InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Until Death ❯ Happy Endings ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Co. are not mine, but the plot of this story that my twisted mind thought up…I have to claim…
Until Death
Happy Endings
Sesshoumaru stirred at Kagome's side as the sun popped over the horizon and filtered through the flap of the door of the quaint little hut. With suddenness unexpected so early in the morning, the door was unceremoniously thrown open and two forms entered.
Sesshoumaru instantly threw a possessive arm over Kagome's blanketed form as he sat up and growled menacingly at the intruders. The old miko jumped up at the foreign sound from the taiyoukai, but once she had a full grip on the situation, her eye led her to the frightened people frozen at the door. “Miroku, Sango, it is nice to see ye have completed your trip so soon and join us once more.”
The couple turned their heads at the familiar voice, still unpleasantly aware of the building tension in such a small surrounding. “Uh, hey Kaede…I see much has transpired during our absence.” Miroku said hesitantly, protectively shading Sango behind him, but the demon slayer would have none of that. The instant her eyes landed on Kagome, she pushed past the monk with tears glistening in her eyes.
“Kagome!” she shouted as she knelt next to her friend and brushed a strand of ebony hair from her cheek. “What happened to her?” she asked staring up at the demon before her, curiosity and concern shining genuinely from her brown eyes.
A moment of hesitant silence on Sesshoumaru's part commenced as he decided if he should even answer the human.
“The half-breed and his dead bitch attempted to steal her soul.” He explained calmly, his eyes never leaving Kagome's silent form before him.
“But Lord Sesshoumaru, that doesn't explain where she's been all this time.” Miroku cut in, his eyes were trained on the demon, observing the care he seemingly felt towards Kagome.
Sesshoumaru bit back a sigh, “I came to ask the miko for some help; my ward was ill, and nothing seemed to be making her better. I found her watching in the shadows of the forest as the half-demon and the dead priestess declared their love for one another…and made plans to return Kikyo's soul to her. They wished to kill Kagome to do so.” He ignored the gasp of surprise from Sango and continued. “As the two left the clearing, the miko collapsed. I could smell the illness emitted from her as she dropped the barrier she hid it behind. I gathered her and the bag she carries around and took her to my home. I administered the proper dosage of medication and left her until morning. When she awoke, she told me of her illness…she said it was…” he thought back to the word she had used, unsure of the woman's futuristic terminology. “Terminal.” Watching the confusion that passed between the group at such an unfamiliar word, Sesshoumaru clarified. “It means, she will not recover. The miko will die.”
The scent of sadness permeated the small room as Sango began to cry and Miroku bowed his head close to hers, an arm wrapped securely around her shaking shoulders, sharing in her grief.
Willing to skip the unimportant issues in the story, which, to Sesshoumaru, included the love he felt for the miko, he cleared his throat and waited for their attention. “You should all know that Kagome was going to give her life away for the dead miko. She left my castle, and the safety it provided, to grant Inuyasha's wish to be with the golem. The concoction she was forced to drink made her sick; the well closed up, and this Sesshoumaru brought her here for the elderly miko to heal. Now that she is able to make the trip back to my home, I wish to take her there for the remainder of her days. You are all welcome to visit…including the fox kit who acknowledges Kagome as his mother, I'm sure she would be pleased to see him, but I warn you, “ his voice became coldly serious as he stared each of them in the eyes mirroring a promise no one wanted to challenge. “Should any of you aid my half brother in visiting the miko, those involved will not live to see another day.”
The others watched in muted wonder as the Taiyoukai gathered the woman in his arms and strode out into the blinding light of day. When they finally gained their wits and made their way out into the sunlight, nothing remained to tell them that the duo had even been there.
Miroku turned to a teary-eyed Sango and held her close as she cried. The monk smiled sadly as he ran a comforting hand through the demon slayers black tresses and thought on what he had just seen. Kagome had found love, one that was easily seen as reciprocated, and her imminent death was going to destroy it all. He sighed; Kagome always spoke of happy endings…how things in life somehow worked themselves out in the end, leaving everyone deserving content with the outcome. But I guess not everyone can have a happy ending. Miroku thought as he led the woman in his arms back into the hut.
Author's Note: I know this chapter is short, but this was a chapter I had to type in order to get to where I really need to go. I promise the next chapter will be much longer! Please don't forget to review and let me know what you think about this story! Thanks!