InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Until Death ❯ The Letter ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Me no own Inuyasha…
Author's Note: Thanks for all the helpful ideas guys. I'm sticking tomostof my main idea/plan for the story, but some of the ideas have given me the chance to lengthen the story as a whole. Well, we all know the drill…This chapter is dedicated to my other winner cookiemonsterks,who also incorrectly spelt my name, but accurately guessed it! Hurray for you!!! So, on with the story!!!
Until Death
The Letter
Kagome woke slowly. The grogginess clouding her brain, making it hard to think and hard to focus, her mind all too willing to slink back into its peace filled slumber, but Kagome knew better, thus dragging her achy, tired body into a sitting position, never once opening up her eyes. It took a minute to bring her thoughts together before her heart lurched painfully in her chest. Today she would leave the castle grounds with no other than the man, no hanyou, who had betrayed her not long ago. In fact, the memory was so fresh in her mind; she could feel the spring of tears welling in her eyes, threatening to overflow.
Kagome opened her eyes, taking a deep, cleansing breath to tap into her well of inner strength and finding, with sharpening dismay, that there was little left there to draw from. She found it difficult to lift her limbs as she forced her body from the bed and made her way to the large, hand-carved chest that holstered all of her clothes, opening it in a drawn out, weary motion. Running her hands once more over the plethora of finely stitched kimonos, her palm landed on the course material of her school uniform, which appeared plain in contrast to the magnificently crafted kimonos.
She gathered the plain articles of clothing in her shaking hands and slowly got dressed. She then took her time gathering her belongings that had somehow ended up scattered around the room. Hefting the heavy bag over her slumped shoulder, she made her way out of the room and down to the entrance where she knew everyone would be waiting for her.
Sure enough, as she slowly picked her way to the main entrance her eyes landed on the precession before her. Walking up to the small group, Kagome found herself enveloped in the arms of an orange-clad child. She didn't even have to look to know that the child was sobbing. Dropping to the floor, her bag forgotten on the ground behind her, she returned the heartfelt hug, shushing the inconsolable child and running her fingers through her hair in a calming matter. “Now Rin.” She said, pulling the child slightly back so she could address her properly, wiping away a tear with the flick of her thumb. “I'll be back, I promise.” She cooed, kissing the child on the cheek in a motherly fashion that was not overlooked by the group. Giving the hiccupping child one more affectionate hug, she got to her feet and faced Sesshoumaru. “Thank you for all of your kindness. It will not be forgotten, and I will repay it when I return.
Looking into those sick, brown orbs, the Lord caught the flicker of repressed silence, offering only a nod in return. For some lingering reason, he knew she wasn't going to come back, and oddly, this thought disturbed him greatly. As much as he wanted to caress her cheek, embrace her, offer some sort of condolence, he found himself holding back, unable to connect with the fact that she was actually leaving—that she wouldn't be back—ever.
He watched, disconnected from the world, as the Miko said good-bye to Yura, wishing he could give her that sustaining hug Yura so heartily gave. He watched, unable to utter even a farewell as she hefted the bag on her shoulders and, in the arm of his brother, who was still unaware of her illness, was whisked away from the castle. He stepped outside, reveling in the slowly retreating scent of Kagome, trying to figure out for himself, as well as his sanity, why he cared so damn much. It wasn't until a half hour later, the scent of the miko completely swept away from his senses, that he made the trek back into the castle, still cursing himself and his beast for their infatuation with a miko—and a half dead one at that.
Kagome flitted in and out of consciousness, so used to the current way of travel that she clutched onto the hanyou's neck for dear life, even in slumber. They made the journey in silence, one that seemed strained and uncomfortable for both of them. Upon their first break, Kagome got her first good look at Inuyasha since that fateful night she left. It still hurt to think about the betrayal, even if it was only a bitter thorn to the heart at this point.
Upon her first true glance at him, her heart wanted to break. He looked so thoroughly tired, and constantly on edge. His clothes were tattered, there were rings upon rings beneath his now dull amber orbs. His hair, once soft and shiny, seemed ragged and dreary. His step lacked his usual enthusiasm, and she couldn't help but notice his aversion to even glancing her way.
So, this is how it all ends. She thought as she took a drink from her water bottle, placing it back in the safety of her bag once more. “I think we should be going again.” Kagome said, clambering to her feet. She flinched as Inuyasha jumped at her voice. “Uhh, yeah.” He answered, too distracted by his thoughts to form any cohesive sentences.
Kagome, sure he wasn't looking, shook her head. This is not how you treat someone you love. She thought sadly, slipping into oblivion as they took up movement once more.
Sesshoumaru put down his pen, knowing who to blame his lack of focus to, yet unable to do anything about it. Slowly, he made his way out of his office, walking mindlessly to an unknown destination. Without knowing it, he found himself in the guest room that recently housed Kagome. He allowed her scent to enter his nose, the deep breath cleansing his cluttered mind of thoughts; everything seemed clear again. Opening his eyes, he surveyed the room, noting how everything was just as it had been before her time there. His eyes lit upon a flat, white object lying on the foot of the bed. Curious, he made his way too it, surprised to find a letter, addressed to no other than him.
Picking it up, his eyes focused on what was said. It read as such:
I want to thank you for your hospitality and apologize for all the pain this letter will cause. I think you are already aware that I will never return, not out of unwillingness, but because my destination is death. Inuyasha will undoubtedly take me to his first and foremost love, where I will sacrifice my soul. Yes, I said sacrifice. While Inuyasha no longer holds my heart, his happiness means the world to me. My body is too weak to hunt out the sacred jewel fragments, and it being my fault it broke in the first place, and I am incapable of granting Inuyasha's wish to become a full demon, I am left to grant a wish I am capable of, gifting my soul to Kikyo.
Please tell Rin I'll miss her and that I'm sorry I lied, she is a good child and will make a fine young lady some day under your guidance.
And since Inuyasha may not hold my heart, I beg of you, Sesshoumaru, that even in death you keep it safe, for as long as you do, a part of me will always be with you.
It wasn't until he had read the letter multiple times that its meaning finally sunk in. Why are you so surprised? He thought to himself. You knew she wasn't coming back, yet you couldn't even say good-bye.
A ruckus of sounds pounded in Sesshoumaru's ears as he stood there, clutching the letter in his hand. He ran practiced fingers through his silver hair, his mind numb from the sheer shock that coursed through his body. He remembered the carefully prepared meal…the times he had watched her and Rin play games outside. He had never felt more peaceful than he did while she was there.
Staring down at the letter still grasped in his clawed grip, he shook his head in disbelief. I can't believe I'm actually going after the miko. He thought as he called to Jaken, plans had to be made as soon as possible if he was to save what was his.
Kagome weakly opened here eyes as they came to an abrupt stop. Inuyasha dislodged her arms from their choking grasp around his neck, causing the girl to fall in an undignified jumble of limbs to the ground. Once able to focus again, her eyes landed firstly on the woman standing near a fire, a bubbling pot hanging overhead. Even without seeing the woman's face she knew who it was. “Kikyo.” She said, her voice cracking. The woman turned towards Kagome at being addressed, a smirk planted sideways on her face. Tossing some rope to a silent Inuyasha, she turned back to the steaming cauldron before giving her instructions. “Tie her up.”
Author's Note: Okay, I'm sooooo sorry this took so long to write, but I've had a lot going on and I kind of lost my will to write on this story for a while. I hope you liked this chapter! Please don't forget to read and review!