InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 32 - Necessary Torment ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I can only dream of having the money that Rumiko Takahashi makes off of her anime, Inuyasha. Me? I’m just a non-profit fanfiction author who adores the show and loves to write smut.


Chapter 32 - Necessary Torment

A/N: Thanks to everyone for your super-great and wonderful reviews! I continue to enjoy reading them each and every time you leave one. Food for my soul. Yum!

My undying gratitude goes to <b>Risa</b>, my editor and friend. Without you this story would be riddled with comma mistakes.


Inuyasha stood before the group of soldiers with Saya on his back and his friends on either side. So far the men had not shown any signs of aggression. He was ready though and planned to safely tuck Saya behind the boulders to his far left while he took care of the assholes. Shippo nodded when he glanced at him. The fox was ready too. He still held Kagome protectively to his chest but was braced for the potential battle. Miroku had one leg bent at the knee, though he still sat astride Kirara. The monk could easily slip from her back and prepare to defend his friends.

Inuyasha turned his full attention to the man in charge of the troops. He sat high astride a bay mare that kept pawing at the ground anxiously. His samurai armor was impressive, but it did nothing to intimidate Inuyasha. Behind all that elaborate leather and gear, the guy was just a damned human and no match for him.

"What do you want?"

Lt. General Watanabe grunted. The half-demon was brazen and appeared unafraid. On his back was a human female, riding the man-beast as if he were a pack mule. With her short choppy hair, he guessed the girl to be the missing niece of the dead kimono maker—though she did not appear to be blind like his informants said.

Another demon—full blooded and younger than the one in red—appeared to be in possession of the missing miko sought so rigorously by Nobunaga-sama. On the opposite side of the red clad hanyou was a massive firecat, with two humans mounted on its back. One appeared to be a monk. He thought that rather odd...A miko and monk, traveling with demons, but not nearly as uncanny as the female taijiya all dressed in black. How had a demon slayer come to travel with her sworn enemy? It was certainly a motley crew.

"As an officer of Daimyo Oda Nobunoga, I place you under arrest for the death of Osada Tsuneo, Kimono Maker of the village YoKaishi. You, hanyou are also charged with kidnapping his niece, Osada Saya. In your possession you also have the miko known as Kagome. She is sought by Nobunaga-sama and shall be returned to him. You will come with us peacefully to stand before our Daimyo for your crimes, or we shall kill you where you stand. It is your choice."

Inuyasha gave a dark chuckle and shook his head knowingly. "Everybody always blames the half-demon. So, what makes you think I killed him—not that the bastard didn't deserve it."

"The proof is perched like a whore on your back, filthy half-breed."

Before Inuyasha could react, Saya slipped from his grasp. His eyes grew wide with shock and fear for her safety when she stalked around him and faced off with the mounted soldier. He reached out to snatch her back, but she popped his hand like he was a naughty pup!

Saya was furious and her anger couldn't be contained. She didn't care who this man was; he had no right to speak of her and Inuyasha in such a manner! "I do beg your pardon, Lt. General-sama, but I take offense at being labeled a whore. I am no whore! Furthermore, Inuyasha is not responsible for killing my uncle. He has been a great friend to me, and you have no cause to speak ill of him.

"As for his nature, tell me, Lt. General, why is it wrong that his parents fell in love? Where is it written that demon and human of the same heart cannot share their lives?"

"Girl, you insult your betters with this frivolous chatter! Humans who fuck demons are filth, and they breed filth such as that abomination standing beside you! By your own actions I call you a whore. What else but a whore would spread her legs and press her body against that disgusting beast?"

"You are wrong and ignorant!" Saya shouted, but the words were clipped off when she was snatched from her feet by Inuyasha. In seconds he planted her behind a scattered mass of dark boulders.

"Stay here and don't move until I get back." Inuyasha ordered. He stood up and Shippo was already behind him, ready to put Kagome down as well. In the background, the soldiers were shouting orders and preparing to fight.

Miroku ran up to them and shook his head. "This could go badly. Besides the problem with Saya's uncle, these soldiers are looking for Kagome, and I suspect they have already searched our village. We cannot take Kagome back there as more will surely be waiting. Perhaps we should flee while we can?"

Inuyasha huffed and drew his sword. "I'm not running from a bunch of ignorant humans. I didn't kill the old geezer, but I would love to kill Oda Nobunaga right now."

"But Inuyasha, what of Kagome? She can't keep running forever, and we can't let them capture her."

"He's right, Inuyasha," Sango worriedly added. "Nobunaga's rule is far and wide. Kagome insists that he is important to the history of Japan, so you cannot kill him. He will not stop looking for her, though. We need to hide her somewhere safe. At least until we figure out a better plan."

An idea began to form in Miroku's mind, and a smile quickly curled his lip. "I think I have a solution. At least one that will keep Kagome hidden and safe until we can figure something more permanent out."

"Yeah? Spit it out. Those assholes aren't going to wait forever."

"I know a place that I can take Kagome. A holy place. The monks there are actively involved in fighting against Nobunaga and will surely offer us shelter."

"Why didn't you say so sooner?" Inuyasha snapped.

Miroku opened his mouth to respond when Shippo captured their immediate attention. "Uh...guys?"

"Yes, Shippo?"

"They are tired of waiting!"

The man behind the Lt. General held up the banner of the Nobunaga clan and shouted the order to attack. The horses began stomping and prancing in readiness. Swords were drawn. They had to make a decision now. Inuyasha turned back to Miroku. "I can handle these guys. You take Kirara and Kagome. Send Kirara back after you get there. She can come back for Sango." Inuyasha stood up and watched Shippo gently handing over Kagome. Then he turned narrowed eyes on Miroku. "You better keep her safe, monk. I'm counting on you."

Miroku nodded to Inuyasha and quickly stole a kiss from his wife. "Be safe my lovely, Sango. Until me meet again."

Sango smiled and pulled her boomerang from its harness. "Watch yourself out there houshi. I'll see you soon."

Inuyasha growled at the sight before him. Damn those soldiers for screwing with his day! He glanced at Saya, who was shivering with fear. Seeking to reassure her, he offered a lopsided grin and said, "Quit your fretting, woman. This is nothing. I'll protect you!"

Saya didn't have a chance to respond before Inuyasha eagerly leapt toward the oncoming soldiers. She peeked around the looming stones that were currently protecting her from the battle. There were so many! She roughly counted over twenty. How could just three people fight over twenty mounted warriors? How would they survive? Her heart pounded with fear, and her throat went dry. Would she die today, after finally regaining her sight? It seemed so unfair!

Inuyasha pulled back Tetsusaiga and released a blast. "Wind Scar!" The force of it ripped through the earth, gouging out great masses of rock and dirt, sending over half of the horses stumbling until they fell hard to the ground. The men began shouting and screaming as some were trapped beneath their mounts and others were dragged behind the fleeing animals. Unfortunately, it didn't stop all of them. Inuyasha pulled back to release another wave, but Sango called out, "Hold! I've got this one!"

"Hiraikotsu!" She swung the massive weapon, careful to reduce the force of her release. She didn't want to kill them, just knock them out. She watched as it twisted its way through the oncoming crowd, knocking the knees of their horses from beneath them. The animals screamed in pain and fear while their riders fought to control the fall. Sango reached up and snatched the returning weapon from the air, feeling the familiar jerk against her muscles and immediately prepared for a second attack.

She hated this. Fighting humans was not what she was trained to do. It went against everything that she stood for. Would her father feel shame from her actions? If he could see her now, would he turn his back knowing that she sided with those he considered enemy against those he taught her to protect? Sango looked over her shoulder, spotting Shippo utilizing her fighting style before tossing a ball that exploded into a cloud of smoke. No. Her father would not turn his back on her. He would see that she had chosen her friends with care.

"Are you with me, Sango?"

She turned to Inuyasha and grinned. "You lead, and I will follow!" She had sworn her allegiance to Inuyasha many years ago, and today would be no different. Her fealty would continue—be the enemy youkai or human.

"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha shouted, releasing another shock wave of power. The yellow streaks of light channeled through the terrain, uprooting several large trees and sending them crashing to the ground. The move was instrumental in blocking the path of the remaining soldiers. Sango quickly took to the high ground, scaling the side of a large fallen tree to gauge the situation.

Their show of power had frightened many of the men. From what she could guess, over half were either injured or fleeing the battle. The power of Tetsusaiga was a terrorizing thing to witness for a mere mortal, especially when they were on the receiving end. No matter how long a samurai trained to battle, they were never prepared to fight against the renowned Fang of Destruction.

Of those remaining, chaos ensued. Their leader was shouting out orders, but no one was listening. Only a few were brave enough to come forward and stand by his side. Most were forced to fight from the ground now, as their horses were too frightened to control and had to be released. Sango had to hand it to the men remaining. They were either very brave, or more afraid of Nobunaga's wrath than that of Inuyasha.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's finish this!" Inuyasha shouted as he jumped over the tree beside her. Sango glanced around for Shippo and spotted him nearby, pulling a transformation that was sure to send over half of the remaining men running in terror. She laughed and jumped down to join Inuyasha. Victory was at hand!

Saya was shivering with fear and excitement. Watching her new friends battling the soldiers was like nothing she had ever been witness to. What a memory for her first day of sight! It was amazing. She had no idea that Inuyasha held such power. It was both frightening and exhilarating. In fact, all of them were astounding.

Sango used her sword and giant boomerang to deflect blows and beat back the attackers. Even young Shippo was adept at the art of battle. He fought one on one with the same skill as the demon slayer, yet he easily utilized the fox magic that she had heard so much about. In fact, she just witnessed the most amazing transformation! Shippo altered his entire appearance into a massive blob of pink flesh and then floated into the sky! He was shouting threats of violence as the men were running for their lives. It was so horrible that it was hilarious!

Had she doubted them? To think that she feared for her life was actually silly now. The soldiers never really stood a chance against Inuyasha and his friends. Saya smiled as she felt a surge of pride.

"Sango, behind you!"

Sango heard Saya and turned just in time to avoid getting her neck cut open. Unfortunately she couldn't completely avoid the blade slicing her upper arm instead. "Ahhh!" she cried out as the searing pain exploded through her entire right side. Warrior instinct took over. She gritted her teeth against the pain, dropped the heavy Hiraikotsu and flipped her katana to her left hand. The samurai sneered at her. He thought he now had the upper hand, but what he didn't realize was that a demon slayer was trained to use either arm.

With an upward thrust that the man never saw coming, his torso was impaled by the blade. His eyes grew wide with surprise before rolling back into his head. She jerked her sword free and turned to face the next. Fortunately, it appeared the battlefield was cleared of all but one.

Inuyasha held his sword against the throat of the man who led the attack. "I'm warning you now, stay away from me, and stay away from Kagome. I didn't kill the old man. The one who killed him is beyond your reach and too damn powerful for the likes of you anyway. Only an idiot would try to capture that youkai. As for Kagome, she's under my protection. You go back and tell your boss that to reach her, he will have to go through me first!"

Lieutenant General Watanabe croaked out a rather weak 'Hai', feeling shame for his failure yet awe that he had survived. Never had he seen such power wielded by one being. He had severely underestimated the hanyou and his friends. His men were no match for such raw strength and unholy magic. Nobunaga-sama would be furious, but there was nothing more he could do.

Inuyasha released the man, giving him a swift kick in the ass for his trouble. He then turned around in time to spot Saya running in his direction; only she wasn't heading toward him, but to Sango. His friend had just collapsed to her knees! "Damn!"

"Sango-chan!" Saya cried as she fell to her knees beside the injured slayer. Her arm was pouring blood! Quickly, she ripped off a large strip of her ruined kimono and tied it around Sango's arm. "Oh dear, it is bleeding so much!"

"Fuck, Sango! What the hell were you doing?"

Sango choked back the pain and afforded Inuyasha a hateful glare. "Do you think I did this on purpose, idiot?"

"Yeah, Inuyasha! Leave her alone. Can't you see she's hurting?"

Inuyasha, out of habit, smacked Shippo on his head for talking to him like that as he knelt down to inspect the wound. "Looks like the bleeding is slowing down. We better get you back to the village so Oichi can take a look at this."

Inuyasha scooped Sango up in his arms and looked at Saya. "Ride with Shippo." Then he took off.

Saya blushed when she turned to Shippo, and surprisingly, he did the same. Despite the awkward situation, he knelt down for her to climb on. Saya swung her legs up and wrapped her arms around Shippo, noticing that compared to Inuyasha he had a much smaller frame. Immediately, she relaxed in his grip. It was different than with Inuyasha. Her heart didn't race and her blood didn't heat. Saya knew then that the odd feelings she had been experiencing lately were for Inuyasha alone. Was it love? She wasn't sure just yet...but maybe.

When the fox started running, she leaned forward and enjoyed the ride while silently worrying for Sango. Hopefully, they could get her to the village before it was too late.  


Sesshomaru entered his Citadel and immediately noticed the lack of youkai crowding the passageways. A few of his soldiers remained stationed on watch, but he quickly realized that the majority of them were crowded outside of the castle entrance.

Lieutenant Akira expediently filled him in on the current situation. "My lord, it seems one of the assassins has taken several hostages—mostly servants from within the castle. As there are innocent lives at risk, it has been difficult for us to enter and determine the full extent of their threat. The one who has shown himself—Damasuyoshi— is demanding for you to come forth, or he will begin killing them one by one."

Sesshomaru sneered as he heard the name. "So, the Trickster has invaded my domain, has he?" Damasuyoshi was a worthless fool. As a mediocre assassin he had his uses, his talents lay mostly in deceit. It was well known that he had little honor and his scruples were practically non-existent.

Around two hundred and thirty years passed, the two of them had crossed paths. Both were seeking the head of the same demon for a considerable sum of gold. Damasuyoshi sought to eliminate the competition, attempting to use trickery to slay Sesshomaru, but the Killing Perfection was not so easily put asunder. It had taken little skill to detect the trap the baka had set for him, yet the mist Damasuyoshi controls aided in the vermin's ultimate escape. In the end, Sesshomaru took the kill, but then, there really was no question that he would ever fail. Damasuyoshi had been furious about losing the mark, yet he never again dared confront Sesshomaru over the incident.

Obviously, Damasuyoshi was still in the business, now wagering to make a name for himself by killing the reigning Lord of the West. Today, however, would be the fool's last day on the job.

Sesshomaru continued up the steps leading to the entrance of his castle. The soldiers pushed back to clear a path while urging curious onlookers to seek the safety of their homes. All around him were sights, smells, and sounds that he needed to carefully study before proceeding further. It was imperative that he be on full alert and ready for anything. He inhaled, breathing in the familiar surroundings, receiving the signature scents of those under his care, searching, testing, for that one elusive scent that did not belong.

His eyes narrowed as he swept through the main entrance. That damnable mist was already penetrating nearly every crevice of his inner sanctum, making it almost impossible to pinpoint the specific details that he sought. Although Damasuyoshi was clearly responsible, he could not discern his exact location or that of his fiendish accomplices.

'What a bother.'

Without preamble, Sesshomaru drew his sword. The metal blade slid easily from its sheath and he felt a sense of comfort when the familiar weight of it settled in his hand. Behind him, four of his top soldiers entered, and upon his command they quickly spread out. He led the stealthy passage while dissecting anything and everything that might be useful to his senses. There were heartbeats, and quick, panicked breathing, as well as the stale scent of fear. He attributed it all to the captives located somewhere near the entrance to the cookery.

Sesshomaru held up his free hand and motioned for two of his men to remain behind while the others were to fall back and follow from a distance. They would be needed in freeing the captives during the inevitable skirmish ahead.

Sesshomaru cursed the thick mist—heavy, yet lacking in moisture; it smelled of nothingness and muffled his ears of sound. Everything had a slight echo, as if he were inside of a wooden keg. It was most annoying, and he vowed to cut Damasuyoshi down slowly for saturating his home with the foul white soup.

Nearing the cook's domain, he registered the sounds of life resonating much stronger now. The assassins had gathered the victims into the second dining hall—a much smaller space than the main hall and used much more often. It would make it impossible for his men to accompany him further, as their proximity would undoubtedly hinder his attacks. Already he would be forced to take care not to harm those he meant to protect. He held up his hand, silently ordering the two following to stay back.

Sesshomaru entered the room and immediately spotted his servants huddled together, bound and gagged. There were two scullery maids as well as his main cook, and unfortunately, Nana, the Citadel's valued healer. He was surprised to see one of his soldiers, Nobuo, there as well. The last time he saw the youkai, Rin had been healing the disturbing wound on his leg. He remembered Nobuo telling Rin that he would not ask Nana for healing aid, as his brother had once been her mate and she harbored an intense ill will toward the demon. He faintly wondered what had brought him here now.

When his enemy stepped from the shadows to greet him, Sesshomaru knew at once that this was not Damasuyoshi. Obviously, he was to face his pathetic henchmen first. With a passive face that hid his true ire, Sesshomaru warned the demon of his perilously short life—no need in depriving the imbecile of an opportunity to make peace with his gods. "You will die for this."

"Ah, at last the much revered and often feared Lord Sesshomaru has returned to protect his home. As you can see, it is much too late for that. Lay down your weapon and your death will be made swift."

The arrogance of the youkai before him would have been amusing, had Sesshomaru not been aware of the one sneaking up behind him. Since his men were guarding the entrance to the smaller chamber, he could only imagine the beast thought to slither through the rafter's high overhead, avoiding detection, to drop down upon him in a surprise attack. It was just like Damasuyoshi to concoct such a ridiculous ploy.

The green hair of the demon before him flounced about his head as the oblivious baka flamboyantly attempted to distract him. Sesshomaru nearly scoffed aloud at the farcical display. Instead, he kept a tight control on his expression, as Damasuyoshi had yet to make an appearance, and he was unable to locate him with the thick mist still clogging the air.

The assassins learned quickly when plying their trade that a heartbeat or an aura would give them away. If one was to become adept at getting close to a mark, then it was imperative to learn to cloak these basic functions in some way. Damasuyoshi used his mist as well as his own body's abilities to hide himself. Sesshomaru would not know he was near until the time he chose to strike.

One blink of Nana's tear glistened eyes was all Sesshomaru needed to know the demon overhead was about to pounce. Without ever turning, he released his jyaki whip in the direction of the slight shifting of sound. The demon screamed when the pain of Sesshomaru's attack lashed through his chest cavity before snatching him down. The formidable taiyoukai glanced over his shoulder, spotting the snake youkai writhing wildly about, hissing, and making a terrible noise. "Quiet," he snapped, before sending a second snap of electric green light toward the gaping mouth. The head of the demon popped like a ripe fruit when dropped from high above the ground.

"Bastard!" The green haired demon shouted. With unexpected speed, he let loose a shōge. The chain effectively wrapped around Sesshomaru's blade, snatching the weapon nearly from his grasp. At the same time the demon slid a concealed tanto from his colorful obi, bringing the short blade forward in an upward thrust meant to stab Sesshomaru through the bottom of his chin straight through to his brain.

"Too slow," Sesshomaru hissed next to the demon's ear. He had easily avoided the blade.

In less than a blink of the eye, the taiyoukai utilized his dakkasou to melt through the demon's armored chest plate. Sesshomaru forced his razor sharp claws through fragile ribs then deep enough to wrap around the assassin's rapidly pulsing heart. The youkai slumped forward, and a whoosh of defeated breath blasted over Sesshomaru's cheek. He smirked and then abruptly ripped the organ out.

"Impressive, Sesshomaru, but will you be so quick to kill if it means your healer's life?"

Sesshomaru shoved the dead youkai away before carelessly tossing the still beating heart over his shoulder where it landed on the wooden floor with a sticky, wet thump. He then snapped his wrist, cleaning his claws of most of the gore. "Damasuyoshi," Sesshomaru drawled. "Your skills have not improved since last we met. One must wonder if your devious nature is the only hindrance to your performance."

Damasuyoshi gave a darkly amused chuckle. "Never underestimate the powers of illusion, my friend."

Sesshomaru growled and arced his sword in one deft movement, sending the blade backward between his arm and the flesh covering his ribs. The rearward thrust met the hard steel of the assassin's armor, but the weak metal was no match for the power of Sesshomaru's sword. A choked gurgle of breath hit the back of his neck. Finally, Sesshomaru gave a quick forward jerk to the hilt, allowing the injured youkai to slip from the blade to collapse on the floor. With Damasuyoshi's defeat, the illusion that had been holding Nana dissipated before his eyes.

"One could say the same for the abilities of this Sesshomaru. It seems that today, you have underestimated me for the final time." Without the slightest twitch of emotion, Sesshomaru dispatched his old nemesis with a mere flick of his wrist.

The mist immediately began to fade, and the soldiers that had been waiting outside the chamber came rushing in to release the bound servants. Sesshomaru waited patiently for them to issue their gratitude before giving orders for the carcasses to be disposed of and the bloody mess cleaned. As he was leaving the room, he heard Nana shouting at Nobuo for his pathetic attempt to save her.

"You are a disgrace to demons everywhere! You cannot even rescue one female from the clutches of your enemy!"

"Woman, watch that mouth of yours! At least I attempted to save your sorry hide!"

"You call that an attempt?"

"I have a bum leg for the ancient's sake! I can hardly walk!"

"Had you not been such a fool, the leg would have been healed by now!"

A smirk curled Sesshomaru's lips as he listened to their bickering. For some reason, it made him think of Rin and Jaken.  


Iku was careful. He had no wish to be discovered in his self-appointed task. Though it was not easy, he had been successful in cloaking himself from the monk—so far. The human seemed rather distracted by the miko at the moment, which was working in his favor.

He studied the man as they made their way to an as of yet undisclosed location. The houshi was a handsome bit of man-flesh. He held a youthful exuberance yet carried an ingrained wealth of wisdom in his aura. Iku found him rather fascinating and in his boredom fantasized about removing that hideous purple robe. What would lie beneath the layers of coarse material? Would the human be possessed of hard muscles stretched taught and waiting to be explored?

It was a tactic that Iku used to distract himself from the pain of losing the only person in the entire world that cared for him. His suffering over Asuza was unmatched. His heart bled. His soul screamed in agony. The loneliness was unbearable. How would he survive it?

Again, he shoved aside the aching need to scream his suffering to the heavens. He focused on tracking his prey. It would sustain him in his time of weakness. The hunt would pull him through.

The monk continued to hold tightly to the incapacitated miko. Iku wondered what had happened to the wench to cause such a deep sleep. The ones that destroyed Asuza spoke of a red dust, but he had arrived just after it ceased to stir in the air—too late to help his love. Through listening to bits and pieces of their conversations, he was able to garner at least some of information, but it seemed neither of them had been able to understand the miko's unusual sleep.

As he made his way, Iku debated his course. Though the monk was rather vulnerable now, the firecat he was riding upon was a fierce foe. Together with the spiritual power of the monk it was possible that they could severely injure him. On the other hand, if he moved now, he would have the opportunity to take the miko from the human and thus use her to draw Sesshomaru out.

He had no doubt the inuyoukai would come for the wench. There was some sort of bond between the two. He saw the way the demon looked at the miko. There was longing in his eyes. It was clear that the taiyoukai had developed some sort of fascination over the miko who had once shared his cell.

Perhaps it was her brave defense in the face of Iku's last attempt to fuck him? Perhaps the inu felt he owed her a debt? No. The look on his face just before Sesshomaru left for the Citadel was more than loyalty. It was devotion. There was a deeper feeling of affection on his normally impassive face.

Did the taiyoukai love the miko?

Oh, the possibilities that answer offered to him were endless. If it were true and Sesshomaru loved the little bitch, then it would be ever so easy to use her against him. Yes...the miko would be a tool, and Iku would wield that instrument with terrible consequences. In the end, Sesshomaru would suffer and Iku would only deliver his release through death.

Should he take her now? Would risking injury be worth it? If he was successful in taking the miko, yet failed to kill both the feline and the monk, then his plans would be exposed. Sesshomaru would quickly figure out his intentions, and Iku wished for him to remain oblivious until the time was right.

No. He would only watch and follow, waiting for the perfect time. He could take the female later and would rather do so without the fangs and claws of the firecat so readily available for protection. The half-breed called Inuyasha had ordered the cat to return after delivering the monk and miko. It was best if he waited until the monk and miko were alone. It would still be dangerous, with the possibility of a spiritual attack, but much more likely to succeed than if he attempted to battle them both.


Miroku glanced down at his sleeping friend. She seemed comfortable enough, even sporting a tiny smile on her lips, but his arm was falling asleep and his back was killing him. Kirara was tired, and he knew that she needed to rest, but he was fearful of stopping in their course. There were enemies afoot.

Though he had searched the area several times with his spiritual energy, Miroku had yet to determine the source of his unease. He could not shake the feeling that something or someone was watching him.

It could merely be a new sensation caused by the change in his powers—perhaps an increased awareness of all things around him. Yet, he could not seem to pinpoint the presence. He was unable to determine the amount of threat. It did, however, leave the tiny hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

"Come on, Kirara," Miroku gently urged. "We are almost there and then you may rest."

Around thirty minutes later, Miroku began to feel the glorious pulse of spiritual pressure. He sighed with relief. "We have arrived, my friend." Kirara mewed and Miroku understood her complaint. "Yes, I would imagine that it is becoming too strong for you. It is best that you set us down." He spotted a small creek that ultimately contributed to the much larger river nearby and directed Kirara toward it. They could refresh themselves, and Kirara could rest until she felt up to heading home.

Miroku splashed the cool water on his face while Kirara lapped it up beside him. When he was finished, he checked on Kagome then turned his attention to Kirara. "Rest here until you are strong enough to return to Sango, then you can both come back and meet me here in two days. I will be waiting by this stream before the sun has set."

Kirara meowed her understanding before curling up atop a rock that still held a bit of heat from the sun. Miroku looked around the forest, and it occurred to him that he could still see rather clearly. Why? He looked to the rising moon and found it far from full. There was no brilliant glow of light casting over the earth. He blinked and reached up to rub at his eyes. He opened them again and saw trees, shrubs and the glistening trail of water. Movement captured his attention and he turned to the right. He spotted a rabbit shuffling about, munching on a few remaining stems of green grass. The rabbit was clear to him—too clear.

"What is happening to me?" he mumbled. A questioning mew from Kirara brought his attention back to the small curled up firecat. Her head was raised and tilted slightly to the side, studying him curiously. "Something has changed me, Kirara. I am not myself. I can feel things that I should not be able to feel. I can see things that I should not be able to see. It is almost as if...I am no longer human."

An answering meow made him nod. "Perhaps I am overreacting. It is strange, though. I can see this forest as if it were in shades of gray. There is no blindness. I can see it all. That is not normal, my friend. For a cat, such as yourself, it is natural, but for a mortal it is miraculous. This simply should not be."

Kirara studied him for a moment longer, but seemed none too concerned for his newfound abilities. Miroku chuckled at her reaction. "I suppose you think I should be grateful for this new gift." he sighed. "I suppose you are right. At least now I can find my way through the forest without any trouble."

He leaned down and hefted Kagome up into his arms, thankful that she weighed so little as the path was long, and he was getting really tired. After all the fighting and traveling, now he was forced to trek up a mountainside. Today had been one exhausting experience after another.

Miroku had only been walking just over an hour when he suddenly realized that he was surrounded. His exhausted state had diminished his senses, and the warning was too late in coming. He jerked around as the warriors emerged from the bushy undergrowth. "Uh...heh, I suppose you are wondering what we are doing here?"

One of the men stepped forward, eyeing Miroku warily, as well as the sleeping burden in his arms.

"Speak your purpose here."

Miroku nodded, as his arms were full and aching. "I have come seeking sanctuary for my friend here. I would like to speak with Head Priest Konatsu."

The sōhei warrior, dressed in samurai armor and carrying a wickedly sharp naginata, nodded his head and motioned for Miroku to follow him. To his relief, one of the warrior monks stepped forward and relieved Miroku of his burden. While he was reluctant to trust Kagome in the care of another, he was positive that his strength would not hold out for the entire journey.

The warriors were silent during their hike, and had Miroku not been so tired, he might have felt nervous in the presence of such formidable men. The sōhei warrior monks were not to be taken lightly. They were trained from a very young age in the martial arts and basically lived to fight. Their status as fellow Buddhist monks was the only thing that eased his mind.

After another hour and a half, their numbers had dwindled to three. The other monks left their company to tend to previous tasks, which Miroku knew was to guard against invaders such as himself. In a way, it was a comforting knowledge since Kagome was certainly in need of guarding. Hopefully, here, she would be safe until they could figure out what to do concerning Oda Nobunaga.

The monastery was massive. There were thousands of buildings and shrines scattered around the landscape. They were escorted to a large building and the monk that had first spoken directed him inside.

"This is called Saito. The West Hall is where the head priest resides." He led them into a room that Miroku suspected was often used for visitors and bade him to wait. The man carrying Kagome gently deposited her nearby. In moments, the doors slid open and a young man wearing a tan kimono greeted Miroku. Behind him an older man entered wearing the same garment in saffron yellow. Miroku knew at once that this was Head Priest Konatsu. He bowed low in respect and the old man chuckled, telling him to rise.

"I am Head Priest Konatsu and this is my assistant, Dyu-ku. To what do we owe this pleasure, son of monk Kouji the wielder of Kazaana."

"You know me?" Miroku asked incredulously.

The old man laughed and replied. "Of course. You look exactly like your father."

Miroku smiled. "I am honored that you remember him."

Monk Konatsu chuckled. "He was a hard one to forget."

"Yes, the Wind Tunnel tends to mark one’s memory forever."

Another more boisterous laugh followed. "Young man, it was not the Kazaana that made the impression. Your father had a penchant for trouble. It seemed he had a fondness for the ladies."

"Ah," Miroku responded sheepishly. "Yes, there was that."

Monk Konatsu looked from Miroku to the sleeping Kagome and raised a curious brow. "Is it possible the son follows in his father’s footsteps?"

Miroku blushed fiercely, not sure exactly how to answer. He pulled his hand up to scratch the back of his neck. "Heh, you could say that. This, however, is not what you think."

"Oh? I would be interested to know, then, why you have an unconscious woman with you—a miko at that."

Miroku sighed and motioned for the elder monk to have a seat. "This could take a while."

Miroku told the priest everything from Kagome's original capture to her return. He explained their mission to slay the evil demoness and her minions, as well as Asuza's role in Nobunaga's reign. After explaining Oda Nobunaga's incessant mission to acquire Kagome as his personal healer, monk Konatsu sat back and considered his words.

"We have known of Oda Nobunaga's alliance with the demoness for some time now. We were concerned that her involvement was backed by the other demon lords. It is a relief to hear that they are unsupportive of her. I must commend you on eliminating Kobe Asuza as a threat. Her tyranny was only being enhanced by Nobunaga's own self-exalted status.

"As for the young miko here, it is no surprise that the daimyo finds her appealing. She is a beautiful, young woman, and Nobunaga despises his wife. His beloved concubine, Lady Kitsuno, died five years ago. I am sure that his interest in your miko goes beyond that of mere 'healer'."

Miroku nodded his agreement. "We suspected as much, though we did not wish to frighten Kagome with our concerns. Nobunaga's near obsession with her has to be linked to a deeper interest than fulfilling a role as his resident miko." He looked fondly upon his friend. "Kagome has a tendency to draw men to her. Sometimes that is a very dangerous thing."

"Mm...I must agree."

"Will you help us, then?"

"I will grant your wish for the miko to stay amongst us. Our sacred mountain is safe enough. Our allegiance is with the Azai and Asakura clans—sworn enemies of the Oda clan. No one here will turn her in to his men."

"Doomo Arigatoo Gozaimasu, monk Konatsu. It is a relief to know that she will be safe here."

"Will you be staying as well, Miroku?"

Miroku grinned. "If you will have me, I will stay for two days until my wife comes for me."

"Your wife?" The Head Priest asked in surprise. "Isn't that...unusual for one of your station?"

Miroku chuckled. "Yes, I suppose it is, but Sango is...special. Our story is a long one."

"Ah, well then, it is up to Buddha to decide your fate."

Miroku smiled with resignation. "Yes, and may he have forgiveness and understanding in his benevolent heart."


Iku was furious. Too late he realized the error of his decision. He watched helplessly as the monk entered a sacred zone, protected by a barrier that prevented him to pass. The feline accompanying him abandoned the path as well. The nekoyoukai could not stand the purity of the barrier either. She had landed so closely that Iku was unable to stop it from happening. Now the miko was safely within the sacred barrier and out of his reach.

He had to think. There must be a way to use her. There had to be a way for him to reach her. Obviously no demon could pass through the barrier, but humans would have no trouble. Iku looked up at the mountain and plan began to form. A malicious plan that curled his lips in a wicked smile. Yes, it was perfect...and the miko was the key.  


"Master Jaken, I was wondering...since you are brilliant with spells and magic, do you think that you could reverse the spell on Shin? I mean, I know that the human witch who put the spell on him in the first place was formidable, but since you are a great youkai, surely you could overcome her powers?"

Jaken perked up at the much-deserved compliments issued by his young charge. "Why yes, Rin, I am much more powerful than any mortal witch. My knowledge of ancient magic and spells are, indeed, vast and awe inspiring. Why, once, I turned an entire troop of bandits into fish. Those fools never stood a chance. Supper was especially tasty that night."

"Err..." Rin cleared her throat, trying to keep the nausea of that mental image down. "Yes, but can you change a fish into a man, or in this case, a pixie dragon into a man?"

Jaken huffed as if it were an insult to even question his abilities. He was silent for a moment while Rin waited anxiously for his answer. She had almost lost her patience when Jaken chose to reply.

"Of course I can reverse the spell, silly girl, but why should I bother? It is not as if I have any care for that insignificant little beast."

Rin ground her teeth against the urge to wring her guardian's short green neck. She had to be careful, though. Jaken was sensitive and stubborn, but he could be convinced if one knew how.

With a heavy sigh, Rin pulled Shin up to eye level and shook her head. "I do not believe Master Jaken really knows how to reverse the spell, Shin. It looks like we shall have to search elsewhere."

"You wretched girl! How dare you accuse me of lying! I very well can reverse that spell! I will show you and prove it! And when I do, you will have to apologize!"

Shin watched the light in Rin's doe-like eyes brighten with victory. The girl had manipulated that ornery green toad like a master. He was duly impressed. She winked at him and turned her head to Jaken with another hefty sigh.

"I suppose if you prove it then I will have to apologize. But are you sure, Master Jaken? I would hate for you to fail and become embarrassed."

She thought Jaken might actually keel over from her words. The look on his face was a cross between anger and aghast. He was sucking in a lung full of air so loudly that she could hear his tongue.

"Why you little delinquent! Lord Sesshomaru will hear of this outrage! He will be furious that you doubted his invaluable servant's talent."

Playing along so as not to give in too easily, Rin put on a fearful expression. "Oh no! I would not want to disappoint Lord Sesshomaru by doubting you. Please, Master Jaken, if you prove yourself, then I will never question you again."

Jaken looked supremely pleased with himself. He gave a curt nod and said, "I will expect a full apology, Rin."

Shin was even more impressed than before. Rin had the toad eating out of her hand. He looked up at her twinkling eyes and grinned. She was amazing and much more dangerous than he had ever imagined.

After the three of them tended to Ah-Un and settled in for a meal, Jaken told Rin to go down to the herb shop located toward the end of the village square.

"Ask for Madam Seto. That human knows anything and everything about herbs, roots and mystical ingredients. Some call her a witch, but I am sure that she is only a filthy human. I have never detected magic on her, but she does have the sight. It is rumored that the old woman has seen far into the future."

"Oh, I wonder what she saw?" Rin replied dreamily. "I imagine that it was amazing."

"Don't be ridiculous, Rin. With the current plague of disgusting humans continuously breeding more of their kind every day, the future will certainly be a bleak one."

"I don't know, youkai. I think a world full of humans and devoid of your kind would be a beautiful place."

Rin turned to Shin with wide, chastising eyes. "Shin! Don't say such things!" Not only was he putting her plan to have Jaken reverse the spell in danger, but he was insulting most of her friends and those she loved.

It was easy to see that he had poked Rin's temper, so Shin clamped his mouth full of tiny teeth shut with a chomp. It wasn't until they left the green imp behind at the inn that Rin spoke to him again. "Shin, you almost ruined everything. If you make Master Jaken angry, he will not help you."

"You are right, Rin. I was not thinking. Those arrogant youkai think they are so much better than humans when they have no right to. No stinking youkai is better than humans! They are nothing but violent beasts!

Rin came to an abrupt halt—ready to express her anger—which ended up being a major mistake. She was nearly hurled forward onto the ground when someone behind her did not realize that she was going to unexpectedly stop.

"My deepest apologies!"

Rin steadied herself; thanks mostly to the strong hand wrapped around her arm, and looked up at the voice that spoke. A youkai held her arm, and not one that appealed to her in any way. His body was stocky, and though he was bald, his arms and back were covered in thick brown hair. He even had two tusks jutting from beside of an elongated snout. She recognized the pig-like features marking him clearly as a boar.

Though something about him put her off, Rin was determined to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Thank you. It was all my fault. I am very sorry. I hope that you can forgive me."

The boar grunted and gave her a crooked smile that lit up his dark, beady eyes. "How could I not forgive a pretty lady like you?"

Rin blushed and was about to reply when Shin butted in. "Get your filthy hand off of her, you lumbering oaf!"

The boar angrily looked around for the source of the voice, finally settling his eyes on the tiny dragon perched upon the female's shoulder. Obviously, the stiff little dragon slashing his slender tail with agitation was the one that spoke. Before the youkai could reach out and smash the brash lizard within his big burly hand, the human woman reached up and clamped two of her fingers around the beast's tiny horned snout.

Rin laughed nervously. "Heh-heh, uh...don't pay any attention to him. He's just a little over protective."

The boar leaned down, too closely to her shoulder, and eyed the dragon with contempt in his eyes. "The runt should watch his mouth. Someone like me could easily squash him like a bug."

Rin tightened her fingers until her knuckles turned white, yet she could still feel Shin trying to speak. Thankfully his mumbling went mostly unnoticed by the brawny boar. She was relieved when the youkai stood up to his full height, putting some distance between them again. Unfortunately, he had no intention of going on his way. The boar turned his full attention back to her, and she inwardly cringed at the interest showing in his eyes.

"I am called Tokujiro, and what may I call you, pretty lady?"

Rin gave him a disconcerted smile, trying to remain polite but wishing that he would just leave her alone. "Um...I...uh..."

The grin on the boar's face spread, and he stepped just a little closer. "Do not fear, little female. It is only a name."

"Uh...well, I guess so. My name is Rin."

"Rin. That is a beautiful name."

"Um...thank you. Uh...I have to be going now."

The boar nodded and gave her a wink. "Very well. Perhaps I will see you again, beautiful Rin."

Her blush was raging as she abruptly turned and hurried away. When she finally released Shin's snout, he had plenty to say.

"That wretched lummox! That disgusting bull! How dare he approach you in such a way!"

"Actually, he was a boar youkai, not a bull."

"I know that! It was just a term used to describe his massive clodhopping bulk. That is not the point. He was acting improperly toward you. If I was larger, I would have burned him to a crisp!"

"Shin, you are overreacting. He was only being polite."

"Polite? Is that what you call it? He was practically drooling at the mouth! Did you not see it?" Then Shin broke into a high pitched singsong voice to mimic the boar youkai. "Perhaps I will see you again, pretty lady!" He added a very disgruntled growl and returned to his natural tone. "I never! He had better hope that I do not meet him once I am returned to my former body. I will slay him for speaking to you so familiarly!"

Rin giggled at his earnest declaration. "That is very noble of you, Shin-kun. I hope that it never comes to that. I am sure that Tokujiro-san was merely being nice."

"Too nice, if you ask me."

Their bickering came to an end when Rin stepped into the herbalist shop. The air was thick and strongly scented with both fresh and dried herbs hanging from the rafters and piled in bamboo baskets. Shin suddenly sneezed from the rich odor, sending a tiny puff of smoke blasting from both nostrils. "Will you be alright in here?" she whispered.

Shin sniffed and shook his snout. "As long as we don't stay long."

When an elderly woman came scurrying out, Rin smiled in greeting. "Konbanwa, are you Madam Seto?"

"No. I am sorry, but Madam Seto has fallen ill recently. Is there something that I can help you with?"

"Well, Master Jaken said to ask for her, but I suppose you can help." Rin looked around the shop with wide, curious eyes. "I would like to buy several items."

"Wonderful!" The old woman said happily before gathering a small basket to put her things in. "Do you have a list?"

"No, but I remember what he said. I will need some Ikarisou or Goat Wart, a leaf of the Kaki tree, five thorns from the Ukogi shrub, a Konjac root and the dried flowers from a Monkshood plant. I also need a pinch of black salt and some eggshell powder. I don't suppose you have those two, as well?"

The elder lady considered the young woman more carefully after listening to her list. "I understand that you are casting a great spell. I must warn you, child. Spell casting should be taken very seriously."

"Oh, I am not the one making the spell. It is my companion, Master Jaken."

Shin suddenly perked up and snapped, "It is not your place to question the girl. Do you have the ingredients or not?"

The old woman nearly stumbled backward over a massive container of Japanese knotweed root. "Ack! The talks!"

Rin giggled. "His name is Shin. He won't harm you. He just has a big mouth and does not know when to close it."

Shin harrumphed, disgruntled with his verbal berating, and settled down on Rin's shoulder. "Fine then. At this rate, it shall take the remainder of the evening."

Rin bowed to the lady. "Please forgive him. He is only impatient for the spell to be reversed. You see, Shin is actually a human trapped in a dragon's body."

"Oh! Oh my, that must be terrible for him. No wonder he is so grumpy. I will get the things you need right away. I have everything you asked for. Just give me a few minutes and we will fix you right up."

"Thank you! That is wonderful. Do you hear that Shin? You might be back to your old self before the night is out!"

Rin suddenly remembered one other ingredient. "I almost forgot! I also need the tail-feather of a cock."

The woman suddenly stopped and turned to her with disturbed eyes. "Oh dear, we do not have that one."

Rin refused to be deterred. "That's okay. I will find one somewhere else."

Thirty minutes later...

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?"

"Shhh! If you keep talking, it will get away."

"I'm just saying...this doesn't seem like a very good idea."

"Do you want to be human again or not?"

"Of course I do, woman! But this could end badly."

"Not if you will be quiet!"

"Fine. You will not hear another word out of me."

"Good. Why don't you duck into my kimono, and I can catch him without worrying that you might fall."

Once Shin scurried into the folds of her kimono, Rin proceeded with her plan. She knelt down behind the wall, eyes focused on her prey. The inn's rooster was perched on a low limb just outside of a window, and she had to be careful not to disturb the sleeping customers tucked comfortably in their room for the night—at least until she got her feather.

The bird was roosting next to several plain brown hens. Rin kept her focus on the cock's brightly colored plume just waiting to be plucked. One step after another she slowly made her way, careful not to make a sound. If the rooster awakened before she reached him, then it would be nearly impossible to grab him before he took flight.

She was so close now that she could hear the sleeping cackle of the hens’ light snores. 'It's now or never.' Rin reached out, clamped her hand around one long feather dangling precariously from the bird’s rump. With a hard jerk, she snatched the feather from the cock.


The noise that followed was enough to wake the dead! Rin almost jumped clear out of her skin. Not only was the rooster raising a ruckus, all three hens were as well! With four frustrated fowls screaming their fear and anger, everyone in the village would be awakened. She turned to run, hoping to avoid being seen.

"Who goes there?" A man shouted from the open window of the shabby inn. Rin ran as fast as her legs would carry her. After crossing the road, she ducked behind the stable then circled back, avoiding the small mass of people that were gathering to see what was going on. She quickly scooted out in the gathering throng, as if she were just as curious as everyone else. When nothing seemed amiss, the crowd began to disperse, and she walked off without anyone ever being aware that she was the reason for the clamor.

"You continue to impress me, Lady Rin."

Rin chuckled and pulled the long green feather from her sleeve to admire her trophy. "You have underestimated me many times, Shin-kun. If I am anything, I am resourceful."

Shin snorted with amusement. "I see. Well, never fear because I will never underestimate you again."

Back in the room, they found Jaken preparing for the ritual. He had already set out the proper bowls as well as a slender stick of maple that had been lying in the fire's embers until it was glowing orange. Rin placed all of the items on the floor, and Jaken gave her orders on how to prepare them. Once that was done, he took what he needed of each item and mixed them in a bowl.

"I will need one clipping of the dragon's claw," Jaken announced. Shin obligingly snipped off one of his tiny claws and spat it into Rin's outstretched hand. After Jaken placed the hot end of the maple twig inside the mix he said, "Put the claw in the bowl, Rin." Once she had, he tossed in the pinch of black salt. The concoction immediately began to emit a dark smoke that held no odor.

"It is done," Jaken announced. "Dragon, you must stand in front of the bowl." He looked to Rin and motioned with his hand. "You, Rin, will stand behind me now."

As soon as Rin was safely behind him and the dragon was in place, Jaken began the chant. "From one form to another you have been cast. With this spell you are returned at last!" He then took the cock's feather and waved it through the curling smoke until it began to weave its way around the dragon.

Rin watched anxiously as Shin's body was consumed with the odd smoke. Would the spell really work? She was so nervous! What would Shin look like as a human? She could hardly wait to see.

Suddenly Shin released a screech of ear piercing pain! Rin instinctively jumped forward to help him, but Jaken reached up and pushed her back with one hand, warning her to stay away.

"Foolish girl! You must not interfere."

Shin continued to groan and writhe about, but the thick black smoke distorted his image. It curled around him appearing to gather in mass, growing larger and larger, pulsating and reverberating in a monstrous manner.

"Shin!" Rin cried as her friend screamed out. "Master Jaken, do something!"

"Quiet, Rin! The spell is working as it should."

The horror of it continued until Rin was sure she couldn't bear it another minute. Finally the smoke began to draw together into a puffy, snaking twist that revealed the man beneath! Rin was shaking as she watched the eerie smoke curling frantically around the male. He screamed once more, his back arching as his body contorted with pain. As soon as his mouth opened wide, the smoke crept in, filling him until it disappeared completely from sight.


The man known as Shin, collapsed in a heap on the bamboo floor.  


A/N: Will Shin live though his transformation? Will Sango survive her terrible wound? And what will Kagome say when she wakes up to find that she has been hidden away in the mountains? Stay tuned next time to find out! (Yes, Nikki, another report from the bat cave.)


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