InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yeah, He is ❯ Hojo Gets A Beat Down ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha.

Chapter 16: Hojo Gets A Beat Down

Inu Yasha moved around in the backseat as he changed into a tight black outfit. Kouga, being dressed for work, was already in a suit and tie, and Shippou simply popped into one. Once dressed, Inu Yasha began tucking his hair into a black ski cap. The three of them definitely looked like a force to be reckoned with.

"Target acquired." Shippou stated mechanically.

"You need to lay off the videogames." Inu Yasha snorted.

"Either way, he's up ahead." Kouga nodded in the direction of their victim.

"Good, just pull up next to the bastard." Inu Yasha stated as he crouched next to the car window.

"You got your sword?" Kouga asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's do this." With that statement, Kouga slowed down on their approach towards Hojo.


Kagome paused as she reached the school entrance. It suddenly hit her.

"He called him Kouga. Not 'wimpy wolf,' not 'bastard,' but Kouga." She said to no one in particular. "They have got to be up to something." She headed to the other side of the campus for the payphone while rummaging through her bag for some change.


Hojo/Onigumo paused when he saw the black Cadillac slow down to almost a crawl. Though everything seemed to go in slow motion, it was still too fast for the unsuspecting victim. The window came down to reveal a figure dressed in black. The figure sprung out of the window, and flew through the air. Instead of landing on the ground, it came down on Hojo's shoulders, and wrapped its legs around his neck.

"So, you like to touch huh? Now's your chance to be touched." Inu Yasha growled into his ear. "I'm about to go demon on your ass!"

"You." Hissed Onigumo. {A/N: Incase anyone is confused, look back at chapter 4.} Everyone in the area had frozen at the spectacle before them. In one fluid movement, Inu Yasha jumped off the boy's shoulders and kicked him in the face. That frail human body never stood a chance. Inu Yasha landed on his feet and sprung back over to where his victim struggled to get back up. Inu Yasha never gave him the chance. He loomed over the object of his hatred and fell back, slamming his elbow right into the small of Onigumo's back. Inu Yasha stood once again, picking up his new punching bag along the way. Holding the half conscious figure by the collar of his shirt, he began landing punches on the already bruising face that only smirked back at him.

"You're so brave, picking on a defenseless human." He spat. Fury burned through Inu Yasha's veins as he landed another punch into Onigumo's gut, causing him to spit up blood. He then slammed the body into the ground causing him to hit his head and become unconscious. Inu Yasha began kicking him in the ribs for good measure when Kouga once again pulled his car around. Shippou shouted to Inu Yasha as the sound of sirens filled the air.

"The cops are coming!" With that, Inu Yasha Jumped into the backseat. Then, for good measure, he stuck his head out of the window, shooting a bird as they sped away.

"Take that mother fucker!"


"Hello, Mom?" Kagome spoke into the payphone. "Has Inu Yasha made it home yet?" She listened for a moment. "No? Oh okay, just remind him that I'll be home at noon today, and that if he feels up to it, we'll take Shippou home today." Her mother responded. "Thanks, I'll see you later. Love you too! Bye." She hung up the phone and stared at it blankly for a moment. "There has to be something that I'm missing." She cursed herself mentally for not being able to figure out what was going on. She walked over to a nearby bench and sat there going over all of the fact in her head trying to sort it all out. She heard sirens coming in from the distance and stood up in panic, but she sat back down as the police and emergency vehicles sped past her school in the direction opposite of where the object of her worry would have gone. She sighed and sat back down on the bench. She waited for her friends to show up, but the school seemed strangely deserted. Even when the first chimes for class sounded, there were only the few students that had been there when she arrived.

As she entered her classroom, she was surprised to find only one other person. The two of them sat there, awaiting their teacher's entrance. Twenty minutes after the final chime, Kagome began to worry a little, but then decided to take this time and catch up on the work she hadn't finished the night before. She became worried further when the time for second class rolled around, and her first teacher hadn't shown up. The chimes sounded once again, and the remainder of her class began to pour in. They were all murmuring about something. Kagome looked around as everyone began to take his or her seats. She was about to ask Eri what had happened, when the teacher walked in. Everyone stood as the teacher made his way to his desk.

"Good morning sensei!" Came the collective greeting.

"You all may be seated." He stated. Kagome thought she might have to wait until the day was over for an explanation, but she was mistaken. "As most of you may know, there was a disturbance this morning in which one of our students was injured. He is currently in stable condition at the hospital, and the police assure us that his attacker and the accomplices will be caught. They think this may be gang related, so if you have any information, please feel free to come forward about it. Your identity will be kept anonymous. The only other announcement is that all after school functions are cancelled for today so that anybody needing to visit the guidance counselor can feel free to do so. Now class, we were just reviewing what we know dealing with the advanced uses of Bohr's theory…"

Kagome just stared ahead at the board, not quite hearing what the teacher was saying. She shook her head as she recalled the bad feeling that she'd been having all morning. Then she remembered what had happened the day before.

'No,' she thought, 'he wouldn't, he couldn't.' She scribbled a quick note to Eri asking who it was that had been injured. When she read the name that was on the paper, her heart fell into her stomach. 'He did.' Questions filled her head. 'But how?' Her eyes grew wide, and her mind flew off to some unknown she barely heard the teacher.

"Miss Higurashi! Miss Higurashi!" Kagome snapped up at the teacher's yelling. "Miss Higurashi, is there a problem?" Kagome just gaped as if she didn't understand what the teacher was saying.

"She just found out who was injured." Eri chimed in.

"Yeah, and he's her boyfriend." Added one of her denser friends.

"He is not!" Both Kagome and Eri shouted at the same time.

"Either way, this seems to be bothering you. You're not paying attention in my class anyway, so you might as well go home." The teacher stated.

"But.." Kagome began.

"Go!" The teacher was losing his temper.

"Yes, sensei." Kagome bowed politely, and left. Instead of going strait home, she detoured to the hospital. She was going to get answers, no matter how much she hated him. In the mood she was in now, she would have been sitting Inu Yasha before he even had a chance to defend himself. She wanted to use that anger on someone else. Even if they were injured.


By the time they had made it back, Inu Yasha had already changed back into the T-shirt and jeans in which he had left. Shippou was back in his usual outfit. Kouga was still in his suit, and they had all ditched their sunglasses. Once parked, Inu Yasha was the first to jump out of the car and give a very canine howl of delight. Kouga smiled broadly.

"I haven't had that much fun in centuries. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to defend a woman's honor. Only, if I remember right, we would normally kill the offender, but what the hell." He resumed his grin and let out his own howl. Shippou was just giggling away. At the sound of the howls, Mysiu came running outside. Unaware of the current situation, she took their jovial attitudes as a reaction to Inu Yasha's being able to walk.

"Looks like we're having Sukiyaki tonight!" She shouted. At the notice of her presence, all of their celebrating stopped.

"Uh, yeah?" Inu Yasha said, not quite sure of her meaning, but he did know that his ability to walk was now known by enough people that he couldn't hide it from Kagome.