InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well, well, well ❯ Violence is Not the Answer ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bunnie: Sorry for it taking soooo long. I have been backlogged in school work, and I am now responsible for my guild webbie on neopets… I have so many other things to do too…

Inu: Belle's (Bunnie's favorite fanfic author) a college student Bun, and even she finds time to update like 5 different stories at least once a week…

Bunnie: Ok then, on with the uber long chappie!

Inu: Oh yeah, that's long…

Kagome: Inuyasha be nice! I DO NOT want a repeat of last chappie…

Inu: How can you remember that? It was a month since she updated…


"Inuyasha get off him!" Kagome screamed as Inuyasha tackled Miroku with his claws outstretched.

"You… are… not… her," Inuyasha growled, looking at Kagome but squeezing Miroku's neck. Miroku was feeling trying to pull the hanyou's hand off his throat but slowly losing strength.

"Inuyasha! Please stop!" Kagome grabbed his arm and pulled. "Let him go! Hear him out first!"

"Feh!" Inuyasha said angrily but still let the assaulted monk fall to the ground.

"I never said the Kagome was Kikyo," Miroku said rubbing his now bruised throat, "I said she might be the incarnation. Key words `incarnation' and `might.' You said yourself they looked alike. From your descriptions, it seems logical."

"Well how do you know I wasn't wrong heh?" Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at the mink. "Maybe I lied. Maybe it was just coincidental. But you must be drunk, or stupid to even think that she it Kikyo."

"But what I think is that maybe she could take you back through the well. Or, it could dice your bodies into a million pieces, killing you instantly… I'm not quite sure which one yet." Miroku folded his hands and looked at a point on the wall in between Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Wait your saying that going through the well could kill us?" Kagome asked nervously. She wanted to help Inuyasha, but she wasn't ready to die for someone like him.

"I don't care, as long as I get back. What are the chances?" Inuyasha leaned against the wall. He didn't care if the chances were slim. He HAD to get back.

"About 10/90 I think. More or less. But I warn you, this might not…"

"Feh! A 90% chance! I'm taking it!" Inuyasha smile, `this'll be easy!'

"No, Inuyasha. There's a 10% chance you might survive. Probably less." Miroku said, melancholy.

"But I want to get home." Inuyasha said deliberately.

"Inuyasha, everyone wants to get rid of you," Kagome smiled, "but we have to be safe. I will help you, but not if it's costing my life. I'm not THAT noble."

"Look bit-" Inuyasha started but was cut off as the front door opened and Souta walked in. He was out of site but that didn't stop him from talking.

"Hey! Kagome, guess what! At school today there- uh who are these guys?" Souta asked, shocked when he walking into the room glancing at Inuyasha and Miroku.

"Er, hi Souta." Kagome walked quickly over to her younger brother. "This is Miroku-san and Inuyasha-san."

Souta didn't say anything, he was just staring at Inuyasha's head.

"What the fuck are you looking at brat?" asked Inuyasha harshly to the snot nosed little kid.

"Do you have… dog ears?" Souta asked softly.

"Yeah, so what!"

"Oh! Are they real? Can I touch them? How'd you get `um? Can I get some? Are you a demon? Are there any more demons? Is it--" Souta was silenced when Kagome put her hand over his mouth.

"Sorry Inuyasha, you know kids." Kagome blushed at Souta's outbreak. He was so embarrassing!


Kagome released Souta who then proceeded to walk right up the already pissed dog demon and boldly grab his ears.

"SOUTA NO!!!" Yelled Kagome, frustrated at herself for letting go of Souta.

Inuyasha stood in a state of minor shock that a lowly human would grab his ears. After snapping out of his daze he shoved the little boy away from him. "Yes they are real! NO! I was born this way! NO! Yes! No! AND SHUT UP!" Inuyasha answered each of Souta's questions in turn.

Kagome picked Souta up off the ground and brushed him off. "Inuyasha, please stop being so violent! You've go to learn to control that temper!"


"Thanks for using your enormous vocabulary to enlighten us Inuyasha," said Kagome sarcastically.

"Kagome, um, I was wondering if I could talk to you." Souta said glancing at the monk and the demon.

"Sure, let's go to my room. You boys behave now m'kay?" Kagome winked and headed towards the stairs with Souta right behind.

The brother and sister walked up the stairs out of earshot of the others. They turned into Kagome's bedroom and sat down on her soft bed, covered in a big squishy blue comforter.

"So what's up Souta, anything wrong?" Even though Souta was annoying at times, Kagome would still do most anything for him.

"Well, you see, at school we have a field trip and I need you to go with me." Souta suddenly became very interested in fiddling with his hands.

"Um, Souta, you mean they need chaperones? Because you know I'm not old en-"

"No it's not that," Souta interrupted, "We're going to a scary movie, everybody has to get a parent signature and I know mom'll let me, but I want you to be there. Please don't tease me about it. You're my favorite sister!" Souta looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Ok, ok, Souta. I'll go with you. I don't know how much I'll be able to help you though, I'm not that brave either." Kagome rubbed her little brother's head affectionately.

"Thanks!" Souta hugged his sister, "Kagome you're the best! I'd better get going though." He hopped off the bed and started towards the door.

"Wait! Where are you off to?" Kagome stood up and followed Souta to the door.

"Oh, I'm going to a study group. Have to get my grade up." He gave Kagome one last hug and bounded down the stairs. Kagome heard the door open and close then sighed. `I have the weirdest family ever, and mom isn't even home yet!"


Bunnie: That good enough?

Inu: NO!

Shippou: This is where she'd usually stop and make us talk so she could get her feeble word count up. But because she was unfaithful to this fic, she has to keep going.

Kagome: Uh… Shippou, do you realize what `unfaithful' means?

Shippou: Yeah! Just like Inuyasha to you right?


Everyone: *sweat-drop*


`It would have been nice if he had told me when and where this was going to be…' Kagome thought. `Oh well, I guess I'll know soon enough.' Kagome bounced down the stairs and wandered into the living room. Inuyasha was sulking in the corner trying to ignore everyone.

"Is everything ok guys?" Kagome asked.

"Perfect my dear Kagome, never better." Miroku said a little too sweetly to be true.

"Ok, what happened while I was gone for all of," she looked at the clock on the wall, "8 minutes?"

"I think Inuyasha and Miroku don't get along too well. Inuyasha is being very jealous. And Miroku is riding one high horse" Jii-chan spoke up for the first time in a while.

"What? What would he be jealous of?" Kagome brushed her hair behind her ear and said to Inuyasha and Miroku, "Will either of you talk to me? Or do I have to get all my information from Jii-chan?"


"Inuyasha is envious of me because he knows he has no chance with you because you've already met me." Miroku wore a sly grin and winked seductively at Kagome.

"BASTARD!!! I am not jealous of you! I couldn't give a damn if you took her and fu-"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome ran forward and put her small hand over the hanyou's mouth. "I would appreciate if you kept the language to a PG-13 rating!"

(A/n: yeah, the story is rated PG-13 ^.~ And Kagome has to keep it there ^^)


"Stop cursing!"

"Shut it bitch!"

"Why you!"

"What are you going do huh?"

"Well I never!"

"You can't even-" Inuyasha started but ceased when Miroku whacked his over inflated head with his own metal staff. He then grabbed his head and glared daggers at the monk.

"Uh thanks Miroku-san." Kagome bowed.

"It is no trouble my dear." Miroku walked to the school-girl. "Now how about you and I discuss Inuyasha predicament, say, at dinner at-"

"NO YOU DON'T YOU LECHER!" Inuyasha had recovered from his head injury and in Kagome and Miroku's short conversation; they had forgotten how mad he was going to be.

"Inuyasha! What did I say about violence," yelled Kagome as Inuyasha charged towards Miroku.

"Can't remember, I've suffered from amnesia, because someone hit me on the head," Inuyasha said maliciously.

"Not funny!" Kagome watched as Inuyasha slowed down and walked to the frightened monk.

"Um… gee, Miroku, don't you think you should go now!" Kagome was worried. She didn't know what Inuyasha might do.

"Yes my love I think you right, now would be a great time for me to go meditate on something… Goodbye!" Miroku walked very quickly to the door, put on his sandles and left.

" `My love'?" Inuyasha stood still. "What did he call you!?!"

"I think it was more of a figure of… Hey! Where's Jii-chan!"

"I dunno he must've left when we were fighting."

"Yeah, but he doesn't usually leave like that."

Suddenly Jii-chan jump into the room and threw a string of prayer beads around Inuyasha's neck. "Quickly Kagome cast a spell!"

"What? Chill Jii-chan, and explain this to me." Kagome started at her grandpa was he being weird or what!

"Say a word! Quickly!"

"Uh… sit?"

"Say it with force!" Jii-chan commanded.


Inuyasha felt his haunches being pulled to the ground and before he knew it he was sitting on the ground. "That didn't hurt!" He said angrily.

"It wasn't supposed to, it's supposed to make you stop. Those beads were passed down from generation to generation of the priests and priestesses who lived here. They were made by a very wise miko. Her true name is lost but most call her Madam K for we know her name began with a `k'"

(A/n: Yeah, I know it was supposed to began with the hiragana for `ka' so what?)

"Stupid old geezer!" Said Inuyasha frustrated.

"Thanks Jii-chan," said Kagome hugging her grandfather, "now we can finally get work done with Inuyasha and he can't fight anymore!"


Bunnie: Ok, are you happy slave drivers?

Inu: No, not really…

Kagome: Fatuus canus

Bunnie: Good Kagome!

Inu: Wait! What did that mean!

Shippou: It means `stupid dog'

Inu: How would you know!

Shippou: Because I am smart, unlike someone

Inu: Grrrrr

Kagome: Bunnie, it's been a month since you updated, you need to make it at least 6 pages…

Bunnie: 0.o But I've used all my creative juices!

Miroku: Too bad. Do a chapter with me and Kagome on a date.

Inu: NO WAY!!! Do one of me and Kagome making up.

Miroku: And us making out ^.~

Bunnie: I don't think so Miroku. It would make Inuyasha sad. I'll let you have another girl… Maybe Kagura…

Kagura: Me!?!? Take Kanna!

Miroku: I don't care!

Bunnie: I'll figure this out later… Review people!