InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Walk of Destiny ❯ Shake it Up! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Like I said, I don't own Inuyasha.

Remember, however, that Choice of Destiny & Walk of Destiny are MINE!

Walk of Destiny

By angelwings1

Chapter 2 ~ Shake it Up!

Her heel dug into the girl's side knocking her down. The miko rolled through the dirt, a cloud rising. Shakily, she scrambled back to her feet raising her fists in a boxing position.

The next attack was blocked by Kagome's arm. She winced at the pressure of the blow, but her own fist didn't slow down as it flew.

Sango easily dodged and grabbed her sister's arm. Before the miko knew what happen she was on her back staring at the blue sky, her spine aching.

Kagome sighed and closed her eyes, "I don't think this is helping, Sango. I'm still hitting the ground as much as last week, and you're going easy on me."

Wiping her brow, the demon huntress gave a sad grin, "Don't worry, Kagome. You're doing really well for someone who didn't grow around hand-to-hand combat."

Still lying down on her back, the time traveler dropped her arm over her eyes, "Actually there were gangs and street fighting. Plus my country had dojos that taught martial arts, but your right when you say combat was not common in my time."

Sango knelt beside the priestess, "You need to learn more about close range combat. You do well with your arrows, but you always use them from a distance. If you ever misplace your bow again and someone gets in your face you need to have some basics moves to keep you out of trouble."

"Are you sure this is necessary, Sango" the miko sat up wearily, "I mean Naraku's gone and the jewel has been completed. Do I really need to learn this?"

The sister-friend nodded, "Even before Naraku the lands were dangerous enough for my family to become demon hunters. Since you, me, and the others were the ones to defeat Naraku we might gain some attention from the demons for a few months."

Kagome frowned, "You think they'll attack us?"

"Not sure" the huntress replied, staring off at the village up the hill, "But even if they didn't, demons do now and again attack villages. We need to be prepared."

The miko stared at her new home, a deep possessiveness seizing her, 'If anyone dares to harm this village I promise I will harm them.'

"Okay, okay. Let's try it again" Kagome grinned dusting off her jeans.

Her teacher nodded and brought her fists up, "Okay, lets talk about how I flipped you on my back. When an opponent comes at you take their forearm and turned, like this."

Kagome offered her arm as a prop and Sango gripped the offered limb over her shoulder, "Now when you get in this position push out your hip towards your opponent and-"

The time traveler hit the ground again. Groaning Kagome stood, "Seems simple enough."

"Give it a try" Sango stretched out her arm.

The time traveler awkwardly got into position and took a deep breath. She was quite surprise when she was able to flip the demon slayer onto her back. It had taken a bit more muscle than the miko was use to, but the process had been smooth.

Her sister laughed warmly, "Nice job, Kagome. If you want, given the time I could train you in more complex moves. You have a good chance of becoming a decent warrior."

Kagome's face broke into a smile, 'I use to be so worried about being weak, but I'm growing stronger day-by-day. It's amazing how your weakness strengthening with time.'

"I would really appreciate it, Sango" the girl smiled her eyes softening on the midday sun.

'This era is so peaceful. I've been here for two weeks and my stay has been relaxing. I know this world of demons is a dangerous one, but I feel so safe right now. Should I really be worried?"

"Hello ladies, did I miss the fight?" the seduction in the man's voice was ignored as the two women glared at the approaching monk.

"Miroku" Sango growled, "What do you want?"

"Nothing, but to watch" he replied with a lopsided grin, "I thought it would be interesting."

The huntress grew red, "Back off, monk!"

"Do I perceive I am unwelcome here?" he pouted at his lady, "Surely you would not turn me away, Sango."

Kagome giggled behind her hand as the monk walked up to the huntress. Sango crossed her arms, beginning to fume.

Miroku's smiled didn't leave, but his eyes did grow tender at he stared at the rough woman he adored, "It was merely a joke, Sango. Please forgive this humble man."

"Humble?" the woman scoffed under her breath, a smile involuntarily forming on her face, "You humble?"

His faced glowed as he stared down at her, "I was wondering if you would not mind a stroll this fine afternoon. My errands were completed earlier this morning and my day is now free."

Glancing towards her sister, Sango's face fell, "I'm actually a bit busy teaching Kagome a few things, Miroku, perhaps lat-"

"Go ahead, Sango" the priestess insisted, "I have enough bruises for today. We can continue the lesson tomorrow if you like."

Torn by her want to head away with her love and the need to help her sister, the huntress allowed the priestess to decide her direction. Nodding the woman was guided towards the forest and Mirkou thanked Kagome as they left.

The young miko waved goodbye to them, holding her sore arm. She watched as he leaned his head down and whispered something to the hunter. Immediately Sango blushed, but she smiled warmly and welcomed his arm to her shoulder.

Eyes soft, and their physical contact subtle, obviously revealed the two were in deep love. The miko stared at the couple, wistfully.

Kagome sighed and walked towards the village slowly, 'I wish we were like that. I wish Inuyasha would welcome me to walks, or talk about how beautiful I was. The guy needs romance skills.'

It wasn't that she doubted her love with the hanyou, far from it. The fact was she had dreamed of the romance, every girl did. Walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, etc, had manifested in her mind for years on end. Her sleep had been trimmed with a faceless man, a glimpse of her future.

She had waited for his gentle touch, his velvet voice to speak.

She had waited a long time.

She believed Inuyasha was that faceless man, the one only unconsciousness knew.

Sadly, she knew the days of romance would have to wait. Inuyasha barely understood matters of the heart, and love was completely foreign to him. He still had a lot to learn about what to do about falling in love.

The beautiful miko sped up into a jog, smiling up at the blue heavens.

She accepted the challenge to teach him.


Trees where only flashes of green light mingling with the blinding sun rays. His powerful limbs pushed wildly, his shoulders leaning forward. Nostrils flared sucking in the distinct odor of power. Claws tore through the earth pressing him harder.

Already fifty hundred miles laid behind him, completed in a mere morn. It wouldn't be long.


"Not right now, Inuyasha!" the miko huffed, pulling out a root a little too roughly, "I'm busy gathering herbs for Kaede."

"You don't have to quit pulling weeds, wench!" he towered over her hunched form, "Just answer the question!"

Her fingers clenched a fluffy sprout, "I told you I just went out to get some air."

His suspicious heart hammered, "With a candle?! Were you going to burn down my forest?!"

She was in his face immediately, "How dare you think I would do such a horrible thing!"

"Then what were you doing?" his impatience shouted.

Kagome scowled feeling no longer rested from the night's long sleep. Sweeping up her toil of herbs the miko marched away from the hanyou, the man she had given up her own time for.

'Can't you even be civil for once?!'

"WELL?" his voice rumbled against her back.

Grinding her teeth together she stopped, and faced him, "It's personal Inuyasha. Just drop it."

No one ordered him. He snarled baring his canines, "Don't tell me-"

"Sit" she spoke quietly, yet menacingly heavy, as she began to walk again towards the village.

Behind her the familiar thud quaked followed by the expected foul language and name-calling. Her arms tightened around the basket as she started jogging ahead.

Tears dribbled from her eyes, 'Nothings really change since that day. It's the same routine.'

'Can't you at least try Inuyasha?'

Kagome slowed near the edge of the forest, looking at her home within the afternoon heat. She didn't like to fight with him. If her temper weren't as quick as his, they would be the perfect couple.

Couple . . .
No couple would spend half their time blushing and avoiding each other's touch and the second half of their day bickering. They did not qualify for the definition.

He had never offered such a title to relationship, not even after Kikyo had left and the jewel was placed out of reach. He had kept to himself for the first few days, never revealing his hiding place except during meal times.

Finally he had come to her, but he had been unable to say a word. He ignored the entire situation they were in, trying to act as if nothing had happened.

No, the jewel wasn't complete.

Naraku wasn't dead.

Kikyo wasn't gone.

The well wasn't sealed.

In his mind the world was no different, so why should he act different?

Even though it was only a few weeks she was growing very tired of his game. She had given up everything for him, and he just decided to ignore it.

"What is his problem?!" she flung the basket at the ground, demanding an answer from the young earth.

Her fists twitched at her sides, "Can't he see that I want to love him? To be close to him?"

Slumping into Indian style she glared at her scuffed tennies, "Does he want to even be with me?! Most men would bask their ladies with gifts and complements. No he just calls me 'wench' and shouts at me."

She clutched her hair, "Dumb dog! He gets me so frustrated!"


The sound of another war bellowed.

'Wonder how long this one will take. I need to pick up all these herbs.'


His pupils dilated, focusing on the woman. Ducking his head under the brush, he inhaled the scent carried by the wind. His body tensed when he smelt her odor. The aroma was overwhelmingly pure. There was not even a hint of defiled stench, only delicious mouthwatering taste.

Moving forward the beast hunched forward. Even though her small body was fragile to his eyes, he was unconsciously aware of miko intensity.

Blocking off the rest of the world, he narrowed his attention. Mortal blood reached his nostrils, thick and ripe. Within the overwhelming temptation of prime flesh, he noticed the sweet heaviness.

Sharp pulses resonated from her body and pushed against her surroundings. Unbelievable dense waves constricted around his chest, his lungs suddenly rushing for air.

Gasping the beast tossed his head, ridding himself of the potent sensation. The unsuspecting woman menacingly tempted his fangs. He had never crossed paths with a mortal that contained such intense primal energy.

Addictive power was just dripping off of her.

The beast went rigid when a different figure appeared from behind the mortal, roaring up a fuss. His ancient nostrils flared pulling in the new presence's scent.

'Dirty blood . . .'

Silently his devil tongue sampled the air, 'Dog demon . . . and part human. Not a threat.'

Eagerly he wet his lips. If a chance should prove to come he would make a meal of the hanyou. It had been years since his last decent kill.

The entire system of muscles within the giant's body froze however, when deep sensations hit his nerves. His eyes traveled over the demon's body, locking on the sharp spikes piercing his pores.

Growling the beast realized the unspoken threat came from the rugged sheath on the hanyou's side. Another feeble disguise was covering up swelling formidability.

Angry voices floated from the hilltop, the two figures growing red with each minute. Shifting soundlessly the elder creature backed himself into the underbrush.

He would need help on this problem.