InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Until Death ❯ A Close One ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I…own…NOTHING!!!!
Author's Note: Okay, after thinking long and hard, I decided that it would be best if I put up the short ending, and then replace it with the long ending. This way, you get both sides of the story! Read on!
Until Death
A Close One
Here the proud Taiyoukai stood—in the bottom of an old well, waiting for… Well, the truth was, the puzzled demon wasn't quite sure what it was exactly he was waiting for. He had envisioned a bright light, maybe something more, but he hadn't expected this. He looked down at Kagome; a sheen of sweat plastered her damp hair to her face, and she was undoubtedly unconscious at the moment. He looked around at the dilapidated enclosure around him, and then at the blue sky above. Nothing had happened, and nothing was going to happen.
Without any warning, he jumped back out of the well; slightly perturbed that it hadn't worked as it should have. Kagome moaned and shifted in his grasp, her eyes fluttering to reveal the whites of her eyes. Only the tight constricting of her stomach muscles allowed Sesshoumaru the allotted time to turn her head away before she purged her body of a thick green substance. Sesshoumaru felt a prick of worry course through his veins and constrict around his…heart. Yes, the demon lord had a heart, even if it was hidden behind more armor, mental more than physical, than one would like to carry around, it was still there…and it was still fully functional. He looked towards where the old miko's village rested, just beyond the trees that resided in Inuyasha's Forest, thin spirals of smoke in the sky marked where he knew he must go next.
At a hastened speed, Sesshoumaru made his way towards the small copse of huts that made up the small, simple village. He shifted Kagome's quivering form closer to his body, frowning at the feel of her heated body against his own. She was way too warm for a human. Kagome moaned and clutched the cloth of Sesshoumaru's shirt in a death grip, resting her head against his shoulder. Unconscious of the way he was comforting the woman in his arms, his hand running it's fingers through the length of matted black tresses, he made his way to where he knew the old miko's hut to rest, ignoring the frightened whispers that broke out around them as they entered the meager village. He forwent alerting the aged woman with his presence; if she was able to help Kagome, she would sense him before he entered.
He ducked under the mat that covered the door, instantly greeted with a pot of stew cooking over the fire, and the white and red clad elder with her back to them. “Ahh, Lord Sesshoumaru, what brings ye here on such short notice?” Kaede prompted calmly as she turned towards him. She gave a slight gasp as she noticed who he had with him. She rushed to Kagome's side with speed that belied her true age. “What has happened here?” Kaede demanded the need to know hardening her voice and raising it over the crackling of the fire.
Sesshoumaru snorted, but relayed the story to her in earnest, “The undead miko and Inuyasha have plotted against her to take her soul by force. I got there as they forced her to drink some green concoction, but was able to stop them before Kagome was able to get more than a mouthful.” By now, the golden eyes were rimmed with red, and the Taiyoukai had his hands balled into tight fists as he fought to quell the anger the situation presented him with.
He watched with eyes half lidded as the miko made her way around the small hut, gathering various herbs and spices she would need to heal Kagome. Sesshoumaru's eyes flitted to Kagome, her convulsions had worsened, and she cried out in her sleep. As she shook, and she shook so violently at that, her eyes would roll into the back of her head and she would scream out at points until her voice was torn from her throat and hoarse cried followed.
The feeling that grew within Sesshoumaru's belly was not something he was used to. In fact, he found that the feeling made him squirm in discomfort, and then he smelled something he never thought he would smell before. Sesshoumaru smelled his own fear; the bitter scent made him wriggle his nose in utter disgust. Oh, how he wanted to leave the situation he had landed himself in. He wanted someone else to care for the ill miko, but found himself unable to leave her side. The thought of getting up and walking out made the horrible stench of fear…his fear, mind you, spike. Do I really care for her that much?
Sesshoumaru watched as Kaede hurriedly moved the pot of stew to the side, knowing it was much less important than what would occupy its previous spot. She threw a few ordinary herbs to the empty pot that now hung over the fire. It wasn't long before she had completed the mixture. Kaede stirred the thick glutinous liquid, watching as a thick blue cloud of light blue smoke rose above it. “It is done.” She said as she poured a small portion of it into a cup. Blowing on it methodically, she made her way back to Kagome. She knelt down next to her, her good eye focused on the girl, a look of pity crossing across her features, before she glanced up at the lord. “Ye need to hold her down; she will fight us.” She said as she lifted Kagome's head and pressed the lip of the mug to her dry, cracked lips.
Between getting the steaming liquid in her mouth and easing it down her throat, the task was arduous, but when it was complete Kaede gave a sigh of relief. Sesshoumaru made tp release Kagome, but was stopped by Kaede's hand on his wrist. `Do not let go Lord Sesshoumaru. Her soul has begun to rebind itself to her body, and may yet take some time. She will become violent when the process is near completion, but we can not be sure when that will occur. For now, just hold her.” Sesshoumaru stared down at Kagome's pale face and fought back a sigh. He hoisted her limp body onto his lap and would have purred along with his beast if he hadn't restrained himself. With Kagome so close to him in such a relaxed state, he felt so…content. He leaned his body against the wall of the hut and closed his eyes.
Sesshoumaru was awoken hours later as Kagome thrashed in her sleep. His grip on her tightened as he pulled her closer to his body in an attempt to sooth her pain. Her voice too hoarse to scream anymore, inhuman sounds filled the room instead. Kagome threw her arms about, scratching anything they came in contact with, which was mostly Sesshoumaru. He held her legs in a vice-like grip as tears leaked out her eyes and landed on the leg of his hamakas that rested below her head.
It seemed like hours before the sounds stopped, the fever finally dropped, and Kagome finally fell into a blissful sleep. “Sesshoumaru…” she muttered as she clung weakly to the Taiyoukai's billowing clothing. Unwilling to let go of her just yet, Sesshoumaru made himself comfortable where he lay and cuddled the woman closer to him. He cleared her sweat coated bangs from her face and watched her as she slept. As he watched her he realized there were two things he was absolutely certain about at this point in his life. 1. The woman before him was all he ever needed to be happy and 2. She was going to die.
Author's Note: Not what you expected, huh? I had so many reviewers that were excited about her going into the well that I almost didn't stick to my plan. Okay, yes the chapter is a little short, but it's all I have time for if you want me to update more often. Iam working on various stories at this time, so bear with me please. I don't have much to say, but I did want to thank Archangel's Requiem for helping me with my decision on which ending to use…I couldn't decide, so I'll use both! Please review…who knows, I might update sooner…