Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Couple Trouble ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

At this time I would like to remind u all of 2 things. 1. This is my first fanfic so give pity and 2. KAKASHI IS ALL MINEEEEEE!!!! Thank you
Continued now….
The days pass by slowly as Naruto trains to defeat Neji in the third exam. A few days before the exam Naruto goes back to the hospital to visit Hinata.
When he gets to her room he sees the nurse who had kicked him out during his first visit sitting next to Hinata's bed telling her a story.
“Yes he's an awfully wonderful person, and I love him so.” The nurse said.
“Ummm…that's great Yuna.” Hinata says still in her very soft pained voice, then looks over and sees Naruto. “Oh Naruto hello. Yuna would you please…”
“I know when to go.” Yuna says, smiles, then gets up and walks off.
Naruto occupied Yuna's chair, and said, “Hey Hinata!”
She looks at him.
“Isn't that the lady who kicked me out?! Why are you talking to her?!” Naruto asked.
Hinata gave an extremely airy laugh that seemed to cause her pain and said, “Calm down Naruto. That's Yuna she's very moody, but really she was just trying to help. I mean don't you want me walking again?”
More than anything. I'm just not sure why… Naruto thought.
“Yeah that'd be pretty cool!! I'd love to see you walk by the end of the Chunin exams. Believe it!” He said then thought why did I say that? What's with the end of the exams?
Hinata smiled.
“Me Too.” She said quietly. Her eyes began to close.
“If your tired I'll leave.” Naruto said. “I need all the training I can get to beat Neji anyway.” That jerk!
“No no.” Hinata said while forcing her eyes back open. “I'm not tired you can stay.”
“No.” Naruto said, “Your tired, and I don't want to cost you rest time. If I kept doing that you'd never fully heal. So rest up, and ill go train! Bye!” he said while walking out of the room.
I'll heal, and he believes it…. Hinata thought as Naruto walked out
She'll heal. Believe it!! Naruto thought as Hinata fell asleep.