Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Crimson Assassin ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Late at night

Dressed in my ninja attire, I await on the top of a building near the village leader's house for the guards to change shifts. I sense Naruto outside the village leader's room, and I know I must be careful in this.
Once the guards change, I stealthily jump from this building to the other, until I am outside the village leader's window. Quietly as I can, I whisper a justu that will open the window, then I jump out of the way, wary of traps. Sensing no immediate danger, I jump into the room, one eye on the door, the other on the village leader, sleeping soundly.
I slide my katana out of its sheath, and get ready to end his life. Just as I am about to strike, a kunai flies through the door in my direction. I catch it in my hand and throw it in the direction it originally came from. I hear metal on metal as the attacker blocks the kunai with another.
The sounds wake the village leader up. He looks at me, and yells out.
Damn, this isn't good.
Naruto predictably steps through the door, and I hear the house guards coming as well, and I know I must finish this soon. Naruto, not recognizing me, yells and asks who I am. I do not answer, for fear he may recongize my voice, which would be unfortunate for him.
I reach out my hand, palm facing him. He looks at me, probably wondering, "What is she up to?' He takes a guard stance, wary of attack. Instead of attacking, though, I simply wave at him, putting him off guard. I then swiftly change stance and point my katana at him.
Before he can say anything or make a reaction besides a widening of his eyes, a great stream of flame pours out of my blade, so fast Naruto can't hope to dodge it. So instead he covers his face with his arms as the flame hits him. I held back in the end and he is only knocked back, unconscious. I take that chance to take care of the village leader. Seconds later, the guards then start pouring through the doorway, but by then I am already long gone.

Naruto's POV

I awaken, and immediately look at my surroundings, and I notice I am in my temporary room at the village leader's house, and I know that I have failed in my mission. "Damn!" I say as I slam my fist on the table next to the bed, breaking it. "Damn damn damn! How could this happen? She was, so fast.. almost inhuman, faster even than Sasuke... How is it possible? Why did I let my guard down!? I'm such an idiot!" This all was said as I got out of bed and got my things together. "Well, I guess I should leave now, so I can report my failure to Tsunade. Damn, she's going to kill me. Hmm, maybe I'll stall a bit. I can find that Tsubaki girl, she's so pretty. I'll ask her to lunch!" I run from inn to inn, ask the managers if they have seen a person matching her description. At the last inn I visit, I learn that she checked out early early in the morning. Hearing this, I say, "Aw, well I guess now there is no reason to stay." I head off to Konoha, cursing at myself the entire way, and shaking with fear at Tsunade's wrath.

Your POV

After collecting my reward from Sota, and wishing him best of luck, I run as fast as I can to get away from the village. Deep in the forest, I sense someone above me. I stop where I am, and look up. I see two people, both wearing black robes with red clouds on them, and I immediately know them to be members of the Akatsuki. I can't tell exactly who they are, though, because of the many shadows in the trees blocking their faces. I step back and draw my katana, demanding of them, "What do you want?"
The one to the left laughs and replies, "Stupid girl, do you have any idea who you are talking to?"
"I know that you are members of the Akatsuki, and I now see that is was you who has been following me these past ten days or so. Can you tell me why?"
They both jump down from the tree to stand in front of me so that I can see them.
Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi... Not good. I keep my expression calm but inside I know that I do not want to fight them.
Kisame was the one who first spoke, but now it is Itachi who speaks. "We have come to test your abilities, to see whether or not you are capable of completing a certain mission."
Skeptical, I think to myself. What mission can they give me that they can't complete themselves?
Kisame, guessing what I am thinking, says, "The only reason we came to you instead of completing this ourselves is because if you are able to succeed, you will be able to become a member of our organization."
Bewildered, I reply. "I thought there were no rings left, doesn't Orochimaru still have his ring even though he isn't a member anymore?"
Kisame answers, "That is the mission. In order to have a chance at becoming a member, you must retrieve the ring from Orochimaru."
"But, why me?"
Itachi speaks, "Because of your unique control of fire, it can be useful in many situations. But of course, before we can allow you to attempt to retrieve the ring, you must fight me, so I can see if you are capable. If you are not, then you must not go. It would be dangerous if Orochimaru captured you and used your abilities against us."
"Ha, like that could happen," was my confident retort.
Kisame laughs, showing his sharp teeth, but says nothing.
"So, are you interested in joining the Akatsuki?"
Hm, if I join, what will be the benefits? It didn't take long to realize, I won't be so alone anymore. I could talk to these people freely, because I wouldn't have to hide who I am, for fear of being revealed to everyone. The only person I can talk to is Shingetsu, and now I only see him when he assigns me a mission. I don't like being alone..
After having this revelation, "So, when do we start?"
Itachi looks at me without expression, "Whenever you are ready." And he jumps into the trees.