on her face, and the distinct feeling of a presence, if not several, in the room.
Sleepily she opened her clouded eyes, only to immediately be drawn in by the amber colored orbs that hung only mere inches from her face. A startled screech arose from her lips causing the demon to inwardly flinch from the caustic yelp, the high-pitched sound resounding painfully through his ears.
“Glad to see your voice box isn't damaged.” The lord said sarcastically as he tilted back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Kagome's face. Kagome blinked in bewilderment. Okay, I think it's safe to say I'm still asleep, `cuz Sesshoumaru just showed an emotion. What was he doing so close to my face anyways? She thought, her face showing nothing but a completely blank expression.
Rin took that moment of stunned silence to make her presence known. “Kagome you're awake. You scared Rin.” She said as she jumped up and down on the plush rug that surrounded the entire bed. It almost sounded as if the child was reprimanding the woman before her. Kagome let a tired smile grace her features as she plopped her head on the mountain of pillows behind her. “I'm sorry Rin. I didn't mean to. I'll try to be more careful in the future,” Kagome said, the apology genuine, yet Kagome's voice came out sounding unsure.
Sesshoumaru took this as a chance to get his two cents in. “Indeed you will miko. You are to conserve your energy in a more modest manner in the future, or do I need to watch you like I watch Rin.” The lord stated. The only change in his usual appearance was the quirk of his eyebrow as if challenging her to defy him. Kagome didn't disappoint. Sitting up with what little energy she could muster, a pout pressed upon her pink lips, Kagome cleared her throat. “I don't need you to yell at me, Sesshoumaru-sama. I know better than anyone how to care for myself.” She said, her voice harsh, yet soft.
Sesshoumaru got to his feet and crossed his arms, forcing away the smirk that wished so passionately to descend on his lips, he glared down at the woman. He could tell the woman was intimidated by his full 6'10” as her eyes grew twice the size. “Then this Sesshoumaru needn't tell you to stay in bed the rest of the day to regain your strength.” Kagome opened her mouth to protest, but Sesshoumaru cut her off, only able to dampen the effect of the smirk that now tilted the corners of his mouth upwards. “Like you said, you know better than anyone what you need. I will have Yura bring you your supper, and if you behave you can go with Rin to take a bath afterwards.” He stated, his expression as stoic as ever, he waggled his index finger back and forth, the smirk now fully exposed on his face, “and don't try to get out of bed on your own. Rin here will see that you are watched,” he cleared his throat, “I mean entertained.”
Kagome stared at Sesshoumaru, a scowl marring her skin, anger bringing a flush of color to her pale cheeks. Fuming, she crossed her arms over her chest, never taking her eyes off the youkai before her. Is he teasing me? She thought angrily, her arms tightening across her chest. Yet, as livid as the young miko was, she couldn't help but blush under Sesshoumaru's gaze, his sharp pearly whites gleaming in the sun as he grinned. Her eyes dropped, suddenly quite interested in the bear skin rug that adorned the floor by the wardrobe. She sighed, knowing fully well, she would not win this battle. “Very well Sesshoumaru, you win.” She said as she yawned, stretching her sore muscles as she did so.
Sesshoumaru felt his smirk falter the instant those words left her mouth. His eyes narrowed. The miko has never given in so easily. Either she's very sick, or she's up to something… He thought, unsure of which one was the case. Finally he conceded it as the earlier of the two and gave a light bow before escaping to his study. “Yura should be here within an hour with both of your dinners. Then if all goes well then you can bathe shortly after. If you need anything Yura should be right around the corner.” Sesshoumaru explained as he headed out the door.
As soon as Sesshoumaru was out of sight, his study door, closed swiftly behind him, Rin scrambled onto the bed. “So Kagome, what should we do?” Rin asked, her eyes wide with excitement. Kagome smiled up at the girl, her head once more resting against the soft, cool layer of pillows. “Well, Rin, I'm kind of tired still, but if you want to do something, I'll watch.” Kagome explained as she tried to rub the sleep from her eyes.
Rin picked absently at her bottom lip as she immersed herself in thought. Silence seeped through the room, calming the quiet duo as they watched the sun slip down into the mountains. Rin forgot to think about what they were going to do, and Kagome forgot to feel tired. The brilliant orange and pink hues of the setting sun filtered feelings of peace and tranquility through to those that watched its slow descent. The balcony doors, spread open, allowed bursts of cleansing fresh air into the building, the thin, delicate curtains twittering in the breeze.
Kagome felt tranquil for the first time since discovering her illness, before knowing of her impending death. For once, she didn't fear what she knew was to come. She took a deep cleansing breath, feeling the burden of forgotten hopes and dreams lift from her spirits, allowing her to properly take in her surroundings for the first time. Suddenly, out of the blue, a deep, dizzying weariness seeped its way into her bones. Unable to think of anything else, she closed her eyes. Her breathing evening out, and a smile stretching across her face were the last things she was aware of before…
Rin screamed. Shot out of the peaceful reverie of her dreams, Kagome's eyes snapped open, confusion lasting only moments at what she saw before her.
“Inuyasha…” she said, staring transfixed at the red-clothed hanyou before her. Judging by his current stance he had just jumped in through the balcony. Kagome could only guess how he knew which room to find her in. “What are you doing here?” she asked as she found her voice, anger seeping into her tone.
Inuyasha stared down at the floor, his flowing silver hair hiding his soulful eyes from her view. “I came back to get you.' He said, finally shifting his eyes to her. “I made a mistake, and I want you back, Kagome. I love you.”
Author's Note: Yay! Another chapter is done, and it's not that short… I know you're all going to kill me for the cliffhanger, but its how I planned out the story before hand, so deal with it. Thank you to all of you who chose to Reviewfor the last chapter! I'm starting up a Update list, so if you want me to let you know when I've updated, send an e-mail to artist_angel88@yahoo.comcomplete with the name of the story you want me to add you to the list of. Don't forget to rate and review!