InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yeah, He is ❯ Chicken Flavored Ramen For The Hanyou's Bruised Ego ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha

Chapter 8 : Chicken Flavored Ramen For The Hanyou's Bruised Ego

"And that pretty much brings us to where we are at now." Kagome had just finished filling Shippou in on the basic details of Kouga's presence. She also happened to forget one major detail. Which made herself known as the smell of dinner wafted in from downstairs.

"Yeah, whatever!" Trin opened the door, and held a tray in her hand. "Um, right, Dad and Mysiu sent some food up for Inu Yasha, and they wanted me to tell you.. Hello!" She just noticed Shippou, and drew out the last word. "And who might you be?" Shippou gave her a strange look as she absently placed the tray on Inu Yasha's lap.

"Hey!" He spat as the tray almost fell off the bed, but he caught it before it could cause any problems.

"Uhh...Shippou." He squeaked. He absently tugged at the color of his shirt. Trin got a funny look on her face.

"That's funny, I didn't think that name was so common." It was Shippou's turn to be confused. "Anyhow, my name's Trin. Normally, I'm not so friendly, but it's not very often that I run into any youkai!" Kagome interrupted their little exchange.

"Um, Trin, you were saying something about a message from Mom and Kouga.?" Shippou dawned a look as if something important had just sunk into his mind.

"Kouga's..your..Dad?" He seemed more scared than nervous now.

"Well, duh." She threw at him. "Who did you think I was?" She then turned to Kagome. "Yeah, dinner's ready." She returned her attention to Shippou. "Are you going to join us?"

"I can't just leave Inu Yasha up here alone!" Kagome furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, Mysiu said that. So, your dinner's on that tray too." She turned a dreamy gaze back on a very befuddled kitsune.

"I already know that damned wolf made this. It's probably poisoned." Inu Yasha refused to even open the tray.

"Excuse me, but that 'damned wolf' you speak of is my father, and he happens to be a great cook." She turned up her nose. "Besides, Mysiu thought of that too. So, she made something different for the two of you. My dad only took out the tray." She reached over and grabbed a slightly terrified Shippou by the wrist. "So, if you'll excuse us, dinner is waiting." She began speaking to the overwhelmed fox youkai as she drug him to dinner. "Hey, the sooner dinner is over, we can play video games. I'm already tired of kicking Sota around on them." Kagome could hear terror behind Shippou's last cry.

"Kagome! What's a video game?"

&nbspKagome shook her head and turned her attention to the scowling Inu Yasha that sat before her. She removed the tray from the bed, and placed it on the night stand next to the headboard.

"Now, why don't we see what Mom sent us, though you probably already know." She reached to remove the lid.

"Actually, I don't. Kouga's cologne is pulling one over on my sense of smell. It's so thick, that I can't just sneeze it out like when it was on your mom. Now, it just kind of sits there. I can smell things better as a human." He crossed his arms indignantly.

"Oh," Kagome was a bit surprised by this revelation, "so, your allergic to his cologne?"

"No." He pouted. "Actually, it's an ingredient in the cologne."

"And which one might that be." Her look was skeptical.

"Let's just say there's more than one reason I've never offered to clean Buyo's litter box." He gave her a look that showed his attempt at being discrete. Kagome seemed to get the idea.

"You're allergic to cat urine?" She had to hold in a little bit of laughter.

"Yeah, I am. I just didn't realize it was in Kouga's cologne until I got a full whiff." Kagome couldn't hold it in any longer, and ended up rolling on the floor. "What?"

"I'm just glad no one in this house wears perfume, you'd be miserable!" Inu Yasha just growled at her, but then she confused him by suddenly stopping, then holding her hand to her mouth. "Oh my."

"What is it now?" He asked her.

"Kirara!" Her response was more than odd to Inu Yasha.

"Yeah, what about her?"

"She was there. Which meant that Sango and Miroku couldn't have been too far behind." Inu Yasha understood her connecting the facts. They had just missed their friends, and probably wouldn't see them for at least another week.

"It's okay." He told her. "Kaede has probably already explained everything. I'm sure they'll understand."

"If you say so." She now had a depressed look cross her face. Inu Yasha hated that look almost as much as he hated to see her cry.

"Hey, that's what makes them our friends. Now if you don't mind. Weren't you about to see what your mom made us for dinner?" His attempt to change the subject worked.

"Okay!" She perked up a little, and removed the lid from the tray. There sat two very large bowls with steam rising from the top. "Hey, it looks like chicken flavored ramen." Inu Yasha took a bowl from her and began to consume it greedily. "I guess if soup is for the soul, then ramen must be for the ego." Inu Yasha looked at her, with noodles coming out of his mouth. She smiled brightly at him, then began to eat from her own bowl.


"The important thing is that they're all right." Stated Sango.

"Of course it is. I just feel bad that we weren't here to help out." Miroku responded.

"For now, all we can do is wait." Kaede set the kettle, and took a seat. "In the meantime, how was your quest? You were gone for quite some time."

"Actually, we would like to wait until everyone is here before we talk about it." Miroku said. "I think that would only be fair." Kaede notice the subtlety that Miroku used in placing his hand on Sango's.

"Though you have said nothing, you have just told me everything. I see that you have succeeded in your quest." Both Sango and Miroku blushed like a child who had just been caught lying about the crayon on the wall. "And to answer the question I am sure you would ask. Yes, I will." She gave a knowing smile as the two across from her nodded in recognition.


&nbspKagura landed on the ground outside of a rather ominous looking cave. She walked inside. Her entire surroundings were pitch dark. Her only sources of direction came from the entrance of the cave, and a small glittering light at the very end. No shadows were cast, and no actual light permeated the dark blanket that enveloped the lone traveler.

&nbspShe stopped when she reached the source of the twinkle. Though no faces could be seen, she knew perfectly well who she now stood before.

"It's still happening." She stated without emotion. "Just killing him wasn't enough, now we have to fight."


&nbspAt the dinner table, Shippou was cautiously poking his food.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to have this? It's so expensive!" Kouga smiled at him, which only caused the kit to jump.

"Don't worry. Food like this isn't as expensive in this day in age, though it isn't the cheapest you can get." Kouga encouraged.

"Beef stew just happens to be my favorite!" Exclaimed Trin as she gulped down a third helping. She slammed down her bowl. "C'mon Shippou! Hurry up and finish. I want to be able to go do demon stuff!"

"Like what?" Both Shippou and Kouga inquired.

"I don't know what do you normally do?" Her question was directed at Shippou.

"Normally, I eat, sleep and train." Trin visibly drooped.

"Really? I always thought they did cool things that Dad just didn't want to talk to me about." Disappointment was clear across her face.

"I already told you, Trin. We all act like humans now. Since there really isn't any reason to fight for survival." Kouga explained.

"Yeah then why are there so few around?" She retorted.

"Mixing with humans." He replied. "The bloodlines were diluted until only a few remained. Besides, you don't get out enough to know how many there are. Some still live in tribes and communities in other countries. So don't start sassing me." He then turned to Shippou. "So what exactly have you learned in your training so far?" The auburn haired youth jumped a little. He still wasn't comfortable talking to Kouga.

"Well, Kagura has been teaching me some illusions, and Inu Yasha's been teaching me to fight." Kouga smiled at the response.

"Maybe tomorrow, I can teach you a few things that kid can't." He winked at Shippou. This still bothered him, but he was distracted by Trin.

"Illusions? Do you mean like magic?" There was a bit of hope in her eyes.

"Uh, yeah." Shippou answered. Still poking at his food.

"Well, maybe you can put on a magic show, and then show me how to do some stuff!" She made it a command, not a question. "So hurry up and eat!" Trin continued to coax Shippou until Kouga sent her to the next room so everyone else could finish in peace.