Liberty's Kids Fan Fiction ❯ LIBERTY'S KIDS: Into the Future, and Into Space ❯ 230 Years ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ALASKA, 2020(230 years later)
Two skiers were having fun on the mountains. One was an old man in his late sixties, and the other was a twenty year-old young man… Me.
“Careful when you go down that far, Mykan.” Said the old man, “We don't want to get hurt.”
I rolled my eyes up, “Grandfather, You worry too much.” I said as I hopped off the ski-lift.
Me and my Grandfather we're the only ones on the mountain this fine day, as he booked the whole area to ourselves.
My Grandfather was actually The Commander in chief for an organization known as WASP… which stood for… World Astronaut Security Patrol!
Being Astronauts in my family dated far back to my 6x Great-Great Grandfather, who was one of the first man to land on the moon in the early days of modern men.
For many generations, we have had astronauts in our family, and our job was to explore the Universe in which we live in.
I had joined the WASPs when I was only 8 years old, and by now, I had risen to the ranks of a Captain.
Of course I first went into Space when I was 18, but in all my years had even piloted a few missions on my own, with my Grandfather beside me of course.
But for today… My grandfather and I were taking a break from it all.
My grandfather had taken such good care of me and raising me since my parents died, and I wanted to pay him back somehow.
I was still lost in my daydreams as I skied down the slopes, that I didn't see a huge snow bank up ahead… Until I plopped right over it and fell into the snow.
“Mykan…” said my Grandfather as he pulled me up out of the snow, “Are you all right, boy?”
“Yeah I'm fine.” I picked up my broken skies, “But my skies aren't.”
Then I angrily stood up, “Dumb snow bank… TRIP ME WILL YOU!!” I snarled and then I kicked it with all my rage.
“OUCH!!” That was way to hard to be snow, it was actually just an iceberg. That was dumb of me to kick it like that.
When I opened my eyes and looked back at the spot where I kicked the snow off the Ice, I saw a hand inside it.
My grandfather saw it too, and we began brushing off all the snow and soon we discovered that there were six people frozen in that thing.
One young man with yellow blonde hair in a ponytail.
A shorter young man with Brown hair in a ponytail.
Two ladies and a man with red hair.
And an African American man.
“Wow… This is amazing.” I said, “I wonder how long these people have been here?”
My grandfather checked them out, “Hmm… from the looks of all this ice… a Really long time!” he said.
We had no choice but to cancel the rest of our time off, and radio WASP to come and give us a hand.
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Our team of experts did many tests on the people trapped in the ice, once we dug the ice out and got it back to base.
The scientists had determined that they were still alive in there, and it couldn't come at a better time.
Lately, we have be working on an Unfreezing process for Cryogenics, and now we had a chance to test it.
“Alright… lets get to it then.” Said Grandfather.
In the undergoes of the base, the huge berg of ice was placed on a special heating unit which slowly began to melt it away.
Soon the ice was completely gone, but the people were still frozen into suspended animation.
But the first thing we had to do was strip off all their clothing. This way not only would it be easier to reanimate them, their clothes might even tell us where and when they came from.
As soon as they were all naked, one by one we passed each person into a tub of a warm liquid goop.
Once the last person was in the tub, the machine slowly raised them out… and them began to move. Struggling to try and awaken, but they fell right back asleep.
The Unfreezing process was a success, they would live. Now all that remained was to clean them, and wait for them to awaken.
Meanwhile, my Grandfather and I were with the other scientists in the study lab where they were examining the clothing we had obtained from the people in the ice.
Sadly, not one of the outfits had explained us anything to what time these people came from.
Until… I got curios at a golden locket that was around the red-headed girl's neck.
It had a picture of the Red-headed old man on one side, and a year date on the other… EST… 1773 .
“1773?” I said. “That was the time of the American Revolution.”
“There's more sir!” said the scientist. “With all these scratches and marks on it, We estimate that this locket is approximately seventeen years-old.”
Me and My Grandfather were amazed. “Why, This means that those people are from the year 1790, more than 10 years after the war ended.” Said my Grandfather.
“Mykan… I think you've just made a discovery to keep us busy for a long time now.”
Suddenly, the doors flew open and in came one of the nurses from the Sick-bay. “The people… their waking up.” She said.
My grandfather and I hastily rushed over to the sick-bay, and indeed, they were starting to wake up.
They were all wearing a small white bathrobe each, and were tucked each into a hospital bed, and wired to a bunch of machines which kept their heart-rates level.
The young man with blonde hair was the first to open his eyes and stare around this strange room, followed by the others.
Though still half asleep, the young man managed to speak up. “W… W… Where Are We!?” he cried out.
My Grandfather approached him, “You are all here, at the World Astronaut Security Patrol, Cape Canaveral, Florida!”
All their eyes widened, at the way everything looked so different. “WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!” shouted the red headed woman with a British accent.
A lot of other recruits in the room jumped at the pitch of her scream, and so did My Grandfather and I.
“Shouting is a temporary side-effect of the Unfreezing Process.” Said the doctor in charge.
“WHAT YOU MEAN, UNFREEZING!!” shouted the young boy with a French accent.
“The unit that unfroze you all.” Said my Grandfather. “We know you all from the year 1790.”
“What's the date today?” said the old man who was also British.
I showed them the calendar on the wall, “It's April 14th, in the year 2020. Our tests have proven conclusively, you've all been frozen solid for 230 years”
“2020!!!!” the all cried at once.
“Oh man… now I remember!” said the African man, “We all were sailing through the North seas… and we all fell overboard.”
Then I showed them a computer screen of what the world looked like today, and it was indeed different.
There were buildings as tall as mountains, people riding in strange hovering crafts instead of on horseback. People wearing different outfits too.
Then men were all wearing uniforms without doublets, and instead of tri-corner hats, they were wearing what looked like ordinary caps.
And the women around them were wearing white wind breaker blouses, skirts, with golden belts, and gloves.
This was utterly amazing.