Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Boarding school....from HELL!!! ❯ The truth! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter NineThe Truth! Hiashi raised an eyebrow at Fugaku. “You still have it?” he nodded.“I knew it would be important to us in the future, so I kept it.” he pulled out a letter from his pocket. It was neatly folded. Yoko ran over to it and grabbed it.“All it says is, ‘I’ll be back, signed Kyuubi’.” the white haired women said, looking all over the note. “Wait. . . . There’s a sign on here.” Michiko ran over to her best friends side. It was a family crust. A fox coming out of two swords. “That’s Arashi’s sign!”“Yondaime Uzumaki Arashi? I’ve heard of him. He’s Jiraiya and Tsunade’s only child.” Lee said. “He was killed protecting his daughter.”“How do you know this, Lee-kun?” Hinata asked.“I was working late in the gym one night and heard Gai-sensai, Kakashi-sensai, and Iruka-sensai talking about it.”“Why does it say about him in the files, Neji?” asked Kiba. Neji typed a few things in the keyboard and looked at the screen for a few minutes. “Well?”“It only says his full name, family, date of birth, and what his job was. . . . Oh, my god. . . . He’s Naru’s father, and the father of Japan’s most wanted killer, Kitsune no Kyuubi. . . .”Hinata’s white eyes widen. Lee had to hold onto Neji’s shoulder to keep from falling. Kiba didn’t look shocked at all. In fact, he knew all this. His mother told him.TenTen frowned as she listened to Neji and his little friends.Ino frowned as she watched Sasuke and Naru hold each other.Kenshin sighed. Fugaku had brought his laptop and now during a search on where Kyuubi could be. Nothing.“Damnit!!”“Calm down, Fugaku. Don’t get angry.” the black haired man sighed. He couldn’t say no to his wife. Yoko looked over his shoulder and her eyes widen. “What?”“It says here that Kyuubi was last sported hear the Haruno Temple. . . .” Kenshin eyes widen, as his wife grabbed his arm.“Why would he go there?”Hiashi and Yoko thought for a few minutes, then their eyes widen and yelled at the same time, “Kyuubi took Sakura!”Iruka sighed. He just got down with the last of the parents and was tired. He was now looking for either Kakashi or Gai. He wanted to know where the parents where.“Damnit, Gai! I told you! I won! No rematch!” Iruka smiled as he heard Kakashi’s voice, and was about to turn the corner when he heard what Gai said.“Come on, Kakashi! I know you cheated to get Iruka-chan!” cheated to get him? Iruka put his back against the wall to listen to them.“I won him far and square, Gai. Give it up. He’s mine.”“One more match! Winner take all!”“No! He’s mine! Get it threw your head, Gai! I won the game, there for, I won Iruka!” the brown haired man had heard enough. “Is that all I am?! A prize to you, Kakashi!” Iruka fraught back tears. Kakashi’s eye widen when he heard his lovers voice and turned around. “No! Your not, Iruka!”“It sounds like it!” the younger of the three turned and ran. Kakashi turned to Gai.“Happy?!”Naru opened her eyes and looked around. This wasn’t her room. She tried to sit up, but arms around her waist stopped her. She looked over her shoulder and her mouth dropped and her eyes widen. Sasuke was right next to her sleeping with a possessive hold on her.She tried again to get free, but the hold just tighten. The blond haired girl sighed. Naru held back her tears and turned around in Sasuke’s chest. The movement made the Uchiha wake up. “Naru?”“H-huh?”That’s when Sasuke’s noticed that his shirt was slightly wet. He pulled her head back so he could see her face. Her hair was a mess, and her face has tears coming down. He kissed them away.“Why are you crying?” Naru turned her head away. Sasuke frowned and put a finger under her chin, making her look at him. “Tell me.”“I-I saw Kyuubi a-again.” Sasuke sat up and pulled her close. “He wont get you. I’ll protect you with my life.”Michiko sat next to Yoko and Tsume, who finally joined them. The brown haired women looked at he note Yoko showed her. “So, he is back. And he has little cherry?” she has a nickname for everyone.Yoko nodded and looked at Hiashi and they nodded at each other. They got up and left. Fugaku shared a look with Kenshin. Both their eyes colden. Karura Tanaka should have gotten her by now. They have the most important information. Sakura tired to get lose. She was chained to a chair infront of a table fulled with food. Her green eyes had almost no life in them. Her pink hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in days. She looked up when the door opened. It was a old man. “W-what do you want?”“Master wants you to eat.”“Fuck you! And fuck him!”The old man was already gone. Sakura yelled in anger and hit the table with her foot, making it falling back into the wall, everything breaking. Her cries of anger fulled the room.