Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Land WTH? ❯ How not to act in front of a Hokage ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yayz! I finally updated! At least I didn't take as long as last time ne?
I can never think of decent names for chapters so I decided to go with what you see as the title… though it might not appear as the full thing in the navigation bar…you know how little those things hold, tsk tsk tsk.…yeah. On with chapter three!!
Disclaimer (for this chapter and the past two as well): I do not own Naruto (obviously) but I do own myself (Sheetah) and the other two characters are copy written to RyuuJaganshi (or whatever her username happens to be at the time) and GoldenRider (aka Kiniro Norite) because they're cool like that, and they own themselves…
Chapter three:
How not to act in front of a Hokage.
“We should go see lady Hokage!” Naruto randomly said while the three were walking around the village.
“Lady? Tsunade's the Hokage? Hmm… What happened to Sarutobi?” Sheetah asked, obviously confused.
“Oh, that old man?” Naruto folded his arms behind his head. “He's retired.”
Sheetah and Jagan were wide-eyed. Jagan whispered to Sheetah. “Well, now we won't know when anything's about to happen.”
“Yeah…I guess… this is very confusing…the time line's all screwed up!”
“What are we whispering about?”
Jagan bopped Naruto over the head with a rubber chicken.
“Why do you keep doing that?” Sheetah asked him, apparently flustered. Sheetah paused for a moment and looked at Jagan… “Where did that come from?”
Jagan hid the rubber chicken behind her back. Her eyes darted back and forth suspiciously.
“Well anyways,” Sheetah said, sweat-dropping. “Are we going to the Hokage's place or not?”
“Oh right~!” Naruto made a little, happy, hop. Both girls had to resist glomping him.
While they were making their way to the Hokage…place, someone grabbed Jagan's shoulder…… and they ended up on the ground with their arm twisted behind their back.
“Hey it's Sasu again,” Sheetah said.
Jagan let him get up. “What do you want?”
“Maybe he wants… a proper introduction.” Sheetah extended her hand to the emo boy. “Hajimemashite, I'm Sheetah Hikari,” she said with a smile.
“Hn…” Sasuke looked away from her… and thus received a punch in the arm by Jagan. “S-sasuke… Uchiha...”
Jagan was tempted to pat Sasuke on the head like a dog. As Sheetah and Sasuke shook hands, Jagan spoke up. “I'm Ryuu Jaganshi.”
Sasuke looked at Jagan. “Well, you already know my name,” he mumbled.
“But you could be polite and shake hands or give her a kiss on the cheek or something.” Sheetah giggled, but it sounded more like a snicker.
Sasuke looked away. “Hn.” But the girls noticed that his face was tinted pink. They exchanged glances. Sheetah's was a teasingly `aww, that's too cute!' and Jagan's was more of a `are you serious?!' look. Jagan gave in to previous temptation and patted Sasuke on the head. He turned a darker shade of red. Naruto watched them all silently…
…Finally at the Hokage's place…
“This is Sheetah Hikari and Jaga— erm… Ryuu Jaganshi.” Naruto introduced the two girls to Tsunade. He pointed to each girl as he said their names. Jagan and Sheetah had to bite their lips when Naruto fumbled with Jagan's name.
“Nice to meet you.”
Tsunade raised an eyebrow at the second girl's attitude, but said nothing. “Does Uchiha Sasuke want to say anything?”
“Hn…” came a voice from the back of the room. No one even noticed he was there until he'd spoken… or did they? There was a knock at the office door.
“Come in,” Tsunade said, waving her hand, even though the person obviously couldn't see it. The door opened and pink haired kunoichi walked in, holding a stack of papers. She frowned at Naruto as he opened his mouth to say hello. Sheetah put out in front of Sakura, who - being unable to see it, tripped.
Then it was utter chaos…
The papers flew into the air as Sakura hit the ground. Jagan yelled at Sheetah for tripping her favourite Naruto character.
“Why did you do that?! Sakura is awesome!”
Sheetah caught all of the papers in a (miraculously) neat stack. “I can't stand miss fangirl getting annoyed at Naruto when he didn't even do anything! And no she's not awesome!”
Sakura noticed Sasuke and turned beat red with embarrassment, from (she thinks) looking like a klutz. Jagan was still mad at Sheetah. She lunged at her… just as she was putting Sakura's papers down on Tsunade's desk. Jagan flew right past Sheetah and smashed Sasuke into the back wall. The entirety of team seven members (the huge crowd of three people) were red in the face. (Naruto's face was red because he had been defended by Sheetah.)
Tsunade got sick of all the commotion and sent everyone out for free ramen.
Does this chapter seem a little short? Hm… oh well… you people will live, this chapter was actually suppost to be like… half as long (and two separate chapters) but I found that kind of stupid so I changed it back to one chapter.
On another note: I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Bleh I like chirstmas break…and summer break…and all the other breaks, school sucks! (hooray rebellion!)
Over and out (for now at least…)
-Sheetah Hikari