InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Until Death ❯ Blood to Dust, Bones to Clay ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Proud parent of this story's plot, but sadly, not the characters actually featured in the show…
A.N.: Hey all you loyal readers! This story is about to take a fast turn around and for some time you might actually consider hunting me down and threatening my life! I just want you to know how excited I am about this fic! Please, read on…
Until Death
Blood to Dust, Bones to Clay
Inuyasha stared after his brother; shock still evident by the look on his face. His furry, white ears were plastered unhappily to his head. What had he done? Had he really planned with Kikyo to kill Kagome, the one person who had always accepted him for who he was? He paid no heed to the fact that he had fallen to his knees in the mud, his mind only reviewing the pained look in Kagome's eyes.
How could I have not noticed Kagome's illness? He thought incredulously as he ran a shaking hand through his long, white mop of hair. His mind flashed him a picture of Kagome only minutes before, her small body trying desperately to fight off the poison Kikyo had so mercilessly administered…while he watched…and did nothing.
At the thought of Kikyo, he focused once more on what was going on around him. There, sitting before the fire as if nothing had changed, was the clay bitch. Her pale face flickered various shades of orange and yellow, reflected from the fire. Inuyasha's nails bit into the soft flesh of his palm, and he released a menacing growl, curling his upper lip dangerously.
Kikyo looked up at him and laughed, the cold, empty sound almost making the hanyou flinch…almost. Kikyo smiled up at Inuyasha, not seeming the least bit intimidated by his show of anger. “It doesn't matter now; don't you get it, you fool?” she asked, turning back to the billowing flames, a content smile raising her lips. “She WILL die, and to think I thought I'd have to dirty my own hands.” She seemed to be talking to herself at this point. Inuyasha stood tall, ignoring the string of nonsense that was falling from the golem's lips, ignoring the fact that he had hurt the one closest to him.
Kikyo clambered to her feet, turning once more to the half demon before her. “You know, she did this for you. She came knowing this would happen. She knew she wasn't going to live, and she wanted your last memory of her to be a noble one.”
Inuyasha's head snapped to face her, his eyes slowly bleeding red. “You knew.” The words were not a question, and, thus, had no potential answer, but Kikyo was a woman of many words.
“Yasha,” she said sweetly, using the nickname she had used for him when they had been together before Naraku's interference, “I'm a miko; it's my job to know these things.”
Inuyasha was speechless, his fangs, unbeknownst to him, were growing longer as the time passed; Kikyo failed to notice the change as well. “But…Kikyo, why couldn't you allow her to live the rest of her life in peace? You used me! You knew you would get her soul eventually, but you just couldn't let it go!” Inuyasha's voice sounded husky and malformed; the fangs seemed to get in the way.
“What! You didn't expect me to wait when I had such a wonderful resource at my hands. My little puppy-wuppy behaves so well.” The last sentence she spoke was dripping condescendence that didn't go unnoticed by the hanyou.
The last of the white of Inuyasha's eyes bled red, jagged purple stripes found their way across his cheeks and forearms. A bloodcurdling howl broke from Inuyasha's throat as he took a step towards Kikyo, flexing the joints of his fingers experimentally. A growl somewhat similar to a laugh escaped his throat as he watched in glee the traces of horror that flitted across Kikyo's visage.
Slowly, Inuyasha advanced on the woman watching her as a predator would watch their prey. The final words the corrupted miko heard as Inuyasha leapt at her body would follow her to the afterlife. Low and husky they settled within the terrored depths of her addled brain. “Never again, Kikyo.”
If the Taiyoukai heard the scream that spread through the forest, he gave no sign of it. Before him stood the well Kagome had told him so much about. Without another thought, careful not to jostle his precious cargo, Sesshoumaru leapt into the well, curious of what he'd find on the other side.
Author's Note: Okay, I know it's short, but so is my time to work on it. Thank you to all of you that have taken the time to review, and if I could somehow send you a cookie…I would. I wanted to share some excited news I received. At my college, we have a Paper of the Year Award. Everyone is encouraged to enter, and many people do. I entered a story of mine titled, “A Murderous Mind,” which is written in the murderer's point of view. Anywho, I won third place as well as the $50.00 prize that came with it! I was so excited! Anyways, please review. Oh, and I wish to say one more thing. I have a new story out called “Secrets Beneath the Surface.” It's also a SessKag, so please try it out if you're interested. It's better than the summary suggests.